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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Ilaahay janadi fardowsa haka waraabiyo, eheldii uu ka tagayna samir iyo iiman ha ka siiyo. Geeridu waa xaq oo waan u wada soconaa.
  2. I feel the same. United will get kicked out. I also fear for Chelsea, although they got the lucky Guus on their side. I was really shocked how Sporting was sent to the cleaners by Bayern.
  3. Originally posted by Orange: ..all those fat men and women ayaa marhore six packs yeelan laha hadi sex wax taraayo I can tell you those don't sweat. Hadaan dhidid kaa iman, it is not sexercise.
  4. This is so true!! No wife, and I added 10 KGs. Sexercise isn't about climbing up, firirig, and when you say 'haye, ka waran wacdarahaan dhigay', you are told 'have you started yet?' Aroortaan iskala bixyo, subag baan wajiga ku yeeshaa! dadkoo dhana waan salaama. Aprt from the physical aspect, mental peace ayaa laga helaa lug-wadhfinta.
  5. Forget about jogging round the block, the NHS says. The NHS has some new advice for people struggling to schedule a fitness routine into their daily lives - a workout between the sheets. According to the NHS Direct website, "sexercise" can lower the risk of heart attacks and helps people live longer. Endorphins released during orgasm stimulate immune system cells, which also helps target illnesses like cancer, as well as wrinkles, it states. Sexual health experts said such claims could not be scientifically proven. "It's good to see the NHS are promoting sexual wellbeing," Dr Melissa Sayer told the Guardian newspaper. "Yes, there is evidence that sex has benefits for mental wellbeing, but to say there is a link with reduced risk of heart disease and cancer is taking the argument too far." NHS Direct, however, told the paper the content was "backed by science and clinical evidence" and "isn't just a bit of fun". 'Regular romps' The advice, published under the headline "Get more than zeds in bed", is one of several sexual health-related articles to be found on the NHS Direct website. Sex with a little energy and imagination provides a workout worthy of an athlete, the article says. If you're worried about wrinkles - orgasms even help prevent frown lines from deepening NHS Direct "Forget about jogging round the block or struggling with sit-ups. "Sex uses every muscle group, gets the heart and lungs working hard, and burns about 300 calories an hour." The advice suggests "regular romps this winter" could lead to a better body and a younger look. Increased production of endorphins "will make your hair shine and your skin smooth," it adds. "If you're worried about wrinkles - orgasms even help prevent frown lines from deepening." The article goes on to say that orgasms release "painkillers" into the bloodstream, which helping keep mild illnesses like colds and aches and pains at bay. The production of extra oestrogen and testosterone hormones "will keep your bones and muscles healthy, leaving you feeling fabulous inside and out". * * * * No wonder Shimbir used to sing lula!lula!lula! lugta wada lula! Laabta wada lula! Laga wada lula!
  6. But at least you know where the remedy lies.
  7. I have lost my mind when you run away to the uncaring and abusive old man; not bothering to explore what is there in the man who kept on knocking on the door despite several setbacks. Not today!
  8. For all I know love can make islaan qudrada iibisa as well as CL with her big Mascara cry. But, the change of opinion on Love looks like she is young. Binti's 'haddaan nin danbe u baroorto'.....
  9. canjeex,Thank you. Dr. Dollal is fairly known. I am mourning the death of five more senior military commanders who were killed in Dhagaxbuur area while on a mission of solving conflict between two beelood.
  10. Yes, this is the routine they all go through. I can see the girl was more in love than the man. It is in those cases of unbalanced feelings that you see such heart breaks. Good summary of teen love.
  11. May Allah grant them the Janna and accept their martyrdom. Ides of March was the legend, it seems ides of January and February in my land. Cabdullahi guud-cadde,Maxamed Mukhtar and other three battle-hardened comardes are down, in the otherwise successful battles of the last two weeks. Cabdullahi was a man who was in the bush for the last 14 years. A fluent speaker of axmaari, and aged around 50, his name used to terrorize the enemy. We salute him and move on. Our hearts are broken and eyes are tearful for these sons of the soil who have given the ultimate sacrifice.
