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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Ghana - already qualified Algeria Cameroun Tunisia Ivory Coast It looks these are the teams who will be going to SA. I think it is a fair reflection of who is the best in Africa.
  2. In the end, Ahmed Hassen's goal will not be that important, as it is Algeria who will go the World Cup. Under veteran coach Rabah Sadane, the Desert Warriors are now in pole Position, and provided they beat minnows Rwanda at home, will only need to avoid defeat by more than 2 goals in their last encounter with the Pharoas in Cairo. That is of course if Egypt can win in Zambia, which is not a formality.
  3. There is no gap when they sleep. Of course, he has to shuttle between the head and down at times, if she is wont to simultaneous pleasure.
  4. We can't afford any wizard. We had enough witches already. Anyway, is cadee. male or female. It matters for some of us. Wixii faahfaahin ah ducaysane kala xidhiidh.
  5. Let us say she is selfish and said 'wuu kaa jabaye iska wad'.
  6. I listened to umal and Dirir and to all you are talking about young sister. Found this was an area they didn't really cover. That is why i am asking. They talked about lots of things including how your fast will break if you release it while looking or dreaming or fantasizing about someone. Talked about how it is not allowed to do it during Ramadan. But the loophole was that they didn't discuss what if someone forgets and finds himseld in the act. Unlike in the case of food, there is no clarity here. What you have done is extend their argument, deduct that the two must have been carried away. What if one of them was not fasting for any number of reasons and it is only one who did forget. I was talking about that possiblity.
  7. ^ if the season changes, it may well be a compliment. I think Norf was talking about the man's appetite and not the poster, if I am right. Ngonge, where does brilliance come for the man who is saying you were suppossed to stop, when he is already told that the man forgot.
  8. Refrences, dear C&H. Not that I want to be argumentative, but I want to hear it said authoritatively. What I get from you so far is common sense.
  9. Dhagax, There is no ejaculation involved in this case. A qucik glance inside and out fast. So, majabayaa?
  10. Nothing is obvios. Please elaborate. Are you saying the fasting is broken for this man? if so, tell us the refrence, oher rather your hunch.
  11. Liqaye is around and it is right to brace for informative sessions. Dear Liqaye, there was another expose of the wealth accumulated by this tribal junta. A complete list of who own what. I think of 67 or so big companies, Tigrayans owned more than 65.The remaining ones are owned by affliates from other ethnic groups.
  12. Khayr, let us say they both were sane. Malika, Ironically, one might view what you described as a weakness as his strength. Being able to mount an onslaught at the earliest provocation. Once we rest this theological question, I have one more follow up social question to ask: What if the wife insists that their fasting is broken by this act, and hence there is no going back. And the man is still unclear about it. What should he do? C&H, titles could be misleading and one can learn a lot by venturing into what at first sight looks nasty. Elizabeth Pisani's "The Wisdom of Whores" is educating as well. Please read it.
  13. It is not the same question Malika. The one last year was about if lagu eedaamo when in the middle of the act. That is after the suxuur. This is about a midday encounter. Still, my question is, can a brief union that lasts for seconds be counted as intercourse? Especially when the man stops the action immediately with no one yet starting to sweat? Malika, it is not about somebody's weakness so much as it is about a general question. C&H, the scenarios are indeed not weak. So far, at least three friends have confessed to have faced it at one point or another. By the way, MS DD, if caressing and hugging can happen, why is it difficult to visualize this as a impulsive follow-up action? Walaahu caliimun bimaa taclamuun!
  14. And why do you think what I described there, about stonning and mouth-twisting, is not encapsulated in this larger definition of being truculent and hot? Are we agreeing now?
  15. We are asking a hypothetical question here. Let us not go into the details of it. It can be the man has just arrived from a long travel and started it right away without any need for motivations. It can be he just woke up and found bare things. That is inconsequential. By the way,C&H, if you think there are always things before the big one, go and read Gabriel Garcia Marquez's latest book, " Memories of my melancholy whores" and on around page 70, the lady who sweeps his house. What matters is, are there any religious technicalites inovolved here. I heard a sheikh saying that if there is no liquid, no breaking. But this sheikh was describing different scenarios, like looking at the opposite sex, or dreaming about it. I am asking if it happens Live, but the liquid is not yet there, can the guy go awaya and continue to fast. There is no cheeky intension here runti.
  16. Whoelse says good things. I am not saying they are not good, by the way.
  17. Meet Professor Jonathan Moyo; a wordsmith and a political genius. He acted as the information Minister of Mugabe from 2000-2005, before he was fired; accused of attempting to usurp power unconstitutionally. He is accused to be a political knave who changes sides frequently. But his foes and friends alike marvel in his endless witticisms and excellent articles he often writes. Here are some that made me laugh: - When the MDC formed Shadow Ministers in act of defiance (Moyo was the information Minister then), the man was quoted on the national papers, saying, "They will remain Shadows". That was long time ago. recently, as those men turned out to be key ministers and he found himslef only as an Independent MP in the new Inclusive government, the professor was asked if he doesn't think that "the shadows have actually became real and substantive, and he is not the shadow now". He quickly replied, " Some one put shirts over the shadows", implying that they are still nothing in this new power-sharing government. He is not too far from the truth. - When he was fired by Mugabe, already having burnt all bridges with most of the people and the oppostion, he was asked what he feels. He replied, " unfortunately, HE WHO APPOINTS, CAN ALSO DISAPPOINT".
  18. One will be spared night stonning rituals and a lot of mouth-twisting by avoiding rer-burco. What is there soo ma ogin. Just because Ibtisam is special doesn't mean we should aspire for Burco ladies. There is always an exception, and Ibti, and the other fine people from Burco here are just that. Muse Ismaaciil Qalinle sang "taan dumar ku leeyahay waa gabadh Togdheer" just because he is from there.
  19. No, but if you are to change, I will have to change too. Somethings ought not to change. You are special the way you are. Why want to transform into what all other guys already want to be: conservative, religious and composed. Meesha hanagu cidleyn.
  20. General Duke is a spent force in the political section. He has nothing of value to add. He looks back at the days of occupation with nostalgia and his horizon is shrunk.
  21. Dear Marx, You will be boring without those qualities. Whoelse will be our laughing stock if you change?
  22. Aslaamu calaykum Sheikh Nur, Aad iyo aad ayaan kuu salaamayaa. Here in my woods, things aren't bad. We are doing good with Ramadan, maasha-alaah. I want to ask you one question. I know that if you eat/drink something amid the fasting hours, and you do so forgetting that it was Ramadan, you are required to stop eating/drinking immediately and you can continue your fast. Does this apply to intimate interaction with your wife? If you are already in, and you relaize you are fasting, can you reverse your action and continue to fast. Especially, if the contact was brief and you didn't water yourself just yet. Wa bilaahi Tawfiik!
  23. Agree with Marxx on rer-burco. However, I don't disagree with arranged marriages just for the sake of being arranged by parents with good intensions. Unless there is an element of coercion to it, and provided that the two would-be couples are allowed to have sometime alone ahead of the marriage, it is fine. In fact, was it three months ago that I read an article by a european lady arguing that perhaps the anti-dote for too many failed marriages could be by resorting to arranged marriages. Self-arranged marriages could also be disastourous. There is no research that emperically found divorce and unhappiness to be associated with arranged marriages. In the end, what matters is that the two people approve of one another, in which case the whole notion of parental initiative-talking will come down to a sort of match-making. BUT, IF the two people don't approve and yet they are coerced somehow, it is what you are talking about it here.
  24. BOB waxba lagama dhagysanayo. You cannot expect a candidate to endorse another candidate for the same vacancy.