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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Bob is trying to bias us with imagine what. All players had their ups and downs, and while Ronaldo was exceptional (his peak with Barcelona), he wasn't as good as Maradona, Hagi, Roberto Baggio, and David Ginola. Grateful someone remembered Ginola.
  2. Why not to Zanzibar, Ibti?
  3. Al shabab are the same people who made us walk with some dignity as a Somali's, with their blood and bone. Sad people who are enjoying Pizza in safe lands say this against them. JB, adiga qaraxii hargeisa ayaa lagaa raacay'e, bal KK maxaa waalay?
  4. Speaking of oldies, this awaits anyone who books with me. It is getting like an auction. A reckless nite in a nameless town, Then we moved out of sight with a silent sound, A beach that wept with deserted waves, That's where we slept knowing we'd be safe, Now you may think you can walk on the wild, wild side with me,
  5. This Axmadoow, Foosiyay exchange ends any hopes of me PM'ing Xiddigo. Gacantuu soo mariyey inkaar qabuhu.
  6. Waryaa Ngonge, why are you calling good Xidigo's name in public? Unless it is a coded message, what is this Foosiyaay? Remember I call you Abdirisaq now? You trust me and I expose you. How do you feel?
  7. ^Who else except Afro-girl?
  8. ^ Like the Lafontine tales, miyaa. The spendthrift cricket's admonitions ring here. Anyway, don't you think peasants need to talk to peasants and not to 'learned' brothers.
  9. Men and boys in Sol feel bulldozed by Obama. They are jelous but can't admit like me. That was why I tounted Val yesterday. Good to see old Cara is back. How black she must be if someone thinks she is afro-american? Waan ka shakiyey. Farancab, happy birth day's are not fabrications. Whoever told you it is the start of a shukaansi here in Sol has misled you. Someone was also saying macal raguu shukaansadaa (becuase you don't know who is who in Sol). PM ayaa la igu wareeriyay oo la leeyahay inadeerka qabso.
  10. Che, raaligalin walaal. I just wanted to bash the girls and victimized you.
  11. Che adna ma ogtahay kolkol unbaad foodlayda la jiibisaa heesta. War I hate the man for his policies.
  12. Qudhac Kolka hore let us not breach basic etiquttee. Maqaaxiyaha ma fadhiisto. Marka xiga I told you I heard from a repentent former NSS man. BTW, not all said in Muqaaxiyo is false. Not everybody is lucky enough to work in Hiliblayaasha America. So, don't insult those who remain behind.
  13. Cabdiyo, soo dhawoow. Tempted to say Markaasaan cabiyooy, nafta kuu haweeya. Kudoos for staying with us. Where are the foodleey? I bet Obama loo yaacay.
  14. Val ma moodaa in caawa la aroosayo. I will not be surprised if she already put on artificial nails for the party. Waa cajiib.
  15. I have a dream to see KoolKat. Seriously, what is wrong with this generation of Landers? Who is teaching them all this wrong history?
  16. Val, inkaar baa nagu dhacday. Maxaa gabdhahanagi ninkan ka dabariday. I know you don't love him for his politics.
  17. Has it come down to my word against that of the nefarious Dukey, who is made up of 100% Lie and wears 100% Polyster? Anyway, born-again, forget my sources, just follow the lead and investigate. Berbera, 70 people, killed at night. I will get the month and date and will tell you. Waryaa, bal e-mailkii ii soo PM garee. I will send something.
  18. Inuu wayraxaan rabaa, so far he hasn't matched him name.
  19. Sheikh Shariif baryahan ma qoslo oo serious buu iska dhiga. Some confused old diplomat must have told him as a siyaasi weyn, he should upgrade his demeanour. Anyway, I don't think Sheekh Xassen will run. He has more serious things to attend to. Liberating the whole of the country, and getting the 'LRA' contingent in Moqdishu out of the country.
  20. Blame Cisse. Wayraxoow meel baa jirtee kaalay mooye, rules'ka meesha uma sheegin. Apprently Wayrax is the editor of that site.
  21. Dhibaato has been what our people has known all along. I am sure we will get through this latest one. I am happy Mogishu is safe for the women and children to seek refuge. Meeshaa intay haysteen dhib weyn ayaa dadkayga soo gaadhay.
  22. Do you know Abdi iley? listen to me. He is from Degahbour and a former classmate at elementary school. The guy droped out at grade 6, and later become an electric cable carrier. This is a guy I use to give 50 Birr and tell to fix the lights in my family's house in 2005.Can you beleive it? Call Jamal and ask. How he come to this position, and many more stuff he will tell you. Waa jaajuus hoose oo raqiis ah. He is also psychologically crazy. How many times we have to witness him standing on the head of his mother in the center of the town, I cannot tell you. he even used to insult his mother (who married a young man) nastily. He is a troubled soul. It is sad that people like him and Da'ud (the president) who also have a family crisis (his father was an atheist) are faked as leaders. Waa meel dhimatay meeshu; but it won't go that way for long. It is the situation the imminent Poet Qaasim said "Waxaa siyaasadii loo igmaday Silic ku nooshiiye".
  23. DQ War sheekadaadaan u soo xiisaye wax shiddo ah majirto. Caanihiina sidii baan boodhka uga afuufaa. Muxuu ahaa ninku markay igu tidhi waxaan ku idhi waa mid ka mid ah kuwa Universal TV warka ka aqriya, deedna waxaan tusay Xuseen Nuur Geesay oo ka soo waramaya Mogdishu. Kanu muxuu kaa caayi, Waa ku fool xun bay tidhi.