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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Wing Wizard, Do you know the situation in the group Egypt is in? Egypt needs to beat Zambia in Lusaka and beat Algeria in Cairo by more than two goals. How likely is that? It can happen though!
  2. Labaxinninyod, If I haven't been clear before, let me put it to your face. I don't want a form of Sharia which allows amputations, forbids women from walking to the next shop and do their shoppings, forbids any debate on any social issues, prohibits the progression of art, music and sports. Is that clear enough? If that means I am not in line with the form of Islam you and Alshabab preach and gives me names, let it be!! What is primitive about the Alshabab is that they want to ban TVs, Internet, and all forms of access to other sources of knowledge and enlightment. They want to deny women the opportunity to work and educate themselves. Now, I know you will try to descredit the facts I listed by either claiming that I heard from talkshows or the biased western media, or by stating that what I am inadvertantly doing is oppose 'Islam'. My answer to you will be (1) that not all that the west say is false and no matter how hard we hate or disagree with them, wisdom dictates that we seriously look into what they say about us and see what we can do to fix some of the shortcomings with the practice of our religion. Millions of Somali's (who are not White Albions or Yankees) already disagree with the Talibanisation of Somalia. It is hypocratical and self-serving to discount the importance of this and to spew out zealous rethroic is not convincing objective minds. (2)In the end, if Islamic religion is going to appeal to its masses and if you do not want to see it remain only in textbooks and to be deserted as happened to many branches of the Christian faith, it needs to take into account the present day realties and dynamic tranformation of the way we live. This realisation does not call for a fundamental overhaul of the basic tenets of the religion, nor does it mean whoever calls for this has bad intentions. Shallow-minded individual's reaction to this is to ask a foolish question: "So you are saying that the Quran is out of date?" And to bully anyone who raised the question. A more rational response would have been to ask if there were precedents, where present day oracles and Culumas have looked at issues brought up by modernity which are facing us today and came up with decrees that can offer plausible answers without undermining the basic teachings of ISlam. Issues such as contraceptives, etc. Likewise, It is my firm belief that in modern world, and somalia can not remain an isolated island, where people have to earn their livelihoods not by tending to camels and cattle but by going to offices, malls etc, new challenges arise to the prescriptions hitherto given by our religous texts. In this regard, the culuma will need to come up with ideas that conform to the rationale for which some archaic rules have been written, but which will alter its practical applications. If we are not in denial, those changes are happening everyday, and tacit acceptance of some realities is dawning on muslim scholars, but open admission to it is still frowned upon. This is because there is a misconception that making vital additions/ omissions will take the Islamic faith to the level of other frequently evolving religoions and will sully its sanctity. I don't share that idea and in any case, issues that need to be adapted to present day realties aren't that many. It can be done without either opening floodgates or going away from the basic teachings of the religion. Finally, If what I am saying look like the utterances of an agnostic or an orientalist, it is not. I am a devout muslim who practice his religion. I adhere strictly to all the 'do's and do not's' of it and my Iman is firm. But I also have been discussing with lots of muslim intellectuals who are not afraid to share their perspectives on what they think needs to be reformed in our religion. This is the list: 1. Stop all kinds of cruel ways of punishments (Capital punishment must be there but the way with which it is done needs to be changed. What is the point of stabbing someone to death in public view? What does that add to our faith?) 2. Stop amputations and punish thieves with equally punishing ways, but which allow room for the punished to live like normal one he repents) 3- Stop stonning people to death (adultery must be punished but why not firing squad for instance). It makes a lot of difference. You can not say the end is the same! 4- Allow women to go to work place and to do their business as they wish, without male escorts. This is already the case in most parts of somalia! It is even practical in a setting where people need to go out and work (I mean men) to be also expected to tend to the walking-needs of their spouses?!! You will extend this a bit far and hypocratically say I am saying LET WOMEN BASK IN BEACHES OR BARS! that is your words not mine, nor my intention. 5- Allow arts,music, media and sports to thrive. But be responsible with the extent of 'freedom' and do not allow corrupting brands of any of this fields!! (No pornography, blasphemy etc) None of these is calling for a Marxist egalitarianism between men and women.
