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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Dr. Mohamed Siraad Dollal, a former ONLF top leader, is not confirmed dead. We thought he died, but since last night, there are indications he is slightly wounded but fine. Final confirmation awaited from him in the coming hours. Dr. Mohamed, an avowed liberation fighter, has been fired from the central committee two years ago. True, he has not been positive in the last two years, but his survival will mean a lot to the people of oagden. When attacked, he was with the UWSLF forces around Danaan. We pray to hear from him soon. JB Is la hel!
  2. Xaafadu waa Puntland. Kor u bax kolkol. Xaaskaygana waan tusay inaad Caanboodhayow ila dabasoctid. Muxuu ahaa bay tidhi ninku? Waxaan ku idhi nin fiican oo kaftan badan buu ahaan jiraye, laakiin siddii odaygii Cabdullahi ahaa meesha looga qaaday cay unbaa laga afgartay.
  3. DQ Morning. Adiga miyaadan xaafada kor u dhaafinba ninyahow?
  4. ^ Poker, not everbody is a fan of the law of opposites, like you. She has the right to hate both. It should not be a case of a simplistic Manichean choice.
  5. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^^ Heh. Read the words you quoted, man. We asked for evidence and they gave a very reliable source, saaxib. Like I said, I would trust Rakiya's words over all the waxa la yedhi that A&T and Xidigo usually come up with. Do you (and Qudac) question the lady? Is it because of her background of false reporting? Does she have a background of false reporting? etc, etc, etc... People are generally opinionated. But none as opinionated as Ngonge and few of his ilk from the North: Qudhac, and others. And there is this veneer of intellectual methodism to that enormous self-centerdness, reinforced by the apparent acquiesecence of feeble-minded fellows in Sol to their wanton bullying. Where is the evidence kulaha? It is all over somaliland if you want to go and see!!!! Double standard and hypocrasy! You hide behind the facade of technicalities and methodologies. Waxaa-la-yidhi is as valid as the typed reports of anyone (if it was waxa-la-yidhi from a British journalist) you would dropped your ear. Such malady of British-mania! Waryaa I told you a confession from a repentent man, and you say waxa-la-yidhi, instead of taking the issue seriously and investigating by your own. Saaxib, I am not a lwayer nor a human right violation investigator. I told you I heard a detailed information on the involvemnet of Riyaale in some crimes. It is upto the right institutions to go and verify. This is not a court of law. And I think you ought to value my waxa-la-yidhi as far as it matches the accounts of others who had researched the issue. Rakia did that. You should thank me, not redicule me. When I said Berbera, I didn't know abour Rakiya's report. But the main issue is if Riyaale is not guilty because (1)no one knows what he did (2)Even if it is known, he is elected and hence he is absolved of his crimes; why is Morgan guilty? Yuu dilay Morgan? Is the evidence not all about Hargeisa was bombed when he was the commander there? And suppose he is elected president of Somalia, does that mean he should not held responsible for his 'crimes'? What are we talking about here? Polictis, in which case Riyaale must be left alone; or justice?
  6. Interstingly, I always find Xidigo's comments accurate. It isn't anecdotal evidence. No one can prove whom Morgan killed as a person too. Riyaale is accused of compiling the list of 70 or so SNM activits summarily killed in Berbera. A colonel who was there told me Riyaale brought the list to them. Is that anecdotal?
  7. Ninkan Riyaale ah warkiisa waa la haya. Oday adeerkay ah oo SNM pardon garaysay ayaa iiga waramay wuxuu ka sameeyay Berbera.
  8. I printed a document, but when I went to the printer at the corridor, this family goals of a mysterious Mabhauwa (no such person or name works in my office) is what I found. Someone must have printed it from his computer. But what attracted me was the modesty and vagueness of some of the set goals and one funny one in bold. Mabhauwa family 2009 Goals Lilian - Project to start by 14 February 2009 - Lithany's father to respond by 20 January 2009 Pardon - Family to loveand put God first inall their endevours Derrick - Benjamin to conisder God in all endevours - Peace in the family - Mother to focus on God and not on problems - Massmore to consider GOd in his work and gain his income in a Godly way - Derrick to finish his course, get financial provision by June 2009 Benson - To be granted a visa by 27 January - To break the curse on family that limits career progression Kudzai - To pass Grade 7
  9. Actually Xidigo is right. I have personally heard from former colonels from my area that Riyaale was among the torturers in Berbera during the war. I destest him too much, but even more the somaliland elites who turned the dangerous poacher into a game-keeper.
  10. Jacaylbaro Dumaashidaa kaxisho. Xaal yaanu ku qaban. Inaan soo hadeeyay oo xaalku meel fiican noo marayo miyaadan maqlin.
  11. The only man who is worse than Yey.
  12. This killer should instead be hanged and lynched from the temple downwards. He has the guts of a fool. Waan is sharaxay ku lahaa. Nacalaa.....
