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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. SomaliPirate, how old are you? Don't you know Somali's in Ethiopia (under occupation) are legally citizen's of Somalia? For your information, if he run for elections in Awbare or Jigjiga, he can be president of Somalia too. Taas miyaadan ogeyn mise Addis Ababa iyo Gojjaam ayuu ka tartamay ayaa lagugu yidhi. I hate Riyaale though!
  2. Essien and Gerard are incompareable!! Essien is average. Gerard is super.
  3. I knew Liverpool can score 4, and will concede goals but 4 was too much. Luck is with Hiddinik and the refree was compensating for awarding liverpool a penalty. Too many useless freekicks. But again, the mad Mascherano was playing. Liverpool minus Mascherano and Lucas can conquer the world!! All the way with the Reds!!! Go Gunners for the UEFA champions. I will not support them if they don't beat ManU in the premeir league. It is conditional support.
  4. Liverpool will win. Big upset on the way! 4-2.
  5. There is no single Ethiopian or Eritrean who doesn't get hypnotised by his mellow voice and rich lyrics. Takle died years before Eritrea become a country, having lived his entire live an an Ethiopian. He is from Asmara, but lived and died in Addis Ababa. Following his death, he has become the source of endless debate among Ethiopians and Eritreans, who each want to identify themselves with his unforgetable songs. One such, which was played out loud in Ethiopian TV and Ertitrean TV even at the height of the two country's bloody war is Fikrey Telemeni. I am not sure if he would have called himself this or that, or would have even cared. But many have lost their teeth in club's and inside mini-buses after they claimed him for themselves. Here it is: Enjoy. Another version of the same song:
  6. It is clear he has hit it in Danbarweyne and Las-galool before he moved across the oceans. Ninkani waa asalkii. Bravo!
  7. Baashiis wrong. He doesn't know Ethiopia. If ONLF gets its politics right, TPLF is a cake for breakfast. The key is Oromo-Somali axis. And I think it is developing.
  8. Fu-Fu, Saaxib, nowadays with favourite players/coaches changing teams so fast, it is difficult to stuck with one. In late 1980s and 1990s, I was firm Arsenal. Now, I am for Liverpool, precisely because they are the team that plays best, and can deny ManU the cup. It is almost like I am anti-ManU but for no particular one as such. I used to be for Barcelona as well. I use to hate Chelsea, but now that Hiddinik is there, I don't mind if they win something. So, in a way, meel la iigu soo hagaago ma leh. I can understand the zeal of the teenagers and the loyalty though. I used to be like that!! Nowadays, my loyalties are not that firm for clubs. Where I am fixed is at national teams. I am for Brazil in the world, for Morocco/Algeria in Africa.
  9. Upsets are common in Football. It doesn't show anything. Chelsea was lucky last night, nothing to do with Liverpool not playing well. Two corners and two goals. But I hope Norf now knows what Malouda can do. He was superb last night. On any other night, Bayern can surprise Barca. It is as easy as that!
  10. Rio Ferdinand is useless. He is very suspect. The only good side of ManU is the attack, which is really good. The midfield is average, and the back hopeless. You will see that if ManU didn't sign new players, they will reach nowhere with the ones they have now. Any team that attacks them can beat them. So far, luck and the fear factor that stopped other teams from attacking saved them.
  11. I like Born Broniac's book taste. Chronicles of a death foretold is wonderful. Also, please read 'Love in the time of Cholera' by the same writer. I also recommend Naill Ferguson's "Empire". And Ngonge's " The CL factor".
  12. Man U is yet to convince me why I should take them as big team this year. Always lucky in draws, easy goals etc. It is not a good team. I predicted Porto and Arsenal to go through, and they look on course. Liverpool will hopefully do well tonight, and Bayern will pass by Barcelona. Then I will see if the fake moderators like Norf still think I am Pro in Jabadaan and not in football!
