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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Serenity stop whinning and don't spoil my party. I am firmly in command here unless any of my fears and suspicions materilaize oon la igaga shuban hadhow.
  2. Today, the Eighteenth of September, two-thousand and Nine, I have finally succumbed to the lingering temptations and decided to GO GLOBAL with a lauch of my Facebook. Is-arag wacan!
  3. Rumour has it the winner will get a free ticket for one-month to dine at the Zaytun. If not there, 100 USD ayuu Xawaaladda Bakaal ka qaadanyaa. That is what LST confided in me.
  4. Originally posted by Farancab: Nuune 10% (3) Farancab 0% (0) WHEREAS it is important that the intersts of the reerka comes before that of any individual at this critical juncture, WHEREAS it is paramount our name is upheld in the greatest respect Considering the destruction Is-garab-yaac caused to the anarchists in Goboladda dhexe and Banaadir MINDFUL of the backhand deals of the secessionsts and how they are busy trying to come up with a common front EVER COGNIZENT of the conspiracies of the Pirates and the attempt to rig this election through their well-placed functionaries The Tolka, hereinafter, referred to the Big-footed resolved: 1- In Abtigiis looga hadho codayntan in line with the 4.5 arrangements 2- In wixii cod ah ee Nuune helo aniga la iiigu daro 3- In wixii cod ah ee Farancab ka go'a (negative figures) aanaan wax masuuliyad ah anaga naga saarneyn, therefore aan nalaga jari karin
  5. Thanks OZ. I was nervous when I saw the earlier pairing with the mad Siren. Your vote gives my situation a much needed respectability. I urge all others to follow your example and vote for Malika whoever the male counter-part might be! But voting for the Siren is sullying the reputation of this site and including me among the top ranked in such disgraceful polling is not to be taken lightly by me. I was suspecting something when I saw such honerable men like Xinn are still on what the regulations in primarily schools prohibit to be written on students' report card (0%). I thought this was a consipiracy by some to defile my avancular status here in SOL.
  6. It was about to happen soon. Insiders insist perhaps in two to three months. And it would undoubtedly have been the marriage of the Decade: The union of Distinguished SOLers DuliyeSare Nuune and the one and the only Valenteenah. But, accroding to an expose by Ngonge, Amisom's massacre of 11 camels last week throw a spanner onto the preparations for the big feast. Yet, many beleive it will happen eventually as the man who hails from the vilage of Camels Hargelle and Charatti is unlikely not to get replacement dowry in short period of time. But still we at least know this upcoming Ciid will not go as planned to the senior nomads concerned. Buuxo, the only person who could have challenged for that accolade, was disqualified after she decided to go with the aspiring Rapper Rudy, in lieu of nin weyn oo dhaqan kara albeit with some technological support.
  7. Your imaginagive powers are unparralled. Something like that, but younger and thinner.
  8. Cara inkaartaydaa ku dhacday. Last year this time she was dancing on the white clouds, today wataa ku meeraysanayaa 1% sidii arday damiin ah.
  9. From the day I told the ugly Sally that she is wasting her career as an executive secretary and should perhaps think of going to modelling on account of her good legs, I have been her king. Of course, I said that just to make her feel good about herself. There was no other part ofher I could have commented, as she desperately asked for something to come out of me that day. Now, I am her public enemy number one as I haven't repeated that wrong word for over a year now. Not even when she giggles and says "aaaaaaaaa! you! only you! what did you say the other time?". I wasn't suggesting anything from my end when I said that apart from extending an affirmative action to the facially under-priviledged. Now it is haunting me!!!!
  10. Waryaa Norf, Fu-Fu yuuna kaa cabsiin. Somali's are dying in the locations. I go to Jo'burg and can't help but think there is a lot of bad publicity. having said that, even 1% probability is too much and I will not advise you to roam around. Haddaan is-helo insha-allah, waan iskaashan doonaa. I usually rely on my feet (orod) than my feedho as Fu-Fu, kolkaa don't plan on a phyiscal defence of yours haday wax dhacaan. Waa iga afeef!
  11. Fu-Fu, and what is all your exercise and murqo for kolkaa?
  12. Kolkaa qolka ka soo hadal. I will be Insha-allah.
  13. rooxanta val ah soo ma aha? gartay. Suspected as much.
  14. farsamadaa kaa qaldane waad wadaa. Soo digan gacanta advertise gareenaya. Even Ibtisam was noticing it yesterday iyadoo sooman!
  15. Adigu third way shukaansi farsamaysan igu dhex wad kolba. Farancab uun iska illali yuun ku arkine. kkkkkkk
  16. Haye, Fab. Xishoodku waa wajib. Laakin please understand last year is different than this year. Priorities shift with the time. In terms of my core beliefs, they are still there. Have always been feminist even when I was pillorying Cara. Have always been a bit secular, even when I wanted sucide bombers to drive Ethiopia out. No contradictions.
  17. loooooool@val. Nuune adaa u warama ileen. Abbreviationku waa waxaan ka samri la'nahay. Fu-Fu, maanigaa Cumar Shooli Ah?!
  18. Hadaa jaar fiican baan noqonaynaa! MS DD, waaxay waa la isku dhawaaqayaa miyaa? Ka soo jawaab PM'ka iska daa hadalkoo. Favourites'kii baa la kala shaandhaynayaaye yaan lagaa badin!
  19. looooooool@JB's fursa dahabiya! The fake sheikh like that phrase! Way kaga dhagtay.
  20. If you dare to come to any of those places, you might find yourself in big trouble. It is not a secret that you appear in my list yesterday, and prepare a resuce team of significant might of Tolka fighters if you want to come to my jungle. Wax iga kaa furfura lama helayo. Operation free Valanteenah in International Community'gu igu soo qaadaan moyye! Beware!
  21. Jalle Liqaaye is right about Fabregas. He is an overfed youngboy who is out of touch with the reality in Somalia.
  22. Mr. Ranneberger is right this time. It is a waste of time to talk to Alshabab.
  23. I still have the potential to trim it down to one. But that will result lot of guys immediately severing their relations with me. So, let it hung!
  24. walee islaantu rag warkii way haysaa! Maxay noocyo aragtay!
  25. Miyaad iloowday that abbrevation of yours? Adigu favourite baad tahay. Ok, let me go down on the list, have bigger balls, and say it. I am never known for calling a spade a soil-redistribution implement! Anyway, I notice your barrage against me but that is not all I am. Would have been fair if you could also say few positive things, just to please me, even if I haven't got any. 1- Malika 2- MS DD 3- Valenteenah Juxa is good, but is recent phenomena for me. Ibtisam and Koolkat are too aggresive Buuxo died the moment she run after Rudy! At least my selection criteria is clear!