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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. looooooooooooooooooo oooooool@tie-dheeraa and bog-cawro! Abdilatif got it! waa saa uun reer-abtigaa! As to their work, waa Abu-musbaar from Awadaay invention. Mirqaankaa tusay! Abdilatif, do you know this gabay from dhagaxbuur? "Mirqaan nacay hadii uu Siciid Miig ku kicin waayey" Finally, someone is about to do just that!
  2. adaa ka sii darayba! qadarin ku lahaa. Yacni if she says I am 52, I will get offended miyaa? Anigu officially 32 ayaan ahay!
  3. Originally posted by Ms DD: A&T: I really cant figure this one out! Dad cadwgay ah ayaa ku soo hawlgaliyey! Waanu u jeeda inaad si gaar ah dadkii iiga tilmaantay! It is a guess, why not give a try. For example I know you are 38.
  4. I don't condone the vehicles burnt nor businessmen handed over to enemey. But that is not the issue. My 'wicked' motives nor the collapse of Somaliland (or how the enemies got it wrong) is not going to stand against the truth I have stated. That this entity is a an appendex of Addis Ababa and that your politicians are a disgrace to the ideals the majority of Somali's hold. Of course I realise the Tolka never agrees with those Ideals. Liqaye, For all the myopia and miscalculations rer-Xisbul islam are known for, on this count they can held their head high. Not to expect triators in every society is quite naive, coming from a man of your pedigree. They have not surrendered their identity nor did they succumbed to the urge of standing up to 'other clans' by forming partenership with Ethiopia. It is still true no one is firing guns in Geladi and Shinile. So, let us not say we are all in this!
  5. Originally posted by Jalle Liqaye: The things you write about A&T are the shame of almost all Somali politico's , and a collective failing of the Somali people. Not rer-Xizbul Islam. They fought Ethiopians tooth and nail and preserved their identity and Somalinimo for over 5 decades at enormous cost.
  6. After careful consultations with my advisors, and the head of women affairs elected recently Right Honourable Ms KoolKat, and mindful of the following facts: - His clanish outlook and dubious social moral standing notwithstanding, Ngonge's creativity and knack for creating amusement out of nothing is undisputed - Having looked at his enormous contributions to SOL and considering the number of women in SOL who will have hanged themselves if it were not for his empty promises that he will marry them one day - Respecting the demans of senior nomads who have been in touch with me since my election, including such luminaries like Paragon, VAl, Malika, Buuxo, AllaMagan, Mr. Somalia I have decided to appoint Abdullahi-Kaafi Ahmed Cadare, alias Ngonge, as the Prime Coordinator of the SOL effective this day of first October, 2009. His roles and responsibilties will be given to him in person.
  7. Puntland politicians are worse. In fact they have used the Ethiopian military to settle internal issues on more than one occasion. Ismadhaantiyo dhasheed. But there is a slight difference. While the general population in Puntland is naturally averse to Ethiopia, in somaliland there is some kind of infatuation with Xabashi. Their art and music is flourishing in Hargeisa, their national channels play Tigre music, with no regard to the feelings of those who are daily killed and maimed by these agents of destruction. There is a lot more I can list in case some of the affecionados of the fake entity try to dispute. I expect the born-again-Issac, Ngonge will be thrown at me for some defence. And Ayoub will be on his side. But whatever they may say, even the loqocuious Oodweyne will find it difficult to find words to defend this little infatuation of his people. It is a truth that must be told.
  8. Under the guise of ‘friends of Somaliland’, Dr. Takeda Alemu’s office in the Ministry of foreign Affairs in Ethiopia in Filwuha, opposite the five star Hilton Hotel, is running the politics of Somaliland and virtually at no cost. Occasionally, it provides hotel accommodations to visiting Somaliland dignitaries, often on private missions and dinner is organized in sumptuous restaurants to the exaltation of the bewitched politicians from the Northern Western province. And that is enough to grant Ethiopia the right to dictate who should run the place, who should not, and when to hold elections. A good Somali will be nauseated by the attention and undue respect given to Mr. Mulugetta, the uneducated ‘Ambassador’ of Ethiopia in Hargeisa. All main politicians scrame to pamper him in an attempt to get his blessings. This reminds me of the role GabreWahid and Towlede, the so-called advisors in Jigjiga play in that pseudo-federal region. In many ways, I consider Da’ud, Ina-Dulaane and former Somali regional state presidents to have power than Riyaale and the aspiring opposition candidates in Somaliland when it comes to standing up to the whims of the Tigre masters. At least those in Jijiga know how to handle them and at times tell off the small fishes from Addis. When the lowly rated Admas College, which runs some phoney distance education progrmamme to the desperate youngsters in Somalialand graduated some students this year, virtually all the cabinet has to show up and all has to salute and praise the representative from the Addis, who happen to be a mediocre teacher. Even Ahmed Dahir, the former Auditor General of Somali Regional State, himself a graduate of the Cadre-producing Civil Service College (a creation of EPRDF with dubious academic quality) stood to the podium with the grace of an accomplished professor. What a sham! With the passage of each day, it is becoming increasingly evident that what we have in Hargeisa is an extension of the Somali regional state. However, unlike the regional state, Somaliland gets no budgetary support from Ethiopia and its business people are arrested arbitrarily and their goods confiscated at will in Wajaale and Jijiga customs. If we guys who continue to fight for self-determination could accept half of the such subjugation and insult Somalilanders endure, I am convinced we would have run the whole place with the armed support of Ethiopia.
