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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Sayid waa xilla-bilaal. Galin kasta mid buu caashaqaa.
  2. AY dictator reer-miyi mentality leh ayuu ahaa. Somali wuu ceebeeyay odaygaasi.
  3. Hargeisa waxaa joogi jiray nin curyaan ah oo suuqa haweenku ka adeegtaan fadhiyi jiray oo intuu go' dhigto dawarsan jiray markay haweenku ag marayaan. Wuxuu odhan jiray, " libaana!libaana! ilaahay hadaad taqaanaan naag jinaabaysan yayna shilin igaga ridin go'ayga". This was back in 80s waa waagay hawenku xishoon jireen. Now, I am almost about to say Ilaahay hadaad taqaanaan....to the ladies here in SOL.
  4. VAl, I would have taken that advice from a friend. So far the advice is coming from my enemies and those who want me to lose, which tells me, they are panicking with my attentiveness and deligent follow-up on the proceedings so far. Go away Val, yaad seexin! You think I don't know Ngonge is using even telephone calls to lobby?
  5. Ngonge, since when have you started resting on the assurances of the caprices of a juvenile lady. Ibtisam is not going to take you anywhere. Dhul u dhacaaga hubso. This anti-pain she is feeding you by way of rumors is going to cause you bigger problems.
  6. Go Dhulqarneyn! Eliminate them. Kolba qolo ha baryin to get your clan cleansing wish. Reerkoo dhani ma Ethiopianbaa, yarka xiiqsan?
  7. Faheema, waa idinka dhab is an understatement. Waa naga naf! When we fail like you, then, perhaps we will realise the futility of all this. For now, it is serious! MS DD, Failure is not an option. Humble, Mahadsanidm but please confirm this through PM. We don't know what will happen and I want to use the PM's to challenge the partial Ibti.
  8. Originally posted by Farancab: ^ Perfect couple. I might vote for them as well Maadaa Ku dhaca, tuug yahoow! Walaahibaan caawa kula soo hadli!
  9. ^ So far inta la hubo, Naden JohnnyB Ramsade Cara/Arac Somalia09 Warsame -kani waa Gaal quamn (Christian) Inta aan la hubin laakin laga shakisan yahay, Ngonge Mr.Somalia Inta Muslinka ah ee la hubo Sheekh Nuur Aaliyah Haneefah Sidaa ula soco, DucaQabe!
  10. Dear Naden, (1) The search for where we came from and how we become what we are today(which I think is the essence of evolutionary theories) is tantamount to an expensive research launched by an adult man who wants to know the details of what happened the night he was sired. Among the reasrch questions will be: -Was the mother on top that particular evening - Did the event took place in the sitting room or in the bedroom - What are the chances that he( the offspring) would have been a She, had he been concieved at the third shot and not at the first round as his null hypothesis said What I am trying to say there (and please don't mind the cheeky nature of the analogy) is that I fee l the discussion on evolution is trivial and has little practical relevance in our lives today. It is really inconsequential to the life of the adult above to know how he came about and while the exercise of knowing this fact might be enchanting, the end result adds little value. As such, little do I read about Darwin et al. The fact that I don't know much about this subject doesn't mean I play second fiddle to you in other areas. For example, I know Enrique Iglasias is going to be the replacement for Javier Mascherano in the Argentine soccer team that is struggling to qualify. I know Antonio Banderas is the new coach of the Basque side Osasuna. I know Craig Bellamy is the distant relative of Lakhdar Ballomy of Algeria. (2) Look at some of your reasoning in your attempt to prove the theories of evolution are more sound than the decalrations of Holy texts. You said: In 1998, he did a turnabout and published a book called 'My Father Adam' where he contends that Adam, the first creature, may NOT be Adam, the nabi, mentioned in the Quran.....I read the book when it came out and it is very thin on science. And there is a strong suspicion that a seminal part is lifted directly from a more learned Syrian scholar. Nonetheless, Shaheen essentially agrees that present man evolved from 'less-formed' series of ancestors. . Now, tell me how is this going to prove anything. You didn't say what truth the said daaci-turned-Darwin man stumbled upon!!! It is not enough proof of the validity of the evolution theories that one man who was religious turned away from what he used to believe in. It is like me telling you that Yusuf Islam (Cat Steven) was a non-believer, but finally found the light and hence Islam is the true path. Isn't it? You again said: Since we share nearly 95% of our DNA with present day chimpanzees, is it so far fetched that we would have a common ancestor? There is evidence of the genus, Homo, across several continents, and it is thought to have branched off from a common ancestor approximately 5-7 million years ago. Again, it is 'it is thought' blah blah. Who thought? This sounds like George Charamba's column on the sunday herald here where he makes outrageous references to ghostly analysts who 'thought' that Morgan Tsvangari's move to join the inclusive government is a plot hatched up by the colonial West to undermine the Third Chimuranga (liberation). Not that there is a problem in the assertion by itself, but the analogy with Naden here is that both are referring to one side of the debate to sell their points. Well, Naden, It is also thought that since no one knows the common ancestor you are alluding to, it must be GOD! How about that for a reply to your outrageous nonesense!!!!! (3) There is no harm in you trying to impart knowledge on what you know and what you say is no doubt fascinating, but to throw at us as facts proven beyond reasonable doubt is a bit too insulting to our intelligene, if you can concede we have any.
  11. I just told you to be modest. I agree I am second rate in apostasy and atheism discussions.
  12. Gheele, the same thought came to my mind. But I also know the same clan will be firing from the other side in this showdown. Che, this is what Auden called the necessary murder. The peace you talk about is maintained at the cost of young girls stonned to death, especially when they are from looma-ooyaan section of the society. I prefer all out war to suh injustices.
