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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I din't know Abdullahi yusuf was Axmaar. I knew he was their servant. But, if he was axmaar, then yes I am now happy because Ethiopia left. What makes Ethiopia a clan?
  2. I think you will not doubt my hate for Ethiopians, but we need to think wisely. What do we want? A peaceful Somalia. A free Somaligalbeed. The way to acheive is not to throw yourself from the cliff when you can see that you will not survive it. What Alshabab are doing today in Somalia is strengtheing the hand of Ethiopia. Apart from the fact that it is hindering our opportunity to live in peace and prosperity, it is also causing lots of suffering for many somali's by stifling their rights and degrading their humanity. They cut limps without due process. They kill without trial. They enforce archaic laws, not because the religion prescribes, but soley beacuse it fits their own dogmatic views of the religion. The live in a cave. They do not relate to the world and what is going on. No comparison with other nations, no ambition to take our society onto a higher place. They are primitive (mostly rural clerics) with little understanding of modernity, civility and tolerance. Somalia cannot be ruled by people like those. To say that is not to endorse a liberal, secular, non-religions government. It is not to seek to follow the path of Mustafa Kemal Attaturk in the name of moderniy. There is a middle way. That is what we have to look for.
  3. You make them formidable fighters with your own imagination so that they do what you want them to do: Finish Sharif. And all this only because you have to be proven right!! No higher goals at all! They controlled much more than that when you wre cheering for Yey. They were near Baidoa. And had all of Mogdisho.
  4. Whatever they intentions, they were serving a purpose! But, again, do I expect you to understand this! Now, there are other goals. And by the way, it is normal to support some group for one purpose and discard them for another.
  5. Baalaxoofto weeye waxoodu. In fact, the Alshabab's are not good in fightings. They sure terrorise with bombings, but Ahlu-Sunna will tell you what it is like to fight these guys.
  6. You say Raya? I see Raya- Azebo? How could I miss that? I knew you were from Gonder or close to it. Or perhaps Wollo. I knew you are not pure Oromo. The noble blood of Dambi-Dollo, Ambo, or Arsi! So, why do you pretend you are still Oromo, when Raya is not anymore part of Ormoia? Come clean, confess you are Getachew or Giday, and then let us talk history from there on.
  7. General Duke, You mistake pragmatism for flipflopping, intransigence for perseverance. Alshabab was right in fighting the rape of the somali women by the peasant militay of Ethiopians. Nothing was more shameful than seeing entrire families killed just to frighten them. That is not a fiction. I trust you are one of those who look back at the killing of civillians by the former dictator during the SSDF days. If that pains you, the Mogdisho killings should pain you too. But, now that Ethiopia is not there (save for rumours about them being around few areas on the border); now that a sort of acceptable government led by people who didn't kill like your uncle (sheikh Sharif and Ina- Cabdirashid); now that the true colours of the primitive (naroow minded as RR said) leadership of the Alshabab is revealed to all; It is time Somali's rise up and end this madness. And I think that is what is going to happen. But, for you, it will always be if my uncle couldn't do it, let no one do it!
  8. Kashafa, I totally condemn this latest move by Sheikh Hotel and a foreign invasion of Somalia by any army, but I also strongly think the so-called Alshababs have lost the respect of the people and are only ready to perpetuate a reign of confusion and mayhem. They need to be stopped. Not by foriegn forces, but the collective might of Somali's. That is not very difficult to do. But, can you tell me you plans for Somalia? Dukey, You, you have no enough brian to see soultions outside the framework of Yey. Whinning doesn't bring solutions. What idea do you have apart from looking back nostalgically at the reign of the uncle that was never to be? Hadda maxaad haysaa talo?
  9. None of Sheikh Hussien or Imam Nur were Somali's, dear Adam. I like your patriotism but let us not lay claim to what is not ours. Imam Nur is a Harari, and Sh. Hussien is from Wollo. No one ever said they are Somali's.
