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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Abdifatah knows exactly what he is talking about: lies. Waryaa ninkasi wuu shaqaysanyaa, but he is aware of what is going on. For your information, only in 2007, He was found guilty of misusing 12 million Eth Birr ( 1.3million USD the, and was caught red-handed. Lugbuur was the President. He was dismissed from the Bureau fo Education and from the party, only to end up the head of the party after one year. He has good contacts with Addis, mainly the strong man Abay Tsehaye. He is not good in speaking Amharic, but he makes all efforts to sound good and to look real Ethiopian (xabashi). On a personal level, the guy is good at heart. I know him very well.
  2. This sounds like the Buuxo I know. Well said. Laakin, there is an exception to all rules. My situation with you should not fall victim to this general trusim. I mean if you want to marry someone, and you think you will live with the person, I don't get the point of starting it with a lie. Like how many girls have said no to my requests after I explained that I have children and married, only to fall to someone who hid this from them. kkkkkkk! And in some cases guys uglier than me.
  3. There are lot of what we used to call 'hyena schools' around. Structures built but giving no service. Even if he counts all of these, which are primarly constructed to get kick backs from contractors, it will be maybe 1/10 of what he is saying. But he should have been asked what the enrolllment and drop-out rates, student-teacher ratios, student-textbook rations are. He should answered how many teachers the region have? But again he can say 15,000. Does he care? The guy who led the delegation is more reasonable. Abdifatah was my friend and is educated. But he has a terrible sickness of sychophancy. He would often tell a lie in interviews and later tell me 'soo si fiican uma jaah-warerin' when we worked togather. But,by far, he is someone you can sit and reason with, evn with his low self-awareness predicament.
  4. Buuxooy, that is easier said than done. I narrate a real story of a women who followed her heart from Sweden. She came across my friend Ali Dheere, who is tall and handsome. She sent her photo, albeit one from another era. She flew. He was in the Airport staring at every young girl who descended. Only to find an old woman who lost a bag and has been wandering around him for hours is his new would-be wife. It ended badly, after a month in under one roof, but with no activity. This is a true story. So, one might counter you advice about following your heart, by invoking her case. She surely had followed her heart.
  5. Abdi Iley is a petty creature. I was very annoyed by the preoccupation with this man. Waryaa anagu ninkan we use to give him few Ethiopian Birr to carry electricity polls to our parents homes. No that I mean he can not achive big things by his sweat, but he has gone up to the stage with being an informer and women inmattes torturer. Ninkaa waxay Oga.denku kaga mashquulsan yihiin eey kaga mudaaharaadan wali ma fahmin. My only reflection was perhaps teh ONLF guys abroad are so insecure. Waaban ka shakiyey,our dispora branch.
  6. If I didn't get a good thing i can venture into in the coming two weeks, It may be too late. Last night, the business man In Jo'burg told me all about not rushing and how wise it is to wait for the right opportunity. I didn't oppose him, as he was the one who invited me to his house for Afur. But I almost told him what I know. If I don't do something with what I have now, I may end up marrying two more woman soon. Circumstances are also conspiring against me too. The wife will leave to Homeland for a long leave. As if contrived for maximum irony, the former sweetheart is landing in this part of the world, finally settling to marry a bucolic man who is selling things in one of the dangerous locations. Someone who saw her told me she is doing this to get at me: virtaully some kind of self-punishment to haunt my conscience. To say it is you who left me with no alternative. Markaa, I have to move fast walaalayaal.
  7. 1- Memories of my melancholy Whores, Gabriel Garica Marquez 2- A thousand Splendid Suns, Khaleed Hossieni 3- Dinner With Mugabe, Heidi Holland 4- Deception Point, Dan Brown
  8. OZ, seriously, the first proposal I looked into was Shidaal. Not to set up a station, but to supply to fuel stations. The idea was good but later the guy who came with the idea said we will be five in sharing the profit. An Indian Mu'azzin who has a valid license for importing fuel, himslef, me, his Gacanyare and some one at the source. Imagine none of them are contributing to the initial capital. But, maybe you are right, kaalin shidaal back home will do. Encouraging. I will call Abdi Qaalin-gatay now.
  9. Waryaa I didn't finish what I wanted to say. That line and topic appeared by error. Yet, you have already given ideas. I would like to have your inputs as to what you think will be a good business in London, Nairobi, Dubai and SOuth Africa. I have been close to go for the proposal from Maputo, but Siciid Dheere says he cannot guarantee the containers of consumables will not be captured by Pirates. I am known to be risk-averse in Business. This is not dating a girl in her own house, where the maximum is to be chased away with indignity and that is it. This is money and one needs to focus. One guy I relied on for ideas in Jo'burg dissapointed me yesterday after he gave me a litany of bad news about virtually any project I had in mind. Buying shares in Xawaalad, he says no. Super-market in decent place, no. Only later did the old man told me that the guy is doing both businesses. The business guy told me to venture into Angola. There, I won't try. BOB has been there for a while and still remains a Bachelor.
