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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. While I think Women should be given posts and indeed should be involved in politics, I have never seen their plight as the priority concern that a new nation of somalia should deal with. There are millions of Somali's who are given names (men and women) and are denied the basic social rights they should have as a human and as a somali. They can grow as normal beings only until the age of 15 or so and after then the damning realisation that they are sub-human dawns on them. Emanucipating these groups is the biggest concern for me, and the women issue comes only after that.
  2. Lily, Ibtisam can afford to be indifferent. She has morphed into a different identity and the turmoil in the south may have taken away one of her identities, but has given her the S-Land one.
  3. Be ware of Bayen Munchen and Porto. I fancy this two, this year. Espcially Bayern caadi maaha. Their attack of Klose, Podolski is incisive.
  4. Indeed dear Faheema, I have never assumed nor had any misconceptions about what people do or not do in chatrooms under the cover of anonimity as a represenation of the real persona of the person. And hence, it was wrong for you to conclude that I do not feel shame or have no right to stop what I think as wrong;just becuase I have exercised few rights and prerogatives in a forum primarily intended to entertain, to play with one another and to discuss controversial issues. Likewise, the reversve is true. I have no right to conclude you and all the others with the pristine cyber-life here are indeed so in real life. My greying hair has taught me that often appearances are deceptive. That is why I refuse to take lectures on decroum from anybody who for all I know could be acquiring new cloths for whatever end. Having said that what I object is not for her to talk and ask about sexuality to be clear with you. It is the explicit use of language to depcit it and the danger of taking chanting private parts as normal just because some socities do so. I still think those who cry out loud at the mention of the S-issue are not necessarily morally grounded than any of the others who write those stuff. Who holds what ground in the moral ladder could only be known when you meet and live with the person. That is why I, as corrupt as you may think of me, have the right to exercise the discretion of saying what I think is right and oppose what I think is not. That doesn't mean I am right. But it is my mind,and if my mind is tinier than that of you, I don't blame my God. It is serving me well so far in the life that matters. Let the big one of you serve you well in the phantom life of keyboards. Nin dhan oo sodog ah ayey ku leedahay maxaad morality uga hadli? adious!
  5. No, I am mad a girl is doing it. Faheema, indeed, I believe and have no doubts I am best placed to give lecture on soical etiquttee. I am certain I will hold higher moral grounds more than you, when the facade of cyber niceity and vulgarity give way to real-ness.
  6. Malika, you are putting a spin on what young CL talked about in desperate bid to save face for SomTANZ. I perfectly understand, but people can talk about women sexuality, FGM, sexual fulfillment without crossing basic social etiquttees. Mentioning the thing is not in our culture, and in any way, why would someone look for emanucipation there when sex is primarily a mental game. Preoccupation with the hardware will not relieve anyone of sexual disappointment. It is in the mind, and the choices you make. Not in putting lipstick to no-go-areas.
  7. Spot on Lilly. Or the organs we use to relieve ourselves of food processes. Afkaaga Vanilla lagu qabay. mac! Now Faheema-MAP, I can send you all the stories and you will see if any is explicit. Indeed, when I talked about 'the benevolenet prostitute' I have talked about a sick man and a compassionate women. When I talked about a short man who could not do the double, I talked about being vertically challaneged as opposed to the act. When I talked about the extreme deforestation, I talked about some prejudices our men had/have. Nothing came out of the blue. The quivalent to what this girl is doing would have been if I talk (which I am now doing)about those kettle-lifting exercises we used to have as adolescents to gauge the strengths of our boyish tools. Now, that is cheeky. Hanaga hadlin. Ngonge- salaams saaxib and thanks for behaving like a friend for once. But I am really worried about the source of corruption I saw in CL and wehat role you may have played in this ultimate debasement. Where is Malika, who they say has come from the same woods. Gabadha taxaliil u dhig!
  8. Blessed, There is a marked difference between writing stories about sensualities and talking about private parts in public. I have never crossed that line for all my naughtiness. Plus, what may look pretty on me (as a man) might not look so on a girl. Or so I think.