  12. No hassle. But I wanted to help release some of your cynicism. Just because I talk much doesn't mean I lie.
  13. Resistance, Do you now accept I have a friend in Kabul, other than Bokero? You implied as if I was making up it last time. Next time, when in doubt ask me who I have in Argentina or Costa Rica before you go to hasty questioning. Bokero, I sent you the address by PM. Do what I told you, but A&T code name is dear to me. Don't reveal it. Dadkoo dhan ayaa maqraati ah. If you tell him, he will tell me and I will be bashing you for your dreams all year long.
  14. I will. Please meet him. He is more like NBA guy, very tall, and pleasant. I will give you his e-mail. I will also tell him about your dreams!kkkk.
  15. If you are in kabul, have you met Adnan from Ethiopia? Which branch of the UN do you work for. PM me if you want. That guy will give you my CV from childhood if you meet. He is an accountant.
  16. Qalbi-adeyg What made others forsake their duties to defend their land? In 2005, when Ma'esso and Afdam were given to Oromos, when Chinacsani and 12 KMs from Jigjiga is demarcated as Oromia, what stopped my other somaligalbeed communities in those land to fight back and keep their land? Can you wipe out the deep inferiority and helplessness of these communities just because you insult the ONLF? I tell you the ONLF is wrong for not changing the name and for not making the cause more appealing to all Somaligalbeed people. We are reminding them of this shortcoming. But they are not responsible for not minding the massive demographic blending that is going on in Jigjiga and Diredawa, which will make these places hard to claim in few years time!! To what extent do you distribute the blame towards the other Somali's in Somaligalbeed who are watching the rape of their O cousins and who are making it even more painful with senseless and hypocratical patronising?? Who are the new militias (somali) who are raping girls in Danan the last few weeks? Have you heard ONLF losing focus and blaming their clans? Come to your sense. The ONLF has done everything possible to fight for the right of those who it can defend. That is why the Ethiopian authorities are ready to concede everything the O asks except secession, but are killing somali's in moyale by the dozens every week. Nin aan warankaagu gaadhin, weedhaadu ma gaadho!! may kuwa xabada aan ku ridayn daayaan??? I was the one person who transported a raped and mutilated girl of 16 from the middle of Filtu and Dollo Ado not so far ago. And there is no ONLF there. Who says we should keep snoring in our sleeps until peasants who share blood with us wake up from their sleep???
  17. He is not misinformed. He is one of these guys who see my posts against this or that group in Somalia, and who are getting sleepless. The intention is to hit at what they see mine, and change my focus. What they don't know is that I can easily denude the agruments against ONLF, who are facing a different adversary, head on. Let the debate rage, and we will find out who cares about somalinimo and who don't! I am very proud to be born from the people who are testd with fire, and who proved to be gold. They have refused to accpet what they are not. They have stood by their religion and identity, and the ONLF is a product of this courageous people. Call them fools or retards for their steadfastness, but no one in their position could have resisted assimilation and subjugation attempts of one of the mightiest regimes in black africa. Give us the credit where it is due! I have not seen a SOmalia republic in my entire life, before I saw Hargeisa in 2001. I could pass as Ethiopia, conviniently reaping its benefits and the easy choice of leaving in my homeland, than wandering along the world like a homeless Kurd. But I, and my people have chosen death over indignity. And we are doing this not to please the collaborationist landers and Punties, nor to please any Somali elsewhere. We are Somali's and no one call call himself more somali than we are. So, we are not begging anyone for recoginition or sympathy. Qalbiadeyg This is a struggle and the planning horizon is much more than you and your ilk can ever think of. Whether they control a village or not is a big issue. It is the case that they are fighting for liberation, and that will come. If not in 1 year, in 10 years, if not in 10 years, in 100 years. That is what matter. But as a typical Somali, who would go into the bush thinking he will storm the capital city after a month and when that doesn't happen, ask hanging down his gun and ask for mercy, I expect you to think victory in purely territorial gain terms. If it pleases you, except the major towns, the rural areas are in the hand of ONLF! As to the other Somali's in the region, this is an internal Somali matter and the ONLF is doing some mistakes. But you can not sully our fight against the enemy Ethiopia, simply because so and so clan is not up in arms.