  3. LabaXinninyood is a good man, but unfortuntely promoting the wrong cause. The damage AlShabab and their foreign owners are doing to the people of Somalia is unforgiveable. Sheikh Hotel can be anything (the man has many maladies), but his will pale into nothing considering the daily terror the false Islamists and primitive clerics are inflicting on the poor masses on a daily basis. What Somalia needs is a progressive Islamist government which will have to amend the strict theological philosophy by instituting a frameowrk of governance which will ensure that the rights of women in the areas of social justice, education and work is guaranteed. Whatever system to be put in place must also allow freedom of expression, ideas and movement for all citizens. What may be seen as in contravention of the basic Islamic rules can be dealt with through regulatory mechanisms and with written laws which are clear to all. Somalia must not be returned to the days of the 17th C just like Taliban did with Afghanistan. Our women must be allowed to have choices andmust be economically empowered to do so. That doesn't mean all kinds of deviant behaiovours and deeds will have a place. No place for Alchohol, night clubs, gays and lesbians and blasphemy. Such a balance can be achived with a responsible nationalist Islamist rulers.
  4. Sophist waa nin weyn. Waa saad sheegtay. By the way, why were you saying you don't agree in doorashada diiwangelin lagu galo. That your beel is against it. I am assuming you are the man I saw on Unversal TV, something with the name Xaabsade!
  5. I am sorry, I didn't know Malika is married. She didn't say so in any of her posts nor in her profile. So, naturally I assumed she is not. Anyway, my praise of her here is entirely platonic.
  6. Nagging women are bad. That is not a news. They can lead to impotence I agree. Malika has given a good advice as usual, but has detached herself from what it would have felt if she was the affected. It is easy to say it when you are not involved. I know someone who feels they way this Ardo feels, and it is a terrible situation. The problem is it is not going to get better by asking him questions or sulking. She should do what Malika said she should do. Try to improve the atmoshpere without looking for reciprocity, at least for sometime. By the way, this morning I was about to post this one for Malika. But I see she is here: Malika'dii Wacnayd, Malikadii wacnaydee Maskaxda noo sifayn jirtay Maamus laheyde Marwonimana lagu hubay Ma haynoo ayaamahan Muuqeedii waynee Ma meel bay ku maqan tahay? Ma mid baa u yeedho Ma laha waa aroosba? Maanagay na nacdoo Meesha nooga sii baxday? Maantaan sugaynaa Inay noo midaartee Milicsida qormada Hadaan magaceeda waynana Maxaa meesha naga yaal Waa inaan muraadsano!
  7. A businessman meets a beautiful girl and agrees to spend the afternoon with her for $500. So they do. Before he leaves, he tells her that he does not have any cash with him, but that he will have his secretary write a check and mail it to her, calling the payment 'RENT FOR APARTMENT.' On the way to the office he regrets what he has done, realizing that the whole event was not worth the price. So he has his secretary send a check for $250 and enclosed the following typed note: Dear Madam: Enclosed find check in the amount of $250 for rent of your apartment. I am not sending the amount agreed upon, because when I rented the apartment, I was under the impression that: 1) It had never been occupied; 2) That there was plenty of heat; 3) That it was small enough to make me cozy and at home. However, I found out that it had been previously occupied, that there wasn't any heat, and that it was entirely too large. Upon receipt of the note, the girl immediately returned the check for $250 with the following note: Dear Sir: First of all, I cannot understand how you expect a beautiful apartment to remain unoccupied indefinitely. As for the heat, there is plenty of it, if you know how to turn it on. Regarding the space, the apartment is indeed of regular size, but if you don't have enough furniture to fill it, please do not blame the landlady. Send the rent in full or we will be forced to contact your present landlady.
  8. The man is no more in love with this girl, and she feels it but is afraid to confront the fact. That marriage will not last long. Take it from me!
  9. As if that unfortunate episode doesn't prove my raganimo! Tolaa'ey!
  10. The little vagrant is smart waryaa Che. He knows I don't have too many options and he is trying to either put me on a back peddle or run away. The fact is this topic is not for a moralistic debate. It is about a story and if Mr. Somalia belives it should not have been posted, that is his opinion and I respect it. Unlike him, I believe in difference of opinions and freedom of expression. There is no issue here, and certainly for him to hint I have anything to do with homosexuality is more vulgar than me posting the topic. If he knows anything about the religion, which I think he doesn't, as he spent most of his time imbibing Shakespeare's sonnets than fat Riyaadu saalixiin, He will know what he is saying is the worst crime: Dani. But what does he know? Sumun, bukmun, cumun!
  11. Originally posted by Queen Arawello: its seems genuine! there are many men like that. i can think of half dozen like that in SOL alone. In fact, i admit I am a bit like that! About hiding things and exploding later. The other side of it would be to tell it as it is everytime you see a mistake and that either is not going to help! Cause women, especially when they turn to wives make a lot of mistakes. Yaakhi it is better not to marry. Mid baa ku leh why are you not happy everday? The day you become happy waxay ku leeedahay maxaa maanta la helay oo lala faraxsan yahay? Waan wareernay!
