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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Abtigiis

    b day BOB

    Canjeex is wrong. BOB soo barbaar lama odhan karo. Already wuu barbaaray!
  2. Abtigiis

    b day BOB

    Dhalasho farxad leh if is the right day. Haday tahay mid aad ka soo qiyaastay abaartii dabadheerna ilaahay ha sahalo Boobow! Anigu koley hoyaday waxay tidhaa waxaad dhalatay maalintii abtigaa Abdullahi gaadhigu jiidhay!
  3. Dear Duke, now I want to be serious. Viallages are not what matter. Hearts and Minds of the people is, at this stage. Don't read too much into who controlls Isgoyska Huriwa as this point in time. Especially when you know the full onslaught is yet to be commenced by the government.
  4. Given that Sheikh Shariif hails from the anarchist section of the Somali community, he has done well. Yey is coming from the fiercily clan-loyal Puntland. The two cannot be compared.
  5. War dee Gabadhu ma qurux badna saaaxib. Mana fool xuma. But again that is subjective. Qofba sibay la tahay. Someone may find your avatar attractive,hadduu rabo. Addunku waa caynba cayn.
  6. Results matter abti. No lame excuses here. Yey faile to get the support of the Somali people. You will know that most of the Somali's were against the government last year, and that most have changed their stance since then. But this is not about Yey anymore. Let us forget about him. It is only you, who in an attempt to get some name for him, bring his name back here. The reality is that Sheikh Sharif, with his failings, still command a huge support of the Somali people. Militarily, it is too premature to judge him. Out of his seven months reign, he has only been in active fighting mode for not more than 3 months (2??). Intii hore he was making peace with those who care for Somalia.
  7. And instead of blessings, you get curses. It is tough!
  8. Duke, Axmed Abdullahi Yusuf (the short guy) looks fine for me. Waa nin aamusan oo fiican. Bal shirka danbe isaga keena.
  9. Your anger against all of the individuals you stated is rooted in your loyalty to Yusuf. You thing they spoiled for him. Hiirale is a nice addendum just to look you are not against any specific groups. Waa Kaarta Qodaal, I mean to hoodwink waxaad hiirale ugu dartay. Otherwise, who your enemies are shows from your utterances. By the way, the same Yey you are cheering for with lustful affection that only a seasoned harlot can fake for a prospective client has done more bluffs and could not win the war when he had tens of thousands of Ethiopian army, supported by US bombers.
  10. The real irony is that no somali national government is acceptable to you unless it is headed by a Puntlander. Personally, I wouldn't mind Faroole. He conviced me he is a good Somali. If few hundred AMisom soldiers can push Alshabab today, why haven't the much bigger Ethiopian army achieve the same? Saaxiib, Alshabab is on its last legs. Personally again, I don't mind if Amisom takes the credit as long as Alshabab are finished. It is whether the job is done, not who did it. If Sharif's luck means it will happen under his leadership, it is his luck. No compalints.
  11. Faheema, Waan ku salaamy. 114 ayaan kugu salaamay.
  12. So it is a lie inuu Maryan Mursal iyo Hadraawi dhexhdhexaadinayo? P.S. horta odaygii xawaalada lagacta ka qaaday kiiskiisii waa sidee saaxib?
  13. Odeygii aaway? waa la tabay e warkiisa hana soo gaadhsiiyo.
  14. Time is on the side of the government. Yesterday's push just shows you how weak Alshabab is. They will be eliminated soon. They are not enjoying popular empathy as they used to do when the Yey was in charge. Things have changed, Dukey!
  15. Who wrote is immaterial. It is a human rights watch report, no? By the way the title sums it up: Hostages to peace. Nabadgalyada aan ilaashano unbaa UDUB laga hayaa!
  16. War anagaa wax aragnay! War ninkii General Duke ahaa ma dawlad-diid buu isu badalay in a span of months. Halkaa kaga hay Duke, waa meeshaan kal hore marayey!!
  17. Bad days for the Fake General. Sharif is routing Alshabab. So much for faking dawlad doon all these years,duke!
  18. Federalism works well when people are educated and the issue if about decentralisation of power. When it is an issue of tribes looking to curve out 'areas of influence', it will destroy national cohesion and fuel clanish mentality. The recent experience of Ethiopia is a good example. In the case of Somalia, once Somaliland and Puntland (and if) are given federal status, brace for requests of sub-federal entities within the same regions. I think the af-maaay speaking Somali's will benefit if they learn with their mother tongue in their schools, but I really don't see any need for federal structures in Somalia in the future. However, for now, it maybe alright to start with given that so much inter-clan suspicions exist. By the way we can have a devolution of power and resources to community levels without Federalism.
  19. Gabbal, references for the part about Amhara/Tigray (semitic speaking ) and Oromo (Cushitic speaking) are from the same roots. I am not disputing it, just want to know more. Professor Mr. Right, Did i say I am an academic? I made no such claim and I am ready to learn from those who are academic and those who think they are. Speaking of Academics, since when has History become synonymous with it? Despite your superlatives and three-syllabe waffles, there was nothing new. A correction by Gabbal to some of my misconceptions on distant historical figures. Mr. Right, given your infatuation with some jargons (deep analyis, opinion leader, broad-sweeping etc), you carry the unmistakeable marks of a neophtye graduate; just unleashed with a pat from behind to impart newly acquired critical thinking!
  20. I tend to disagree with this one brother. Nothing wrong with the logic, but references are required for your assertions.
  21. I just consulted the highest authorities of SOL. This voting process is suspended and the result on the screen annulled with immediate effect. Marx is going to stay, whether you like it or not. No one is allowed to banish this jeego-xiir just yet. Codbixin socon kartaa ma leh!
  22. Waa noocaa daynta loo wada haysto nooca laga fadhiyi la'yahay!