  10. General Duke, you are also a fake government supporter. All this time you were whinning, why didn't you go and fight for the government you beleive in. So don't throw lables that fit you as well. CyberDawlo! Yususf was wrong and the context today is different than that existed a year ago. Now, there is a concensus about what Alshabab plan for Somalia: anarchy. Then, there were some sane voices in the Islamists rank and some of them are in today's government.
  11. No, They won't put the guns down. But how long will you rely on foriegn troops. What Shariif has to do is get money from the US and the UN, recruit enough soldiers and clear Mog of the Shababs. What he shouldn't do is repeat what Yey used to do. If you at your point about Che wanting mayhem in mogdishu, it looks like the same argument General Duke used to use when he was defending yey. So be fair.
  12. Oromali is not an Oromo. No Oromo romanticises that part of Ethiopian history. It is considered a Northern (Tigray/Amhara issue). So, people, don't waste your time on this imposter. He is Axmaar or Tigre. But the problem is anyone can claim to be an oromo on account of their large population. Or perhaps this guy is Showa_Oromo, who are enslaved by the Amhara. These guys have no sense of identity and had changed their names from Dufera to Abebe.
  13. Waaka hadda Sheikh Hotel bilaabey his addiction. Of all times, why would he need to go to tours now. He is Foriegn Minister,no? He should have stayed in Moqdisho and defend his palace. Mise waa baxsad? If he is expecting support from Meles, he is lost. He doesn't know how weak Meles is feeling nowadays.
  14. He was born Badal Yusuf Ridiq. The son of the traditional veterinarian Badal Ridiq. But no one calls him by that name. They all call him Xadreeye, although there is no one in this earth that he hates more than those ‘Kufaar’ who pretend to be praying to God when they are actually defiling him. He hates Sufi’s. But, this is not about Ina-Ridiq as most elders who remember his father call him. This is about Badal who arrived in North America in 1999 and who have worked hard to feed his family back home. It is about Badal, the taxi driver. Not that he was a taxi driver for long. In fact, today will be his first day as a taxi man in this white land. And he prayed to Allah. “May you make my rizqi halaal. May you be with me all the time”. After the Duca, Badal, a very good Muslim went out for the new job. Devout as he was, he never worried about what he will be getting out of this work this particular day. He wouldn’t mind as long his conscience is clear. He didn’t have to wait long. Two young men stopped him and talked to him. Badal was content with the price they offered for such a short distance. He drove for about half-a kilometre when the car turned to the side, and abruptly stopped. “What?” the men asked “Get off now!” Badal said “Why?” “I tell you …leave my car” “Alright. Your money is here.” The men seemed puzzled. Perhaps they were with a lunatic. “Take your money. I don’t want it” Badal shouted The two men left the scene bewildered. Badal closed his eyes, held his hands up and prayed. And then, he run back to his house. He took out a sharp scissor and tore his driving license apart. Ahmed-wali, the man who lent him the money with which he bought the car, couldn’t belive his eyes. “War maxaad samaynaysaa? Have you gone mad?” “No, I am indeed fine. I am getting my senses back. How could I ever think about becoming a taxi driver?! That was the mistake.” “What happened?” “God gave me the signs that I need to stop.” “How?” “ Hadaan maalinkii ugu horeysay Qaniis qaaday…Don’t you think it is a punishment from God and sign for me to know that I am involved in a filthy business.”
  15. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: It is believed that one of the five men taken into custody by Yemeni forces is the son of Somaliland’s Commander of Coastguard in Zeila; “he went to Aden to export livestock” the source stated. How many men who went to Hargeisa to export livestock have ended up in Ethiopian Jails? Perhaps it is their curse!
  16. You may have seen a good dream. May it come true!
  17. Abtigiis


    You don't need a specialist, and certainly not a lady for that matter. Sure, way kaaga sii dari, when you are looking for your medicine in the wrong places. You need to go to India. Or move your wedding schedules forward.