  9. All girls here, particularly CL Frankly speaking, this discussion here is not necessary or even decent. Just because some white guys wrote about things doesn't necessarily mean we, somali's and muslims, should write and talk about it. This is a manifestation of deep sense of inferiority and cultural confusion. Where is that Haneefah? Is she only good enough to come down on poor A&T and generally men, with the force of an injunction when some lines are crossed? Could she be a feminist in hiding herself? she should come out and denounce this uncivilized,lost girls' lewed utterances. People can talk and joke about sensual matters, but what is the purpose of threatening to paint the cheeks of some private parts in preparation for its 'emanucipation'?? Where does that discussion take us from here? Having said so, I will not be living upto my share of controversy if I don't reply bluntly to some of the things westernized and clearly mesmerized girls are saying here. this is what i want to tell to those who think something is oppressed: If that of some of yours has been wrapped with spiders web for not being used for long time, it is wrong to assume all other women are suffering from similar malady. Leave private parts, especially when some are distinctively known for their effulavia out of daily discussions. And suppose glassyeyegirl, you put the paint around its beutiful cheeks, then what??? Stick its picture in big posters? No one is titilated by your ultimatums. Isku xishoo!
  10. Originally posted by cynical lady: Old man- how so? The vagina needs to speak and somehow, somewhere one day it shall speak; it has endured so much from the time of memorial. Actually come to think it has a political economy of its own and deserves an acknowledgment if you ask me. I know of the forces you speak of, but many have broken the chain and I believe so can they. p.s over the weekend I was so proud of myself, when my baby niece shouted from the top of lungs that she has a vagina. Bismilaahi Raxmaani raxiim!!!! I never reached this hieghts alxamdu lilaahi. The hole needs to speak aaaa??????????To say what? War maxaa kuleyl gabadha haya? a!a!a!a!a! Gabdhuhu ha xishoodaan. Like Ngonge said let us not confuse naughtiness and discussing sensetivie subjects with talking Porno. It seems CL wants to establish a alaabta liberation front as if it is oppressed. If at all, it has to answer for our tiny bones and tiring eyes which was caused with our infatuation with it. Isagaaba rag badan qaba oo mag laga rabaa!
  11. Paris Hilton is something I didn't know. I followed what Duke was saying on another thread and acted like a parrot. While I was happy to hit back at Nephisso becuase of her famous thread about 'the person of the year', I didn't really wanted to say anything bad. There is no way why I will have to harm or badmouth my Inaadeer in the most outlandish way. I just didn't know what this Paris is all about. I saw it on another thread and didn't feel she objected to it there. Nephtys, inaadeer, xaal qaado. Foolxumo - I am just asking you to come clean. Waad i lugooysey. I was thinking you are what you aren't.
  12. When I said Sheh and Val work in tandem in the other thread, I haven't even read this! Now, see! I love my hunch. Or rather my insiders in SOl!
  13. Valenteenah Who did I abuse? I sound cheeky but the fact is I never go after other people's issues in a way outside of what the rules permit here. I can call Duke this or that, and he calls me back so and so. I have only breached what I consider basic decorum when I attacked KK; for which I have immensely apologised. Other than that,if some find my old-fashioned kaftan a bit too hard, let them tell me and I will leave them alone. Nonetheless, Qoordheer's rallying call for all to come out and lynch me is noted. Maybe, Sheh ayaa soo dirtay, after the battering I gave her yesterday. We all know the two work togather closely. So much togather that my best friend in SOL tells me my last PM to Val was actually seen by Sheh, who drafted the reply. Me saying this has nothing to do with Sheh's refusal to answer my PM's. If I also had the misfortune of knowing what some of you don't know, it is my bad luck. For instance, when I said Afro-Girl looks like a man and he/she likes girls, I got a bitter reception with folks chanting down with him. Now, looking back who is Foolxumo(former AfroG), I think few will blame me. And by the way, if there is any person who is nursing new-found love for Marx, let them not do it at my expense. Yacni, Val can write to the bespectaled youngman, without necessarily u kala tirin to the old chap. KK Salaams. I thought you have TV in your house and you follow the news. Where I am, it was very normal to send collegues who go down to South Africa to bring basic things such as tolileteries and others. So, it was normal for the collegue to bring back soaps, and other stuff which will be keep me going for two-three months. In a country where a bar of decent soap sometimes was sold for 15-20 USD, you will be glad to accept a carton of it from whoever brings, shiir or no shiir! Maybe she heard me saying I am running short of this stuff. And speaking of Shiir, yes, I was always a fun of those with the whiff of raganimo in the form of murky kilinkil and bending moustaches! Maybe, she misunderstood my raganimo. Of course, She also brought other things -a sunglass and a tie, and haduu dooni a .... But I mentioned the soaps because unlike the way you think, I actually took it as suggestive of something else. Why would a collegue worry about my beard (which never gets beyond an invincible stubble)? especially when the collegue is not burdened by my shiir as we don't work in the same office or same organisation. Yes, UN, but how many UN's you have? Ask Bokero.
