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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Agree with Ngone. Riera and Benayoun are the answers. But Liverpool also needs one more good striker. Torres is predictable. Kuyt is good, but Torres isn't. They should a physically strong attcker. In the defence, horta ninkan waalan ee Carragher la yidhaa taxaliil ha loo dhigo. He finished most of his collegues. Waa nervy. Then, they need to have a central defender with good ariel ability. Liverpool conceded many goals from set-pieces.
  2. The sonner Benitez realises that he doesn't have a creative midfield, with the likes of Mascherano and Luckas around, the better. Those two should have been sold long time ago.
  3. Abtigiis

    One feature

    Qaarka danbe! That is one feature we will hardly turn down. Hilib-cun baan nahay!
  4. I mean the Galmudug mafia, under the pretense of Ahlu-sunna.
  5. Juje's anarchist mafia are behind this shameful massacre of Pakistani culumaa.
  6. Jaale Siyaad was not a closet Christian. Perhaps an atheist.
  7. I agree with Marx. Cara is LST. Xinnfain, it is not fair to say A&T lama arag. Of all people, you are the closest to see him or rather what he looks like. Ninkaad meesha wada dhigataan ee Abdilatif ayaa la yidhaa way isu eg yihiin. Ask him.
  8. NN, waa ku sidee ninyahow? Maxaa waxa khayrka ah kugu diray. At least we know where peacenow is coming from. Adiga see wax kaa yihiin. Indeed, we need muslim missioners in Somalia.
  9. Most Somali men back home tie'ka Kalxantay ka xidhaan.
  10. Galkacyo is the epitome of anrachy and all that is aganist humanity. May God unleash a Tsunami on that cursed village. The killing of the Pakistani Culumas is inhuman. I was in total shame when I read about this, while with some Pakistani collegues. I hated being a somali. How can one do this insdie a mosque?
  11. It is not fair to compare nations that are incomparable. I mean let us compare likes with likes. There is no way Somali's or Ethiopians are going to be prettier than an Arab. On individual basis, yes, but as a generalised assertion, it is wrong. So what one can do is to compare sub-saharan africa. Even here, it is unfair to compare Kenyans with Eritreans.Or Malalwians with Ethiopians. The difference is glaring. What makes sense is to either compare individual girls whereever they are from, or to compare those who have similar physical attributes. So, if we are to compare who has the most beautiful women among the Bantus, it is like asking one to identify the blind fly among a flock of flies. Across countries, they are almost similar. If we are comparing Afro-asiaitic people in the East Africa, then the undisputed winners will be Ethiopian women. Four of my past five wives were somali's, but this should not bias me. You look at a group of 10 Somali girls, and probably find 3-4 are attractive. You do the same for a group of Ethiopians, and it will be around 7-8 who will catch your eyes. Now, let the Xalimoos here unleash their wrath!
  12. Raamsade you are confused. This is an empire in disintegration. By the way, who is the Ethiopia you hope will eradicate rebels? The Tigres in power? I think you need ethiopianhistory 101.
  13. Shariifka Uguyaalaha halaga saaroo bilaacalayk! If there is anything attractive about him, it is his eyes, iyagiina Uguyaalo beersool ah ayuu ku xidhay. Who is the protocol guy there?