  18. Maanshaa Alah Sayid Somali wuu marayaa!
  19. My first opportunity to see Xinnfanin leading this march. His voice is quite coarse!
  20. Yaa yidhi way fool xun tahay? The first photo, si xun bay isu sawirtay laakiin. She is the ideal hiding place when you are utterly in cold. Waa Dugsi tani!
  21. fully with Malika on this one. We have been brainwashed indeed. And sometimes we tend to go with our minds than our hearts in appreciating beauty. Sometimes go up and down inside me with the sight of big and tall women, yet, at the back of my mind what I read on a site or a magazine about being slim and nice rings. Or it maybe a sign of being with the times to admire slimness. Having said that, this one is not eye-catching for one or another reason. Maybe it is the bias against her for allowing hresef to be seen like this. Maybe it is because internal beauty is missing! P.S. don't worry Malika. We know who she is! We still have to get a refutation after we disclose the rumor.
  22. Ala walaaloow way idhibaysaaye iga daa! Waan kuu ducayne rer-magaal i dheh!!!!! I am not from Somaliland, but it is not because you are from Afghanistan that you comment on Taliban. Gabbito?
  23. Indeed, the flag-bearers of the secession agenda in Somaliland are mostly primitive with no grasp of contemporary thinking. It is not by happenstance that the learnerd ones from the north are largely unfazed with by this madness. It has also been a nice cover for shallow campaigners of this doomed cause to invoke 'nabadgalyadaya and horumarka' ayaa laga soo hor jeedaa shouts whenever the folly in their agenda's is challenged. That is sheeko dhalaan. P.S. I think you have an issue with being rer-miyi or rer-magaal. Saaxib drop that line. Just be content with whatever you are. It is not big deal if one is rer-miyi (most of us are from there) and or rer-magaal in the way you define. It is how we feel about overselves and how we are perceived by those around us that matters. The glittering tall buildings in Toronto will not make a geeljire who moved there some years ago or his child a big 'ilbax'; a small cottage in Afgooye doesn't make a wise man there 'uncivilized'.
  24. The more you repeat this line that I don't belong, the more revealing it is. And perhaps you are right! I am not from that clan. Maybe it is me who misread your declarations and thought Somaliland is about a geography and not clan. It doesn't matter if you were born there, it doesn't matter if you live there. So, in the true sense of the meaning, It doesn't belong to it. I am not from the lander tribe. I don't resent this! Bad luck to those who will have to be told they are of an inferior race day and night, despite being born in Burco and Hargeisa. Bad luck to Xassen Diriye and Cumar Dhule's. Bad luck to editors of Wardheernews. But me, I am coming from elsewhere from your language. I am rer-hebel, a collective entity, never one man who have every right to choose what he wants to be. It shows where we too are coming from as far as this debate is concerned. Adigaa kola yidhaa Somaliland rer-hebel ma aha kolka laga hadlana odhan adidu rer-hebel baad tahaye ka bax hawshayada!! I am a Somali, Mr.Poker. And I am a free person. I belong to a nation that is a creation of my mind and my experience. And I won't let that vanish from my mind. If that doesn't fit your 'fifedom' mentality, bad luck again. I don't expect petty mind to grasp it!
  25. Are you sure you are not imposing your view of the facts onto me and others? What if I disagree with what you think is an internal issue? What if I think it is my issue? What if I subscribe to the idea (however utopian you may think) that anything that concerns a somali concerns me? Must I confine myself to my clan's fiefdom (as you do) to be not interfering? You are right it is my personal ideology, but to be deemed twisted or not twisted is subjective. It depends on who reads here. No doubt some will get irritated and will not agree with it. No doubt some will agree with it. Throwing a wobbly and uncivilised language is not the right way to express your displeasure Poker. But even then, if it goes to that, I can play the foul game too. Only that, I don't wish to do so. P.S: Somaliland is a fake creation of a fanatic clansmen who still could not outgrow their primitive upbringing. If that annoys you, the anti-dote is to go to safka-hore.com, hadhwanaagnews and the SLNTV and to shun other media outlets.