  14. Paris Hilton aka Naphisso, meel aad igu xaal marisay gara maayo, sidiii inagoo isugu fiican aad ii dabar goysay! Waxbase kama qabo inaan kuu qaado "inagaa isku wacnaynee, maxaad iiga wareegtay".
  15. Dharaar ciiltire cirguje
  16. Dear Siren I was a young man many, many moons ago. I object to that label, except when I am in with the task of teaching an expeditious young explorer what is like to find the right nerves in mystical oneness. There, one would be thinking if the grey hair is indeed grey at all, or pehaps dyed for vogue conformity. You will be disappointed if you expected a cry though. You will have to bear the roars of a he-lion. That should get you focused and move you out of this fixation with fantasies! On a cordial note, you are most welcome to seek knowledge from a representative of somali men. A representative of real men who, unlike those the wayward Paris of SOL (the nefarious Nephisso) talked about, do not just turn and snore or lit one light when done. There are millions of Faarax's who could be caring and compassionate, who could acknowledge what the Eve had given, and who could hold her with the hot embrace of hands that worked in the desert. But they ought not do it the scottish-boys way with effusive babe-I-feel-that crap, or the dread-locked Jamaicans way with uplifting muscle display! It can be done with naa-soo durug or looking for her in the darkness with your handed extended whispering ku away, xageed joogtaa!! The intention matters more than the words! Xaliimo's here, including MS-DD (for all her pronounced expertise), still seem to think Somali men are not upto it when it comes to such matters. What more sensitivity do you expect than being given Dahad from Dubai hours before the big browl? Only Somali's do that, as far as I know!
  17. Sheh's threats and Condescending attitue towards Goodir is to be rejected with the contempt it deserves! It is not an anomalie, but follows a pattern of self-indulgence and false feeling of importance. God forbid, but if she could go that far only with the miasmic title of a MOD, imagine what could have befallen on us should she happen to be one of our immediate managers?!! And dragging my name into her conversation with brother Goodir (who I can see is rageedi) was not wise of her. Now to the screeching SIREN Dear Sister, I have no problem with the fantasies of a restless filly who has the misfortune of working late into the night in what should be a cold place. But I feel I am obliged to look down on the acts of biologically miscegenated biped with the looks of a man! If, and when you decide to have a fair fantasy of what it is like to be with a loving man,then perhaps we will discuss seriously, without the need for me to have ovaries or other trailers to comment. Right now, I can only tell you if there is such a person who will weep in gratitude after doing it, it is someone who is living with a SERIOUS psychological and or phyiscal pain. Or perhaps the tears are that of a boy who just discovered what it is like to be a Man! Despite your scenario-buliding, which is more akin to old wives’ tricks when feigning lost possessions, it is clear that such fantasies are coming from a deep sense of wanting; one which had me turing to sides with rage and guilt the whole of last night. "Are there no men there?" people could hear me shouting.
