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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. ilaahoow kuwan ha ii baahin. Way igu bacadleyn lahaayeen. Bakhaylsanaa ummaddu. The English disease ayaa ku dhacay.
  2. I have M.Sc in Agricultural Economics. Education has helped me in getting good jobs, and to do what I like most: helping my family who raised me with all they have. Doing all they need to my children, whom I denied other priviledges. But anyone who thinks he can be using his textbooks for his professional jobs will be disappointed. Often our expectations about what we will do and what we are capable of doing once school is over, is too high. You need to focus on the routine jobs you do on a daily basis, which may not be as stimulating or enlighting as your school days.
  3. This time I have gone one way up. She knows the consequences of not heeding 'my private advices'.
  4. 3 jeer means = three times 3 jiir means = three rats.
  5. Three rats for you. That is a vital sign. Leave her. Kuma rabto.
  6. waa hotel uu dhistay nin SL ah oo Kuwait jooga maa tidhaahdid ana-ala. Who in his right mind will give SL contracts to build royal palaces?
  7. True, but is it right to believe that there was only one woman who was engaged in adultery in Kismanyo? or in the rest of the areas they control? Or even that, that was the only case they may have heared of? Some of the punishments in the west are equally cruel, but they involve two aspects that make them littel bit humane: one, they are not transmitted live or in front of crowds. Two, capital punishment laregly is confined to murder (which people abhor). Could they not have killed the 'informer' in kismayo without making videos?
  8. I have a problem with the execution of any law when the right framework is not in place; when the right structures are not yet developed, and when an enabling environemnt is not created. Worse, when they are selectively applied to minoroties!!
  9. NY, maxaa dhacay. hadda ma nabad qabtaa uun. marka kale, barasho wanaagsan.
  10. ma ninkii la sheegayaa. walba-baahane. Barasho wanaagsan Nin-yaaban.
  11. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: and who are the anarchists ?? Waryaa JB, cadowsanidaa?!! Do you think I am fool? These are not Puntlanders. kaftanka mayaqaanaan. The anarchists are serious. Waxba kuma aha inay mid nooli ka soo bixiyaan, telling him inuu u tarhiibo to South Africa after doing away with me in Harare!
  12. So, is the long journey through the Mekong river part of the emanucipative journey for having variety?
  13. In a world where Peasants and real people intermix, it is to be expected to get a battering. And certainly, he who doesn't want to be bashed, shouldn't bring himself to the open. Thanks nin-yaaban.
  14. Originally posted by -II-: Religion aside...what is the problem here? If a man marries 2 woman they say 'waa geesi' but a woman with 2 husbands...she's 'used and abused' One has a receptor and the other a crane. Which is likely to get bad? MS DD As usual. waan isfahanay.
  15. Who is Orange? Ma buuxaa? If so, salaams. Aniguba dad badan ayaan cashiro ka qaatay. To name but few, the exceptional knowledge of MS DD on arimaha qaarkood.
  16. ^No one hates attention. And if I can get, fine. But, it better comes from less dangerous beings. Not Peasants.
  17. If Dayniile are to be beleived, and I do beleive them sometimes, the anarchists will be up in arms again, if the post of foreign Ministry is not given to them. It is only the last two to three years this group's penchance for violence has served the nation well, as they spearheaded a war of liberation against Ethio's for whatever reasons. But, their deeds of the precedding decade was a horror. Before they turned culuma, with the very basic babbling of not more than Qulhu-wala and inaa-acdayn, they were marooding mafia's, infamous for killing and looting. They did better than their co-rebells in Muqdisho who made rape a hobby. But, they have frustrated all efforts to bring peace to Somalia. They, the wicked among this flock, have escaped my attention because of my obseession northwards. They need to come to their senses, and should not fuel a new war for the sake of the CIA-informant Axmed Cabdisalan. The new PM must appoint a man from Somaliland or if further from Lascaanood, for that post. So long the 4.dash formula is in place, equity demands so. And commonsense also calls for a big post for the northern povince.
  18. ^It is my underestanding their parlimantarians have not been given enough access to Sheikh Sharif and their candidate for the PM post is not accepted. At least, here they are overrepresented.
