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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. buuuuuuuuuuu! England ha sheegin. What you said is what the English media said since 1966 at every world cup.
  2. Affirmative to the question. Saaxib, you are contradicting yourself. You say you didn't watch international football and yet you pass judgement. I know you and your likes are masters of club footballs. Liverpool'taada ku mashquul saaxiib. Spain is a good side but very much beatable if you pack the midfield and do not allow them to build up the ball from the defence. Argentina is not performing well, depsite your assertions. They were whipped by Bolivia 6-0 and Ecuador gave them 2-0. And they were outplayed. Altitude in those cities is an issue but decent sides went there and survived. Holland is a very good side and could upset Brazil, but they have a very bad record against the Selecao! Any team -including Brazil is beatable these days. But, I just can't see who will do against Brazil this year.
  3. My boy is like Nuune. I think I told you this. Kolba qoloba badisa ayuu raacaa. He is now convinced the USA is the greatest team in the world. I thank all the girls who sent their nice pictures following what they saw. Just because it is only one girl who did so, it doesn't mean I am not appealing to others. EDIT:- Alive saaaxiib. Hargeisa see lagu yahay. Waan soo socdaa, and I will not accpet anythning less than the reception Ngonge got. Gabadh aan internet'ka isku baranay ayaan soo doonayaa!!! Bal iga sii eeg yayna hadhow disable igu noqone!
  4. Cabriaxmaann Faroole laftigiisu inuu isdhiibo waxba kuma aha! nimakaas Puntland wax walba ka filo. Bal day ka Training'ka ka goosanaya!
  5. Here is what Tim Vickery, BBC's south American football analayst, - waa nin aan ka danbeeyo, said about Spain. "Spain are a side of nimble ball players who look to pass their way through the opposition - the very style Brazil have abandoned. For a while South Africa had some success against them, packing central midfield with three markers and seeking to spring forward down the flanks, where roving full-backs were linking up with the wide, creative midfielders - just as Dunga's Brazil did when they beat Argentina, another old fashioned passing side, in the final of the 2007 Copa America." In fact if you guys are not going to say kana hadaasu yidhaa waanigii sheegay, I have betted on a US win with friends. Why? because the US is not a bad side (very athletic and hardworking, and because Spain is not as good as people think. They have played against minnows so far in the Confed cup. Spain is going back to where it was in the world footabll: Entertainers. The win at euro 2008 was just a fluke. I have unreserved respect to Dunga and to his philosophies. The counter-attack, and set-piece are the two hallmarks of this brazillian side who understood that style and technique alone are not enough in today's game. That is why they are humbling Italy (twice this year, once in a friendly) and Argentina. Whether they will match their perennial nemesis France is to be seen. But I am optimistic. Indeed, that will come if Dunga drops Gilberto Silva and brings in Diego (now Juventus). Bafana Bafana will be running around iyagoo xiiqsan in fornt of the home crowd with effort and dedication. But they will find out that passion and patriotism is not a substitute for talent and tactics. They will be routed! And in the final, the US will improve on their past game against Brazil, but will still be beaten. Why? because their game tactics fits a team like Spain, Portugese and even the old Brazil. Not today's brazil, who are happy to sit back, defend and attack with force once the other team feels it can go forward. This is not classic counter-attacking side. It is a side who can attack with variations: from the flanks, penetratation at the center, set-pieces, long balls from the defence etc. Keep your eyes on Brazil!!! History will show whether novices like Nuune, Fu-fu, and Norf are the real experts or the old-horse A&T!!!!!
  6. I thought the country code will!
  7. I am in Jo'burg Saaxib and will be travelling to Pretoria after luch. Only 60Kms. Call me on this number....PM ayaan kuugu sheegi. Just to dispel your doubts!
  8. Brazil will win this one. Italy is in disarray. but, I am worried Egypt may not do well with US. I want Egypt to qualify. I meet some Egyptian fans at the Hotel, and although I am deficient in arabic, I always manage to express myself and my support. I tell them: naxnu soomaliyuun. Saciid jidan bi fawzi Masar. Masar muntakhab jidan. Of course, one of my sons is named Zidan and they think he got it this week because of Mohamed Zidan. He didn't, he got it in 2000 when he was born. I am better than Saahid, a somali guy who went to Egypt and after listening to a Saalax Ibu-badiya's "faat" in a music concert chanted "wa!wah! masar wa nafar!" apparently thinking he has pleased some of the guys who sat next to him. They were all Sudanese!