  12. O! I now know who I am talking with! Mr. Somalia sounds very much familiar. He is a dangerous vagrant! He can not hide behind the veneer of nationalism or Muslinimo anymore. He is the Puntland guy who has been banned for his vulgar assaults on SOlers. It is clear he is making an effort to outgrow his bad habit of wandering with burush xaar leh, but his self- aggrandizemnet is unmistakeable. He is on his third life, having been a prophet in the books once as Dhulqarneyn, a greek philosopher later and here a whole country. Some might wonder why It matters who he is, but I think it matters to me as it shows me the futility of trying to be civil with him, and the need to transform myself (or rather to go down the ladder a bit) to teach him some lessons.
  13. When have you come here horta? The only real muslim in this site (apart from Nuur)is Kashafa, and he endorsed my muslinimo years back when we were both firing from the same corner at Yey's army! Just because he is now sending contributions to Xizbul-Islam to blow up few restaurants where some people are breaking their fasts doesn't mean he will not come back to substantiate my claim. I am not suspect in this regard! War away Kashafa?!
  14. bas! waryaa! I cannot babysit your sanctimonious and hypocratical tantrum-throwing at non-issue more than I did already. Are you offended on behalf of your likes? If a Khaniis is mentioned, that is it. Why make a big fuss about it? The story shows how confused some souls can be!!
  15. Aladiinahum can salaatihim saahun, was the right one. Anyway, I admit you have a point here. We should be talking about good things. That I conceed. But has it occured to you that what you have been saying in the politics section is not also getting you points during the Ramadan. I only wish to point at your opportunism here, otherwise what you said is right. EDIT- Hedde wali waad sii wada aflagaadaiiye miyeynu qasanaa? I didn't say I am fascinated with a gay. Ka been sheegu miyeyna danbiga la iska ilaaliyo Ramadaanta ku jirin? Mise, I forgot that lying is never taken as a big issue in our Society!
  16. AfricaOWn himself yaa mirqaansan. Let's have this discussion when he sobers up later.
  17. Mr. Somalia yaana ku habaarnine, ka noqo aflagaadada. Inal-Abraara la fii naciim, Wa inal Fujaara la fii jaxiim
  18. Didyou ever hear "fawaylu lil musalina..." Waxaa hoogay kuwa tukada! What will this look like if you finish the Ayyah? That is what you have done with my rebuke of you. Sinister. Anyway, I am not endorsing gay or any other oddity, I was even feeling shame because someone who is using our religions good name is sullying it. But this is what happened this week and I merely related it to you. Wax is wayddini ma xume, wax is waydaarin baa daran.
  19. Oz, Apparently, it is you who are advising Maradona on his selection. How can you talk about Cambiasso when when the problem with this argentine team is that there is no enough new blood?!! It is not also about Aguero starting or Tevez not doing well. Argentina's problem is poor defence (entirelY). I was of teh opinion that had Brazil threw lot more balls they would have added more goals. No enough creative midfield, and short strikers. They should bring in new guys. I don't know if they have some. Where is Gago horta. Or are they a team in transition. It happens, you know. Mexico is not finishing fourth. USA, Mexioo and Honduras will qualify from that side, but still Costa Rica can be a problem for the current Argentina side.
  20. Buuxo, I would have done so. Stand up and tell him. Laakin you know these days all sorts of perverts and failed people ayaa sharciyo ilaaliya loo sameeyey. Like guys and feminists! Frankly, waxoogaa lacag ah ayuu igu leeyahay, oo iska bixin doono after a month. Kolkaas ayaan runta u sheegi doonaa. Plus, dee ilaa hadda he didn't come out open. But it is known by all. Me, I have heard him over the phone and kuma danbaabayo. Waagan lacagta ka amaahday nin quman ayaan moodayey. Now, the metal hat. Imikay odhan khaniisiintu lacag ka qaataa.kkkkkkkkkkk Mr. Somalia, sidaan uga helo ragga kiiska iska waala!