  19. I have joined this forum in February 2008. It is only right I evaluate what I have achieved in terms of the set objectives of educating, informing and entertaining. And others may add offending. But before let me declare who are in my good and bad books. I have denuded the lies of Duke and tribalists who were cheering a killer. I have got many friends; but notable Ngonge, and the good-hearted Ibtisam. I have also met the untrustworthy Nepthys, who will not blink to stab you at the back and the dogmatic Gheele. I have met Malika and Haneefah- a class of their own. I have met Nuune, Jacaylbaro, Alla-magan, Cisse, Alla-magan, Zack and home boys Khalid, Abdilatif and Farancab. I have met the resentful Hunguri, and the dangerous peasant. I was entertained by rudy and Aw-dhudub. I educated young people on what to do and not to do in relationships and marriages. I informed on the appalling situation of the people of ****** and gave the bigger picture of the misunderstood ONLF. Unachieved: -Second wife from SOL. Largely due to the frustrating sabotage of Ngonge who sent to all a picture that is not mine. -Meeting the intelligent Cara - Identifying if BOB really exists (he has become an enigma). - Making Xinnfanin pick my phone calls.
  20. Rarely did I date a girl from Somaliland and she failed to bring her Habrwadaag into the discussion. I always thought are there more habarwadaag’s in that land or those around happen to value family ties more than others in Somalia. This is true from the days smiling girls who get a lift from you fail to disembark, ilaa aad cajalada rikoodhka ku jirto siiso. But this is not about that. It is about my encounter in OR-T international Airport last month. I recognised her among the crowd and I guess she did so as well. She was the only Somali girl visible in the area. So, I naturally went to her to say hello and also to see if I could be of any help. We exchanged greetings. We managed to sit in one of the Café’s around and talk. But, when the waiter asked us where we are from, she was quick to say “Somaliland”. “O, Somalia, I know. How is the war”, he said. “Not Somalia, Somali-land.” He looked confused. And He looked at me too. I said “Somali-Marine.” Now, he seemed to understand. We are from different parts. “O, I am from Mpumalanga. I see your provinces are better named.” He said. Later, she asked me if I were to Hargeisa. I said no, just to listen what she will say about the place. I have a hunch something was coming. She didn’t say much, but that the part of the Airport we were in looked like Egal Interantional Airport. Way is-shabahaan. I laughed. “maxaad ku qososhay?” she asked. “maya. It is nothing. The name is funny.” I said. She told me her Habar-wadaag, who lives in ingiriiska sent her a sponsor and told her to go to South Africa, as it will be easier for her to travel from. But that she is now headed to dhulkii to bid farewell to relatives. There it was again, habarwadaag and Ingirisska. These girls, I wondered, do they do rehearsals in Hargeisa. How come everyone of them is invited by a habarwadaag and why do all they all live in England. I wondered if Ngonge is also considered A habarwadaag by some; as unlikely as it seems with that amphibian! At least, she was more focused. What about this one? Gurey told me. He took her to a green park and they sat there. When he put his hand on the her shoulder and drew her close to himself, she asked “ Nuur cadde ma la eryey?”. In order not to spoil her spirits, and by extension his, he said “ walaahi, war uma hayo”. And tried to bring her attention back to him. For a while it worked. But when he talked about when she thinks he should propose, she didn’t seem to have heard him. “Soo kii lalahaa Cabdullahi Yusuf maraykanka ayaa yidhi kama maarano??” She asked. He quit, saying it is bad to date politico-girls.