  18. Originally posted by Sir-Qalbi-Adeyg: ^ What has the ONLF achieved? besides singing, and dancing like some brain-dead monkies, these guys are quite possibly the most useless resistance movement in the history of resistance movements. Even if ogidania were to achieve independence from ethiopia, these incompetent onlf fools would not know how to govern. Waa braindead canoo boore drinking apes with kalashnikovs. aun to the dead. This rants are false. The ONLF have achieved to hold the fort and perpetuated the desire of the Somali's in that region for self-determination. They are the strongest rebel group in Ethiopia, more than the Oromos, more than the Axmaara's who outnumber them. They have fought gallantly in several fronts so that our culture and religion is not encroached upon. It is because of them that the people of Qoraxeey, Dhagaxbuur and Fiq etc still call themselves Somali's. It is why the resettlement plan for 100,000 highlanders around the Wabi-shabelle is aborted. Now, do I wish to equate SSDF clowns who fought one of the weakest regimes on earth and handed down their guns in total disarray after barely four years with ONLF? No way. It is the case of that Gabbay ONLF SSDF inaan la simo igama dhawrtaane Aanada se nin lihi ha u dhintee erey yar baan baanay Waa taan SNM noqdaa oon af-wayne weeraraaye Waa taan hadhkoon galin arlada ablay ku dooxaaye.....
  19. ^ look at the grace and the look. Very much like my people. They have no country, but no one can say they have no looks. Mashaa'allah! Speaking of Yusuf Garad's refusal to air his biography, I don't blame him. He must have some editorial rules that do not allow him to do that. I just can't believe Garaad is doing so because of personal motives. Yususf Garaad is distinguished Journalist.
  20. Kharyr, don't listen to him. Ngonge is very much a arab-somali, more like Buri Hamza who is frm Merca. Second, ngonge, I think you are belittling the Western influence on the UN. I think the UN, while not explicitly a western tool, works under the moral framework of western values. I can tell you the example of Zimbabwe. All UN staff here agree there is no humanitarian crisis in Zimbabwe. We failed to sell there is food security crisis in the country, as our own assessment revealed a global acute Malnutrition rate of 5%. This is even lower than what is nationally deemed acceptable- 7%. In Ethiopia and Kenya, we talk of a nutrition problem, when that figure is near 20%. We failed to see a single IDP camp or people who are lookking for shelter. Yet the instructions are clear. We should write that there are more than 900, 000 IDPs in the country and that nearly 9 million Zimbabweans need food aid. Why do you think we have to repeat those stories. Simple institutional survival mentality. DFID and USAID will not fund our projects if we are not going to follow their assessment of the situation. It is the same everywhere. Who are the donors and what independece do mandated UN agencies has to go their way? So, in the end, it comes down to the issue of being a tool. Whether you are doing it because you believe in or circumstances forced you to do is not important. I will say the UN is an active arm of the western conquest of the worls, much as the workld Bank, IMF and international financial institutions are.
  21. Egal is honest guy. In house, everyone knows Somaliland is about hebel-land. The rest is huubo that needs to be there as a witness of proper territorial demarcation. Xidigo knows this. Marx is either too gulliple or too young to know this.
  22. Ayoub, double-twist from which point to which? BTW, what kind of government will be acceptable to you? Or it is that you are serious in thinking that that blended Italian flag you wave is going to last?
