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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I know. I never take the words of pirates seriously. Waa niman farsamo badan.
  2. Wax igu mucaarad ah majiraan. Xinn wuu iga naxaaa. JB waa saaxiibkay. Nuune colaadiisu waa unilateral oo anigu wali la ila ma socodsiin. Ngonge ma ila col baa???????? Anigu waxaan ogaa inaanu col nahay waxaa jira General Duke iyo LazyGirl. kkkkkkk.
  3. Sheikh Hotel ha igu soo sheegin, that novice man is a joke. Laakiin, I am now in line with him, because there is no alternative.
  4. waxba ka ma jirin baafintaas. Waxaa ka dambeyey arintaa Xinnfaniin oo indhacadaha SOL ah. Adigu ii waran? la is waaye!
  5. Emperor, Ethiopian and any other army is unwanted in Somalia and will exasperate the situation. I don't think Shariif Hotel will ask for this support and if he does so, it is the end of what is left of him. adigu sidee tahay, sida kale? Rer-yusuf baryahan gawska danbey ka qoslayaan soo ma' aha?
  6. The Prime Minister is doing a commendable job with his silence. It attests to the wisdom we were told he has!
  7. Dear Comrade Kashafa, Every war has a goal and an end. I object to the perpetual bloodshed in Somalia, and the unknown aspirations of the Alshabab movement. Theirs is a war for annihilation, rendered past sale by date. When Ethiopia was in the country, it made a lot of sense to fight the occupation. It may make sense even now if it is directed against the continued presence of the AMISOM baboons (to borrow your word). But, like a petulant wife whose husband yielded too much ground in the past, they gonna continue to demand more and more; thereby finding enough reason to prolong the bloodshed. What they are looking for is really not to install an islamic government and to run a functioning state. What they long for is to establish a 'solitary confinement' state which will practice dubious laws upon the innocents and the deprived. Like the amputation of a poor man who was alleged to have stolen 90 USD in Kismayo. Meel ay gabdhaha ku karkaraacaan ooy their inferiority complex and backward mentality ku impose gareeyaan ayey raadinayaan, this good for nothing rer-miyi clerics. I strongly feel somalia needs to join the league of nations in the world and enjoy peace and prosperity while preserving its cultural and religious heritage. That doesn't call for a masked militia men patrolling the streets and whipping the "morally deficient" at will. That entails the reconstitution of the state and the advancement of education, including islamic teaching. On ONLF, I am not happy if they attack the UWSLF to please the west. But, even you, know you have presented one side of the story. The UWSLF is engaged in acts that undermine the credibility of the legitimate struggle of the Oga.den people. This includes kidnapping of western aid agency workers, etc. This will aggravate our tenous situation. The last thing we want is the West to blatantly join Ethiopia and label our struggle. It is too much a price to pay. At operational level, it is ironic that the UWSLF finds right to dduplicate the efforts of the ONLF by sticking like tick to them and operate in areas which are adequately covered. They do not want to go and assist the struggle by fighting in areas where the ONLF did not reach due to the problems caused by its organisational name. This include Liben, Parts of Jigjiga and Shinile zone.
  8. Shaydaanku binu aadamkuu shar u horseedaaye Hadba waxuu ku shalan sheeliyoo dib uga shaacdaaba Shilal iyo waxuu kugu xidhaa shalawgii naareede Shareecada markuu ka anbiyee sharaf ka dheereeyay Rag badan buu shukaanta u qabtoo shaahid loo yahaye Maantana shariifyaa ku dhacay shabakadii buushe Hubka lagu shufbeeliyo markay shidanto baaruuda Dadka waa la kala shiilijiray sheeda guud simane Safka niman ku jiray waxay noqdaan shilin qarsoonayde Shalay fiidadowgii warkii shaaca laga qaaday Ee sida shamsada soo ifbaxay shaafi ma ahayne Alaylehe shirwayn buu ahaa shuushna waa dhalaye Iyagoon la showrin ragii cadawga shiishaayay Xabashida waxay ula shurkeen shicibka naafaysay Waa niman shiidaal lagu shubtoo shilin u muuqdaaye Khiyaanada kufriga soo shaqlay iyo sheeko baralayda Sharma sheikh halkii reer xamaas lagu sharqoolay Waa shuqul nin soo wada unkoo way is shabahayaane Hadii aanu shakaal hore ku xidhan shax uma jeexeene Waase shaamareer iyo umuur laga shisheeyaaye -------------------- ---- On the literary offensive as well. This Alshabab is pretty organised. Sheikh Hotel is paying for his mistakes of trying to please the antarnational koominity more than fellow fighters. But, no time for remonstrations. Alshabab and their bunch of foriegn zealots must be crushed!!!
  9. conspiracy theory that knows Iniesta will strike at the 94 minute???? Conspiracy theories are for the weak. how did the refree knew barca will equalise at the last minute?
  10. In fact, history also tells us that stand-in players sometimes do miracles. Yaya Toure will move to the midfield and that is a plus. Buyol and Marquez might be back and Henry will upfront. I think, Man U will be outplayed and beaten. Let us wait and see. Man u are not physical as Chelsea, and Barca can do well with teams that play the ball. Barca's problem is with teams that are physical. So, the worst is over for them.
  11. That is a statement and you are entitled to say so as much as you want to say. It may lose or may not lose, this is football. But, I think Barca are better than Man U.
  12. NG, It happened before. Cameroun shut out Argentina with Maradona by putting 7 men after every ball. I don't blame Barca for not opening up. They were not perfect, and Alves's crosses were terrible. 70% possession is not an insult, not a disgrace. What about the team that hadn't seen the ball for 70% of the time at HOME?
