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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. You see how I like to protect you! I know he knew, but still wanted you to notice that I am on your defence.
  2. I can testify to the truth here. Xinn is a people pleaser. I don't know about the others. Certainly not JB!
  3. Gabbal has done a good job here in eduacting me. But I still have to be convinced that the Amhara's and Oromos/Somali's are of the same origin. Again, Ethiopian history, which enemity aside can not be all lies, says the Amharas,Tigre's gurage's, harari's are semitic tribes while Afars, Somali's, oromo's are Chushites. I tend to agree with that version of ethiopian history. At least language wise it makes a lot of sense. Do you speak Harari? It is af-axmaar la yara qaloocinayo. Malika was only joking. Gabbal, you are right to defend Somali's.
  4. Gabbal, I agree with you. I shouldn't have taken it, and I never took that history seriously. Laakiin, Somalidu maadama iyaduna ay wax kasta sheegato yarahe biased baan ka aheyn. Ninkii Barlev qabsaday waa somali bay ku odhan. Marka I didn't take theirs too. Mida kale, in the 16th century, Somali u soo dhow Harar ma jirin runtii. Waa dhow ayeynu dhulkan soo gaadhnay. So, I think Amir Nur could have been a sole traveller. My credentials about gumaysi-diid are impeccable saaxib. If I weren't, given the profile of some of my classmates in the current government in Addis, you would have seen me on TV as an Ambassador of Ethiopia to the UN or a big Minister. Not fighting a mundane cyber-war with imposters like Oodweyne! P.s, on a softer note, ileen show Sayid Maxamedkii rerahaan deny garayney all these days.
  5. Please excuse my ignorance. I learned the false history of Ethiopia. We were never told he or Axmed gurey were somali's. And I never bothered to research. While many references are made to Sheikh Xussen, Amir Nuur and Axmed Gurey in ethiopian history and also in versions written by some western historians, they all refer to a certain people called Adal ( who are said to be present day Afars). Waa naloo been guurey kolkaa'e raali ahow.
  6. Naxar has made a compelling argument here. I have to say I am impressed. This is not saying I endorse his 'pseudo-civilized' stances on certain issues. But here, he made a lot of sense.
  7. Mr right, you couldn't have started your debut with a better irony. Indeed, you got it wrong! We are asking him to tell us who he is. His nationality. In case you don't know, there is no common Ethiopian history or political outlook. So, it helps to know where he is from. And it seems you didn't bother to read my qualifying second line in the above comment. In your urgency to make a quick mark, and what a better way to do that than to come down with the tried and tested tirade against somali ethos, you skipped to read the full lines. Anyway, welcome and have a cup of tea horta. Sip some oxygen and relax. And then start making some sense. For now, it is evident whoever has through this human pebble at me has sent a quick one! Oromali hasn't raised an issue. He is making assertions on some important issues. Like saying most Oromos are pro-Ethiopia. Well, if you know about Ethiopia, you will appreciate why knowing who oromali is, is important. An outlook from an Oromo or an Amahara on that simple matter is very different. So, I am just telling him that most Oromo's will disagree with him.
  8. Why? could be modesty! Could be he thinks others deserve more. What is certian is that the man is not a believer in what you are saying.
  9. Yaa yidhi fanaanadu kolba shaad ha gashato. Haday ku ekaato "saddex cadow ayaa jiray" ma cid baa qabsan laheyd? Anyway, that is not a big issue. Adigu se Culusow maxaa lagaa siiya? Speaking of him, he has another hit one on wardheernews. Inaan kuu soo diraan damcay saaka! The guy has some ideas. His conclusions are good.
  10. ^ This is pathetic. No sane person can think Hadrawi (of all people) will think like that! Hadrawi is a civilized poet and philosopher. If he says no, it is for other reasons. Not because of what you are hinting at here. But if she was treated like that by others, it is unforgiveable. Galkacyo or Hargeisa, the discrimination is the same!
  11. Take it easy young man. Waa maxay nervous nimadu? Ma saasaad jeego-xiir ku tahay?
  12. His name is probably Takatel Yiluhal. A typical Gojjame posing as an Oromo. Anyway, no biases against Amharas as well, as long as we are to debate sensibly and without resorting to foul language. Ato Taketel, yaa yarajawn ya abesha fairytale taariik titeh, sila ahunuu ya Ethiopia huneetaa ini wayaay! Bataleym baya qanu indha kabit sila mi taaradaw ya Oga.den hizib gudaay!
  13. We have lost Kashafa. He is following in the path of anarchy and bravado. It seems reason has deserted him. Or, perhaps he knows the futility of what he is supporting, but feels too timid to admit his mistakes and to back down. Anyway, allaw nin ma ahaa waagu qumanaa!
