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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I second Dhubad. But i think even the manboobs is not OK. It constricts adequate performance. I mean if he is loaded there, to what extent can he lift himslef up and down, without causing fatal injuries when landing?
  2. loooooooooooool@Sh. Hotel. Waryaa secessionst Ngonge, you need perpetual violence in the south for the dream to come so ma aha.
  3. waa nafaqo, she needs to squeeze and enjoy it.
  4. Somalia is at a crtitical watershed. It can go either way. Patriotic Somali's who aspire to see order and prosperity in Somalia are cheering for the election of Sheikh shariif, a man despite number of short-comings,is from a different league of his predecessors. He has not been part to the looting of the nation in those good days; he hasnot been part to the madness and killings in that land. But his ascendancy to power must not overshadow the immense sacrifices young Somali's paid to make us proud and to liberate their country from the tryanny of Ethiopian colonialists. The real heroes must not be pushed to the footnotes. The likes of Mukhtar Roobow Abu-mansoor, Macalin Adan Hashi Cayroow, Abu-zuheir and thousands of faceless somali boys slept in muddy fields infestd with malaria and travelled for days under the scorching sun to see the will of Somali's dictate who runs the nation, and by extension, who dictates our social orientation. credit goes to these men of courage and we need to recognise their selfless sacrifices. They are the immortal heroes of Somalia. While there are plenty of reasons why we should remain optimistic with the election of Sheikh Shariif, we should also urge him from all sides that he recognise the real heroes in Somalia. He needs to talk to them in an honest manner and should do the following immediately: (1) Declare that there is no need for foreign troops and should ask the Amisom forces to leave with immeidate effect (2) Declare that Ethiopia has perpetrated war crimes in Somalia and call for an independent investigation. He should demand an apology from ethiopia and a compensation. [ This will serve as a symbolic move that the Sheikh shares the feeelings of many Somali's and the Muqaawama vis-a-vis Ethiopia] (3) Denounce the acts of phoney groups such as Ahlu-sunna wal jamacaa, and declare they will not be an equal partners on Somalia's issues along with the Alshabab and the Muqaawama. (4) Call on US and the west to take leaders of the Alshabab from the terrorist list, in exchange for a peace offer from the group.
  5. Emperor/Bixi I have denounced Al-shabab and Hassen Turki (in fact naming him in the other post 'why we need to rally behind sheikh Shariif'). Turki and Alshabab are a new phenomena of what, 10 years? But, in this post I was looking at the wider problem, that caused by Punt'es ego-filled, dim wit politicians. Bixi sounds a relic of Baynax and those men I used to see in Saylada Xollaha, who when someone disagrees to buy the emaciated camel they wanted to sell, would yell back " Adigu waad bugtaaye ilaahay ha ku caafiyo".
  6. Ngonge Serenity saaxiib ayaan nahay. Mutual respect (I know from my end, and I speculate on her side it is the same). Waa mature and confident. Laakin Val iyo Sheh waa above my authority. I mean in terms of age. Salaan unbaa naga dhaxaysa. I have heared from the BBC of SOL that they are not like what they appear here in Sol, but that is not what interests a man in the jungle like me. I judge them by their keyboard. Islaamahaas ha igu soo sheegin.
  7. KK afaarihii reerahaan soo galay soo ma aha??
  8. Welcome back Serenity. What is this certificate? Why did they say you were back home on the ololaha doorashooyinka with Silaanyo? Been'bay noo sheegeen. I will not accept PM's from some landers again.
  9. Biixi Your confusion about my hate is pardoned. But your misinformation warrants a rebuke. 75% of the 500 MPs are not from USC or H as you have it in your mind. That is a big lie. Sheikh Shariif's new 200 members came on the 4.5 formula. Why do you want to lie about this fact? Second point is more relevant. But since when is MOhamed Dheere added to the list of human beings who have a right to oppose? Is he not that filthy warlord? Mansoor and Weis are men of intergity and Insha-allah they have to be engaged.
  10. Ngonge, Tuug! War mean well and I am sure of What I mean. I mean stop breaking up the country. I mean learn how to be a Somali and not a fractional Somali. Emperor Was running to Sodere and forming a 14 group alliance of warlords (YEY being one, right after the election of Abdiqaasim, part of meeshooday iska joogeen reer PL? I am talking about Puntland Politicians naturaaly, and a significant number of the elites. Of course not Macdaro Sheekh Daahir, who used to serve me sizzling Bariis and Addiwali, my long-time friend. Not the average Puntlander who just happens to be a good-hearted Somali. Marka aan siyaasada ka hadlayno, waxaan ka hadlaynaa dadka siyaasada ku jira, kuwa kuwa daba yaaca iyo kuwa fikirkooda raacsan ee aqoonyahay isku sheega.
