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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. This afternoon President Hassan was calling IGAD member countries left, right and center, demanding apologies from Kibaki for the aborpted mission he sent to Kismayo. None of that is a problem. But how can you tell a foreign country "colonel reer hebel ah baa na hor istaagay anagoo dawladii qaranka ah" to Djibouti President, who then calls other IGAD members and the US and europeans and fumes that his "general" was refused entry to kismayo by colonel Hassan who is from clan X. I mean, as someone senior here remarked, what is wrong if a colonel who is X clan refuses entry to a general from E clan, who is offering succor to fellow clan under the guise of national government?! The whole thing stinks. What is worse President Hassan is calling non-D members of the Jubbaland adminstration who are in Nairobi and telling them to leave because the project belongs to reer-hebel. I have no interest in smear politics and as a human being i don't like to put names on other human beings, but what else would you call a President who can go so low?! Mario, Madoobe handled the mission issue wrongly. But does that make what the president did after that right?' Also, are there no other things except Kismayo that President Hassan can do? Right now, he is eating, breathing, drinking and farting nothing but Kismayo?! Is that normal?!
  2. walaalkis;887393 wrote: Yaab aduunkaan Yaab on who?! Are you blaming us for welcoming the new President thinking we got the real thing? A wish, which evidently was more from desperation! Adeer, we don't hate the man for who he is. I know it has become a fad to push Chimera's simplistic clan association line againt anyone with legitimate concerns about Somalia's leadership, but we will not be silenced when Hassan Sheikh is openly saying dad xaqoodi laga qaatay for 22 years oo masaakiin ah ayaan Kismayo ugu hiilinayaa, while the tears of benadiri and D-block masaakin who lost everything in Muqdisho are non-issue. The thing is no one is taking him seriously now and he lost credibility in the eyes of many; which is sad because it means we have lost another four years! Xinnfanin told me to write and think this way. Does that help, dear Mario? I congratulate you for figuring this out!
  3. If the leaders that Muqdisho produces all end up small people with small agenda's, waxaan ka yaabi inaan idhaa: "Waxaan dooni reer Dayniile, qiblada inaan u daayaaye Daantay jiraan uma tukado, diinta lay farayee"
  4. Chimera, your simulation of nationalism is noticed but in time we will see if we are foreign agents who are in the pockets of their clans or if the aPresident is a die-hard clanist who will waste the next 4 years trying to stop "a rival clan from getting stronger". Yes, the whole thought is small and petty, but as unseemly as it is, it the President of the NATION who is pushing it! And speaking of foreign powers, what do you call Djibouti? Its President is frothing from the mouth in support of what many perceive to be a clan agenda. He may be innocent but the way he is handling the Kismayo matter is dangerous. Surely if Kenya must not interfere, Djibouti shouldn't too.
  5. Apophis, you better be briefed about the ongoing schemes.
  6. Somalis are everything, according to brainwashed, self-hating, white-worshipping, impressionable kids.
  7. It is not satire. It is real and it is not in my nature to simulate objectivity where there is injustice. President Hassan is not the man to lead Somalia and he must be stopped. We have given him the benefit of the doubt for a long period but this afternoon we debriefed people who met him and the so-called President is a petty clan warrior. We will disclose the information we have about him very soon and it is ugly.
  8. Sadly, it is now becoming clear that President Hassan is pushing a dangerous clan agenda in Kismayo. He is calling IGAD headquarters claiming a colonel of X clan has stopped his mission to Jubba. This is shameful. A president talking about clans to foreign countries, but at the same time talking about sovereignty. It is clear he is beholden to HAG ideology and is using Gabbal's revolution clan as a 'condom'. This is not going to work. In the coming hours, press releases will be made by Axmed Madoobe and Faroole and it looks another civil war is on the offing. Even Iley is going to be mobilized. I mean if Abdi Aynte and the kids of Abdiqasim can put clan agenda before the nations unity, let us see who will lose somalia if it ceases to exist. The only way to stop somalia from disintegrating is to urgently impeach President Hassan.
  9. Last month, I asked a cousin of mine, to take care of visiting friends of Puntland extraction, as i was away. He did that and much more. The friends were grateful for the reception. But three months down the line, the cousin continued talking about where he took the guys and you could feel that he wanted them to send him thank you notes everyday. As this is very much outside the norm in my community, I reminded him of these famous lines as a rebuke: "Iyagaa intay hiish baxshaan, heesi dabataaale Oo ku hilbo qaybsada waxay, hor Alle geeysteene Ma Hartaynu nahay soorta, maad hadal la'aan dhiibtid" On further follow-up, guess what! I came to know my cousin's mother is from Geladi. Can LST and Xinnfaniin and Gheele T explain this coincidence.
  10. The naming of Fowsiya as the Foreign Minister of Somalia could mean anything. Some are upset that a die-hard secessionist is rewarded at the expense of men like Jaamac Kaluun and good northerners. Others even allege the whole scheme is the work of HAG (H Action Group) whose stance on the unity issue is well documented. Yet, for some reason, I think the nomination of Fowsiya is a doom for the SNM. The trappings of power will gradually make Fowsiya a unionist, and her acceptance of the post is already a good indication that she may have seen the light finally. Hadii se hawshu ay tahay "Aan Kula lug ahaado, kaa laab ahaado", well waa lur iyo ciil, as the song goes, but I doubt Fowsiya could be a Somalilander in the real sense of the word and a Somalia Foriegn Minister at the same time.