  13. He is my man. Honest and humorous. But seriously, I am supporting Nuur Cadde. He is better than Sheikh Shariif. He at least is not a pretender. And the old man is light-skinned. I like that skin. Call me racists now.
  14. I am not writing again. There is no bad stuff there. Waa caafimad issue.
  15. I am, my serene. Why is that bad?
  16. Why exclude Sheikh Xinnfaniin? I think the man has great knowledge in that department.
  17. This is what differentiates me from Ibtisam. I hope Ibti will appreciate why we don't see somethings the same way.
  18. Stranded in an Airport for 8 hours is tiring. Add to that you slept late the past night and woke up early to check-in in time. So, naturally the feet will feel dizzy and the back will ache. That is how I felt that day. Then, I decided to do a massage right there in the Airport. I slept face down, and in minutes big hands started expertly working my back. The back bone, the muscles near the neck and shoulders. Thighs and feet followed. And then big foot on my back going up and down. Feeling comfortable, my mother came to me in this luscious dream. Back then, when I was a child, she would tell me to come and walk on her back. Not only me, but all the boys. I was the second son and impatient as I was, I didn’t like hanging on there especially because Mom will not get tired. She will insist I continue as long as the big brother did. I never understood why. Later, as a young man, I associated it with backwardness and belief in unscientific healing methods. Until, I grew up and become addicted to massages. Every Saturday, the routine is done. Only few times did I end up massaged by women. In most cases, it was expert males. The first time was when a young relative who came from Sweden insisted that we go for a massage in a place called “fil-wuha” (hot water) in 1995. I was a student then, and had no means to go to this place so often. We were excited to experience the heavenly touches of beautiful girls, but we came out depressed as old women of our grandma’s age hit their fists against our backs, angrily telling us to move this or that side. The other time I remember was when a newly opened resort Hotel offered free massages as part of promotion of its services. Wearing a white nightgown, I was led into a white alley with a dim red light to a small room, where once I took my position on the table, a young girl arrived and immediately asked,"you want Hard, Middle or soft?” I had no idea what that meant, and which one would do me what. As I later joked with an Ethiopian colleague who was in the next slot (and I could hear him conversing with another girl), I thought HARD might involve a bonus, and said so; only to find out she started pressing my back so hard that I didn’t feel comfortable. Then, I thought maybe it is SOFT that will deliver. To no avail. The girl concentrated on the top part, above the waist, and let me out in 45 minutes. Of course , by then, I have asked for all, Hard, Soft and Middle alternately in the hope some thing will come. It was only later, that another colleague- actually our boss, told me and Megbaru (the Ethiopian) that if we wanted a bonus we could have said “sweet-ending” to the grils. Todate, I don’t know whether he was joking or was serious. As usual, I digressed. The moral of the story is I now understand at least scientifically, why mother would get upset when I stop walking on her back and would delightfully scream “halkaa!halkaa” as my boy feet stroke her back. And when I do it lazily, she would shout at me “na dhaaf! Hooyana kuuma ihiye xaasidyahow”. I now know why. May Mom forgive me.
  19. Sorry NG for hijacking your thread. I didn't look at her in the way you talk. Shaydaanka tagay laakiin wali ma fahmin??/
  20. Originally posted by Afr0 GirL: A&T so taan hada kahor hoos hoos isku wareesanay ..ilawsho dhawidaa ma umulba tahay maqli jiray waa la iiga kaa dambeeyay, oo xog baa la i siiyey. i still remember magaca beenta ah eed ii dhiibatay. Ngonge actually you can find mid u eg in Duke's Puntland presidential candidates. I was amazed by your eagle eye walaahi. Waryaa ninkaai ma walaalkaybee?
  21. dee waan ku sii simi intuu imanayo.
  22. Ilaahay Mahadiis ha gaadho walaashay Haneefah. Quraan saarkeedi waa la qabalay. But today I was almost tempted to tell you about Farkhanda, the Pakistani woman who was married for 15 years, who arrived here last month to work for UNHCR. Waxay uun igu waashay "Oo! I really liked the way you pronounced my name: FARKHANDA (like in Somali 'kh'"). I alomst felt my husband is calling me. You know he is coming after a month and I will introduce you to him. But what is puzzling me is that I work in the 3rd floor, she in the 2nd. Every morning she comes to the office and says " you know, he send an e-mail right now. He is saying is it good to come by Al-itahaad or SA? Come let me show you the e-mail in my office." Finally, maanta ayaan qado geeyey, and she told me she have no children and would like to get treatment as she wants children badly. She maybe feeling lonely but dee lugtaa igu badatay oo waxaan ka yaabi inaan Vacancy'ga for 2nd suspendedd gareeyo for now. Ileen waa la helaye.
  23. Ngonge, don't tell me you destroyed it. That is tantamount to a declaration of war. I will retaliate by posting your photo. I don't think anyone will like to be teased by you afterwards. Afro- waan jeclahay, laakiin waa volatile just like me. Meesha kaftankeedu (kiisu) gaadho lama garanayo. But still send it to her. And CC ayeeyo.