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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Kashafa, your zeal and determination is commendable. But add a little bit of logic, commen sense and realism to it. Somalia and the Muqaawama can't fight all the powers that influence how things go on in this world. If the west agreed to settle for a quasi-islamic government in Somalia in the form of Sheikh Sharif's, I think we need to see the options available and take it. If, on the otherhand, you opt for the likes of Alshabab, you are encouraging an endless cycle of bloodshed, displacement and deprivation. Please see the living conditions of the ordinary somali people. I have a comfortable life where I am and my kids are going to good schools. Why would I have to deny the same for the poor somali's back home? Everyone longs for that. You too have a decent life in the land of the Imperialists. Why would you like to perpetuate fire that doesn't engulf you? When Ethiopia was occupying our country it was clear why we should focus on bringing back our integrity and pride, not to mention our country. For what should we continue fighting for now? The west will have an influence in the Somali politics as long as we remain poor people who need their economic help. It was one thing to be proud and independent-minded, it is quite another to be a mascho and a mindless zealot. If the Muqaawama wins today there is no guarantee that it is the end of the misery for the people of Somalia. Already Alshaba and Xisbul islam are warming up for the next showdown. I think you need to genuinely look at the bigger context and the realities around and come to terms with "the second best" option avaibale which is to take the Sharif government as the starting point. You can argue for it to be cleansed, for the size of the parliamnet to be cut back, for war lords in it to be prosecuted. But that all will happen once the government is on a firm footing.
  2. Reer galbeed iyo Maraykanka ayaa Somaliya u dhaama Cumar Iiman iyo these bunch of medievial clerics. Muritaaniyuu fiqi'ga iyo wax yar oo lagu daray ku soo bartay and he has the gut to call himslef DR. Cumar. War waxan waa in madaxa laga toogto oo la iska celiyaa. The finger to Xisbul Islam and all the phantom things they say they fight for. With this declaration, it is clear they are after power. Not that it wasn't clear before, but they make it ever clearer today.
  3. Xinn wuxuu isku halaynayaa aqli-xumadda iyo talo-la'aanta Alshabab. It is clear that they will lose. Kashafa, bal walaal xanaaq mooye, adigu maxaad rabtaa??? There is a price to pay for every peace, and if Cabdi Qaybdiid (as criminal as he is)is to be allowed to be a governemnt official for the sake of inclusivity and reconcilliation, so be it!! The vexation with personalities is short-sighted. Look at the bigger picture brother. Edit- Actually, it is Awyes and co who refused to talk to Shiekh Hotel. Let us not twist the truth. But, I think the Mujaahideen do not deserve to be talked to now. They are morons with ulterior motives. They need to be fought and stopped. Basically, it is the muscle that has to talk and convince them that they better come down to the agenda of the somali's and abandon the foriegn one. Rag waranbaa walaaleeya. When they are fought hard, you will see who will ask for negotiations.
  4. Emperor, why is bombing Muqsisho an act of dawladnimo doon when it is done by Yey, and a massacre when it is done by Shariif?? In so saying I am not condoning the attacks this time, if they happened.
  5. NOT YET FAILED. SO IT IS VERY MUCH WORK IN PROGRESS. But That discussion is for another day. I am not going to take you off the hook just yet.
  6. Dearest Malika, sidee tahay ugaaso? how come you didn't chronicle your visit to Nairobi as Ngonge did. What was intersting, what wasn't? Sons of Africa like me would like feedback on our miserable continent. Val, I have noticed inaad magacayga bi'inaysay ood la hayd "does this guy produce children on a monthly basis?"
  7. The author is a delusional lander who only a month ago lambasted ONLF. I think it is JB himself.
  8. Silaanyo is a hero. Let us talk about results, dear Emperor. He delivered. Yey, on the otherhand, failed at every trial.
  9. RR, Don't buy all rumors and lies. No one will give Indhacadde 1 million or anything close. Use your head.Clans are led by clan elders and clan elders have interst. Ask Riyaale in Somaliland. Resistance, Yes I agree he may luck the substance. but what are the substance from your point of view? Whinning is not a startegy too. What do you propose? As much as I agree Shariif is useless, it is too early to judge him on this one.
  10. It was not a fighting. It was a border skirmish. uster baa la isku riday for few days. Don't talk history with me, you may get an unoleasant surprise.
  11. Money will do the trick with the clan issue. Trust me, millions of Dollars of USD will tip the balance.
  12. Haddey balaayo taagan tahay haddaba!! Odaygu ma naxa oo he will go for the kill. Sheikh Shariif Kurkiisa waxaan aheyn kuma qancayo. But, I sincerly hope this will mark the end of him. May Turki and the Alshabab junta be finished and buried in the sands of Mogdisho.