  23. I have been both footloose and untidy in my comments to my next of kins from Puntland. With the rise of a new breed of leaders from the civilized side of Puntland, it is time my goodwill extends to all in honour of the new reign of aristocracy. I share nothing with aristocracy in my humble lineage. But having witnessed the rule of the wretched exemplified by Yey, I opt for the nobility purely because of the law of opposites. I mauled the kins and kith of Yey in SOL, who still bear deeply etched scars. To their delight, those I scalded often gave back – stoutly and heftily too - which is why I carry multiple lacerations: by body, by soul. I accept the retribution; I accept the risks, all the time absorbing the blows with surprising equanimity. To the man, to the woman, they will tell you that looser than my restless feet has been my mouth in the hand. In rer-Mudud parlance they say "I have a mouth!" I agree and take the charge, one perfectly understood and accepted when retributive persecution comes. Needless to say where a suppurating wound bursts open, puss splatters, often landing on unsuspecting lips and even tongues. So those that got hurt in the process were the collateral in this great exploration and clash of ideas and issues, themselves my chief preoccupation. These hurt bodies and souls were never the focus of the mental action behind my posts. That is why Gheele T needs to ease up; that is why Emperor needs to understand me. If you thought this sounds valedictory, you guessed right. I intend to leave the Punties alone for sometime, until they came back with one of their trademark silly hegemonic addictions. But I have been a noisy character. I cannot bow out with a mere whimper. I can not bow out without telling Duke and that acerbic Qalbi-adeyg that theirs was a vision of domination, mine was a vision of equality. I leave the Punties alone, to concentrate on the real spoilers – the neighbours in the North. It is to be welcomed that prominent among the new crop of leaders in Somalia is one Mohamed Abdullahi Omar, the Foreign Minister. Seriously, they don’t think this is not going to have any impact on their search for that grail they call independence, I call it reclusiveness!! Will it not matter when the man from educated family of Rage Omar goes to Washington, resplendent in dark suits and not in fluffy cummaamad and tells them he is indeed from Somaliland and yet a Somali from Somalia? Will it not matter when he disembodies the false incompatibility between the two? Tell that to the gangs who are sucking the port dues from Berbera, injecting an anesthesia of ‘recognition on the door’ to the unlearned masses, but not to me! Even that nefarious Ngonge must be shivering inside. My case with this new Government of Somalia is the case of the parent whose daughter married the village scoundrel. He objects to it, but he knows it is her wish and he can’t stop it. Somalia needed a government of some sort, not perfect, not just, but a beginning. It has one. I have lots of misgivings about the person of Sheikh Hotel and mainly the continued survival of Adan Black (the evil of bay.dh.abo) who is the only speaker of Parliament who can accurately 'count' how many has voted for a motion amid blazing pandemonium. He is the man who is probably responsible for bringing back dead woods like Xaabsade and Shati-gudud, with the pretense that as the wakiil of the Beesha, he needs to bring the list of those to be nominated from his clan. But all this misgivings are nothing compared to the unity of the Somali nation, which is a sacrosanct ideal nowadays ridiculed by ego-maniac clansmen from some parts of the country. You look at the mood of these creatures whenever good seems to be coming from the south, and you see faces darkening with agony. Then, you begin to understand their nihilistic prescriptions for the people in the south. Is it the recklessness of a rotting lot, whose horizon is shrinking by the day? They are currently in agony over the unmoving dictator and the elusive recognition. They are in agony over the sane calls from the sane among them on reunification and reexamination of the verities of yesterday and today. And of course a life in present agonies tends to look back romantically. So, SNM days are being talked about. The Burco UDI (unilateral declaration of Independence) is dusted from shelves. Ululating women are summoned to uplift dampened spirits. JB and RedSea are sent to stifle healthy website discussions with chants of untested, unscriutised grand ideas and larger models which they tout with the ease of presumed impeccability. Did anyone notice I actually agreed with Xinnfanin about Sheikh Shariif, never mind the tedious logic he uses to persuade us? Will Ngonge ever stop putting ideas on either plot A or B depending where he stands on the issue, and will he see the need to take them at face value? This idea of tattooing ideas, pigeon -holing them, slotting them after the easy and unthinking dichotomies of politics, must end if we are to creep towards maturity as a thinking society. Think of Augustan England: the fury with which ideas clashed, yielding the Alexander Popes, the Jonathan Swifts, etc, etc. Flaming intellect, furious intellect cannot be a curse for a nation that hopes to cut edges. The essence of progress is a challenge to orthodoxy, a refusal to accept things and ideas as you have received them. An urge to challenge certainties. It is easy for dreamy somalilanders to leap with rage to lynch me for denuding their worthless quest, but it is wise if they could reflect on the merits of going it alone at this age and time. It is time they take the queue behind the educated and sensible among them –like Mohamed Abdullahi Omar, and not the rascals who only know how to bleed and to make others bleed. And certainly not behind the merchants of Qaahira, who spend most of their foreign visits in cafes and hotels, obviously in tireless 'search' for 'recognition'. Wink at Riyale for being that xarrif!!
  24. O! orange ha igu soo sheegin. I nearly got my tickets to visit her before some people said he was spotted on facebook as something else! Balaayaa iga raacday.
  25. I can only confirm that after the CARA failure, it was Serenity. Xinn and Nuune say I am not a somali? Ok. But how can JB say I am not!!? Just because my mother is Canfar from Diredawa? Edit:- Now that my plea is not answered by the waaweynka, and feeble CL is already occupied, I am setting my sights on the young and unsuspecting. Hayat.com.www