  13. Beenale islamaha harawsada weeye. Islaamaha uu ka dhaadhiciyey mid 5 haddaana idinku dhufan iiguma baxayso ayaan ka naxay! wuu rigaystay masaakinta!! Mise iyagaa nimco ku qaba?
  14. On balance of their play, Man U does not deserve to win the Premier league this year. They are suspect at the back. With a little bit of self-belief Aston Villa could have beaten them 4-0 on the day. That old goal keeper (friedel) with timing problem made the difference. He gave away two goals which he could have saved if he didn't dash out of goal for nothing. The third and the first (have you noticed where he stood when the indirect free-kick was taken?)
  15. That name means little nowadays. In fact, if the cheering of supporters were considered as an advantage to the home team in footbal two-leg matches, the away-goal rule has eaten into much of that advantage. You get one lapse of concentration at home, and you need to score thrice to progress. Such calculations had destroyed the incentive motive for teams to attack, forcing them to sit back and be wary of conceding. Discussing that issue is not my intention though. my intention is to discuss LA PAZ and Bolivia. With an altitude of over 3700mt a.s.l, it has become the bural ground for some of the most illustrious footballers. The latest are Argentina. This highly rated team, under the stewardiship of Maradonna eat the soil with 6-1 demolition by the mediocre Bolivians. They have also beaten qualification leaders Paraguay, hitting them five times. This is a real home advantage. For someone who watched how they turned Argentine goali into a shooting exercise posts, I wondered why they don't ask for hosting the World Cup? At least, they will have one to their name, as no one will dare to beat them at home.
  16. Disproving that will take us to other circles and your record doesn't show eny effort to reason with you will be rewarded. So, it will be futile. But, I can tell you, not all Truths are uttered. Especially in the business of politics. by the way, I am not accepting that what Farole said is the truth.
  17. No, but knowing you haven't given me any reasons to believe you are either one or a statesman by any stretch of imagination, I wanted to call that foolish assertion into question.
  18. Which philosopher said the truth knows no sensitivity? Duke? ma qarda-jeex unbaa waxaagu. Kolba wixii kula qumanaada unbaad cilmi nooga dhigi?
  19. Farole is spreading xenophobia for political expediency. Even if the rioters were the one'e who actually rioted, it is unbecoming of him to talk like that in Public, when he knows the sensitivies involved.
  20. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: midda kale waxay ahayd: na.ca.s. Isn't that the answer yaa tolka? Read Ibne Jawzi's Tales of the Fools and you will find a parallel about this gender mystification of yours. It is the answer. Dhanna ha u dhaafin arintaa yaa Xinn.
  21. Originally posted by QuadYearUnited: personally. i think Arshavin is fantastic player who has shown moments of quality and hasnt reached top gear yet so wait and see lads.. my feeling too. I just didn't want to jump to the adulations of Norf and others who shout after the hype of the media. I know he is good technically, but in the last couple of games, he was just average. He played well, but nothing that warrants standing ovation yet. My other gut feeling is that he may struggle in England; I thought Spain would have suited his skills.
  22. Originally posted by Baashi: Like it or not the voter tally has many inconsistencies. It is clannish in nature. The commision are divided over the issue not to mention the fact that some of the regions have doubts in the tabulation posted by the commison. rubbish! what makes you believe that the voter acrimony will be over 6 months later or even a year later? It has nothing to do with malfunctioning computers or other problems,but with each clans desire to appear 'massive'. It is a factor which will have to be lived with, with or without delays in elections.
  23. SOl Star Ngonge jets-in Hargeisa! Welcome NG.
  24. Arday indha'la' oo fourth year student aanu wada aheyn ayaa macalin hindi ah oo Sharma la yidhaa "F" siiyey, and he couldn't graduate. Dormitory'ga ayaa after few hours loogu yimid isagoo sidii Jesus laalaada. Kolkaas aaskii markaanu tagnay macalinkii ayaa meesha joogay oo lahaa " My braders! Why didn't you tell me he was gonna die?" The teacher was shocked! walaahi hadaad argatid wajigiisa. Lacagtii aaska isagaa bixiyey.