  10. I am seriously considering starting a business. I am almost getting into the food business. I mean after what I see in London, Zaytun, Village, Salaama, I am thinking this is a hot area to put your money in. It is not a big issue. Renting a good house, finding a good manager who naturally should be from Tolka, and calling Universal TV to witness people eating deliciosu food. You can even show the same food they show in other restaurants. By the way, there is one old who is in each of the ads for those three restaurants I mentioned.
  11. Malika, salaams sister. How are you doing with the Ramadan. I find the shiek who talks how if you touch your wife during the day, you will be culpable of all the sins that come while the woman will be exonerated very theatrical. Why did he talk about that as it is elementary and why does he say "war is daaya ilaahay ka yaabo".
  12. Asalaamu Calaykum, I have been wondering whether my fasting will be accepted as part of my conviction to make sure I fast even when I am a musaafir has to do managing the small but nagging tummy that has started to grow, largely because of anger and because of little exercise. Any ideas?
  13. War ileen Gaandina wax baa laga qaaday. I shouldn't have protested haddaa!! ceeb! I was livid because of Omar walaahi. But I can now see how my rants could be perceived. Xog la'aan baan ahaa maalmahan runtii. I am angry because I can see the parametrs Sharif is using are very clear to me. Wuxuu rabbaa wadaado umarxabeeya ee dad technocrats ah ma rabo. Anyway Gaandi was his type. He will not be missed. But Omar is a big loss.
  14. FB I can say the opposite of that depending on the issue at hand. I am not those who are worried about being called consistent and flawless. He was right for some task, he is wrong for the one he is doing now.
  15. Lazy G, has a wrong idea of who should be a Minister. You don't necessarily need a Medical Doctor to be the Minister of Health. Taa fahan yarey. It is more about the persons leadership skill, and whether he shares the vision of his apppointer. A minister is not necessarily a techincal person who should know the knitty-gritties of the ministry he is heading. Anyway, gabadh waxbaratay waa Ok hadday wasiir tahay. And that lady makes sense when she speaks. Unlike the sheikh sharif whose cheap 'walaalayal' took is rendered obsolete by date. He belongs to the whining days of the muqaawama and should go out of picture. Tuugan kabihii nabiga xaday!
  16. War kani meela uma socdo adeer. Xogtiisa waan soo helay. Villa Somalia unbaa salaada la isu xajiyaa oo qosol iyo waynu guulaysanay la yidhaa isaga iyo inta la taagta ah. He has no idea of what governance is all about. One single day, wax policy ah iyo wax milestones ah uu ka hadlayo arki maysid. Wiilkii wax qaban lahaana wuu wareeriyay oo kaalay Ataxiyaadka ila xaji siduu u lahaa buu wakhtigiiu dhafiyey. The other day this President was there to put the laurel on a junior Ugandese officer. I mean do you need him there? Muu Wasiiro hoose ku daayo. You know why he is there. His clan advisors baa ku yidhi "rer-hebel (pirates) gaal xaggi yayana dib inooga marin.". Wuuba waashay wuxu.
  17. This nonsensical sanctimonious Shiek shar (not sharif) must leave the seat to those who can govern properly. He is not a technocart and the time has come for those with qalin-loox to go to their traditional perchs. Ina Cabdirashid is trying to do his best, but he is in the wrong company. Meel wadaado jaahilin ah ay isugu marxabeeyan oo shaah caddays ah ku cabban buu dhex fadhiya. Somalia will go nowhere with people like Sharif. Waxan meesha hala dhaafiyo. Foolxumadii buu maamul xumo iyo nepotism'na ku darsaday. Useless!
  18. Prime Minister Omar is a somali and not rer-hebel. He has the pedigree and family history to represent somalia. I personally think Shariif should go to the mosques and let the young erduite man lead the nation. It is not time for sermons. It is time for some real leadership.
  19. There is no issue here. Ngonge, the season has just started. Markaa let us see the first few weeks and then we can start analysing.
  20. haaye intaa badawnimada ah waan isku ogaaye maxaa kalood haysaa? ma wax baan qarribay?
  21. The season is not over and Liverpool will bounce back. But they will need a ball passer behind Gerard. Gerard shouldn't drop back. Fu-fu, getting predictions wrong is not the test of one's football knowledge. Even Sahal in Dhagaxbuur, who always argues he is sure Xulkanka Qaranka ee Somaliya qualified to the semi-finals of the 1978 World Cup, predicted France will beat Brazil in 2006 World Cup and got it right! Fu-fu, soo daa saaxiib. Ma BOB ayaa i betray gareeyey oo kuu waramay?
  22. Fu-fu, waaagu gabadha ahaa buu ka fiicnaa.
  23. Fu-Fu, Adigu Kaizer Chiefs iyo Orlando Pirates'kaaga iska eryo. This is high-class football we are discussing.