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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. To Nuune and Ibtisam, We just had a friendly chat with Uztaad and he now thinks he should vote for me. Please assist him technically so that he can get his wish. Uztad, was nice chat.
  2. Abtigiis


    Originally posted by *Ibtisam: 1) No second wife before my divorce 2) Must cook and clean if need be 3) Must be entertaining, resourceful, able to maintain and attend to my needs both financial, physical and otherwise 4) Must send Bill to my family 5) Must come home with smile and leave his problems outside 6) Must never wear Macawis, unless he is at his mammas house. 7) No ciyaal suuqnimo at any time or friends, football or late nights 8) Must not demand more than 2kids, I am asked all but number 2, 6(no need for this), and ammended number 8 which is must not demand less than x number of children. And I was thinking it is alright and was trying to fulfil it. Show waan dhacannahay. Let me go home today, way noo tahay!
  3. Even in somalia, the importance of the clan is on the wane. It is self-interst that really guides ones loyalty to clan. If a given Habar-lover thinks he or his son will get something from Riyaale, they will go for him; if they don't they go for whoever will give them. Such has been the dramatic change in Somalia that clan is now only important in name. You can have a particular Suldaan or Ugaas from clan X to say something and have anther one from the same clan refute him. The days of blind loyalty to clan is getting behind us!
  4. Latest call from Cabdi-Xiis: "Adeer, four days now since Muxubo has left. But the wife is not eating or sleeping at all. I think Jinn must have entered her soul. Sidaa unbay indhaha u taagaysaa. I will do a big Ducco on Saturday, and will bring culumo quraan ku aqrida. She even started insulting her own kids."
  5. Ngonge, horta what you said is not accurate. It depends where you grew up. It is usually the case that somali's settle along clan lines. So, in a given town, it is possible your childhood friend will likely be from your clan as well. That is why sometimes your best friend just happens to be from your clan. Those who grew up in towns and areas with a mix of clan (mostly bigger town), will not have that problem and I have often seen them turning to friends who do not share anything with them in terms of the clan link. Horta in my case, I don't really turn to my clan. When I run into problems and if I do run into one, the most reliable person I will turn to is a friend from Bay and Bakool (who is Adan Madoobe's tribe). It has happened before and I don't think it will ever change. That is not the only person. I can even turn to Axmaaro friends (who I trust will come to my aid before my clan men). So, what you said is not entirely true. But I don't expect you to look at it from this side. As a born-again, clan looks very big issue for you. That is what it looks from the surface.The reality is different. Many will not agree with me in this forum, though.
  6. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: ...she shouted out "it is for Ogaandeenya" as if you say no, you're against their struggle? Second, what is qabiilkayga got to do with the struggle? Our struggle dheh halkaa. That few men and women who are ordinary Somali's (most somali's still live with anagoo reer-hebel ah mentality)chanted the name of their clan should not bring 'they' and 'us' from you. In fact, in so doing you are revealing that you are also sensitive to the clan issue. Your other observation is right and the name issue is one of the fundamental mistakes of the ONLF, but if you think these people are a 'O' clan ( which is still Somali'is) fighting Ethiopia, you shouldn't be angry more than knowing a 'Dagodia' clan fighting Kikuyu's in Kenya. Haddi qabiil soomaliyeed oo qabiil kale la dagaalami ay yihiin, your anger would have been justifed. Iyadoo qabiil ahba iska taageer,hadaad caafimaad qabto. Anigu se waxaan ogahay kuwa magaca wata iyo kuwa diidan ba inayna is dhaamin, oo la odhan karo adigu laftigaagu waxaad u xanaaqday maadaama aad qabiil aaminsan tahay. Convieniently here, you are on the safe side as you are for the bigger Somali name. By the way, I sometimes wonder why some somali's feel very angry with the mention of the 'Somalida *******ya' and fine with 'Somaalida Ethiopia'. If someone is ok with living with Ethiopia,where he will be a minority; he/she should be OK with living with Ogadeenya state with Oga/den hegemony. Haddii ficil qabiil uuna jirin weeye! But the honest Somali's usually know that while the name Ogadeenya is divise, it is only part of the problem and the division among the somali's in somaligalbeed goes much deeper than that of a name.