  21. Originally posted by Siciid1986: But worst was to follow, most of the delegates were high on Khat, after several ours of chewing the effect was quite obvious and they had continued to eat till the late hours of the night. Several doors away, I knocked a door, trying to relay a message I was given to, to one of the Ministers. The door opened, and right in front of me I saw the bed and mattress removed, the mattress placed on top of the wardrobe (bear in mind this is the furniture of the hotel), the frames of the bed detached and the individual wood pieces lay on one side of the room, a circle of men sitting on the floor, bundles upon bundles of Khat laid in front of them, the heat emanating from the room at a boiling point, red eyes staring back, the loud chatter coming to stop, intimidated and shocked I retreated back and left without delivering the message. ................. On the evening of that day, an enthusiastic colleague of mine, a young graduate had ask the then Minister of Information Cabdilaahi Mohamed Ducaale (then a Minister of Information) and now the current Foreign Affair Minister, about how the Country was doing, his reply was “ Addeer wax meesha yaal ma jirto, meesha waa tuulo”, imagine that rubbishing the Country that has given him his bread and butter. On the first, why is the writer surprised. Doesn't she know that the whole idea of Somaliland was born by mid-night Mirqaan. That is why some call it Mirqaan-land. Second, Abdullahi M.Ducaale is right to say meeshu waa tuulo. That is not treason.
  22. Correction. I am not the head of sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA). I am the head of prevention of SEA. But when I want to be cheeky, especially when I pat some girl in the office and they give me a look, I say remember, you can only file your protest with me. I am the Head of Sexual Exploitation!
  23. Ngonge, I don't state the obvious. That South Africa is the host and therefore will be part of it is obvious even to those with a passing knowledge of the game, like Xinnfanin, and latter-day football analysts, who are seasoned jara-ka-boodo and shax experts, like Nuune. Here is the scenarios. Algeria has 10 points, Egypt 7. Algeria is playing Rwanada (in Algeirs or Annaba). They are most likely to win this game. That will put them at 13 points. Egypt will have to go to Lusaka and beat the Chipolopolo there. I don't count on it, knowing how Egyptians are poor on away games. But let me be generous. They win this and go to 10 points. This will bring the issue to the big match at Cairo between Algeria and Egypt. Algeria has a superior goal advantage of 2. And have beaten Egypt 3-1 already. So, Egypt will need to win 3-0. Aaa!Shamwari (my friend) as the Shona's say here in Zim, I think that is too too much to think about.
  24. He is from Europe. He is fasting all day, taking suhuur and iftaar. Two of us, muslims in the office, served him iftaar this week. He says he is fasting because his new friend is a muslim and a devout one for that. He says he is sharing the burden with him, as the spouse is fasting too. We are at loss. I think the other guy is Indian or some Asian. I think I have seen him one day. Soonku noocya badanaa! Inaliilah wa inaa ilaahi raajicun. The collegue asked me what is so special about the 21st day of the Ramadan. I explained to him the little I know. Basically, in football terms, it means you run past Rio Ferdinand inside the box. Chances are high you will get a penalty. The same is true, if you pray the whole night, and it turns out to be the right night (laylatul qadri), you will get lots of ajir and blessing. He understood and said he will pray. I would have told him to pray in ilaahay farsamada u haagaajiyo, but I was selfish. That is tantamount to sexual abuse they say in our books. As the head of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in the office (which I constantly remind the ladies in the office -telling them that as the HEAD, I am exempted of any wrong-doing), I am expected to uphold equality between all sexes and not to interfere with the choices of collegues. Subxaanalaah. Soonkayaga ilaahay ha u sahlo!
  25. Diego is to blame. Sunday Morning as I watched Brazil beat them in style, I was left with the impression that Diego is panicking. He has collected old guards like Heinze, Veron, Zenetti who could barely run. Add style-less Mascherano as a captain and you will find out that the three dimunitive strikers upfront, talented as they are, do not get logistical support. Tevez, Messi, Sergio Augerro are quality, but you need someone like Crespo or Batistuta there too to head in balls from the corners. They played like Arsenal the other night and tall Brazillian defenders only had to pack the center to stop them. One exception was Jesus Datolo, who scored a fantastic goal for the Argentines. He was alive and sharp all night and I am of the opinion that unless Argentina looks for others like him, young and ambitious, they will not go far. That is if they manage to go to South Africa. Which they must beat Paraguay and Uruguay away, if they want to do so. They will not be able to do this, but I still think Argentina will qualify even if it means they will be the fifth team from their continent and will need a tw0-way decider with the representative from other continent. My team Brazil look set to add the sixth one. They only need to do the following minor things: - Find one more good striker other than Luis Fabiano - Take Gilberto Silva out, and bring in juvenus's Diego (not a like for like replacement). Lucas can do the job of defensive midfiler.