  13. Naden, just because you imbibed evolutionary theories and believe in 'man came from chimpanzie' nonesense doesn't mean you are talking sense either. I have no passion for speculative science too. What you say is nothing more than a brilliant speculation of a scientist. In this context, I don't see any difference of this scientist from a prophet. None of them offer irrefutable concerete evidence. And by the way, I told you before, modesty is a virtue. If you could be what you are today even before you become a flying bio-chemist, I don't know what you will be when you become one. It looks you measure one's knowledgibility on how many anthropology books he read, when the fact is I am full of disdain for this field of study. Like history, it fills your head, but has little practical use. If you don't believe in anything outside the metaphysical world, good for you but don't try to rub it in our nose. Anyway, that is not the issue. My cosmic inurance policy or what I call Iiman is helping me to be a good person in this world whatever happens in the next. Somalia09, I don't know what you are missing. But life without faith must be so void. Me thinks.
  14. Jalle Liqaaye, Xassen Turki is succumbing to the pressure from reerka. They have been asking for the 'shisheeye' leaders of Shabab to be dethroned. I am happy because this will weaken the terrorists. Let them face off and wipe out each other. Whoever wins must be attacked immediately.
  15. This is told to me by my Afghan friend. Over lunch today. The setting is Kabul. Gul-wali took a viagra in the office, after he was told that it will start working after one-two hours. But whatever happened the man started feeling it in thirty minutes. So, he rushed to his house to get over it. When he reached home, he found the watchman who told him that his wife left an hour ago and left him a message: Come to the clinic, Zohar fell down and I took him there. Unable to move around and in bad shape, he called his friend for any ideas. "Go to your neighbour, that lady" He was advised. "No," Gul-wali protested, "I don't need this thing for her. with her, I am fine without it. I needed for my wife. This is going to waste!"
  16. Puntland must release these poor refugees they pawn to Meles regime. This day will pass, but will leave indelibe names for some.
  17. I apologise for the outbrusts there but wish to disclose what has triggered it. The young lady sent me a provocative PM which called me names and also said that i must be living in another planet if I think I can win. She said it is an insult to SOL if people like me win. She bragged that she can do harm to me in this process. Finally, she started the clan talk. I don't want to reveal this because I don't want to go into exchanges with a younger sister. But I was saddened with her attitude. I was in disblief she could say about me and my clan. Anyway, let this pass without much ado. I don't think it will help her if I copy and paste her messages here.
  18. It is clear the sister is heading that way, if she isn't there already. Didn't you see how she described the Quran and the sarcam about ambiguity? I personally think this kind of debate is worthless. I don't like Mullahs who twist science and other developments to try to fit it to one Hadeeth or Aayah in the Quran. I think that is not fair, for I think they are not obliged to compete with science. The existence of God cannot be proven scientifcally and religion is not about logic and science. It is about belief. I believe and hence God exists. I am a muslim and I therefore accpet what the Quran says in its entirity. In the end, the benefits of believing outwieghs what can be achived by not believeing in anything.
  19. Waa joharadoodo, Indho waxay jeclaadaan, Iyaagaa jelecdee, kolka jiibta waabari Dayaxoo janjeedhsaday iska soo horjeesteen Maa ila jibaadaan, ama jidhidhicootaan Ama Wax ila jabataan, ma jinbaa igu kiin diray Ileen waa jacayloo, waa jidkii siraado Jannadii iyo Cadaabkaan wali kala dhexjoogaa Cabdi Tahliil
  20. His judgemnts are clearly not affected by his age. He is still sane, calm and caring. Seeking the top post might not actually be his sole motivation. Have you ever given the benefit of the doubt! No one worshiped the rascal Sheikh ku sheeg. He came from nowhere.
  21. I just want to tell people Ibtisam just threatened me with disqualification. I don't know why. She has openly said she wants one particular candidate to win it, and God knows what that bodes for the process. She is Jaamac Sweden oo gabadh ah, I told you.
  22. It is sad that Silaanyo and Riyaale are fighting it out in the political arena of Somaliland. A quick look back at the history of both men reveals why somaliland's aspirations are founded on a shaky grounds. A nation which betrayed its hero will ultimately betray its ideals as well. Silaanyo fought injustice and oppression and delivered with flying colours. Riyaale was on the other side of the fence and had fought hard not to see present day Somaliland. Yet, Silaanyo's fight for respect to the constitution and against dictatorship is often belittled to be a fight for his own sake. He has a precedence which shows he doesn't have problem in leaving the chair. He won the war for freedom and yet left his SNM chairmanship gracefully. Riyaale has embezzled the meagere resources of Somaliland and refuses to oversee a peaceful power transfer. Silaanyo might not get his wish, but Somaliland will live with the legacy of not siding with the 'right' man in the coming decades. It will pay dearly for propping up a tyrant with no history of decency.
  23. I just feel for Silaanyo. He is too a good man to be a real politican. He can't plunge his country into anrachy for his own sake. That is the language Riyaale understands. A careless man would have beaten Riyaale, not a nationalist one like Silaanyo. Pity.
  24. Abtigiis


    ^ There is also one they call Dhuuso-Majiir (fart direction-turner) in Godey. It is very hard.
  25. Naden "Listen, read, study, think through, and then bring forth your views. Even scientists who study evolutionary evidence argue extensively about what the evidence means. Any introductory archaeology book will be a good start. A book on methodology/principl es of anthropological archaeology would also be good." Not all of us are capable of doing that Naden. Not all of us know about archeology or anthropology. So, some mercy on us erudite sister.