  9. Somalida dagaalkeedu waa funny. A big showdown and at the end 2-5 people die and it is over. In Ethiopia, forexample, even minor skirmishes dozens are killed. Anyway, this year all my cousins are saying they are rer-xizbul islam. I am happy the terrorists are fighting each other. It is a win-win situation. As to the people affected, ma awal bay janno ku jreen?
  10. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: I thought u said MARX was saved by a cat ,,,, What I said was Marx was SURVIVED not saved by a cat. But again, they don't teach the vocabular distinction in RAMADAN school of Private English. [emphasis on private English]. That is what I read in xaafada koodbuur in Hargeisa!
  11. MS DD has always had impeccable moral values and is merely trying to be fair here. I thank her for that. I have many friends but friends are not given blank cheques. Val, way i dhiirigalinaysaa. Nuune, Sheekh Axmed-Hadi miyaad wada hadashaan? De hadaa caawa aan gaadho'e la soo hadal.
  12. Ngonge, Nuune thinks he can play the dumb Sudanese Quran teacher trick on me. When the said teacher was pressed by students to give them the tafsiir of: "Wa samaa'i zatil xubuk..." He pointed to the sky and said, "Wa samaa" that is the sky you know and I know, "Al xubuk" that I don't know and you don't know. If nuune disputes my translation, he should offer one.
  13. Val, Jamaal is a good friend. Laakin haweenkuu u dhago nugul yahay oo ka mahad sheegta. Ha igu dirin dee. loooooooooooool@mula c!
  14. Runta ma rabtaa, nuune. Anigoon turjumaan waydiinin ayaan fahmay 75% of the meaning and its intent. When I later asked Shekh Ahmed (ood isku reer tihiin adiga), who is a graduate of Khartoum University, he told me the full meaning and actually called me back to ask me under what context it was said. "Dadka qofba intuu fahmayo ayaa loo sheegaa" isn't something good when you actually look at the preceding exchanges between me and Xinn. I was offended not because of the Carabi, but because of his temerity to elaborate on what he has said before as if he has been speaking to a complete idi.ot. Adiguna kolkaasaad u sacbisay even implying that I will misunderstand the jist of the message. Haddana tii ayaad ku adkeeysanayaa. War nuune, In-Aaboow sidaasi waa sidee?
  15. Jamaal Saaxiib, anigu meel nafaqo ah oon dhunkado waxaan ku diido garan maayo. Apology is a different matter and I have stated that there is no way I will do so for Ibtisam. I am only asking in kolka hore dhunkashada hawasheeda aan ku horeeyno, kadibna it is a matter between the two of us inaan is apogoise gareeyno iyo inaan Tango and Maringue ku dhufano.
  16. As far as the real issue is concerned, I have nothing to apologise for. Ibtisam tried her best to ensure I fail and has even tried to change things at the last minutes. If it wasn't I protested to LST, perhaps we would have seen Marx (may God make the soil lighter for him) win it. And in hindsight, that might have spared some life. Ibtisam, do you want me to publish our latest exchange on the matter? Ceeb baa dhici doonta maanta!
  17. President Anwar, Do you understand anything? Val I am ready to investigate who lied to me about you and mend fences. You have been good to me lately. But Nuune la socodkiisa ayaan kugula dagaalamayaa. This so-called moderator abused the rules of the site by cheering for abusers. Xalay Xinn oo si foolxun u caytamaya (what he said in Carabi was disgusting) ayuu ku leeyahay awoowe caadi ma tihid. I saw that message of Nuune while at home with the wifey and my blood boiled runtii. The poor lady could see I am agitated. Nuune ni dhacdhac badan ma ahayn laakin xalay wuu qaldamay. As to the Xinn, bal waxa dhaca the coming weeks dhagaha ha lagu hayo. The guy has made a habit of throwing insults and like what they call Er-barad doesn't know when to stop pursuing people who run before him.
