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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Malika, why not? you can be her spiritual mother. But we are not joking here, you should know.
  2. He can be called Nuune only upto the age of 4. He should have a proper name. What he will not be called, though, is Ngonge. How about Abdirisaq??
  3. Dear Malika ii waran ugaaso. How are things in London. I am expecting a baby girl soon, and have now decided to call her MALIKA.Do you approve of it?
  4. Ngonge, ONLF issue is a separate issue, and our suffering under Ethiopian colonialism must not take peace and progress in Somalia hostage. Our long-term strategic interst lies in Somalia becoming a beacon of peace. We will have a reliable supporter, one which is no more a liablity to be attached to, but an asset. As far as Alshabab is concerned they should declare it functus offico (no long seized of the matter) and pray peacefully in mosques. Otherwise, let them be reminded they shall be fighting the new government on their peril, suo periculo . Geelka The cries of hopeful Somali's -young and old, the rare sight of consensus that exists today, the quality of leadership we see in the new generation, and the readiness of the world to support the free-will of the Somali's has infected me. I am amazed. You said Alshabab were not shedding blood to be pleased with mere titles later. So, it was to rule somalia- ala Taliban style?!!! I suspected that as well. But that is what I oppose. And the way they come down on us with the force of an injunction, as if we have infracted Godly laws, when we call for peace,now that the occupation is ended.
  5. It is a classic case of organisational obsolescence from my end. Alshabab must be disbanded, and the clergy driving it must go back to the mosques. That is true to the extent their rise has been tolerated due to the occupation of the country by foreign forces. They have done their work in defending the country and they need to be recognised and honoured for their sacrifices. One way of honouring will be to forgive them for the horrendous human right violations they have caused in the course of the liberation struggle. Yes, forgetting the girls they stoned to death; the men they whipped in public, those they beheaded and those they amputated. Recognition involves decorating them with titles and putting the wreath over their bearded face. That is no mean reward. But if the intention was to rule Somalia, ostensibly to impose Islamic administration, one may argue they have some more reasons to hang on. But, to me, nothing justifies their continued existence as an armed group. If they wish to organise themselves into a political party, an Islamic one, with the agenda of instituting Sharia law as the law of the land, they should first allow peace to come, and people to vote. They should take the calls of the wider section of the culuma, the diaspora, and the famine-stricken fellow citizens in what is left of the country. They should know that it is not that we have not been pained by the atrocities committed by the young outfits that we were silent. It is because we believed they overall contribution outweighed their mistakes in the struggle to restore Somali dignity. But it seems the Xassen–Joke and latter-day Abu-fulan’s are suffering from the inevitable martyrdom syndrome and want to perpetuate violence. They should understand the people of Somalia and the interest of the nation is more important than their nonsensical visions and delusions. They have a choice to make: to end up on the highlights of history books in Somalia, or to be a footnote in the black pages of it. If they choose the first, they are our sheiks, moral leaders, elders and liberators. They will be invited to make public speeches on important occasions; will be handed the scissors to open new educational facilities and memorial centers. Hardly a holiday will pass without them coming to the limelight and making their felicitation messages. But if they chose the latter, all their sacrifices would be in vain. They will be remembered for the distress they would have brought on the nation with their ordinariness and obduracy. Abu-Mansuur, Abu-Zuhayr will be characters children are frightened with much the same way as Madax-kuti and Arawreelo are. Xassen-turki will be a caricature with big machete, chopping the heads of kids in child movies. This is a valedictory rebuke and a reminder to the leaders of Alshabab. If they can’t read English, may someone tell them in Arabic, after the formality of ‘asalaatu wasalaamu calaa ashrafil mursaliin; amaa bacdi”.
  6. It is him. It is unknown. He moves stealthily.
  7. CL came back again! what do you mean. By the way, why do you like African dicatators? I that man Mobutu?
  8. Originally posted by Allamagan: PUNTLAND :: Haddii annan PM helin waanu goosanaynaa!!! Before, it was if no president, we will go. Now PM. In a week's time, it will be wasiirka difaaca. Like a cheap livestock market dilaal, these guys know how to hang it high only to take it low.
  9. Ngonge, Malika, Nuunka and Jacaylbaro waan idin salaamya. We have become like a family and it is true I missed you as well. I cannot understand why NGONGE of all people would not relate events that are taking place in Zimbabwe this week with my absence. I thought he is more sharper than this. Jacaylbaro The application has not been answered so far, and I will make an internal selection, I am afraid. Speaking of the last week, it was a tough week of lunch hazards. Farkhanda, the pakistani collegue wants me to show her good places to eat, while Lilian the kenyan office-mate is depressed and pushes me to go and listen to her at lunch. It has now become a hussle. Farkhanda thinks the Kenyan is a bi,tc.h*. The kenyan thinks Farkhanda is a confused women. I know they are not fighting over me, but over lunch company. And by exension over free lunchs, as it is me who pays most of times,despite numerous false attempts to stop me from brandishing green notes.
  10. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ This is not love, saaxib. A&T and his friends are trying to find a way out of Africa. Say his friends, not me.