  9. A&T will be LIVE tonight! If by any quirk of fate you end up looking at the face of a somali looking man, flanked by three minors (two boys and a girl), in tonight's match Brazil Vs Italy, go no further: Yoiu are looking at Abtigiis And Tolka. This ad is for women only. The only part you will not see about me will be my eyes as I will be putting on a shade even at night, and my head as I will don a cap with the flag of Egypt (Italy ayaan ku xumaynayaa!!). You also will not be able to judge if I am Laangadhe or not. Of course, and the belly. So, it is a bit of a risk to deduce what I geniunenly look like. Hint: look for greying mustache. Bil amaaraa, I will be waving a placard in which you will be able to read "For SOL friends". Waa inoo halkaa.I will be LIVE throughout tonight! If the big camera fails to capture me, I will try to pass in fornt of the players when the match ends and they are giving interviews. Waan daba istaagi, so please try to look behind them! P.s: Please make sure you don't mistake me for Bob. The difference is Bob's face is curfew-hour face (dark), mine is a bit fairer. This dramatic night might herald a new begining for me as far as SOL is concerned. It may turn aroun my stars with SOL girls and who knows may be getting some proposals from at least one of the girls here. Wax la waayey Geeloow, Ninkii waalan baa u duda ...And it is alright if CARA is not one of them!!
  10. A guy in the diaspora speaking to his fellows in Africa Non-stop inaan ahay Speed kaygu high yahay Snow anaan socon karin Outside ka mooye Indoor aanan joogeyn Ice ka iyo qaboowguna Oldman udaran yahay Alberta'na Slippery Adimadu ku jabayaan Sleep kayga oo idil Only four hours yahay Including maalmihii Weekend 'ga la odhan jiray Income kaygu low yahay Account gaygy madhan yahay Always tired aan aheyn Immigrant waa gun'e Abuse na aan qabo Skill xumo daraadeed Labour aan ag taag nahay Education kaygii already finish yahay Ignorant jaahil ah Equal aanu siman nahay Ammuurtaydu say tahay Upside down u rogan tahay Age kaygu wayn yahay School aana dhigan karin Afrikaay odhaahdaa I need money haduu yahay Every month bill'kii O! Ya! Sugaysaan You know exactly information kaygii If you no aware that Again bay inoo tahay!!! Listen http://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=WdAeQYSyM M4
  11. Culusow makes perfect sense in this article, notwithstanding Xinn's personal anathema to the man. I think all the points he raised are valid, but perhaps where he might not have been totally honest is with regard to the forces he calls 'opposition'. He is also too general and it is difficult to see any specific action points he recommends to start the reconcilliation and broader engagemnet he is calling for. Apart from that, at least on the two issues Xinn wanted to attack him above, culusow said the truth.
  12. Ever the heavyweight, Ngonge is tormenting the minnows here with reason and clarity. Ku joog joogso, ngonge!!!
  13. Tecnhically, Maryan Mursal can still claim that she hasn't gone back on the one-Somali vision. She may be singing to the regional state of Somaliland which in her mind will be part and parecl of the federal State of Somalia. There is no shame in having regional flags in that case. Personally, I have never been a fan of her music or her personality. Her latest mindless hip-wagging about Somaliland is in sync with what she is known for. She is deficient on principles. What is sad is that is so pretentious that even a kid of three years can tell.
  14. Who is bothering my darling Ibti? Waryaa Rudy ina kala ilaali!!!!
  15. Lazy girl was serving tea to the men who were drawing the imaginary lines of Cancer and Capricorn. Ilaahay unbaa ka weyn!
  16. Some one invoked Xinnfaniin's name here where he doesn't belong. As far as I know that man belives in mystical interventions and would have asked Taribo West to stop Maradonna with a bit of nabaadino-xidh. I also think if Ronaldo were to charge at Xinn's defence, he would have asked them not to tackle but inay la xaajoodaan (peace caravan). Anyway, let me not speak ill of him here, he is a gentleman except when he takes upon hismself the task of Minister of Vice and Virtue. Bob, Waryaa I was a good player and I wish if we meet in Jo'burg sometime you will notice it even at this old age. FA cup- Chelsea will take it. Iwould have liked David Moyes's team but they are in no match to the mighty blues. Plus, Hiddinik (my favouraite coach, the master tactician) needs to go on a high. Alzeylici, Naturally I would have avoided any debate on the matter at hand with admirer of Abu-Diabi(kkkkkkkkkk k) of all people, but I think that is an anomalie and you give good suggestions most of the time, although you rely mostly on the media stories. Predictions Once we know whoc bought who in the coming months,we can have an idea of who is the favourite. But I have stong feeling Liverpool may do something in the EPL, and Real Madrid and Juventus will bounce back at the CL. Juventus just got a brilliant midfielder, Diego from Bremen. Norf is like my late friend Abdirahman who after spending a month watching the Saudi league was convinced Nawaf Al-tumiat is better than Ronaldo (the braziliian). Meel unbay kaga dhagtaa. He may tell us Al-Ein will beat Chelsea.
