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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. And anyway, why worry because some might be crying in shame because I named them as my favourites. We all know my reputations here.
  2. Horta runta haddi la sheego MS DD is a terribe oversight. I rank her as my second favourite runtii. Laakin, no more additions to my list, even hadday maryaha dhigtaan ooy waashaan! So, do we add agree my list is updated as follows: 1- Mailka 2- Ibtisam 3- Juxa 4- MS DD 5- Kool kat 6- Valenteenah 7- Buuxo MS DD, I can even down the list to three, and prepare three starters and four reserves. That much I am clear about my favourites, runtu ma fantaa. Shall i proceed?
  3. Ok, hedde kolkaa. I know it is not a good idea, laakin favourite doesn't mean the best in my context. It is favourite. Even The Siren can be my favourite; it is my Right. But we all know she is not cool. Luckily, out of pure coincidence, she isn't my favourite. Well, let me list my favourite's in no paricular order: 1- Malika 2- Ibtisam 3- Valenteenah 4- KoolKat 5- Juxa 6- Buuxo N.B :- Cara is no more my favourite. Used to be, but no more. Waa jikaar socda uun, nothing useful. Of course good old Haneefah was lovely too. I only omitted her from my list not to provoke accusations of nepotism. Waa inaadeertey.
  4. Anigu ma isku qaadqaadaa oo runta ma sheegaa?
  5. Aw Musse Ismaacil, Not changing is not a virtue for its sake! Wax kalood Alshabab ku amaanto miyaad wayday?
  6. GD adigu sideedaad tense isaga ahayd, and I assume you are talking on behalf of yourself when you say it is tense on Puntland side. Laakin, now we are firing on the same side. Sheikh Hotel is useless tribalist.
  7. The duplicitious Sheikh Hotel rarely understands the repurcussions of the treaties he signs. For him, the first papaers he signed in Djibouti as a escapee from Asmara served him so well, that he doesn't blink to put pen to paper to whatever. It is sad we have such a man as a leader. I urge the international community to fire him and confine him to his Mahadaay dugsi quraan so that people of claiber like the PM can rule.
  8. Muqtar Robow is delusional. There is nothing he can do against the makeshift Sharif, and he is threatening Obama. Fork your something, kalab!
  9. looooooooooool@Ngong e. Wax hoos marayaa majiro. He solved the riddle, and got labadii is-gaad gaadka waday.
  10. I Agree with the creepy creature above.
  11. Originally posted by Meiji: quote:Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Not sure such pictures could be called hear say, saaxib. But almost ALL of what Mr M Society posts is hear say of course. We got another Sierra Leone in the making with these lunatics who call themselves ''wadaado''. Now go along and focus on Siad Barre 2.0 in Hargaisa. None of these crippled young boys are relatives of BintHamida. So, she can afford to draw irrelevant analogies and nacnac!...Sickening!
  12. Saddiqui and Bint Hamid, you are not sincere in this debate. I am not talking about setting theives free or imposing a culture of impunity. You are diverting tyhe focus away from what it is: mode of punishment. Can you tell me why a theif who robbed a$15 USD cellphone must lose his hand? Again, on the issue of alterability, Saddiqui you are just telling me what I know. What is wrong with alerting if the basic rules are not breached? That was my question! Punish the theif, change the mode. period. I find your statement about the state not being concerned with reading hearts misleading. I am not saying they should be forgiven. I am saying they should not be punished in a cruel way. It looks we are drifting more into theological debtate,and I think there is no room for more discussion if you take the line of you 'the devout muslim' telling 'the astray one' what is in the holy books.