  11. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/03/chris-rocks-message-for-white-voters-kimmel-brooklyn-video_n_2068896.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular :D hilarious.
  12. Jacaylbaro;884976 wrote: Adigu tanaad u baahan tahay inaad dhegeysato ,,, Sidii Hogosha Roobka Horaa loo dhameeyoo Alla hibada siiye Hibaaq baxay la moodyoow Raggaa woow horeeysaa Miyaa JB...yoow.
  13. Inan yahay odhaahdani Walee way indha la'de Amba bixi wasiirnimada Waxaan ku idbaaree Mala waad asqoowdeeeee Xassan maha ruuxuu Uurkuu tabayee
  14. JB, I was listening rashid bullo's lines, markaa unbuu oodweeyne igu soo dhacay. But seriously, some songs just take you back to times you always wish to re-live!!
  15. Sida Oodweeyna oo Ictiraaf ku raagoo Afrikadaa xoroowdiyo Suudaan eeganaayaa La aqoonsan waayoooooo Fosiya ka aroortay Uu gaabayaayoo Uurka ku tabaye In fond memory of the man who never doubted the surreal, the tenacious idealist who believed Fanon would re-emerge from the qat saloons of Maroodi Jeex.
  16. We pray for the old man. The news is he tried to hang himself but cut the rope with a knife he carried for just incase at the last minute. Fozia Yusuf Xaaji Aadan's trip to Mogadishu has already claimed the sanity of Ayoub and Norf, reports add.
  17. Heegan aan ahaadon horseedo, Waa la ii han weynyee,hogaanshoo This old man from Khaatumo was the pioneer of business in bra they say. As the owner of small shop not far from Taleex, he got the attention of local women after lots of bra for sale started to dangle from the shelf of his tiny shop. This is how he responded to women who flocked to the shop, started trying the bra and asked the price of different units. "Waa imisa kani? kanina?kaasina?" the women asked The darwiish gave them only one answer which explained the pricing regime of his shop. "Adeer, bahalaha qiimahoodu, waa sida loo kala candho weyn yahay. " :D
  18. Fiqikhayre, assuming he is there which is the stale news of three days ago, and which is still not clear, what does that prove? Nothing. The guy is no longer the President of the region and you will know this in the not so distant future.
  19. The day I wrote this post, three security men removed him from Jigjiga. There is no dispute about that. Apparently the Federal government is worried about what this lunatic might do if he is fired point-blank. Gurigii Jigjiga waa laga soo raray. He wanted to handover the power to Abduallhai Itoobiya, his right hand man, but was instead instructed to handover to another guy. Iley is out and from the day I reported that news, he has not spoken as the President of the region.
  20. http://www.ethiopianreporter.com/news/293-news/8219-2012-10-24-06-28-07.html Amare Aragawi, vetern TPLF supporter and reliable mouth piece of the regime is reporting this news in its edition today. It is in Amharic but it says Iley was removed because of his failure to handle the security situation in the region. It also says he may be given a post in the Federal government. Warkan haduu been noqdo, Gabbal iyo Ayoub baa iska kay dhalay.
  21. It may even take more than 10 days more but the fact is you will not see that guy as the regional president again. The talk in Addis Ababa is that the government is dismantling some of his networks including the liyu police before annoucing the matter. Again, it has been really confusing for everybody but Iley's term as the regional president is history. Ha la dulqato oo ha la sugo warka wax yar. The guy was not a normal president, his depature won't be normal too.
  22. JB. This has the potential to kick-start a modern Gubba. Ooba Hillowle has vowed to react to this bluster. The first lines may read: Dalagaanu beerniyo masago meesha wada daadsan Digir iyo macsaro iyo buniyo daangiyo canbuulo Dooxada Afgooyo, dekadaa muqdishaad iyo taniyo dayniile ....OOba to complete. :D
  23. Dalkaad sheegi dooxyada nugaal degelka Laascaano Dusha caynabaad iyo burciyo, dixida gaaroodi Daaraha Taleex iyo sanaag, darafka boosaaso Dogob iyo degmada caabudwaaq,dollo iyo caado Dusha mudug danood iyo wardheer,daaqatiyo faafan Qabridahare daanta Godey,dahabka mooyaale Dadabtaa wajeer NFD,koonfur dabadeeda Dalsankii Kismaayo iyo luuq, dawlad badanleyda Durdurada Shabeelle iyo gedo,tan iyo daalooti Intaasuu tolkay daadsan yahay, kuna dakeeyaaye A poem Xinnfanin read in the inaguration of the first conference of Golaha Midowga Qoqmiyada Da....d.
  24. Wuxuu maati laayuu dhalaan madaxa gooyaaba, Maantaba maskii waxaa u xidhan ina-miciin laawe
  25. Sharmake, we are not talking about Jubbaland or NFD, we are talking about Somali region of ethiopia. Markaa if you don' know what is happening there, it doesn't mean warka ma cada. It is CONFIRMED but will be made official in the coming two days.