  11. I am sure NG's book would have been a big hit. I pledge financial support if he decides to go ahead. But, he has to bring proformas and receipts. Otherwise, he will take all my money on phoney book, and will be dallying with CL with it. I can't stand that. Serene, waa lagu salaamay. I feel peace when I see you.
  12. OZ war naga jooji jinaca. I was wiping my screen for minutes before I realised the insect is not alive. maanta waad igu ciyaartay.
  13. It is an affront to keep Nuune as Sports moderator in view of his preictions about Robbie Keane. It says a lot about the sports knowledge in here. In a place where Al-ain and Al-baladiya experts like Ngonge and Norf pass as Mark Glesson and Ray Clemens, it is to be expected. I knew and said Keane is on the wrong side of the curve. He has never been to the pedigree of Liverpool, Man U, and Arsenal. It is sad that people like Ngonge and Nuune who rely on commentaries and newspaper columns, rather than on gained knoweldge from laying the ball itself, masquerade as specialists here. That is why I avoid.
  14. I know Isayas is more honest and somali-loving than Meles. He has not territorial claim over us.
  15. I have now decided to stop looking for sense from Xinn. Someone who said his blind love for Shariif makes him like Duke was right. Can't he appreciate that by meeting Meles and making what appeared to be Meles's statement on Ertirea, he is allienating Eritrea? Doesn't he think the Eritreans have leverage over the muqaawama they supported all along? Does he think they will leave him alone, when he is clearly hostile to them? Siyaasad iyo diplomaasiyadaa qalad laga fahmay. I am not against his meetings with Meles on moral grounds. I am saying he is spoiling his chances of reconciling with the opposition by doing so. But again, ma Xinn baan garawasha ka sugayey. So far the facade of the 'peace lover' suited him well and covered his poor judgement. We will see his true wisdom form now onwards. It doesn't look good.
  16. who said the young are better? Look at Sheikh Shariif iyo meeshu ka miisay sheekadii.
  17. I am livid with this so called Sheikh. War ileen noocanina wuu ii danbeeyey. What was that thing about shaking hands with Meles like nothing happened before. Ok, let us say it is politics. What was the yelling about Eritrea? could he have not done it in Djibouti. War dadka Somaliya ku nool maxaa ani idaba wada. I am feeling ashamed as a somali. Walaahi inaan Ethiopian noqdaa malaha la qaataa????????Noocya badana. Pathetic. Sheikh Hotel is sounding more like a new Yey with his actions. I now wonder why I hated my uncle Abdullahi Yususf so much? I have to go to Yemen and apologise. I mean at least the old man is not a pretender.
  18. JB I told you it is they who will back. I mean how do you miss the predilictions of people like Riyaale. The guy was NSS for heaven sake. I think this move makes Silaanyo the President. Go Ahmed!GO. Malika It was always like this. Ina-cigaal was a dictator, and would not have left the scence alive. Riyaale, you see him now. The first 10 yars honeymoon is over and imikay bilaabmaysaa.
  19. Horta, you cannot rightly blame Alshabab. Shariifku dee isagaa kaga baxay balankii. (1) He fled the battlefield (2) He is now shaking hands with Meles (3) Kitaab in wax lagu xukumaa la isku ogaa and he is not saying so (4) Dastuur ayuu ku dhaartay (5) Wuu mirqaansan yahay uun sidii xilka loogu dhiibay, oo he is not following issues in Somalia and making comments on events that warrant his attention- like the massacre by Amisom. So, it is hard to blame the Alshabab. What we want them to do is to forgive him, pity him, and move on for the sake of the somali people. It is not the good guy calling the bad guys to join him for good cause. In many ways, it is the reverse. The good guys joining the bad guy for the good cause. Sheekhan ilaa xalay waan fahmi la'ahay!
  20. But Marx I thought you are black American when I saw your videos. I think this classification suits some of us, not the black somali's manily in puntland and the south.
  21. JB, why dramatise it as if it matters. From what I saw on TV, it is Riyaale and Axmed Yassin? who will be selected. In fact, I felt a nausea with the level of sychophancy when I watched the proceedings of Yesterday. Siyaadaw na daadihi theme,,,,,
  22. Faarax That the girl following the butty-but-money-man is not saying so, doesn't mean she is oblivious to his akward wriggle. It means she is ignoring it for higher gains. Economic rationality.
  23. Sheh, hadaa way noo dhamaatay, alas big cheaters baan nahay!
  24. Originally posted by nuune: quote:Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: I second Dhubad. But i think even the manboobs is not OK. It constricts adequate performance. I mean if he is loaded there, to what extent can he lift himslef up and down, without causing fatal injuries when landing? First of all, he is not an airplane, so no landing, unless crash landing Ngonge I made a mistake. I was talking about man with big butts, as Malika said now. I think my comments is more for this ones than the ones with curved hips. By the way, don't cover the book by the looks. The same shapeless man may turn out to be the sweetest provider in other departments.
  25. I agree with KK. That is why I thought first when I saw the question- Caruurnimo. But again, is it not carrur that we are required to enlighten? I have the feeling the girl who seeks the approval is none other than CL, by the way.