  18. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Now it is time he should bend down, knee, kiss her feet and apologize. I want to declare that I have no second thought about doing just that. If only Ibti could allow it, it is a surprise gift to me. Well, JB, meesha ka odayee hedde kolkaa! There is a chance she might not ask for apologees from me in the follow up discussions.
  19. Ibtisam, I have just concluded a lengthy interview which is basically a review of my stay in SOL and what I want this site to be in the future with HORNCABLE TV. I also talked about what I think of your role in the process in the interview. Stay tune. Breaking News: Metro Police in London questioned NGONGE over what now appears to be the murder of Marx. It is believed Ngonge was with Marx an hour before he was found dead.
  20. Originally posted by nuune: lool@khaadhib elnaas calaa qadri cuquulihim Xiin awoowe, caadi ma tihid u soo fiirso, AT&T si kale ayuu u sharraxan doonaa hadalkaa Unless you subscribe to the folly that whatever Xinn utters has an illegible inner meaning, what the gentleman said here and on his first congratulatory message as well are crystal clear. I am shocked by the level of fawning here. Xinn’s not-so-under hand slur against me was very palpable from his congratulatory message, to which I have requited in kind, by dismissing it with bogus acceptance of it. Lest his insult will not be understood by others and hence perhaps this will foil the intent which was to paint me with a bad brush, he has gone to the unnecessary task of elaborating on what he really wanted to say. And the use of Arabic adage is intended to do that job, while at the same time it ensures that there is no doubt on the part of the readership about the intelligence and sophistication of Xinnfanin. This pomposity has been the hallmark of this SOLer and is frankly quite atavistic. In this regard it is not news. But, a bit of self-awareness would have thought Xinn that reminding people that you are so and so doesn’t necessarily make you what you purport to be. Xinn reminds me of a mediocre singer who aspires to be great, but who is not born with the talent to be one. There is no genius there, but the struggle of an average man with immense workmanship to seem genius is evident. As such, I will like to request to be given some break from his antics, and the fawning crowd who are titillated with his borrowed verbatim should stop their adulation. Nuune, in particular. You have disgraced yourself, awoowe. Xinn misunderstood my earlier silence when he hurled some explicit insults against me earlier the year. I thought if this passes unanswered, he will take abusing me as a joy ride. To the rest of SOLers, I thank you all for the vote and confidence in me, and while I see Val is protesting, I didn’t get any confirmation PM and that is why I think she betrayed me at the last minute. There is news that a black young man, clean shaved, has committed suicide in London. Marx is survived by his Jamican girlfriend and a cat.
  21. Xinn, a great day indeed. Will celebrate this till morning. I thank you for the sincere congratulations.
  22. This is a landslide and I wish to congratulate the muwaadinin, the mu'miniin and the marwooyin who voted for me. I would like to say Thank you! I take this as "waan ku dooranee, dabacsani ka dhowr." More than anything, this election showed that SOL is a mature, professional place where the grown-ups exchange ideas, entertainment and advices on life. It is not a place for juveniles and post-modernists. The verdict is a bitter pill to swallow for the Rappers and vagabonds like Marx, for the delinquent like Lazy and Mr.Somalia, for Conspirationalists like AdamZayla and for those with myopic inclinations like Duke and Jacaylbaro. Now that I am elected, I will be forming my cabinet shortly and the selection will be based on merit with no biases or prejudices against anyone. This doesn't mean I will include those with negative thinking like Che. Even Xinn has no place here as it has come to my knoweldge that despite trumpeting his loyalties to Sheikh Sharif, he also is a spiritial adviser of the terrorist Caanoole faction. Such duplicity has no place with me. I thank my advisors during this election, men of immense stature like Sophist, Paragon and Uztaad. I denounce VAl who has failed to vote for me despite promising to do so. I pray JohnnyB will see the light of the creator and will finally jump the sinking ship of reckless men and women like Raamsade and Cara. One of my first tasks will be to censor inflammatory rethoric against religion from this missinoaries of devil. Nuune is second by fraud and by the fact that he had access to the results. Ngonge is the runner-up and I wish to call upon him to get out of the election mode and join me in my attempt to rejuvinate this site. As a gratitude, I will post the story of the lady who asked for forgivenss from her husband in the middle of the night confessing she had watched a Sex film with a neighnour Sahra buuro a year ago. I will tell how the man was grateful that she was honest on the matter but got pissed off when she hinted that what she saw is impossible for any human to do! P.s. Marx and Adam voted for self, one another reciprocally and Ibtisam gave them the other vote. This is a sham.
  23. Jangeli xaaskiisu ma xabashiyadbaa? Dharkii hidda iyo dhaqanka xabashiday xidhantahay. Laakin waa apoosto! Eesh calaa gabadh.