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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I told you before, Ibtisam is like Jaamac Sweden.
  2. If all those came to the final round, I will play the Riyaale card and play victim. Waa la isugu kay tagayaa!
  3. If it backfires, I will fire Malika as the campaign manager.
  4. No one from my Jaaliyad voted for Nuune. It is now clear that someone wants to divide the votes. Where is Ayyoub? Do you see any one from burco except Ngonge? And whose vote is now divided? Nuune, declare you are out of this election as soon as possible.
  5. It was an eventful Ciid week. Funny and with a lot of unusual stuff. First, we had Cabdi Xii's strange telephone call from a dangerous location in Capetown. This old Mosque-man from the fat stone was literally short of breath when he registerd his displeasure with the new arrival in his house: a 21 year old girl who is habarwadaag of sort to this writer. "Hello, ma maxamed baa?" "Haa adeer, ciid mubaarak." "Ciid mubaarak, maxamed. I actually called to tell you that there is a big problem that girl is causing in my house. She is destroying my family. I want to consult you about what to do?" "What did she do? Ma Muxubo?" Muxubo was supposed to wait for a sponser in South Africa from someone in the USA. That is why she lives with this shop-owner. And then the man got agitated and told me all. "What she did is not what I can fully describe to you! It is shame for me to narrate it. I waited all the Ramadan because I thought I will break my fasting if I raise the issue." He continued, without waiting for anything from me. "You know my wife. The one I married last year from Mandeera. She is such a blessed young girl. That is until this fitna arrived." He lamented the day he agreed to host her, and said that his good deeds were reciprocated with evil ones by the young lady. "Ilaa hadda, I was wondering what has happened to my wife. I even become suspicious (may Allah forgive me)! That is xaraam, you know." "The wife asked me just before the ramadan 'Cabdi-xiis, horta why do they lie about men liking tits?'" I answered her as she deserved: "Is this veiled insult against me? What more should I have done?." You see, she was told that real men like that part of a woman. I don't get bogged down there, and this was a new thing coming from her to criticize me. I was alarmed but not worried at that stage. Then, the next week, she asked me, " is it true that a marriage is a marriage if only the man gets his desire in the sitting room and takes you from there? Young men do that. Someone told me, she said, 'Old men, wait in the bed room like an ageing crocordile.'". "I saw lots of moral corruption on my wife. And finally I heard Muxubo telling her a story by my own ears." "She told her, a man should get up a minimum three times each night to be a man. It is unfortunate my family thought he was a lumpen and decided to divroce me from him and send me here. Otherwise, the man I married used to do that." Cabdi-Xiis roared at this one. "You see, she is telling her bad things. She is trying to establish minimum operating standards for me. She is interfereing with my life." And I told him that it is his house and if he thinks she is the problem, he should deal with it the way he sees best. But, back in my head, I doubted if banishing the girl will solve his problem. I thought the problem was much more serious than that.
  6. Malika, it is not possible to kiss some babies; you are right. But I will not blink to kiss any SOL lady to deny Ngonge a the support of his main constituency. This bucolic ranting and not softening up has been my main undoing.
  7. Your judgement is suspect Fabregas. That is what SOler's doubt, not your personality. You support anarchy and perpetual war, only because you mistake changing course with flipflopping. It is a miracle you have come this far. Try in 2010.
  8. looooooooool@shoe-si ze! As to split of votes of the clique, it is by design. It is a strategic ploy knitted to give the impression that there is no collective assault on the prize. The clique is meticulous in closing down on all potential loopholes. Sometimes, I wonder if they are putting Ludlum's Borne identity tale in real show. Is it coincidence that 3/4 of Ngonge's concubines are from Burco and surroundings? Who do you think is a fool?
  9. Sharif is like the Cricket in the Lafontaine tales. Hedonsitic as the Engineer has just said. Comforted by the choice of four ladies, where he is unlikely to be bored by redunduncy any day of the week, the man likes to eat well, dress well, and travel. He is a an incompetent leader. It doesn't matter if he is good person himslef or not. He is not fit for leadership.
