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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. ^You are possessed woman!! What charm is there with Mr. Camel that will make you yawn if he is not here. I want Gheele out for being too serious and DQ come in his place. Hana loogu badalo meeshisii asga in line with 4.5 arrangements. By the way, miyaad maqashay inay Nepthys i jeclaatay ooy like that lover of mine in my childhood muska biyo igaga soo saydo markaan xaafadooda ar marayo si aan u soo eego.
  2. Without Alshabab and the resistance, there was no need for Sheikh Sharif. In fact, one reason he will be elected President today is because of Alshabab, and not because the 'world' belives in his capacity to govern nor because they are charmed by his 'charisma' as Xinn postulates. It is becuase they want to use him against what they see as 'extremists'. Waa la adeegsanayaa.
  3. In law, they say it is the act and not the intent that is prosecuted. No one is in denial that the loudest cheers for the blue flag comes from Puntlanders. Nor that they have would like to see a united Somalia. That is the intent on their part. The act they have been involved so far, however, has been undermining that very unity they purport to support. As Ibtisam said, it is our way or no way. They have consitently opposed any governemnt that is not run by one of their own. This is largely due to unjustifiable sense of 'we-are-born-to-rule' folly (whose foundations I cannot understand) and aspirations to reap those rents that would come with power. I am sure they will oppose any governemnet that comes out of the Djibouti process. And I will be surprised if Xinnfanin of all people stick to his choice of leadership and maintain that Puntland needs to work withn the new man. If he does so, he will be breaking away from that tradition of 'allying with the inaadeer-right or wrong' that is the hallmark of Puntlanders. It is a rarity, I will applaud with standing ovation.
  4. loollllll@Zack. Waa runtaa. I complained not to the admin, but on the open, but my intention was really not in la ban gareeyo. I wanted in laga cabsiiyo oo loo digo. Other than that I think he was a useful guy. I mean the Admin cannot simply ban Dhulqarneyn and leave it like that. For heaven sake, this man is not Gheele T. I mean if you ban Gheele, who will in his right mind remember him? The man is dull and uninspring, albeit mostly politically correct like Sheikh Sharif.
  5. nepthys adigu kolna af-xaar dheh, kolna maskax huuro. Waa inoo wakhti kale. laakin anigu waan ku jeclahay, and I have to admit even with the forbidding nuptial manacle of yours, for a brief moment, i could see you doing what you said you are free to do. Adigoo maryaha tuuray. It is a pleasent sight. Malika LG waan heshiinay, but that doesn't mean she is the kind of girl who will bother herself with heavy xijaab's.
  6. In many ways Somalilander's stance on Somalia is understandable and diginified. They don't want to go back to the hellish marriage. That of Puntalnders is more than pathetic. They have been spoilers for long, and have hidden beneath the facade of dawlad-doon during the Yey era. I think that idiosyncracy of perpetual Mucaaradnimo is what is in display here again. These guys must be stopped.
  7. Nephis, I agree that all of us are entitled inaan maryaha xooro lietrally, when it comes to that. No shame in doing that. And thanks for the clarifications. I am now satisfied. Waan naxayoo, waxaan is idhi gabadhiini gormay LazyGirl oo kale noqotay.
  8. Duriyad-land. that will be the name, believe me.
  9. Like a bankrupt Egyptian, why is Ngonge giving me the wrong tilmaan then?
  10. Is this the women section? ma arkayn, but now it is here I think it is a good omen Dhulqarneyn will drop his misognyic attitudes. KK, haa ninku nin fiican buu ahaa. We all know his attacks were for the thrill of the momen. He was not the type of guy who nurses grudges. I didn't know sending a PM to the admin is more effective. I was thinking if we get the crtical mass behind this issue, then there is a better chance of influencing the admin. Ha nala cafiyo haddaan qaldanyn. KK, adigaa lagugu xantaa inaad gacanyare u tahay adminkee, bal arintaa soo furdaami.