  13. Dear Fabregas, Your paroxysms of rage against my ‘constantly shifting political and ideological positions’ is understandable; but is short-sighted. I have couple things to say about the issues you raised: 1) I have supported the Muqaawama, but used to have misgivings about the suitability of the novice Sheikh Hotel as the leader in times of war. As it happened, my concerns were not entirely wrong. He fled from the battle field and later was instrumental in dividing the liberation fighters; some of whom have turned oppressors since then. I supported the end of Ethiopian occupation, not endless war in the name of liberation. Some Liberators unfortunately want payback for their ‘sacrifices’. And it has to come in the form of chopped off limbs and heads and flogged women. That is not what the people supported them for. Curiously, these ‘fighters’ never dare to fire back at the Ethiopians, and have put all of us in shame for their sprint from towns whenever they hear the sounds of Urals and jeeps of Ethiopians. Usain Bolt style! 2) I find your talk of Sovereignty as an indication of either your detachment from the reality on the ground, or as a proof of your over-romanticizing an ideal that has been buried long time ago. There is no sovernighty when half of the MPs who represent you internationally live in Hotels in foreign lands. There is no Sovereignty when your would-be national army and security officers are trained by the very enemy whom they were supposed to fight against. As it is, sensible minds will talk about restoration of peace and order, and putting in place the structures and institutions of a government in place first. The worry about incursions on a remote border village can be addressed later. 3) I do not wish Ethiopian occupation on anybody, as I know first hand what it is like. But, Al-Shabab is giving life to its longevity in my home land as well as in Somalia, with its careless rhetoric and acts. There is nothing new about injustices inflicted on subjects by powerful empires and history is riddled with graphic examples of this. USA is the empire now and of all nations, Somalia is the least equipped to challenge that hegemony. So, beyond the cacophony about sovereignty, one needs to realistically look at the odds against us and need to settle for second-best choices. That could mean accepting makeshift leaders such as the duplicitous Sheikh Sharif until such time the US will not be concerned about the ‘threats’ we pose to it, and we will be allowed to elect genuine national leaders. We can forgo our humiliation and anger for the good of the nation. For peace and return and reintegration of the displaced. For the restoration of order and service delivery. You can understand the US doesn’t even need to engage military to finish off Somalia. They can do it with papers. They can recognise Somaliland and tell Farole to go it alone. They can instruct Sheikh Sharif to kill Ina-Cabdirashid. We are powerless, and this calls for a sound review of our egos, ethos and strategies. We can not perpetually continue to fight an asymmetrical war. And remember our enemies are Ethiopians and not the US. So, why not befriend the US and at least deny Ethiopia the benefits of borrowed might? 4) Ninkii waxa soo socda aan garan, waxa joogo ma garto goes the adage. It is not very difficult to see what can come of a Shabab government. I seriously think Sharif and his mediocre clergy are better. I have even developed a sort of liking to the Suufi’s who I used to hate most. Alshabab has a foreign agenda. They are fighting on behalf of Sheikh Osama, who although right to fight back against Imperialists, I think should start doing that in his homeland. 5)Finally, I cannot just swallow line, hook and sinker all the nonsense about sovereignty, defending motherland, when the very people who utter those words are infringing on the basic rights of those they purport to be liberating.
  14. Those who support the Alshabab in this gole, like LabaXinninyod and Fabregas, see the somali people as mices in a laboratory. They want to perpetuate the misery of the Somali nation for the attainment of imaginary glory and supermacy of phoney ideals. A system of governance that will do to Somalia what Taliban did to Afghanistan is unwelcome and frightening. It is one thing to argue that Islamic values need to underpin the basis of any future Somali state, it is another to cheer for 'wadaado kleptocracy' and arbitrary punishments. For how long wil the merchants of this barbaric interpretation of the good faith justify their acts on hatred for the west? This has to stop.
  15. Che, Riyaale is trying to use the clan card too. He wants to present himself as a victim of the larger clan, and wants to hide the real issue (his refusal to leave power) on sympathetic grounds.
  16. That is what you think. I think Silaanyo is doing fine by not speaking too much and by being patient. He doesn't want to creat the image of a desperate old man trying to get power. By the way, it is not Riyaale's talk that rules now. It is his might. We are not seeing demonstrating against silaanyo. We see they are turning against Riyaale!
  17. Fab, it is a moving world. Now, more than ever, I came to see that the worst enemy Somalia can ever have is the mindless wadaads. Those I supported are in Power, for your information. But I am not happy with the Sharif either. My vision is the likes of Omer Abdirashid will get ground and Somalia will have a semblance of modern Governance. Sharif evalutes the performance of his ministers on the basis of who prepared the best feast for afur for him, Ina cabdirashid weighs them on what they delivered in terms of the strategic goals set for them. As to Shabab, suffice to say that they can only appeal to those with medievial thinking, morons and criminals.
  18. NG, you are not making any sense. What should Siilaanyo do? Assume you are him, and please do tell us what you would have done!!
  19. Let them obliterate the ignorant terrorists! Ilaahayoow kuwaa umadda ka qabo!
  20. Jacaylbaro, This is old lame trick by Dictators to blame the opposition. If Riyalle is accsuing silaanyo that the latter is doing everything to grab power, the simple question, by way of reverse reasoning is "What does he want too?" STAY On power perpetually, inventing one or other trick?? Riyaale is responsible for all this, as it is a backlash against his attempts to usurp the powers of all branches of the state. Jacaylbaro's assertion is laughable. Leave your partisan hut and just ask yourself why the Parilament cannot meet and discuss motions! It is fine for Riyaale to use money to bribe MPs and to use all sorts of tricks to stop his impeachment, it is not right or legal for him to send armed personnel and to shut down the very institution that gave him powers.