  10. Ciid Wanaagsan SOLERS! Ciddii baa noo irmaan, waa ciid Caana laga maalayaa, waa ciid Dadkii waa wada carfeen, waa ciid Cidlaa laga tumanayaa, waa ciid I will deliver my acceptance speech shortly, and I sincerly believe there is no need for second round. That is waste of resource and time. SOler's have spoken! I am disgusted by the actions of BURCO-clique in SOL who didn't even break for the Ciid and has tried to make an unpopular outfit - the amphibian NGONGE as a real contender. This is confirmed to me by none other than Ayoub, who bragged on a PM to me, saying he has just voted for Ngonge after considering "the blood connections" as he put it. In the age of internet and globalisation, one would have thought what ties people will remain their ideas and not pre-destined racial, tribal or geographic affinities. It is sad such noble sites as SOL are infested with this venom. And it is sad to note that only one group is spearheading this malady. The Burco-Clique is as dangerous as the torri and budh wielding vagrants in the dusty town. The sooner we stop them, the better! I warn people of any countenance with the machinations of this evil group. Their loquocious spiritual leader OOdweyne, who Xinnfannin calls the 'a perfect symbol of the incarnation of tribal zeal' is doing all he can, behind the curtains. Down with Burco-Clique. The clique, frustrated with Dahir Riyaale's election extensions want to compensate for their failures elsewhere and take the SOL prize as a consolation. Let us deny them that moment of glory!
  11. War adigu maad ka dhexbaxdid meesha ileen meel baan u socdaaye? Bal raggan waa weyn ee maalin walba diin cayga meesha la taagan maxay u jeedaan? It is perfectly fine if they don't believe in it, laakin why do they offend people and what value does it add to discuss one's faith if the faithful is not willing to do so.
  12. Somalia09 and his ilk are on mission here. Saaxiibayal, if you came here to do sermons, it is not the forum. If you came to offend muslims, it is not wise to do so. Keep your faith or lack of it,and leave the people alone. I AM shocked and disappointed to learn Johnny B is indeed a non-beliver. Subxaanallah! What a waste! Ninkaa waan jeclaa. May Allah forgive me!
  13. For others yes, but are you sure about somali's. I want atheists here to prove that they are not gays too.
  14. No hope with Sharid around. This medicore false sheikh has got tons of goodwill that none of his predecessors ever had, but still performs dismally. He has neither the knoweldge nor the experience to take Somalia through the waters. He should leave!
  15. Waan soo laabtay, JB. Xafadii baan ka soo xanaaqay when they said maanta sambuuse waan iloownay. Anyway, Ramadaan karim to you too. Yaan iska ilaaliya?
  16. Is true an atheist is more likely to be a gay too? Some say there is a correlation especially in the case of Somali's.
  17. I am off until Tuesday, ciyaalka ciidoodii iyo hawlahaas ayaan ku maqanahay. Fadlan Fu-Fu isha ku hay say wax u socdaan, oo ila soo socodsii. Hadaan helo ila soo hadal. Hadii kale,Ogaysiiska aan horey u sheegay paste garee on my behalf. Ciid wanaagsan dhamaantiin. Ciid Mubaarak.
  18. Ogeysiis Muhiim ah, Waxaan dhamaan bulshadda SOL la socodsiinayaa inaan ka baxay tartankan doorashadaa ka dib markii ay ii cadaatay in si ula kac ah loogu shubbayo rag aan is hayno oo muddo 2 saac gudahood ah NGONGE la i soo gaadhisiiyey. Sidaa daraadeed, waxaan idin ogaysiinayaa inayna waxba ka jirin doorashadan, magacaygana aan lagu soo qaadi karin, haddi la yidhaa wuu guulaystay mooye. Waxaan ugu baaqayaa tolku inuuna wax Mudaaharaad iyo rabshado ah ka dhigin arintan!
  19. I am eagle-eyed. If I didn't pre-empt the conspiracy by voting to myself, Ngonge would have been on the lead alone. Norf, maxaad ka baryaysaa; Anigaa amaaniye iigu shub! burco miyaan iloobaa boodhkeedi waynaa barbaarteedi fiicnaa bartii aad ku aragtaba dhagaxa boobi abidkood
  20. ^Wadahadal ayaa noo socda Ngonge inuu drop gareeyo in the next round.
  21. I just voted for myself. Horta is that allowed? So, the stats should change.
  22. OZ, you are right. Something is not right here. Waxaan codsanayaa in Guddiga Doorashooyinka la badalo, that is IBTISAM. Ibtisam is like Jamac Sweden who is unreliable and nepotic. Iyaddaa Ngonge wax la wada. Guddiga waa in lagu soo daraa qof dhex dhexaad ah.
  23. Ngonge, I see you don't respect the resolutions of the Jaalliyadda which I posted earlier. Count Nuune's three to me and see if you can catch me! We are waiting for the Admin's approval of the decision of TOLka soon. It is a formality. If at all it gets close, dib ha loo dhigo ayaan odhan or server'kaa xun.
  24. I said there is a prize for this. Perhaps you overlooked that post. Go up and see, and if you still insist it is pointless, I take that as an insult to Zaytun. Incidentally, Ngonge co-owns the restaurant, and you may be doing this on purpose to get back at him!