  11. Originally posted by Nephisa Al-Soomaal: Kudos to the sister, Masha Allah, I could never see myself dressed like that in a muslim or non-muslim land. Alloow na cafi! You are being sarcastic, laakiin you are defying Allah's instructions. Adigu waa horaad maryaha dhigatay show? Towbad keen imikaad dhowdahaye.
  12. I wanted to show that a lot of people want him back. These are those whom I contacted and accepted his return. Ngonge Nuune Xiin Ciise Che Jacaylbaro Allamagan Farancab Xaaji Xundjuf (after some persuation) Those who still say he should not come back are minority. Here are they: Ibtisam Nephthys Redsea It is upto the admin to decide.
  13. To:- LST OG:- Nuune I am aware I am one of those who decried DQ'sometimes harsh rebuke and attack on some people. Yet, it is true that he was a very useful person with lots of ideas. I think many people are feeling his absence. While it is true that the rules must be respected and there should be no assumption by some that they can afford to break them on account of being pardoned later, I appeal to the admin on behalf of all those of you who agreed with me that you want DQ back, to bring him back.
  14. Profane will suit me. But I am not a fool. Who are the other three fools, sayid?
  15. Sheikh sharif's profile is well know, unless you are going to give us your feelings about him. Ngonge is right, this is immature stuff.
  16. Ducaysane, habaar kugu dhacye daa gabadha yar. Waa say walaahi generation'kaad sheegaysee.
  17. I didn't know Dhulqarneyn is banned. I think all of us made mistakes at one or another time, and as a big entertainer, he needs to be pardoned and come back. War ninka ha loo dacwoodo. Che, salaam kalgacal weeye.
  18. Seriously, let us not mix the kids and the oldguards. Those who are over fourty, line up here. Nuune Ngonge Abtigiis Xinn ,,,, Fadlan liiska ha la buuxsho.
  19. If DQ is red-carded from Puntland, so will Ibtisam and Red sea from Somaliland.
  20. From what I see the two teams are balanced. Somaliland weerarka is best, difaaca is fine, midfield is mediocre. Coach'ka yaa waxooga ka liita oo kolba nin balada. Puntland, defence is good, and the coach is best. Midfield is ok, laakiin weerarkaa ka xun.
  21. I think these people need to go to Djibouti for inclusion. Somaliland Best 11 Vs Puntland Best 11 Somaliland 1. Goalkeeper – Ibtisam Defenders: 2. Xaaji Xundjuf 3. Ayoub 4. Suldaanka 5. Oodweyne Midfield 6. Africaown 7. Qudhac 8. Mintid Farayar 9. Ngonge Strikers 10. Jacaylbaro (Captain) 11. Norf Coach: Red Sea Puntland 1- Goalkeeper - Sophist Defence 2- Garyaqan 3- Dhulqarneyn 4- Emperor 5- Xinnfaniin Midfield 6- General Duke (Captain) 7- Qalbi-adeyg 8- Che 9- Hunguri Strikers 10- Koora-Tuunshe 11- Naxar Nugaleed Coach: Cisse
  22. Latest I heard is Xinn is in the list of beesha D. Ma runbaa?
  23. "Ma xaa quraanka kuu diiday?". I can't count howmany times I was told so.
  24. Meeshu ileen waa kindergarten.
  25. Sprite, whatever you say. I don't want a new war.Laakiin, i tell you this minor sheikh's decision has no bearing on me. For all I know, I will continue another war. There is no end for us, until we liberate our land. But I happy for my fellow somali's in Somalia. BTW, he will be begging for the help of Alshabab, without whom he cannot move an inch. In case you think, he will bulldoze them with his borrowed might. Meiji You remind me of a former somali colonel who after telling us that 200 of his soldiers were killed, and we asked how he survived, proudly procliamed "because as a commander I am not supposed to die. Those men died so that I survive". It is a notion of leadership I do not subscribe to. Follow the myth of books, practice is that he who can lead you on the field, can lead you on the table.