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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. "Missing: 7 point lead and +11 goal difference advantage. Last seen 8 days ago. If found please return to A Ferguson, Old Trafford, Manchester."
  2. ^Waa ka lahaa lama hadli kartid Faheema. Sometimes, he calls himself Paragon.
  3. I fancy Porto to upset Man U. Both teams are technical, and that suits the more techincally endowed Portugese. A bit of heart over head too, there. Arsenal WILL go through. Liverpool and Chelsea (too difficult to tell)- I think it will go to Penalties. I would have said Liverpool, but luck is always with *** Hiddinik. Bayern will demolish Barca. Barca's defence is useless. I saw that with Lyon.
  4. Indeed fahiima. It is earned, after all that bashing by you. De hadaanu kula kaftami lahayna, ciise ayaanu ka cabsanaynaa!
  5. This is too much. It means even LazyGirl now can be called a senior? Senior yaanla ceebaysan'e, let that be used to show age, so that the young here learn how to speak to elders.
  6. Originally posted by Aw-Dhubad: ^^With 1002? This is not fair and its not based on 4.5, anigu dacwa ayaan qabaa. LSK awoowe iga garbax waxay sheekadu This is so unfair. 4.5 kuma salaynaa. Where is Abdilatif? Where is Zack/najmudin? Where is Farancab? Okas ayaa reerkayaga looga tagayaa!!
  7. It is an oversight, Dhubad. I am sure. Or perhaps, adiga waxaa isku kaa maray oo yidhi lagama dhigi karo Duke.
  8. Adam Zayla, Leave Sheikh Osama alone. You would have done the same if you were in his position. Pursued by powerful enemies, there is no reason why he should wish peace anywhere. He has no peace, no one should have peace. That is where he is coming from. But he should leave Somalia alone. It suffered enough.
  9. No more issues with those with mammary glands, but CL is too much.
  10. Xinn, make sure you point out why SL needs to be with the rest of the nation. Gheele, big salaan.
  11. Nuune Which school of thought says the Finance Minister must not travel? Besides which money in Somalia should he stay behind? I think he is right in going to get some funds from whereever possible. Looking at him, I feel he should have been the President by virtue of having better looks. He could have represented us better than the dark Sheikh.
  12. If you want to take this with you, then don't say you don't want to be recognised. War shaadh cad oo liid-liid leh xidho.
  13. You probably will not need to announce where you are coming from, for there were always be some beisde you who will yell, 'Iglan buu ka soo dagay'. But, make sure you carry a bottle of stilled water around to show how hot it is! Otherwise, waxay ku odhanayaan 'war kani iga waluun Salaxleeyna ka iman'.
  14. KK alaabtii baan ka shaqaynayey, i mean ololaha nadaafada de. Abdinasir indeed. March was good. Sure you rejoiced.
  15. Way isa sawiraysaa inantu, sida islaanta oo kale. Lama neefsado xaggaa iyo waqooyi kolka la isa sawirayo. It is even worse in my home village. People say 'isug aan is diyaariyee', and then clear their throats xxxhhh,cixi, cixi.
  16. I am tired too. Faroole's next consigment of humans awaited after his return from Addis.
  17. Said I am BLUE. But the score is quite close. blue 15 Gold 14 Orange 14 Gold 7 This must be inaccurate if Sheh is blue too. i mean how come relation with people be remotely associated with Sheh?
  18. MUCH as he would like to do so, Abtigiis is unable to reply to each of the innumerable PMs from his adoring fans (at last count two, one of which was unnecessarily insulting, of course from Val). But, he stands ready to heal any bruised feelings. He also promises not to intentionally offend as he used to do before.
  19. Originally posted by Paragon: ^LOL. To AT&T Soomaalida waxay tiraahdaa: 'Geeloow daaq oo daaq, balse maalintaad Ciin daaqdo ayaa laguu yaabaa'. Marka adigu qofaad doontaba aad la kaftantide, balse maalintaad Fahiimah shanta la soo gashid ayaa la hubaa in aan tookha tuurayo, sxb. Ee wiilyahow na kala illaali, raggu yuusan is golxobayn e'. Haye Cisse. I can't afford that. Maad goor hore tidhaahdid geela waa lala joogaa?
  20. Psst....Hadda maxaad lee dahay. Ma PM baan soo garaacaa oo qaska aan meesha aan ka wadaan joojiyaa?
  21. Val Adi lagulama kaftamin karo. You are over serious. And you take all things seriously. If that is so, maxaa bananka ku keeney? Psst....waan arkaa isha. haye!
  22. Well, instead of invoking that otherwise poignant song which talks of a girl who was found exposed and then taken advantage of, and implying I wronged Siren, you could just have said The_Siren is a female version of A&T; for that is your purpose. Now, as to my alleged Shukaani, I am a desciple of the new result-oriented doctrine of management. If it could not land me a single SOL girl after 3500 hectic posts, even after I announced my availability for an initial 40-day probation, what use can one make of it. I think my shukaani style is archaic, old-fashioned and would have worked for audiene that are not here banging at keyboards but are making food at home. In any case, my luck has always been with the unlearned, unsuspecting village girls who are titilated by gallentry of a man who just come out victorious out of a contest with lion. The type you modern guys call wuu libaaxeeyaa markuu gabdhaha arko. It took me many moons to know the learned, civilized, cold-in-public-but-hot-private girls here are not for my types. My heydays go back as far as the poem you posted dear Sayid. The only luck that I can have here, and that is why I keep trying positions (like a right full-back who could notgo past the opposing defender and goes to the centre or left full back) is becuase there could be some iconoclasts among them who will try to explore what their moms used to have. What the moms used to have in those days of pure love, where the car you parade, the gadget you display, or the credentials you boast off didn't matter. When you circle the accacia tree to get a glimpse of the face behind the beautiful voice and long for the day the voice will come to your face without hinderence. And hope is full. With teary Aaliya, root-goer Ibtisam around, there is room for optimism. There is more optimism even with the advent of the scorpions, the Sirens and Psst who will want to explore a bit more out of the physical world. Now, who can rule out I may land one of them one day?!! How many elections did Abraham Lincoln lose before he was crowed president?
  23. They cannot participate in issues of governance where there are men to be governed. That is my understanding.
  24. Faheema In case you have problem with Somali, let me tell you what Sodog means. It is not reinforcing muscularity, it is reinforcing being a parent. And as such yes, there are things that I don't approve it. Sodog macnaheedu waa nin gabadh dhalay. Do you understand now? Talking of the distinction between me and my stories, if you are genuine that the two are not linked, you will not ask me why I oppose this thing? You have taken a picture about me based on my storied and think I should leave lewd discussion alone. And I insist, I HAVE never called names of private parts in my stories. That is what I object in case you think I am inconsistent! Prove me wrong.
  25. Lily Stop paying around things. It is the Sharia law that prohibts them not the man who is calling for it here. It is a package: You either take it or leave it. There is no short-cuts here. And Ibtisam too knows this. Not only does Sharia prohibit life in politics but also it prohibts women from doing works if their incomes are secured by the husbands. So, what are you looking for? To have sharia and come back with your Degrees and sit in offices? It can be like that. I am not saying it should be or it shouldn't. But only stating the facts. EDIT- yes, I think women issue is the least that worries me, especially particpation in politics and civil life. I think addressing the caste system head on and ensuring equality of all somalis (including those called mid, Gabo, tumal etc names) MUST be the priority once security is stablised.