  7. Che, I was making those comments in the context of Somalia. We can expand the scope of the debate and look at that, maybe some another time. Buuxo, there is nothing wrong with clans, but clannishness is the disease. And believing that 'clan is everything' makes one clannish.
  8. I can live with losing to Ngonge. I can't lose to Marx Jego-xiir and Eminem-fans. That is too much to take. I urge all my supporters to vote to Ngonge if they see I am hopeless when Nuune posts the next results.
  9. C&H, The Somali Chick might genuinely believe she is a Somali from Ogaaandenya. There are lots of them who think ********ya is not a clan name but the name of the land. I think that is wrong. It is a clan name and it doesn't matter if you add explanations later as to why one has to use it. Anyway, xaal qaado and you are right to believe you are Somali. I too feel the same, laakin dhalinyaro badan oo reerka ah ayaa lagu qufulay magaca wadanka is X, and don't really think they are talking about clan when uttering it. They may be misled and not clannists at all. Anyway, VIVA ONLF. I support the ONLF not because I don't see their shortcomings, but because they are the only game in town. We have the UWSLF which doesn't carry the bad name of Og, but still all the fighters are from the same clan. Soomaalida kale intay go'aansan inay halganto, lama sugi karo. Dhaliishu waa dhinac kasta!
  10. Clan is nothing but a hide-out for the incompetent and primitives. Any person who can survive by his own doesn't need the clan. Misfits who can't get their wishes in life by their own tend to run to the clan cover. On a good side, it sometimes works as a social insurance system and income-redistributio n mechanism.
  11. These results are false. I have confirmation from the following people that they voted for me. Myself Sophist Farancab Nuune Dhubad Nin-yaaban Valanteenah Ngonge (this one is lying) SayidSomal Johnny B Che AllaMagan Fu-Fu I got message by word of mouth that the following absentees will soon come back to cast their votes for me. Xinnfanin Labaxinninyod MS DD So, this is my evidence that this hidden results are all Ibtisam's creations. There is also another problem. At least 5-6 newbies who joined SOL this week are unable to vote. Why stop them?
  12. Breaking News: Given that I have told you yesterday that I have been showing the results of the first round to my wife, it is very difficult to bow out at thus time. However, the Haneefah phenomena might turn out to be my exit-strategy. Gabadh reeraha ah ayaan uga baxay ayaan ku odhan. I feel at ease now.
  13. I now see I was right to suspect there is a grand conspiracy. The re-appearance of Haneefah confirms my suspicions. We all know that Haneefah is the Ugaaso of my Tolka and it is not allowed for me to compete with her. Now, by making her top the list of girls, someone is working to undermine my earlier lead on the men's front. We can't both win, and if one of us has to leave, it is me; according to the unwritten law of my Tolkay. So, it is clear this doorasho is fixed.
  14. Campaign manager, do better than giggle. Make references from your fat pscology and sociology books and show emperically what effect this could have on the family and the society in general. Spin it!
  15. If this is true, Nuune, it is a bad news. I know I have voted for myself, therefore, it means no one has yet voted for me. I don't believe in this election which is not transplant. I sensed foul play from the start of the second round, which was unneccessary. I am warning SOler's to elect me. If they don't, I will not know what I should tell my wife, who was so hopeful I will finally win some election. I have been printing and showing the results as they come in last week, and it will affect her personally. Ha la i doorto walaalayaal.
  16. When it comes to elections, even the udderly endowed Islaamo matter.
  17. Nuune, your figures are wrong. Unless people who sent me PM's are lying, I got half of what have been casted so far. I can't lose to 'jeego-xiir' juveniles,and that is why I ask you to take back that news.
