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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Abtigiis


    Haa'e, I think she needs to be told that is my reserve name. She should drop it. Warancadde Waryaa, it is true I chage my names; but not ny looks. I always have that smiling young boy who reminds me of my youthhood. Anigu marna lama bixin Somali castro iyo this Tusbax. Madoow imposer. my name was Abtigiis& Tusbax. By the way, sidii wax walan buu ku leeyahay "tolaa'yeey he is out of control".
  2. Abtigiis


    Did you tell this guy that name Tusbax is my reserve name?
  3. Calankii ha dhicin aan lahayn, oon circa u taagnay Calankii midnimo iyo cisiba loo calaameeyay Calankii darwiishkii mudada carafti doondoonay Calankii daraadii xalane cadowgu googooyay Calankii SYL u kacday, oo caadil garab siiyay Carmal iyo agoonley, midkay dahab cas quureen Calankii cirkoo saafi ah, xiddig cad loo yeelay Calankii Qaruumaha dhammaan, iyo caalamki aqooday Calal beeli leedahay, miyaa caawa garab yaalla!!. Jabriil Maxamuud Nuur (Jabra) jabriil37@hotmail.com http://www.somaliweyn.org/pages/news/Jan_09/26Jan1 3.html
  4. Ayoub Maxaad ula yaabi. Ma inaan qariyaad doonaysay? By the way odaygu waa tolkee, dee adeerkay sax ah ma aha. You don't need this level of details when someone speaks metaphor, Ayoub.
  5. Thiery Don't tell me your opinions as facts. Where was he negotiating? In Khartoum? Was it not him who declard the Jihaad in the final days? Are you going to come back with the childish argument he was forced into this? And why has he quitted the war by the way. Don't make a gallant out of a coward. And you will see meeshu ku danbeeyo. Antarnational community or not. By the way, what is the source of his power to negotiate with Alshabab and others. Ma qof kaligii iska socda oo wax ah ba jiraa? If there is a peace in Somali, it will be becuase the Alshabab and those who fought when he was slepping in hotels chose to accomodate his ilk for the sake of reconcilliation. It is not the other way round.
  6. Oga.den heroes don’t die, Wake up Doc ones more prove them wrong, I know you can hear me, tell them Cowards, Oga.den heroes don’t die, My head spins in sorrow disbelieve, No human-being can dare parade a body in torment, They are shallow animals awaiting termination, Undignified of their callous exploit, Wake up Doc ones more prove them wrong, I know you can hear me, tell them Cowards, Oga.den heroes don’t die, Brave men like you are indispensable, A whole nation is engulfed in your loss, Our heart and soul are always with you, Forever indebt to your service, Wake up Doc ones more prove them wrong, I know you can hear me, tell them Cowards, Oga.den heroes don’t die, Death isn’t rare, it waits us all, but a few pass the test, None can compare your life long mission, even, Dying your way struggling for the best, Wake up Doc ones more prove them wrong, I know you can hear me, tell them Cowards, Oga.den heroes don’t die, Freedom solutes you, Heaven treasures you deeply, And I will miss your greatly “Hodeen” my friend, rest in peace, I will tell them Cowards, oga.den heroes don’t die, By Sadiq Abdirahman
  7. Xinn's new tactic is to claim that the Sharif is reponsible for all that rains. This Dark and lost sheikh is a criminal. He is responsible for the death of over 7000 youth who he sent to the battlefields. He is a cheap traitor, and people know him for what he is. If he beocmes President, it will herald a new phase of bloodshed. They better elect someone who is not fake. Nur cadde, Galaydh or someone else. Not a chamelon.
  8. Dr. Mohamed Siraad Dollal always vowed to die for the cause of liberating his people from the chains of primitive colonialists. Last week, he got his wish and was martyred near the village of Danan in Godey. Dr. Dollal was a man of firm convictions and unparalleled dedication, and it will hard to see how anyone will challenge him for the first page in the who is who of the struggle of the people of Oga.den to attain the basic right of self-determination, and living in peace, and without the gripping constant fear and subjugation. He was a true son of the soil, and will be thoroughly missed. We weep with the grieving families and all freedom-loving somali’s, who will mourn his death. May his soul rest in peace. "Anigoo damiirkayga heshiis la ah, gobonimo ayaan ku qanacsanahay..." One of the unforgetable speeches of this extraordinary fighter: http://www.dhanaan.com/index.php?subaction=showful l&id=1232665041&archive=&start_from=&ucat=1
  9. Maybe you are mistaking me to scorpion sista or Ibtisam. Ma laha adrees qaldan buu kaaga dhacay, aniga ima soo gaadhine. Warya, meeshina waan u soo socdaaye, Angolaan tagay yaana maqlin?
  10. Bisharo waanu colownay aniga. Laakin Malika shalay waan arkayey. You are missed bro. De meesha hanagu cidleyn. You still have Ibtisam iyo Kool kat iyo other glamourous girls around.
  11. KoolKat If you can decipher what this sentence means, then you can prove somaliland doesnot have af-gooni ah: "Jaw! waryee, dhako kale keen dee, kaarta-ayuub kaa socon mayso. Igawaloon, shanta saaray iyadoo naafday naaxday oo aad suqaar moodo." That is what he calls a distinctive Somaliland language.