  14. Cajuuz Ngonge has misled lot of people. I don't blame Marx. Waan u soo duceyn. At that tender age, I shouldn't have bullied him. Way lugooyeen. Marx, isaamax adeer.
  15. No wonder Marx knows nothing about the blue flag. Ileen waa caruur.
  16. Hadrawi is a wise and honurable man. He must have seen something wrong with her projects. Or he doesn't want to be associated with her latest conversion. Ninkaasi waa Somaali buuxa.
  17. Dhagaxtur, And if you may, what is that lasting solution?
  18. Honestly, Xinn's posturing here is a bit hypocratical. He was the one who was so fond of a peace caravan which will deliver all the goodies once the Sharif comes onboard. He was sure the Sharif can bring those who are fighting him today to his fold, with some unprecedented charisma and acumenship. This has not happend. Xinn should, therefore, not boast about his past comments. But what he saying here is quite right. The Alshaba are the central problem of Somalia today. I also agree with him that two years ago, they may not have been the sole spoliers. However, that should not blind anyone from the poor leaderhsip of Sheikh Sharif and his poor judgements since he came to power. He has made quite a number of blunders. I personally think that Sharif or no Sharif, the government in power needs to be supported and is the only hope. I know some others (not sharif) would have delivered better, but I will be unfair if I think he should have done a miracle in such a short period. What Somalia needs today is to come togather and fight hard to obliterate the Alshabab. To do so, they don't have to call for armies from Kenya or Ethiopia. That will be counter-productive. They can seek miliary assistance but the men who are going to face the Alshabab must be Somali's. And I think with the right resources, there is no shortage of them. For ME and those who are cheering for Alshabab just because Sharif is disappointing, it is time they look at what options they have and make a decision. Do you want the return of Somalia as a nation (with a lot of flows) or do you want a 17 century-like Southern Somalia state where the only news will be amputaions, bombings and anarchy. The choice is yours. And to the extent you are enjoying hot meals from McDonalds and Steers in a white land, it will be very cruel if you choose the latter for the not-so-lucky back at home. On the question of what has changed from the last two years, if you are not in denial, a lot has changed. Ethiopia has left, a better government (with responsible albeit ineffective leadership) is in place and crucially most somali's are eager to accept any form of stable governance. This much has changed.
  19. Hunguri, The big question is Hadrawi maxaa isu geyn karaba? I think she is using this to escape the bad attention she has been getting from the Somaliweyn camp of late. Roob kalaa meel kale ka da'ay show?
  20. Faysal oon biya ismarin unbuu ahaa bay ila tahay mr. Bidaar. Ma cid baa la shaqeyn karta!
  21. Ma runbaa oo hadraawi way isku dhaceen! I mean anyone else yes. laakiin Hadrawi inuu si xun ula dhaqmay ma filayo.
  22. I heard the same on HCTV. What happened? What is the relation between Hadrawi's suppossed reluctance and her anger. If it true, I think it has no relation to anger. She simply wants to go back to another business. it has been a profitable show.
  23. I am not saying hello to a machine anyomore. This Cara binary is not a human for sure.
  24. If I may add, Gelete Burka and Ijigayu Dibaba. Tehy all came from the village of Baqoji. But can you tell me all those listed have said a word about Ethiopian unity all these years? Don't you know most Oromos do not feel pride when the athletes win at the olympics. Do you think it is lost to me it is the Amhara, Tigre's and few christian Gurage's who actually fill the bars in Addis when they are running? And leave that contentious issue here. Do you want to tell me Most Oromo's hate bening called Ethiopian? I have studied that fake history of Ethiopia to know that all what is called Ethiopia is the creation of Menelik. It was an imperial conquest and it shall end. But, again, if you are Oromo, perhaps you would like to have a say in Ethiopia's affiars. The elections are coming and as Meles is claiming he will leave, we don't here a successor Oromo. No Dibaba, no aba-so and so, No Challa. It is only Equbay, Seyoum and so and so. I know the Oromo's have always been a pitiful peasants (no wonder the chauvinst Amhara's call the OLF - organisation of lazy farmers) and I am not expecting you to be in rage over this shame. But I also know you are not an Oromo. Most Amhara's (uninoist) pose as half-oromo, half Amhara. That is your trick which is nowadays rejected.
  25. Originally posted by General Duke: Just watching as the game unfolds. I am not interested in either party at this moment. Which proves you didn't care about Somalia all this time. Indeed, you don't care about the carnage in Mogdisho. You are neutral, as long as your uncle is not going to any dividend. All your rants here nowadays is to salvage some pride for the old fart. To say: look, he is the only one who called for Ethiopia. There is no other purpose for you in all this latest killings. The clock stopped when Yey left for you. Injury time consolotaion goal ayaad daydayeysaa!