  18. marx, no one is going to vote for someone who is ban-prone with his usual antics. I know you have managed to come to the second round by the back door. No sane SOLer will ever waste his vote by voting for you. In fact, that you are calling for help from distinguished club-members of reggae ragamuffins with parochial attitudes, puffing of marijuana, sniffing of tobacco, and wearing of dreadlocks, like lazyG and Rudy is telling. You and your ilk have reneged on social laws and should not have been allowed to vote let alone to be voted for.
  19. I think Mark Hughes was the culprit. Refused to go back to the first-half formation even when his players begged him to do so. I always say if you throw balls into the box of the opposite team,your chances of getting something or forcing a mistake from the defence is high. Man U defence is suspect and if teams can go at it, I think they will conceed more than Hull does.
  20. Originally posted by Naden: Ibtisam, I didn't realize the drivel in the 15 page thread were campaign speeches! Buck-toothed geel-jires and elections, a dangerous combination. hohoho!! no comment. It speaks for itself.
  21. Originally posted by Valenteenah: Too high an expectation miyaa? I will not term it that way. It is a toll order without performance-enhancer , but certainly do-able. But You will need lots of if and buts, - If the supply changes everyday. I mean I like Spaghetti Saltata but eating it thrice a day is too much. - If the other person is willing to be take part of the burden, not passive. In general, do-able at certain age but as we progress, and unless one was in prison like nin-yaaban for a while, it is difficut to do 3 times a day per week.
  22. Second surprise on this Ciid day was Safiya's preganancy. My wife commented why what is said to be 2 months suddenly looks like 5 months old? Safiya, who recently married Dahir said, it is not really big. But Safiya also talked about how she had a loving boy friend just before she was forced into this marriage, with a man who paid fortunes to her family and promised to send her beyond the oceans. In fact, so much was Safiya unsecure about her situation, that she asked me "Miyaad ila yaaban tihiin? are you wondering why I married this old man when I am so young?". I personally didn't think the man was sooooooooooo old. Yes, he was over 40, but with good upkeep and lifestyle that shows he wasn't that bad in some years, he didn't look like that old. It was only later that I tried to see whether this is a repeat of the story I heard from Gurey last year. Gurey suddenly got a telephone call five years ago from the lady he loved most in this world. She agreed to marry him finally. What he didn't know was that she has done that only because she knew she had to act fast as the child she got from her other lover (a man she loved) was getting bigger. Gurey duly sent odayaal and concluded the matrimony formality qucikly. And he started his husbandary tasks with immediate effect, adding nothing like the asal madoorshe with numeric value 1, in multiplication. SO, he built on what was already there. The problem came seven months later, when the girl was rushed to maternity wards in a clinic and she delivered a healthy 4 KG baby girl. Gurey was told by his wife that this is a premature delivery todobo-ku-dhalow. As false as it may seem to you he bought that nonesense, until the baby girl refused to acknowledge his tireless contributions by not taking any of his looks or her mothers. He got suspicious. But he got another one soon, this time his alone. And the funny part of this sad story was that Gurey actually confessed to this thing at a time the first girl (whose name I don't remember) was 7 and the young one was 5. Whenever he calls his house, he used to say to his wife, "Maryama ii dhiib. Maryama is the second child."
  23. Originally posted by Valenteenah: PS: Muxubo is right on the money. [/QB] Intersting to know there are people with Muxubo's standards here in SOL. I thought of only one person capable of competing with Muxubo: It is MS DD. Who would have thought Val is so as well! Intellectual? definitely; Untiring? Never thought so!
  24. Fadlan wixii ii codeeyaa ha igu soo ogaysiiyaan PM kolka ay codkooda dhiibtaan si aan wax la isu dabamarin oo Ibtisam aan ula xisaabtamo. Mahadsanidiin.