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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Abtigiis

    b day BOB

    This birthday things is getting funny. Maalin dhowna xitaa Nuune ayaa odhan doona my birth day is so and so. Waryaa Nuune, adiga iyo inteena kale ee geedhoosti ku dhashay dadka yaynaa qaldin. Including mzee Xinnfaniin.
  2. How can Malika just quit her job without informing and consulting her friends here. Waa maxay Malika, ma saasa habarwadaag ku nahay?
  3. Angaba waa dhow ayaa na loo sameyn doonaa vessels. You will see.
  4. Waxaagu waa: The horse of This sayid, When it is on the move The dust it swirls The dung it splashes Ninkii yidhii ee kurka laga jaray. Anyway noocaa gaagaaban baad ku dhaantaa.
  5. Ninku sidii hore ma aha. Sidii fulaydii aan aqaanay ayuu dadka kala horeeya feedhka waayahan.
  6. War dee naga daa JB, waxani gabay maahe! Culumadda kala qabta ayey goor dhow qaar odhan doonaan, kolkaasaan meeshaba iskaga tagi doonaa.
  7. It is a prediction, Ayoub. Again, clannish googles iyo waxaa iska daa. Who have you been associating with lately oo aflagaadada ku baray. You weren't like this before. Speaking of clannish whatever, the fingers you are pointing at me can be pointed at you too. So, don't go there. If you are agreeing that when Somalia becomes stable the rest of Somaliland will also be part of it and will abandon secession, it is a good thing. I welcome it. But, in truth, it has always been elites of one clan that ever wanted this thing. I cannot be accused if tribalism for saying this truth, which everyone else knows.
  8. Buuxooy Jawaabtaadu waa Juus macan badane Qlabigay i jeexdo walee jiidhkii baa jarane Kol haddaan Jareeyo hawada dhookhi iga jiidhay Jamaalkii ku dhalay waa inaan jeebabka u buuxsho Jaahil baan ogeyn wixii jawharad loo huro'e Kama jeedsanayo anigu, jidkaa jannadda aadaaya Hedde meesha wax gabay ila ekeeya kuma arkee armaan ku shax guuraa!
  9. Somali Pimps waa budh meel kasta. Back home , there are men who bring women to those with resources. It is only that they are not officially known as Pimps. Anyway,kuwa waxaa ka shaqaynaya waa in nolosha lagu gubo!
  10. What contradictions are you talking about here Ayoub? I have always maintained the people of Awdal are not part of the secession agenda, in their hearts. This was a littlte sign. The big on will come the day the south gets a stable government. Waagaa ha inoo ahaato. The other labelling is unbecoming of you. It only tarnishes your gentlemanly posture until now.
  11. I prepared this kolkuu Xinn shaah doontay, but now i see inuu soo rogaal celiyey. So, intaan kan danbe u soo diyaar garoobi kan hala iga sii raseeyo. Jiljileec la iguma xantee Jiifkii ma ka toosay Jigre waxaan ka dhicin iyo raggii jeedal ma la fuulay Qaxwo kuwo u jeestiyo kuwaan juuqba soo celinba Ninba Jahadu isyidhi waad ku bixi Jaanti ma u weecshay
  12. War hedde Paragon Xodxodashadaadu badanaa, waxoo dhan ma korkaad ka qabtaa!! Soo kaad maalin horena ilahayd gabadha Moderator'ka ah lama hadli kartid!
  13. owen will prove lot of people wrong. The guy might not be his self, but he will still impress.
  14. Abtigiis

    b day BOB

    FU-FU nin yar ma aha! Ilaahay unbaa ka weyn.
  15. Originally posted by -MARX-: My cousin was in the area where this happened and says there are Somali secret service police from Puntland that are trying to destabilise Somaliland. The Shock of it all is too much to swallow. I have made some background check and come to know Marx is from Harawaa, which is in Somaligalbeed. So, this fake secessionst should stop pretending. On the issue of the rebellion, it is indicative of the deep-seated feeling of somalinimo (which I never doubted) of the people of Awdal. This people didn't react by burning the flag of UDUB, or waving that of silaanyo. They came out with the blue one. It is not by happenstance.
  16. In fact, it has dawned on me lately after some serious soul-searching. Indeed, I think I was binded by my anger at Abdullahi Yusuf and many of his clan cronies that I overlooked the starking fact that Puntlanders are the best Somalis and are genuine patriots. Faroole confirmed that. Or am I, once again, short-sighted and misreading what I see on Faroole as representative of the people? What is indisputable is that no one waves the blue flag higher than the children of Puntland. Aad iyo aad ayaan u qiiroodaa kolkaan arko gatherings by Puntlanders and the way they grace the flag and Somalinimo. Of course, kolkaan tago big hotels in Nairobi and Addis Ababa ee arko kuwa ku maran Secret service'ga Ethiopiankana waan xanaaqaa oo tuugtan buglaan sheegata yaa qabqabtaan idhaa! Hunguri, General Duke, wadanka uu difaacayaa waa kee?
  17. Waryaa Torress, I wouldn't have paid 50 shilin oo Somaliland Shiling ah for Adebayor runtii. He is useless. That kind of player is exposed when they are denied the cover of a good attacking team. Arsenal's lethal attack covered up for him. Tevez is a very good player. If Robino ups his game, they can do well. Especially with Gareth Barry on board. BTW, I think Micheal owen will be good in Man U.
  18. Abtigiis

    b day BOB

    In view of the fact that Bob is equal to Aaliyah, I dedicate this song to his Birthday party. "Waliwa caruuroo, waa laan curdin ahoo..." kkkkk. Waa curdun bidaar leh oo gadhweyn.
  19. Abtigiis

    b day BOB

    malika is saying, "Even me, before I saw him, I was thinking he is old". Key words: hataa mimi (even me), Mzee )old man, nilifikir (I thought). Malika, am I right?
  20. Jaaheeda kaliyoon arkaa jiidhku kacayaaye Iyadoo Jacayl sheegatayna waa jidkaan rabaye Innan yahay Jaleecaan rabaa iyo Jaawi ood shiddo'e Jaahwareer ka dheer shayga ay jamatay laabtaadu Anigaa jawaabtii hayoo jilibka aasaaya ee Buuxooy Jidkaan soo hayaa, ee jaararka u sheega Jaamo maas ah kol aan soo toshiyo cirkoon jarmaadaaba Jacket intaan soo gatoon Jig isku soo siiyo Waa inaan jilbaha soo dhigtaa Jiida aad jirtaba I am assuming inaad Awastarrreeliya joogto!
  21. Jacayloow jab baa soo socdiyo jaahwareer badane Jibbadaa wadaa Xinnfaniin wuu ku jabayaaye Jalaq uguma daadagin casharaadaan jeel hore u dhigaye Maantana jidhiidhicaa ka kici haduu jacag ka siin waayo
  22. Abtigiis

    b day BOB

    If Bob is of Aaliyah age meeshaas anigu kuma jiro. That is not what I am told. Aniga da'daydu waa 4(X-2)/4, where X is Ngonge's age. Buuxo waan ku salaamay.
  23. Abtigiis

    b day BOB

    Hal gu ayuu iga weynyhay. Hadda Canjeexoow ma qiyaasayee xog baan ku socdaaye la soco. Raggi kolkii hooyadii la doonayey go'a shaalka ah waday baan la kulmay!
  24. He has gone mad! The General needs taxaliil in loo dhigo oo qardhaas loo xidho. Caadi ma'aha maalmahan. War tolkii away!