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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Muqaaxi ninkii furta, xiliguu xidhi isagaa og! No one can say car xidh. This was opened by Xinn. Inta badan laakin Muqaaxiyaha Soomalida la ma xidho, way Kacaan. This is not a different story.
  2. Ibti, Siliskii aad tidhi ta yar (namesake)ayaan u soodiri ilaa hadda lamahayo. Habeen walba Dukaanka Daruuro marka la xayeeysiinayo yaan eega bal inaan arko adoo sii gali.
  3. Inuu Jacaylbaro InterPeace yahay waa horaan ogaa anigu! Btw, Interpeace is synonymous with Interhamwe in Somaliland. You must watch SLNTV to have some fun. Islaanta baradhada iibinaysa ee leh Interpeace waa cadowga soomaliland waad yaabi. Riyaale is doing his work walee. But I am told Riyaale is actually a pupet. They say nin Cawil la yidhaa ayaa ku shaqaysta. Again, mid baa shalay igu yidhi horta Inter-peace waa Habar-ayo?
  4. What I know is that I can now see Ibtisam anywhere and can tell who she is. That is true. Ama hala masaxo ama yaan la masaxin footage'kii.
  5. According to reports from Hargeisa, police is cracking down on all supporters and members of a newly-found enemy, Inter-peace. Riyale has ordered for tough mesaures against clandestine members of this organisation who are believed to have inflitered deep into the society. Riyalle says inter-peace is a cancer and needs to be taken out of the land. So far one veteran SOler have been victimised. Late last night Jacaybaro was arrested after he left his office and was released on bail after robust introgations. Police said they suspected this man after monitoring his movemenents for a month, and finding him intimately attached to computers. Police believe members of this banned Inter-peace group usually hatch their plots by using computers. Ngonge is also believed to be an on overseas operative of Inter-peace.
  6. Speaking of prisnors, last week I read a sort of 'positive news' posted in tribal www.Kilil5.com website about the nominal head of security in Jigjiga. They said he visited and discussed on their situation with 1900 inmates in jigjiga's JeelOga.den This is only one of five maximum security prisions. Infact, this particluar jail was built for a maximum capacity of 200 prisnors. And it is not even the worst. So, you can see how bad are things up there.
  7. This is a sad news. But we also know the Ethiopian regime usually sentences people with life and death penalties and later offers pardons. It is my hunch Meles wants to grant pardon at some stage to appease Canada. Even if he doesn't, TPLF's years are numbered. He will come out a national hero like his forefathers. Long live ONLF! Long live the dream!
  8. This is for Aw-Muuse. Madaxaa ka weynaan aduunyadan, ninkii maalma sii jira'e Maantana mid baa soo mudh yidhi, rer malaay cunna'e I don't doubt your English, but you shold be ashamed of yourself for making false claims and when taken to account, you change the issue.
  9. Iska daa walaaley taas. That is not important now. Laakin, hadalka aan ku idhi ka raali ahow, saad u qaadatay uma jeedin. anigaa hal hays u leh "beenta?" inaan idhaa. I should have know it is different when you are writing. Juxa, hedde walaaley haddaan wajigii tilmaanay ma gabadhu waa gabadh xagga gaabnida xigta laakin normal ah oo aan buureyn wajiga mooye inaan ku nidhaa baad naga rabtaa, ka hadh arinta.
  10. Juxa, been baad sheegtay ugama jeego you are lying. Take it as you are bluffing. The context matters.
  11. I am challenging you Ibti. Waxaan ku idhi Caman doonbirleeyey, is not enough clue? Mise must I talk about the other areas. That will be indecent.
  12. No, in your case, I didn't celebrate it. I asked you if you were the guy with the cleft who works for an isurane company or accident claim miyuu ahaa? If Ibtisam insists she is going to dispute this, I will be describing her here in full view. Juxa,been baad sheegaty, ismaaweeli. There is someone with yellow Dheggo, lipstick, scarf wuxuun. I will not be precise.
  13. Nuune, who is Juxa? What was her name before. Iyadaan ka shakisan ahay? Edit: Ibtisam? Don't force me to describe you in public. Ha nagu qasbin inaan qaadno "Caman doonbir leeyey". IS that enough clue?
  14. Sorry LST. That was your role to confirm. I am not fool to allow you to use it. Anigaa reply'ga maanto dhan garaaci.
  15. Nuune hails Axmed Dhancadde's triumphant victory over Xinnfannin in a poetry duel Jarrati Chronicle. Aw Muuse missing after scandal Garoweonline Ngonge calls Xinn a poetic failure London Overnight
  16. mahadsanid LST. Anay rabaan inay ii been guuraan. Many thanks. Laakin yellow'ga miyaad garatay? Ma MS DD' baa? She sure looks hot.