  11. Yes, he is. But why? Because he is reerka, yes? That mentality is what I am trying to pillory. And it is that menatlity that you understand, condone and use as an excuse not to see his crimes. AT knows qabiils very much, but is not a Qabyaaliste. I hope you know the distinction. I know who lives in Puntland, Shabeelaha Dheexe, and Burco, butI attach no particular preference or proximity of myself to any of them. Whoever comes closest to my political, social and religious beliefs is the closet to me. Hence, why I like Mukhtar Roobow more than Da'uud in Jigjiga, and Xassen Dahir more than Abdullahi Yusuf. By the way, I am only following your take of who is close to who in the legend of Somali tribe lineages. I don't believe it is true. I don't believe I am biologically more close to Abdullahi yusuf than to Silaanyo. Xaqa wax lagaa ma qorayo oo AT baad tahayda, xaaskaygu aad bay iiga qortaa. IS that not enough?
  12. You obvously equate intransigence with having firm stance and mistake flexibility as flip-flopping. I can't blame you. It is in the blood, I mean macangagnimadu. What I have been saying in this forum is consistent, if that word means anything. 1- On Somaliland: I can understand why they feel so bad about the union with the South, as they were brutally killed by Siyaad's regime. But, I don't want them to seceed. You see me defemding them in the former case, you see me oppossing them on the latter. 2- I admire Puntlanders stance on Somalinimo and their flag-waving displays, but I hate their 'if not at the top', let it crush attitude. 3- I like Alshabab and all freedom fighters, becuase no one except them could have the resolve it takes to reliberate the country. But I now oppose them if they want to perpetuate the war when there is no apparent need to do so. 4- I support ONLF, yet oppossed them when they seemed to be poisoning the unity of Alshabab by forming clan militias in Jubboyinka. As I said, I can't say the same about you. Where were you before a year, six months before, and now? One thing that is constant about you is what is constant about JB and Duke. To the hole with the Tolka!! I know Somali's from Somalia and it is not easy to debate with them. I met similar comments from others whom I argued with, with the remark "xaggeed u socotaa" too. The problem is some people just can't have several stances on some issues based on several scenarios. In my work, I am a Planner, and in most cases I plan for Contingencies. This involves what they call context analysis, scenario bulding, Planning assumptions. I use that framework to formulate my positions on Somalia's politics. I hope you now realise why I change my positions so often.
  13. LST No hostility, but I want Puntlanders to follow the Sheikh. Ushaan la dhacayaa. Waa canaan iyo kaftan. Ulta-punties like Emperor baan dhiiga ku kiciyaa. Well you also know Somaliland inaan la col ahay becuase of calalka ay leeyihiin waa calan. You also know I don't like the Moryaan's in Muqdisho in the mould of Qaybdiid and co. What does give you? I want Somalia xalaal ah. Adeer, even that is not an end to my desires. It is the start of yet another quest for me. Kolkaa kurbadayda fahan.
  14. LST, thanks. I actually thought Xinn has joined the Shariif to Addis.
  15. The first phase of this government is reconcillaition. That calls for odayaal. Delivering services can still be done by competent bureaucracy. The youth could do that.
  16. All the history you wrote is how you see it. it is good to see how others look at you too. But I don't want to refute aspects of it but one. When you say Abdullahi Yusuf did all he could to bring governance in Somalia, don't you think others (many) will disagree and rather see him as doing away with every law of the land to impose himself on people who do not want him?????? Why would Nuur cade be more clannish than yey when what he did was only to save his tribe from the costant bombardment of Ethiopians who were brought there by yey's adminstration. How would you think history will treat Yey when you know that he used Ethiopia to murder somali Youth during the Itixaad days, and again in 2006?? Is that the kind of man you want us to bow down in reverence?? Should we turn devil-worshippers?
  17. Prime Minister: Prof. Cali Khalif Galyr Foriegn Minster: Abdirisaq Haji Hussien Education Minster: Prof. Ahmed Ismail Samatar Interior Minster: Gen. Jama Mohamed Qaalib Finance and Eco.Dev.: Abdiqasim Salat Xassen, hadii inuu wax cuno laga baqo AT&T (Fiscal and Monetary policies'ka kuma xumi)- Any Somali Economist Dhaqanka iyo arimaha Bulshada: Abshir Bacadle Arimaha Diinta: Xassen Dahir Aweys Defence Minister: Mukhtaar Roobow Abu-Mansoor Women affairs: Asli Xassen Cabdalle (ededay, by virtue of 4.5, this rules me out. Plus, I am yet to be a Somalian by nationality. ,,, ku darso.
