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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. What I know and what I don't know is not an issue. I oppose the secession of the North and I think I have every right to have an opinion on that issue. The rest doesn't deserve to be graced with an answer. Do you get me Rer-magaal weyn? Edit- what is Cuqdad and the last line about? Are you sure you are not a young person? Where do you think we are? not Cyber? Maxaa cuqdad is sheekooyinkaa keenay? Imisa jir baad tahay horta?
  2. ^ you mean the day you finally end faking to be a girl, and in the process spare an old man like me a long perillous travel!?
  3. Amir Amir is a hypocrat here. He is evading the true analogy. In fact, the flag he should have shown in place of the black one should have been the tri-colour with a black star (in Hargeisa). It is happening literally in the North. Alshabab ayuu shaqo ka dhigtay!
  4. ALadiif inaad wada joogtaan waan la socdaa!Habarta codisga keentay ila soo socodsii si aan ugu sii maqfirto!! Sawir and size'ka ii soo sheeg yaan anigoo unprepared ah la i heline!! Halac dheere is a myth. And even if he exists, he is from my cousins a bit further, fat stone'ga ma aha! Waan soo socdaa Xinnow, nin la yidhaa Engineer Faysal oo Aladiif wada joogaan baan ku dagi hadaad i qaabili waydo. Lacag la'aan ma'ihi'e Hotel'ada waan ku sasaa oo ma seexdo! P.S Castro, General Duke our even donkeys don't mate! Safaaradda Itoobiya ayuu igu wareejin isla habeenkaan u tago.
  5. Inta meeshan igula jirtaa ku filan xaalka. Laakin xaal maxaa keenay. I was informed by somebody inay iyada tahay and so far we have no refuttal.
  6. Originally posted by LayZie G.: A bunch of horny goats aa meesha iskuku yimid, bal arag kii habana gari aka fufu is getting all excited. Taa hadaa heshid waaba raaaxeesan laheed, oo habeen walbo barkin (pillow) cushy eh aa ku seexan laheed. Duceysane, waa in lagu meeleeyaa, oo dadkeeda la waco, nuune aa waxaas ku taqalusay, asaga ayaa soo hagaajin doono. Waryee Fufu, contain yourself, oo dareenkaaka xoogaha soo celi but then again you wouldnt know what to do with a real woman, even if she was standing in-front of you, ee leave her for duceysane aan ku idhi. Is this not Mako defending herself! What more defence could she have made for herself?
  7. Lama danbaabiin Juxa. Shafka weyn iyo mashaqooyinkeeda hadii la sheego ma danbibaa?
  8. Gabadhu way jeclaan karta Yemeni. Laakiin hadii sida taqsiinta inta loo calashado la tufo, waa wax dhaca! I invite her Xarago's "Hadii uu waxti keenay, nin wax saar leh, miyaan ahey ani......." Dhiri rin dhiriiiii riin!
  9. Originally posted by juxa: true lily but still that does not mean inla falanqeeyo her shaf and behind. xishoodka waa big part of the diin. Which Xishood are you talking about? the Xishood that told her to come out public like she is? Instead, we should be talking about Indha-adeyg! Shafkaad sheegiye ilaa hoosta lagu faalayn hadaad saylada iskeentid! P.s this reminds me of the two Ethiopian Muslims who were drinking liquor in a bar. One of them admonished the other for not following the Sunna of the Rasuul (SCW) and drinking in his right hand!!! If you mention Diin, there is something you should have talked about next before blaming the commentors here!
  10. Miss East Africa kuwa kaluushay ahayd in lagu qabto ha neef qabatoobe!!
  11. Nin mirqaansan baad kolkii horeba jeclaatay! Deedna the Taqsiin analogy......
  12. Tell this to Xinnfaniin, who also misjudges me. A good story.
  13. why blame men Sheh? Iyadaa meesha iskeentay Dolly Parton, and I am sure she doesn't mind people's comments. Anigu koley lugta siday u qaloocisay (in the first picture) ayaan ka helay!
  14. gurbaan kuni maraatee jiraa!
  15. Xog-ogaalku waa LG bay leeyihiin!
  16. jacayl, isi waam tii harmee (mother is calling); Rudy talafoon ayaa af-somaliga lagu baraa!
  17. What I know is, dear Rudy, (if i can make sense of that maahmaah) Dhagar qabe, dhulkaa u daqaaqa. And I am afraid your translation is not right. The actual meaning is "A killer fears even the land". That is what I know. now that we know you speak afaan-oromo, lakii!bui'i naraa! yaa Injiree mataa; inbiyo jete sane sigataa!!
  18. oo kaalay Jacayl, Rudy jollen Oromiya? Bulta ya joleen biya-keenya rudy?
  19. Jacaylbaro, runtii, I have decied I should see some SOLers this year. Ten people. Of course 9 will be girls. Laakin I want to come and see you in Hargeisa, becuase I like that place. Meeshaa kolkaan tago KING anigoo is moodayaan ka baxaa! I get treated very well! Horta Restaurant Xaraf iyo Star wali ma shaqeeyaan. Xaraf was really good.
  20. London is home to Ngonge. Why not? laakin I am stingy. I don't like inaan hotel dago. Yaa i qaabilaya. You are not in London, adigu.
  21. Originally posted by Ducaysane: maya...mayaa...lazy midaan iga daa. A&T iyo FUFU xagooda u ***. waa yara cidaya dheer tahay. AT tan siduu odhan? miyaan Qalan oo Jiilaal ayaan kaga baxayaa? Maxaa la isu aflagaadeynayaa? Waryaa given my tiny bones I will dissipate into thin air haday dhabta igaga fadhiisato. By the way, Codkeegii ma hayno laakin muqaalka LazyGirl way u eg tahay! Waa isku Speed!
  22. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: If you know anything about Somali clan shyte, u know the ones that are the farthest away in the clan tree, make the biggest noise. So hes like those on the far fringes! lool. Like Marx of Somaliland? I get it now. Duke Masaakintan wareertay ee Somaliland sheegata ayaad sidii naag lala qabo ku masayrtaa ood Puntland la garab orodaa. It is good that puntland inay ka dhoobayso ooy iyaduna land land sheegato, laakin you overdo it. And the more you overdo it (you Duke), it looks like the S-landers will feel it is alright to run after that futile dream.
  23. Bob, did I tell you I hosted the good old man Qooqaani here in Zim a week ago and I have your physical discription. The way he discribed you i will be looking for someone who looks like ANELKA! Waryaa meeshaa soodiga iskaga tagay ee Angola koob shaah ah 15 USD ku caba! warkaaga waan hayaa.
  24. hate adi unbaa sheega. To say this or that is wrong is not to hate. Adiga laakiin qofol weyn oo saddex circle ah oo puntland ah intay kugu xidheen ayey furihii tuureen.
  25. Ninku adeer jecelaa. Was he a guul-wade in his past life, taabicisanaa!