  18. Now that you have asked let me tell you saaxiib. We take what is called R&R to South Africa every two months. Now, Farkhanda has insisted that her travel and mine should coincide saying i will be showing her around. Considering the wifey was not here, I really felt guilty about such a travel; and I didn't want to fool myself by saying it is all a business travel with a collegue? The issue is still hot. When I suggested I maynot be able to travel at the sated dates, because I am taking care of my kids, she suggested if I can join her to a field trip in Zim, where she said she will organise. She has gone even suggesting we fly to Vic falls and watch birds! Now, all these are coming despite me not allowing myself to visit her in the 5 star Hotel she is in. I was surprised when she took issue with me not going there for the Valentine??!! All these invitations are coming under the guise of 'islamic brotherhood'. She has not said anything that suggests she wants me. She also last week brought many soaps, lotions, shower gels and shaving kits and said she bought it for me. Islaanta waan ku wareersanahay! The biggest surprise was there is a Portugese women in our accounts section. When Farkhanda visited as last week to ask for some detials of her DSA, this women (who is known for speaking mindlessly) said," O!we know one another (pointing to Farkhanda). We both smoke downstairs. Reminds me of Deeqa's disgusie. The women was shocked, but didn't dispute it. Islaantu is not a young lady. 40s and the types they say has dried up her water. While there is no risk of me ever getting involved, I am at a task trying to understand what her signs are meant to signal?
  19. Has it occurred to you I may have been promoted and was busy posturing? bal maxaad waxa xun uun iila maagtaa?
  20. It has come to my attention that the cactus Ngonge has struck again with deadly efficiency using the opportune absence of me from the forum. I should have known that you cannot expect to sleep in peace next to a callous cactus, let alone befriend the human equivalent of it. Ngonge claims I was out because I am the one who is delivering and the one who was pregnant all along. This is false, and he knows it. But it is not unexpected of a man who is known for his cynical comments on social issues, and unprecedented skulduggery when commenting on political issues. Let everybody know that I am a fully equipped man, with all the rockets and accessories; ready to strike with the speed of a jaguar if some womenfolk in SOL tempt to pay attention to Ngonge’ lies. In the meantime, those of you who are serious about a serious engagement should not be discouraged by these malicious fabrications. You should keep writing to me, and if in doubt should call me. I know he will still say I am using my brother or cousin to answer your calls, but I can assure you will be greeted with a manly voice that sends shiver down your spine, and not the shrieks of the jerk who met that young girl by the name Siren.
  21. ah faheema! sorry for doing that, but yes you know my foibles. I have no firm brakes!
  22. Faheema, ma imikaa foodley biyo-duulis ah warkeed in laga doodo la gaadhay??????/Ma taas ayaad leedahay halaga aamuso!! Kula haa Bom!Bom! ayuu yidhi. Ma waxaasaa sheeko nin weyn ah?
  23. Serenity, Salaams sister. waan kuu xiisayba. No one knows what I have been into. Although I see that bankrupt Arab-Ngonga, who all along posed as a friend was spoiling my name saying "wuu u mulay!" As to the girl, it is a silly question and a silly question only gets a silly answer. Fisrt of all, she should tell us if the man is a somali or a follower of the sciences of reggae ragamuffins with parochial attitudes, puffing of marijuana, sniffing of tobacco, and wearing of dreadlocks-a common identity among those who renged on common sense and manhood! If he is the latter, I can't speak for them. If he is a somali, then, they she is in touble. She has met a deranged moron. And what she is mistaiking for his tears could well be his cantaf!!! Anyway, who knows if she is the one who cried in delirium? and who knows she is a damsel in distress, immensely proud someone has dusted up parts of her that has not seen the light of a proper hand for long. Could this be her way of expressing her longing? I don't know.
  24. If Siren has met a thirsty man,just released from prison, it is her luck and she should be grateful for helping him release that toxic he kept in the correctional edifice. But, no REAL man cries for getting relived!!!
  25. Orange, Maalin kaan ku lahaa waynu isfahanay, maxaad igu caayaysay? Maqaar-siib waaxid!! Nuune, bal farsamadan ka waran.