  17. Actually the first world cup I followed was 1986. Those I remember well are those from Italia 1990 with Carnavalle and Schillaci. 1986 TV maanaan haysan oo cajalad la soo kiraysto ayaan kala soconay the game after two three days of the actual action. Even then, I didn't watch most of the games. Meesha Video'ga waxaan ku galo ayaan waayey as Dad imposed a total financial ban.
  18. You are misleading adeer. I didn't pick Romania for the cup but I said they will cause upset. They were a penalty away from doing that and have given a good account of themselves. Now, it is intersting that only this morning i was thinking of asking LST to remove you from this sports moderator task as you are clearly not the most knowlegeable in that area. Just because you are better than NGONE and the funny Nuune doesn't mean you have to take the helm. Especially when your football history, admittedly, starts with the era of Zidane. I would have thought AlZeylici suits the place but again is he not the same man who admires the man with the lazy swagger -Abu Diaby?!
  19. Al-zeylaci, they did go forward only occasionally, not every miunte like Alves. The game was lost because Barca is technically superior to Man U. If Man U could stop Barca from passing the ball ( as they did in the first 10 minutes when they camped in the 18 area of barcelona) Barca would have been finished. But they give them the space to pass and they were done. I agree with you on the Man U mid though. Only this morning I was telling a friend that there are only 4-5 good players in the whole ManU team and the rest are covered. The goalkeeper, EVRA, ROONEY, RONALDO and TEVEZ are the good ones. The rest will struggle to find a place in any other team. Meesha waa la isku dhex dhuumanayaa. Rio is not better than his brother in Sunderland if exposed. But he is rarely attacked. Vidic is always turned inside out by all strikers. Oshe is average.
  20. By the way, I like Nuune. He is more or less like the ESPN sport commentator J. Smyth. Kolba qoladda dhalisa ayuu la jiibiyaa.
  21. Originally posted by Faataa-dhugle 2020: In fact, history also tells us that stand-in players sometimes do miracles. Yaya Toure will move to the midfield and that is a plus. Buyol and Marquez might be back and Henry will upfront. I think, Man U will be outplayed and beaten. Let us wait and see. Man u are not physical as Chelsea, and Barca can do well with teams that play the ball. Barca's problem is with teams that are physical. So, the worst is over for them. That is what I thought, and tell me what happened last night?!! Man U have won the premier league by making sure that they beat small teams while others faltered. Otherwise, Arsenal took four points from them and Liverpool beat them home and away. I think chelsea too did the same. It believe had Alves and Abidal played last night, Barca would have lost. It is this attack-minded players who run off their positions mindlessly and expose the team. The aging Sylvinho and Puyol sit back and denied Man U any chance. Next year, Real madrid with florentino perez in charge will reign again. liverpool and Arsenal will be strenghthened, maybe the Italians. So Man U will have to wait some more years for any glory. I am in the 13th cloud.
  22. They are not in Somalia. Xadka ayey dhufayso ka qooteen. Waan ka war haynaa. And the reason is mainly because last month ONLF took Mustaxiil for a while. By the way, Hiiraan, Beletweyne, kalabayr waa isla halkii. You multiply it. All reports were talking about one incident.
  23. It is clear. Read again. For whom it is far, for whom it is near, I mean. READ AGAIN.
  24. For you and for many others who gave a national assignment to Ina Cabdi Godane to continue to mess up the south under the guise of Alshabab amiir Abuzubeir, it is long long indeed. But when the head of Ina cabdi godane is sent back to you and Alshabab is obliterated, it will end. And that is not far.
  25. Dabshid, Until he does so, I mean Sharif invites the Ethios to Somalia, there is a difference betwen him and Yey. The difference is that Ethiopians are not in Somalia. If that changes,I am the first to agree with you.The other difference is that with time and with end of ethiopian occupation, it has become quite clear that the fanatic mullahs in the name of Alshabab has no agenda expect distablising Somalia so that their masters, Arab fugitives find a hiding place. Analysing each situation with the conetxt at hand and changing positions accordingly is not hypocracy. It is called pragmatism.