  17. KK, you are quick. It was spelling error actually. I actually exclaimed "Alla! waa Ibtisam!" to the harsh looks of my wife. If only I didn't named my baby Ibtisam two months ago, maxaa i maydhi lahaa? I quickly found the scape: Alla Ibtisam u ekaa gabadhani! What Ibtisam doesn't know is that I was alerted one hour before the programme would start. The caller said 'keep your eyes on Universal TV caawa'. Juxa, take it as a bluff or as a sign of me advertising my connections, but the fact is I know what I am talking about here. She indeed talked a fast somali that I can't remember what she was saying. Yellow, haduu dooni lipstick ha ahaado, there has to be someone oo wax yellow ah watay. Ama dagho ha noqdo. I am sure. Please try to check on the group.
  18. The delicate flower looked like habarwadaagtay Muxubo. Lama kala garto.
  19. Iskada daa please. I told you I have learned to trust my sixth sense long time ago. What I am not yet sure is if the one with the yellow foodad next to you was my own MS DD or if she was someone else? I am missing a lot, stucked here in the jungle of Africa. Waa inaan soo xaraashaa alaabtayda oon meesha iskeenaa. Juxa, My roots reach far away. If you didn't know,maanta ogow.
  20. You see, I never saw Ibtisam, nor did I see her photo. I can't say I have sixth sense. It is more appropriate if I say waa la igu soo dagaa. It didn't even took me two seconds to know this one was her. I quickly traced her spoken Somlali to what she writes in SOL. And like that professor langdon in Angels and Demons, it was there. But I didn't sleep, out of guilt. I was giving hard time here in SOl to such lovely baby. Seeing her you would think she will break if you touch her. But,here in SOL, she is the policeman. The amazing transformative power of cyber-life!
  21. She was there last night for all to see. Maa'shaa Allah , covered with grey and whittish scarf, and mixing broken somali with impeccable English, she was there, with all her grace. I saw her, I don't know who else saw it. In a somali event.
  22. I am sorry Xinn, I have to say Ya'dad ku dhaantay. That Siinleey was incoherent and I will pick and show you where it lacked any rhym, kolkaan wakhti helo. You are tired and agitated. And it shows. Siinlaydaa sabooshee Xinnfanin, silic ku saydhaayo Ee salal daraadeed sinwalba, sawaxan tuuraysa Nin si’uun yidhaa bay rabtaa, oo sabbo qaboow geeya Saamahaadka wax ka saaray la’dahay, iyo suudiga gubaya Adoo sadaro caata ah shirabbay, oon seeto isku haynin Oon sees lahayn oo middiba, meel ku sakaraadi Oo suququl lagu curiyey iyo, tolyyohow soo yaaca Yaad Salaan iyo salool iga rabtaa, waa Sidii Mudug’e! Sallaan aad udheer Waxaad sii kortood, samadda aadaaba Saleebaano iyo Sixiroole Aw Muuse, waxay sacab garaacaanba Kolkaan soo rogaal celiyey waa kuwaa, saylac sii mariye Nuunihii silloonaa iyo tolkay, hadday seexan ooy gam’iye
  23. Waxaan kaaga tacsiyeeynayaa geeridan naxdinta leh. Ilaahay aabo janadii haka waraabiyo, adiga iyo ehelka uu ka tagayna samir iyo iimaan ha ka siiyo. Samir iyo iimaan.
  24. Siinleeyda maansada hadaan soodh u soo lissane Si xillaan u gali Aw Muusihii Saaxirka ahaaye Kuwa guusha siidhiga u tuman suudigaan dhigiye
  25. What convinced Xinn he is a victor and gave some credibility to his claim was the fake analysis of Aw Muuse, he is now gone AWOL. In light of the robust challenge I mounted to this false witness, who is missing since, I think the man has to stop claiming victroy like Mugabe when he hasn't won. False election committee awarded Mugabe 'victory', fake Aw Muuse tried to do so for Xinn. Because we cannot always adjust to the whims of xinn everytime he changes his game, I suggest this time he should accept to play by our rules and initiatives. I am suggestig we go to Siinleey or something else good enough for up-starts like him and me. Clearly none of us can claim we are so good we can do Ya'da when big poets struggle to do so. So, what I am proposing here is for Xinn to continue the contest here with Siinleey or anything else. Otherwise, the antidote for his pretnce of making a poetry in Ya'da will be dealt with in-kind pretence of composing lines in a mix of god-knows-what languages. Adeer, meesha midkeena wax kuma hayo Ya'dee, lt us sieze up and fight with what we can manage. Haddi kale good luck with the charade and Quraanka aad gabay nooga dhigayso.