  13. Norf, you are wrong. Barcelona can defend but it has always been the case that attack-minded teams were vulnerable at the back. Man u can defend? with vidic and Rio?kkkkkkkkk!! let us wait and see!
  14. Justice for the beautiful game and the ultimate punishment of negative football. It is always difficult to break down 8-9 men defending, and Barca did play well. Essien's goal was spectacular but even he was surprsied. It was pure luck. It could have gone anywhere. Hiddinki is reviving the ugly footaball of the past, and is playing like the Argentina team of 1990. The refree made two crucial mistakes. One penalty to chelsea (not two, not three) and that is the one that hit Pique's hand. The other is the unjust sending off of Abidal. On balance, the sending off happpened at a time Barca was finding openings against the tiring Chelsea defence. The crowd wanted to infuence the game and the psychologist Norwegian refree refused to be arm-twisted. It is sad when few counter attacks are seen as being playing well. Chelsea wanted to win by defending at HOME and it tells you, even themselves, know they are no match to Barca's flair. Drogba must be banned for life, and Ballack should get one year suspension.
  15. The government must ask the AMISOM to go. Anyway, they are irrelevant. One government minister I saw recently said "AMISOM ma saari karo oo dawlado waa weyn ayey meesha u joogaan, anaga noo ma joogaan". He was honest. Amisom is there to watch the Sharif Government itself. So, I can see the difficulty but it is not more important than saving the blood of Somali's. Once they go, an all-out war must be declared on Alshabab and petulant beared jaahiliin, who are mostly from rural background.
  16. Ii waran Val? Hot as ever, waan arkaa.
  17. Adigu JB'yoow lugta sidaa ugu walaaq konfurta to advance that agenda of ours aynu isla ognahay!When will you ever say waxbaa saxan in the south. Shariif is doing just fine, and if Alshabab do not respect the vioce of the people they MUST be eradicated with force! Nolosha umadda somaaliyeed kolba waddaad yar oo gadh la soo baxay u afduub naan mayso. The clergy must go back to the mosques and allow the technocrats to serve the country. Alshabab is petulant.
  18. Mascherano gives away too many free kicks in dangerous places, and is not good in passing final balls. His false comabative sprit is often a liablity. He breaks the rhythm of the teams forward moves as well. Time will show if he lasts in that team or the Argentine national team as well.
  19. Media boys, jump up! I am not moved by Arshavin at all. All the four strikes were defensive errors and nothing of class came from him. Not to deny he is a good player, but just becuase he scored 4 goals, in a game he hardly particpated in, doesn't change my mind. useless players scored hat-tricks too many times. Even Adebayour, as useless as he is, can score three. Reina was poor last night and should have saved some of Arshavin's strikes. In fact, before he scored the first goal, the commentator was wondering whether he is in the field or not! Liverpool's problem is Rafaeal Benitez. He gives no tactical guidance at all. It is almost like go and attack. The defence needs two Italian central defenders. Otherwise, they are by far the best team of the year. They are such a delight to watch. BTW as long as Mascherano is in Liverpool, they will not win any silverware.
  20. BOB, I tell you this story. An ONLF cadre apporoached a rer-maxamed contingent of merchents somewhere in kenya to orient them of the struggle and why they need to contribute resource to it as part of the 'O' tribe. Now, the cadre had no idea of the nature of this group. He told them that the ONLF is a somali rebel group fighting the government of Ethiopia, and he told them of latest wars and ambushes where government properties were destroyed. The uninitiated rer-Maxamed guys were clearly shocked: "Waar yaahe, oo ma dawladay ONLF la dagaalantaa?? Oo yaaqi waa shufto'e maxaa loo xidhxidhi waayey?". Anyway, besides that I beleive Takle was an Eritrean, I would have had no problem listening to him if he was a Tigre too. I don't see why art and politics should mix.
  21. It is because Ngonge and Malika are missing! CL too. tolow ma Ngongay la joogtaa?
  22. The kids are unpredictable. But on current form look unstoppable. Still it can be the replay of last year's final. But I am hoping for Barca-Arsenal (we have cultivated the land -in Amharic) final.
  23. Zenawi's mother voted in the Eritrean refrendum and was interviewed on Ethiopian TV. She said she chose 'freedom'. It is still a hot subject discussed by many ethiopians as to what was the reason why Meles wanted his mother to go public with her preferance. Of course, she is eedo to Isayas. A new ground breaking book by a former TPLF insider (a jounalist) - Ya Gazetangnaw Mastawasha (memoirs of a journalist), chronicles how Meles personally intervened to order for the interview to be aired on Eth.TV after the journalist censored it (thinking it was a deliberate sabotage intended to discredit the government). Waryaa Duke, where are you with the piracy?
  24. Norf Lennon is not great, but he is a good dribbler. I like players who move the ball fast. He wastes too many balls though. Aritistry is like spain, efficincy like Germany. I like teams that combine both such as Argentina and France. Ironically, I am not a fan of both, just because I am a dedicated fan of Brazil, who are not their usual self these past years.
  25. At least I comforted that I have three teams that I have no problem winning it. By order of preference, 1) Arsenal 2 Barcelona 3) Chelsea BTW, ManU looked like a team at last last night. But any team that attacks them can score. I hope Arsenal prove their nemesis in both the CL and the Prem. Norf, have you finally accepted that Malouda is not as bad as you thought. Surely, Hiddinik will not field him 90 minutes if he was as useless as you said. By the way, when you said Lennon is a bad player, I knew what kind of football you like. You like artistry over efficiency.