  21. Well, this is becoming something. In an ideal situation, with an ideal audience, my point would have been rebuffed, rediculed or accepted. But we are not dealing with ordinary mortals. We are dealing with a sophesticated knave in the person of Gheele T. And as such, feigning incomprehension and not undestanding my political stance, could only be accpted from this one man.. This is a man who, despite remarkable emotional intellegience, could sound dumb, if doing so gets across his message better. This is a man who subordinates his clever analytical capacity to the exigency of the matter at hand. He can be blind in a broad light and can see in the darkest of nights. He is someone who values the lugooyo cheers of KK more than agreeing to the plausible points of his opponents-in-debate. But what do I mean? That I now agree with Xinn, and that I have changed my stance on Alshabab, whose mission I think is over; is a clear manifestation of my feeble-mindedness. It is an indisputable alibi to the charges Gheele has been making all along that I have no position; and that like that plant Khadra Dahir bemoaned when facing an untrustworthy man -Gabal-daya miyaa tahay, I am a squatter in the political landscape with no permanent address. This is Gheele's conclusions, or the picture he is trying to paint about me. Well, it is not becuase Xinnfanin is more intelligent than him, that he gets my point. It is becuase Xinn, with a significant effort and advise from freinds, is outgroiwng that isgiiji malady so perverse in Parts of Puntland. It is becuase Gheele T sees it as an insult to the dead ancestors to yield the ground and applaud my coherent political transformation. It is so unmanly in his home turf to be seen to be agreeing with an opponent in an argument. So, in a way, he is upholding a long tradition of ismaan-suukhin, and ku adkaysi. Gheele has more proportion of that blood in him. Otherwise, do you need a powerpoint presentation to see where my focus of hate for Yey and the TFG has been all along? Must I go back and reprint my posts? My hate for them was based on my firm conviction that Somalia must not be colonised again. It is based on my belief that Somalia has been raped and our dignity as Somali's has been defiled by a historical enemy with the support of traitots within. To the extent reversal of that status-quo was the priority, there was no need to see reconcillation. It is because I feel Somalia is mine, although some Punties want me to rather focus on my clan-turf, and get confused why I am so much about a country they think I don't belong to. Xamza Ya, sheik, let us not judge my intentions here. Assume you are right, but how will that change the situation. I give you one big point of departure between you and me. The end of the occupation and political meddling of Ethiopia. That concludes one chapter for me. It is the chapter for which the Alshabab were required. And to say things haven't changed is not correct. Is the end of occpuation not big changes? Is the end of political interference by Ethiopia not big changes? Have we ever found ourselves in such a situation where the ball is firmly in the courts of Somalis? More importantly, do you wish to move forward, or you want to dwell on the past? Do you want to rebuild a country with vengence and retributions? Will that bring back the nation. I think you should know I feel the same way about Sharif as you feel, and certainly my hate for all the criminals who are walking free today is not diminished, but it is not practical to move forward without forgoing accountability for reconcilliation. It is better to see some degree of impunity prevail, than to mount a new cycle of bloodhsed. Let the bygones go and let us fogive Yey and all the killers, as far as this leads to reconcilliation and reunification of the country. Changing times and situations call for different attitudes and actions. It is that adaptabilty to evolving circumstances that we have lacked in the past. Let us be different this time. If the sight of that nefarious Cabdi Qaybdiid still in police uniform is why you think things haven't changed, I will beg to differ. Things have changed because he is no more able to mobilise Somalia's enemies to hunt Culumo and to kill children. The system to be put in place and the new moral parameters that will be instituted will render him irrelevant.
  22. CL soo dhawoow.karibuni. In many ways, it is a waste to welcome you, because in few minutes you will mistake me for Ngonge and thank him for the warm welcome.
  23. Your argument is good and based on factual assessment of the situation. Mine was an appeal to the conscience of Shabab leaders. The purpose of writing differs whether it is an analysis or a call for something to be changed. They are not the shield impious people use to cheat death when they are involved in acts of debauchery. But, they should go away now that most Somali's want them to disappear. if you ask me whether they will or not, I will tell you some will, some will not. Those who don't will be wiped out, as their support wanes and the appeal of their cause diminshes. REMEMBER: their survival and success against the TFG was more because the TFG was a non-entity run by the most incompetent and useless creatures in the world; not becuase they were exceptionally powerful. They are unable to beat the men with long hair and meat-eating habits in Galguduud.