  12. looooooooooooooool@Ducaysane. You are funny. War de ninyahow adigu waa maxay you get lost.
  13. Ngonge As a close relative of Sillanyo, you are not qualified to comment on issues concerning him. Adigu banaanka ka joog, you can already see I am doing your billing, for which I get requited with mockery and insults.
  14. The way this guys from Pirateland are going, it is not far before they compare the moster Yey to my littel self, and cliam A&T have also killed people in 2002 when he visisted Yamaarugley. War de ha la isla yaabo. Silaanyo is a hero who resisted tyranny, Yey is who competed for the chance to impose tyranny. He got his way and is responsible for the death, rape and maiming of tens of thousands. We should be comparing him to the commanders of the Khemer-rouge and the LRA. Not freedom fighters like His highness Ahmed Mahamed Mahamuud Silaanyo. Silaanyo is such a statesman. Anaa xaal siiyey.
  15. loooooooool@ ba-yabare. Ma maqal but I can see who they are. Reinvigration ayaa loo baahan yahay; iyo magaca oo la badalo, somali laga dhigo. Ayoub, waa runtaa ninyahow anaa bacaysan. It is understandable. It is confirmed saaxib. Our hero Dr. Dollal is gone. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto. Faraska waa nimankiiye sigaar ka shido. Mid reer Qabridahar ah ayaa mid kale oo reer qabridahar ah ku yidhi "qaraxad ma haysaaa?, kii kalaa yidhi " maye, mahayee, maxaad ku fali? sow mid ilkacastii ah kula majoogo? isaga ka shiddo, way wada ololayaane". The story goes.
  16. Walahi kuma fahmin Ayoub. In case you mean I want peace from Meles, it is a firm non-starter. Indeed, after the death of one of our most beloved leaders, it is time to reinvigorate. My post is part parody, part peace for Moqdishu. Anagu sida somaliland, xabshida kama cabsano. That is why they call the biggest football tem in Harar, Og.den. Anbasaa (lions of og.den). I didn't name it.
  17. Which net, Ayoub? Maybe you are reading politics where there is none. Bal ii sarif sheekada ninyaow?
  18. The era of self-regulation is over saxiib. I am nabadoon. Get the logic. Who is running for Somalia's presidency?
  19. Kuwa waa weyn ma waxaad ula jeedaa Val iyo Sheh iyo? Ayoub, Ka xishoo nabadoonka. Just because you are a different state (SL) doesn't mean you have to defile all the dignified aristocrats of the somali nation. I am nabadoon for all. And you say nabadoon my foot? What cheek!
  20. I was barely sitting down when I heard a voice from the other stall saying: "Hi, how are you?" I'm not the type to start a conversation in the men's restroom but I don't know what got into me, so I answered, somewhat embarrassed, "Doin' just fine!" And the other guy says: "So what are you up to?" What kind of question is that? At that point, I'm thinking this is too bizarre so I say: "Uhhh, I'm like you, just traveling!" At this point I am just trying to get out as fast as I can when I hear another question. "Can I come over?" Ok, this question is just too weird for me but I figured I could just be polite and end the conversation. I tell him, "No........I'm a little busy right now!!!" Then I hear the guy say nervously... "Listen, I'll have to call you back. There's an i.d.i.o.t in the other stall who keeps answering all my questions!!!"
  21. Nuune Waa hore ayaad ka hadlaysaa. Wax habala ah oo hadda caban karaa majiraan. Waxba lama socotid ninyahoow. Horn Ma adaa igu haysta. At least I know you are a worthy candidate. Is sharax dee horta.
  22. Adigu consitutent'gayda aan sida gaarka ah ugu xisaabtamayey yaad ku jirtaa'e hoos u hadal.
  23. Having seen with disgust, Sheikh Shariif walking with a swooping swagger, his tiny dark frames obeying measured steps that ruffle gently the draping white Khamiis, marking his proud motion, After seeing Dr. Animal, who as if he is a different man than that was dropped like a merchandise from Ethiopian Helicopter, wants to rule the country again and bring "peace" Appreciative of the fact that Yey and his monsters are now walloping in eternal state of confusion, and all of a sudden have turned from the hunter to the hunted Enourmously grateful to the support and congratualtory messages from Xinnfaniin and Xaneefah, who said my ascendence to Nabadoon-hood heralds a rebirth of our cultural decorum Not discouraged by the detractors like Ngonge and Koolkat who think I am not a man of peace, just becuase I support Alshabab, I declare that I have been unanimously endorsed to be the NABADOON of SOL by oracles and men of wisodm including none other than Libax Sanka Taabte, and LabaXininyood. Those who question wuxuu Nabadoon'ku Gashado, it is not alchahol, it is not anything bad, waa dadaal. Those who want to sign in the endorsement book can either PM me or express it here, but with a copy to the Admin. P.S I thank Xinn and Haneefah, and all those who particpated in the consulations.
  24. Matt le tissier was good but his fame was localised. You need to go beyond Southhampton to prove your stardom. Who knows Peter Beardsley???? He was better than Barnes and all.
  25. I don't understand why that man is not winning anything these days. By far, Arsenal plays the most attractive football, and the players are real talent. Odaygu malaha waalidkii baan u duceeyn. In football terms, he is not making any mistakes.