  21. Arsenal are not inferior to any team in terms of depth. I am sure they will turn things around. The just need to keep playing the way they played the Man Cty game and luck will turn their way. Some people don't see that Arsenal could have scored 10 in that match. I am happy Rosicky is back. His overall contribution is better than that of Arshavin, who strikes once and is usually silent throughout. What Arsenal needs is for Wenger to devise some tactical discipine into them. He should divide the 45 minutes into 5, and tell them when he expects them to up the tempo and when to kill it. The way they are, they are running the whole match without much time to reflect on the opposition's weaknesses. Tactics is the gap!
  22. NG, What is this? An inadvertent admission that you are funding the insurrection? ...Adebayour Tolkii kama jano tago is right.
  23. Arsenal's problem 1. Arsene Wenger's ZERO tactics. His only instruction if go, pass the ball and attack mindlessly. 2- Abu-Diaby: Slow and the main disconnect in the team Otherwise, their are the best in the Prem.
  24. Dear Saddiqui, Originally posted by Saddiiq: [QB] 2ndly the Shariya came as a whole, and in order for it to work, it must be applied in whole because when you remove one piece, the rest will collapse. Why? Why will it collapse if the modality of punishment is revised? What you said is just an assertion with no feet to stand on. It is your opinion, but sadly, the argument is devoid of proof or logic! If you say we will not cut the hand of a thief, how are you going to tell the homosexual he is disobeying Allah? He'll simply reply 'so are you'. You pick and choose with regard to theft, he picks and chooses with regard to sexuality. Why is cutting a hand the silver bullet. You can say we should heed the decree, but to try to provide reason for it is laughable. I prefer Sheikhs who tell me 'that is the word of Allah, Please accept. He knows best!". You don't like amputations maybe because; 1) you havn't read ayah (5:38) 2) maybe you have read the ayah but you think blood is gross, in which case we'll go back to what I said about human nature. Maybe you've been trained to believe taking something that doesn't belong to you is not that big a deal. Because statistics prove that's exactly what the kuffar system does. What does the Ayyah say that we don't already know? I know all the caveats, but it doesn't offer solace. The other allusion to me being 'wont to take what is not mine' is pure drivel. It doesn't add any substance to the debate here. Then the thief is back on the streets. What does society say. 'Oh he did time for armed robbery, stay out of his way' etc. And how about when they see the man with one hand. Not that cool anymore. Allah knows the nature of his creation, how they think, how they behave etc. Cut the mans hand, he won't do it again, and when the kids see him they won't say 'wow he did time for armed robbery, stay out of his way!'. They'll say 'look at this poor man with 1 hand, i don't wanna be that that'. Justice is not just putting on the hand cuff, and placing somebody in a box. And what about the theif who repents? Must he live with perpetual disability for a mistake he might have done in split seconds? Are the children who will take example of a 'handless and legless man" his too? What will those feel? And why execution is not stopping drug trafficers from going on their business? No matter what deterent you put forth, there will always be those who will commit crimes. Your point about shopping is false. If there is a condition, mention the condition and explain why the idea of mahram is unnecessary when you see the result of your thinking in the west. Even women in the west ask to be walked when they go here or there, and if we do a survey to see just how many of them get harassed on a day to day basis. So are you saying the idea of Mahram is purely for women's security? Why can't the woman take the discretion of deciding whether they are in danger or not? And will it stop robbers in Jo'burg that a skinny somali is swaggering beside his wife, if they really mean to strike?What is false here is your claim that Mahram is about security. By the way, is this not defeating your same argument about cutting hands being a strong deterrent. If rapists are to be stonned to death, why need this extra precaution. That ALONE should have done the job of ensuring safety for women, if we go by your logic about the thieves. Ban on TVs or TV channels? False Ban on Internet? False Ban on "all forms of access to other sources of knowledge and enlightenment"? False Maybe my statement is false if you take it LITERALLY! But please tell us the list of what is not allowed? I reckon it will fill 1000 pages if you dare! In the end, I am right. Primitive clerics like Alshaba stifle discussion on social issues that are of importance to the people. I am not a fan of debate over gay rights or same sex marriages. But are you in your frank Sinatra style "all or othing at all" style, saying that there can be no balance between what could be accpeted and what should be stopped?? Even Mahad Ayaanle's Qasido " Taajul culaa" will be listened in closed rooms if the Shabab have they way! You have the ability to oppose Islamic laws, and in return Muslims have the ability to oppose kufr. This is the Sunnah of Allah swt. No magic involved. The best man and ideology will win. And Allah swt already told us the result. Back to sermons and baalaxoofto, isn't it? I thought we were trying to go outside that box for a while and see if you can give tell me why cruel punishments are justifiable? And why they can not be altered? It looks that old somali adage, "Doqon Ilaahay baratay, lagama gar helo" isn't entirely inaccurate!