  13. There were no wars in the days of Aden Ade! So, for what was he decored for, if it is not something that has to do with even distribution of Billado??????
  14. Your opinion of who is gallant and who is not is not differnt than what the average somali saaxibul mirqaan utters in mafrishes I frequent. And by the way, not having regard to the opinins of the masses is not a strength but a weakness. What did the three men achived with it, if it is a vrtue? There is a difference between wishes and facts. Wuu tumi lahaa is not synonymous with wuu tumay, and if is about our wishes, I could have been married to heartless CARA for your information, but I am not! So is Abdullahi Yusuf. Muu tuhim anybody ever!! By the way, I beg to differ on the status of the wayso of the two Xassen's. I am reliably informed it is on 24/7. I can't say for Yey.
  15. The pirates tend to strongly believe their own delusions and lies. I mean who did Abdullahi Yusuf defeat in his entire life? Imagine if Silaanyo was from pirateland!! He achieved something as the leader of SNM and suerly is a better commander to me. Why do people want to reward failure?? AY failed with SSDF (his army surrenderd, he failed as a puppet president (even with 40,000 ethiopian army). Records don't lie.
  16. Briliantly put! I agree with you fully. As to the liberation of Somali galbeed, I don't know if they said so; but even if they said, we don't want it. They are a liability. We don't ant their brand of freedom. Somalia's future is on the balance. If Alshabab are not defeated, there will be no Somalia. I mean, their putalnce and wanton disregard to the opinions of the somali mass and the culuma is appalling. I heard one of them virtually warning the whole nation (dadka waxaan uga digaynaa kulahaa) against doing this and that!!
  17. Adigu kuma dhimanysid, gacana lagaama goynayee, maad masaakiinta xoriyadda laga qaaday u naxdid???????/
  18. A startegist who won no wars, save against a rag-tag sub clan army of Jama Ali jama. So much for being a war hero! My account of him is subboteur in Ethio-Somali war,Failure and surrender as SSDF, and since then an appendix of Ethio army. Where has he won honuors, I don't know. It is only in the mind of Tolka who are dying to find a hero amid a set of setbacks. Are you claiming ICU was defeated by AY army? hear!hear! people!
  19. Yusuf ma wayso qabin and it was a non-starter from the get-go. The analogy would have been if I call for arming Mohamed Dheere. This is a different situation. plus, he made the mistake of relying on enemy army. Public opinion was very much against him. It is still better to see Alshabab in control of Moqdisho than Ethio's raping women. It hurts the somali pride. So, the going of the old fart is good riddance. The tide is against Alshabab now and if there can be 10,000 men (not necessarly highly trained) with the right aramaments, they will bring this to an end. Let us not mystify Alshabab's strength. We know they couldn't defeat the carniverous in Galguduud.
  20. Since its birth, Shariif and his government were hostages of Alshabab and other so called Islamists who determined its pace of action and direction. In a way, the recent war was inevitable if any meaningful governance is to be imposed in Somalia. There can be no two centrs of power in a state yearning to come back from anarchy. The decisive moment has arrived. Let us bite the bullet and fire back. What is the next course od action? to me, it is simple: - Get money, arms and ammunition - Take time to plan the next offensive - Build alliances locally - Use the media and take control of shaping opinions( right now, Alshabab has the upper hand) - Create safe-heavens for civillians - Mobilise the Culuma for the cause - and march on!! The defeat of Alshabab + and other war-mongers will mark the start of the rebirth of Somalia.
  21. Yusuf will have fled Mogdisho by now if he was faced with Alshabab with no Ethiopians in Sight. I think Shariif will do fine if he can bring good commanders onboard. It is very much early days. I think Shariif needs military support but no forgiegn troops.
  22. I tend to disagree. I believe Alshabab is very much defeatable by a decent Somali army. I don't think foreign troops can beat them. Anyway, I will not be happy if a Ugandan soldier kills a somali boy who is Alshabab. I prefer Alshaba to abuse me than a Ugandan to kill a fellow Somali. Arinta kale ee Ngonge aad waydiisay, gabadh baan ka hayaa oo waa seedigay. When you decide inaad minyaro ii dhisto, we will be fine.
  23. Context dear FU-FU. Context matters. And opinions can shift over night. For a xayaysiis of a Somalia state run by Alshabab, please click Kismayo and see. Nimankaas waa in la iska qabtaa. But if foreingers join the war, I will still tend to support them. If US joins sheikh Shariif today, don't be surprised if I wear cumaamad cas. Somali's must defeat Alshabab.