  18. Somali Politics had all the feud, animated exchanges and bakoorad waving dramas that goes with a politics of pastoral people who rely more on physical intimidations and verbal tirades to score points and force opponents to submit, than on machinations through media and manuscripts. But blood was not part to it, until one fatal day one Puntlander decided to slay another of his own who happened to be the President of the Republic of Somalia. Those who conspired to this murder didn’t have their wish at last, outmanoeuvred by an old military man, who sat on the throne for two decades, himself killing and arresting his opponents. They, the killers of Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, who hailed from the region now called Puntland, continued to oppose Siyad Barre’s government, which they saw us disturbing the natural succession of power to its rightful owners. Luciky, his blunders and cruel retaliation, made them look like people in search of salvation than aspirants of power who will stop at nothing to achieve it. Finally, the man escaped, pursued by those whom he oppressed. And the Punties started the quest for the Holy Grail in the form of “power” refusing to recognise the next government. And it went on and on, thanks also to the useless USC and its supporters who kept on fighting for the ill-gotten loot of a nation. Then, they came to power and the rest is horror history. Inviting the historical enemy of Somalia into the Capital to subdue more powerful, but ‘less crafty’ Southerners. But, as it would be, borrowed might is never a might that will keep you on the throne and the adventure failed in shame and frantic evacuation of parliamentarians and officers who descended on Moqdisho, against the wish of its people, to rule and loot. And then it happened again Somali’s got a new president the same way they got the past few ones. Now, the rightful owners of the throne are not in a mood to play servants to those who are unfit to rule them. Or so it seems. That is the message all Somali’s get when they hear the new administration of Puntland is opposing Sheikh Shariif. Sadly, we are re-living that long-held prejudice, and it seems it is not without foundation.
  19. Despite that Mudug mentality of know-all, waxbana la igama shisheyo, la igamana sokeeyo. True, I have something with reer puntland. I have this feeling that those who claimed to have the support of Puntlanders in the past and now have consistently been playing a zero-sum game on Somalia. It seems as if their Somalinimo is a function of power. Since the day Abdirashid Ali Sharmaarke was killed, and it was themselves who killed, they were perpetually in opposition to whoever is in power. Siyaad Barre, Abdiqasim, etc. With Yey, they were pro-government. And now that power shifted southwards, here we go again with opposition precept. And you even go far to justify this nonesense by saying Somaliland maa wax la yidhaahdo. Gormaad Somaliland la mid noqoteen? SL are saying they are not part of Somalia. That is an a case for which they are rightly bashed. Puntand cudureedu kaas ma aha ee waa ama anaka ama waxba ma jirayaa. Sinatra's All or nothing at all. Taasi mid aan qarsanayo ma aha, ee waa su'aal aan ku waydiinayo. Why aad u leedihiin if not on power, ha qasnaato. The facts are there. look into that, instead of looking into what could be in my heart.
  20. Sheikhu wuxuu rabaa inuu 'wabilaahi tawfiik' wax ku wado. He needs to listen to Mohamed Moge's "Waayeel dadoow inaan waalanahay, duni weecsantoo..." in lieu of the nasheeds, sometimes. He is now in politics, and he should play it the way it is played. Hadii kale, jimcaha masaajidada haka kaco oo isagoo qiiraysan walaalayaal'ta ha hayo.
  21. Faroole or cagoole is a minnow in this game of high stakes. He must not abuse the wisdom of Sheikh Shariif. Must the US embassy in Nairobi call him and tell him he is responsible for piracy to fall in line?? I mean if he wants to play it rough, there are ways to dance to his tune. Shariif can bring the weight of the US, AU and Arab Union into this, but should Farole need to go that far. Afterall, how about if Shariif asks for a re-run of the Presidential elections in Puntland which Faroole bought. I think Ilka-jiir needs to prepare himself for a re-run. On the wider issue, I never had any trust in Puntlanders to behave like patriotic Somali's when power is not in their hand. It is funny how those who were Dawlad-doon at all cost some months ago, all of a sudden don't see the need for one. I will not be surpried at all if I find myself fighting on the side of the Government, this time firing at supporters of insurgents who are led by none other than that comical figure Duke. How times change! Emperor Nin naagtaada dooni, gabadhaada kuma qanco ma maqashay. Cid Puntland qancin kartaa majirto, laakin wax qancin karaa jira. Xassen Abshir kursiga Shariifka halagu wareefiyo.
  22. kana waxay kaga dhagtay argagixiso, even when on his death bed. It is not conviction; it is opportunism that drives him. Intaasu is leeyahay rer-galbeed ugu dhawoow. And he always had that prerogative of a harlot which he enjoyed with recklessness to paraphrase Baldwin.
  23. If Sheikh Shariif goes to Alshabab and the Asmara group to the disappointement of his western backers, he will win. If, however, he plays the poodle and continues with his rethoric of 'dadka nabada diidan' and 'Ethiopia waan la shaqeeynaynaa' (he can have peace, but he shouldn't jerk like a rat when he hears the name Ethiopia just becuase they bombed the hell out of him), he will fail.
  24. Silaanyo for Prime Minister after two months. For now, Cali Khalif Galayr. Congrats to Sheikh Shariif. But we will judge him after the first 100 days. So far so good.