  24. "Duqa waa ujeedaa noo Ra`iisul wasaaraha anaga waaye saxiib,Ciyaalka xaafada waa ugu jirtaa lakiin Ra`iisul wasaaraha waa usheegeynaa Shariifka haku Dhooreyn aan leenahay Macalinkan Nabaduu rabaa noo?" ----------------------------------------- Ciwaanka Qormada markaad aragto kana timid Dhulyowga uusan marin Wabigu waxaa kugu soo dhacaya in Ciyaalka Xaafadu yihiin Daasado la tiir tiiriyey oo aan karti dhaba laheyn mudneyna in qorma laga qoro halka Ciyaalka Xaafadu uheystaan inta aan iyaga aheyn qaar Qabyaalada iyo qasku Madax marey lana dhex yimid Colaadii Ceel biyoodka Ciyaalka Xaafade dhexdooda aanse ku xusuusiyaa Raiisul wasaaruhu waa Ciyaalka Xaafada. Xadaarada Ciyaalka Xaafada waa mid Ilka dhacsatay tasoo gaartay in Qabiilkii lagala yimid Baadiyaha intaanan lasoo Reer Magaaloobin ka hor iska dhigay meel iyagoo astaan ka dhigtay Qabiilweynaha Laan dheeraha ah ee Ciyaalka xaafada tasoo ay isugu hiiliyaan marka ay gurmad isaga baahdaan isugu kalmeeyaan sida iyagoo lacaga iskugu dira hadba sidey isugu xaafad yihiin sidey dhawaan yeeleen Ciyaal Waabari. Astaamaha ay isku aqoonsadaan marka ay wada hadlaan waa Lahjada iyagoo durba is weydiiya Ciyaal Hodan ama Boondheere ama Wardhiigley ama Howlwadaag midka uu yahay,waxaana hormarkaa ay gareen mardanbeeto oo Sideetamaadkii shuush galiyey sida uu iisheegay mid kamida Ciyaalka Xaafada qaar badan oo ka yimid Miyiga galayna Seeraalaha dhar magaalana xirtay kuna bilaabay Ciyaalka xaafada dhexdooda Qabiil walow in badan oo iyaga ah lagu godi jiray farta loona yiqiin "Galow" taasoo aheyd magac lagu takoori jiray qaarkaa danbee Dhaqan bi`iska ku bilaabay Ciyaalka xaafada. Markii ay soo baxday magacaabista Ra`iisul wasaaraha Cumar C/rashiid Sharmarke waxaa Hanbalyo is dhaafsaday dhamaan Ciyaalka xaafada oo iyagu Tuko canbaarleh ku dhex noqday Bulshooyinka Liqay xadaaradoodii fiicneyd waxaana ay dareemeen guul usoo hoyatay hadey kala joogaan Hargeysa,Waqooyiga Ameerica,Xamar,Yurub,Jamaame ama Galkacyo iyagoo leh Ciroole,Da`a dhexaad iyo Dhalinyaro waxaana xabadka isa saaray Habeenii guusha Cumaraani iyo saxiibkii Qaranka iyagoo is leh "Duqa waa ujeedaa noo Ra`iisul wasaaraha anaga waaye saxiib,Ciyaalka xaafada waa ugu jirtaa lakiin Ra`iisul wasaaraha waa usheegeynaa Shariifka haku Dhooreyn aan leenahay Macalinkan Nabaduu rabaa noo?",damaashaadyada la qaban qaabinayo ee ay wadaan Beelweynta Ciyaalka xaafada oo leh Jareer iyo Jileec ayaa laga wadaa daafaha Dunida iyo Dalkeenaba iyadoo Farshaxaniistaha Caan baxay ee Amiin Caamir oo kamida Beesha Ciyaalka xaafada uu isagu sii hormarsaday Hanbalyo maadama Ciyaalka xaafada loo diiday maanta ka hor masiirka hogaaminta Dalka laguna dhaho markey shirka beesha tagaan "waxaan aan Dhiiga laheyn yaa Shirka Beesha uga yeeray". Ciyaalka xaafada waxaa ay isku mashquuliyeen dhowr iyo tobankaan sano ee