  14. Horta, please excuse me if I am late with the response. As caruus, I have other important tasks to tend to. You understand! Second, There are five reasons why Rudy is not fit for Buuxo, and why he wouldn't worry me: 1- Koofiyadduu xagga danbe u xidhaa 2- When Buuxo's family contact him, he will say "o! ya! that is B's old fart father. Didn't you get the money I sent through Dahabshil? what is it? I am in the Gym". Xurmo xidid ma leh. 3- Ditto Bob's remark about this man's issues with girls. Within a week, she will catch him with a Latino. 4- Af-Oromo ayuu ku hadlaa, more than Somali. 5- He is a juvenile pensioner when it comes to the family task. 18 jir ayuu ku bilaabay what Ducaysane fondly calls KICIYE. Waxba islama hayo. Koklkaa ma koofiyad iyo afro-american swagger ayaa Buuxo nin u noqon. Anyway, Buuxo dookheedu is not new to me. In 1993, Sheikh Mohamed Ahmed Yare married a young pretty girl who was happy with him until he took her to DireDhabe one fateful day. There, he took her to a big hotel where young couples and school boys were posing for pictures by the pool side and in the garden. Isagoo shaatigu guluuska (baldhanka) sare uga xidhan yahay he also stood for pictures smiling beside his younger bride. Alas! that was the last day anyone heard of her. Way baxsatay! I will not repeat that mistake of that fool man. Buuxo will stay beside me, but always in Muxaadarooyin places and big reconciliation meetings where most of the crowd will be my age. No ventures to movie places and nightly areas. Val and those who pillory me for the situation I am in, I can tell you you are part of those inconsiderate lot Sulfa had sang about many ages ago. Waakii Yidhi, Dantayday cusleeysoo, cid wax saaran maaye Anigoo cirroobaa, caashaq laygu beere Waaba caadadeena, in la isku caayo Caqli nimaan laheyn baa, i canaananaaye Cirraddiyo Jacaylku, caaway igu kulmeene Bob, mahadsaanid adeer. Nuune away gabaatigii ha sii qaadee, hawshu way iska dhantahaye. Xinn ayaa minxiis ii noqonaya.
  15. Kool Kat, mahadsanid walaal. Adigaa wax macquul ah meesha jooga. To all others, Arooska hambalyn mooye aflagaadada halaga daayo. Sidani dhaqan ma'aha. Ragga Buuxo istustusayana waxaa waano ugu filan 'walaashaa ma hubtide, seedigaa ha colaysan'.
  16. Fu-fu, yaan yareyn dee? 40tan jir ishaysta with all his armoury maxaa ka fiican? Loooooooool@Farancab , eeg hadda waa sidii kuwii filinka ku jiray ee filin kale oo laba is caashaqay ah ka daawanayeye!!! Shukhaansigii baad shuukaansi kale ku dhex wadaa xariifka!!
  17. Bahwaynta SOL ha noo sooduceeyaan. Intii hoos noola soo xidhiidhayna way mahadsantahay. Arrin ma'aha uguboo Adan iyo Xaawaa ololaha bilaabe...
  18. Waryaa GD, your friend (if he is one) waa crazy. Did you listen to his arguments. Waa af-mishaar laakin he is unfit for political debate. Meelaha lagu qaylio kuwa qabsada weeye noocisu. Bismilaah!
  19. Waaba hawl dhan oo reeraha lagu ogyahaye. I mean it is not my creation you know that. Horta Cabdllahi Suufi nin la yidhaa oo Makhiiristan ah ma taqaan?
  20. Hunguri, I didn't do anything wrong. Gabdhaha SOL unbaan soo helay. Rer-makhiirka la odhan jiray haweenkay isku fiican yihiin.
  21. As part of the expose' I have started on prominent SOLers, I came to know that General Duke's real name is Maxamed Cusmaan Awliyo. He is a supporter of Ahlu-Sunna wal jamaaca. Barnaamijaka dooda ee BBC'da ee Jimcaha ayuu ka qaybqaatay last week.
  22. The other one, the funny one who came at last Mrs. 'because the door is open to everbody, everybody can do what they want' waa MS DD.
  23. Tan yellow'ga xidhan ee Sagal la leeyahay naftigeedu waa rer SOL. Ibti, this is not what I was talking about.
  24. She is not the one in the barnaamijka Salaamaha, who smiles kolkey dadku yidhaahdaan adna waan ku salaamay. I mean people have no option another than saying that when she insists on "yaa kale yaad salaamaysaa". No, no. This is someone who was there breifly in a somali youth event.
  25. Khaati aniga igama joogtide, Universal TV blame garee! Anigu maana badda kaa soo saaray? Anyway,Birth Certificate'ka I got only this week. Waan soo diri insha-allah e yaan la waayin what you promised.