aynu colaada ku jirno in ay Madax ka noqdaan Ururada Isboortiga ee ka dhisan Dibada iyo qaar gudaha kamida waxeyna ku caajiseen Sheekada Qabiilka taasoo aad arkeyso meelaha ay fariistaan Ciyaalka Xaafada kuwa kusoo dhex dhuunta furana sheeko Qabiil kuwaa oo lagu yiraahdo" Duqa Idinka wali Dilowgii lee maa rabtiin maxaa mala noogaaya miyaa annaga Qaxootinimo maan Cimrigeen ku dhameysaneynaa yaaqeey"?, waxaan ogahay qaar badan oo aan aheyn Ciyaalka xaafada in ay durba ufasiranayaan sidey jeclaayeen ama leeyihiin malaha Qoruhu waa ujeeda badan sheekadiisa ee Ciyaalka xaafada maahan waxaase arinkaa iga kaafinaya Odey C/dulle oo aan wareysi kula yeeshay Labadii kun iyo Labadii Caasimadeena Muqdisho isagoo ay is fahmi waayeen soogalootiga waayeyna hanaankii uu ku sharfanaa yirina" Reer baadiyaa reer Magaal qabsaday, kuwakalaa sii qabsadhey, hadana kuwa kalaa sii qabsaday, waa la sii qabsaday hadane waa la sii qabsaday tan iyo waaga waa socotaa". Ra`iisul wasaaraha Ciyaalka xaafada waxaa horyaal caqabada badan tasoo ay uweyn tahay cirif ilaa cirif Dalkeena oo ay hantiyeen dadyow aan hore umagaaleysneen Maamulana Dagmooyin,Ma`mul Goboleedyo iyo Tuulooyin, waxaa kaloo sugaaya Afhayeena Qabiil,Afhayeeno Ururo,Wasiiro Badfaruur ah, Suuqyo Qabiil,Warbaahin Qabiil,Qoroyaal Qalin Dhiiglayaal ah,Afar jeeblayaal colaada huriya,Bl Qabiil,Afar iyo Bar iyo wax kastoo jaahii Dowladnimo gabay, waxaa la gudboon in uu arinkaa kaga gudbiyo Maskax ka fiyow nin jecleysi iyo karti dheeriyana la yimaado fiiriyana Magaca Aabihii sameystay hadii uuse dhan kale uu uleexdo muxuu ka leeyahay Axmed shire"Ra`iisul wasaare ogow Ciyaalka xaafada meelkastey ku rafaadsan yihiin iskaba daa umada Soomaaliyeed ee aad Ra`iisul wasaaraha utahay, waxaadna ogaataa hadii dhaqanka Ciyaalka xaafada lagu yaqiinay ee ka hufan qabiilka aad iska tuurto bilowdana sheeko Asaaranimo in ay kugu daadatay oo ay Roobka kugu tahay aadana aheyn Ciyaal Boondheere ogow Ra`iisul wasaare Qabiilkeena waa Ciyaalka xaafada". Darajadii ugu sareysay ee uu qabtaa mid kamida Ciyaalka xaafada ayaa ah midan uu hayo Ra`iisul wasaare Cumar Cali Sharmarke, Inj Xuseen Ceydiid oo aan mar ku wareystay Shan sano kahor Magaalada London ayaa isna iisheegay"wax Ciyaalka xaafada ka joogi malahan Magaalada Xamar hal xitaa waa arki waayey",hadana aqristow tani waxey noqoneysaa tijaabadii ugu horeysay ee ay Ciyaalka xaafada maraan madama in badan ay ku faaneen inta aan aheyn Ciyaalka xaafada in ay ahaayeen Hogaamiya`yashii Dalka gaar ahaan iyagoo ku faanay in ay ka wada yimaadeen Mudug intaan ka aheyn Madaxweynihii uhoreeyey Marxuum Aadan cade waxaase faankaa lagdi doona Majarahaha Nabada qaban doona sida ay ku faaneen Ciyaal Kuwaarto iyo Ciyaal Shibis Ra`iisul wasaaraha Ciyaalka xaafada Mohamed Barre Haji "Fiyoore" Qorraa iyo Saxafi Somaliyeed fiyoore@hotmail.com