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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Women aren’t women anymore. :D Waa runteed! Hadda bal yaa LazyGirl qabi kara ilaahay baan idinku dhaarshee!
  2. What an insightful and refreshing perspective! By Suzanne Venker. Waa naag gob ah oo nin qumani qabo! Jaqaaqda sexually frustrated ka ah ee ragii shaqada ka dhigtay ma aha! ________________________________________________________________________ The battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent. For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped, from 35 percent to 29 percent. Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t. The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women. As the author of three books on the American family and its intersection with pop culture, I’ve spent thirteen years examining social agendas as they pertain to sex, parenting, and gender roles. During this time, I’ve spoken with hundreds, if not thousands, of men and women. And in doing so, I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a subculture of men who’ve told me, in no uncertain terms, that they’re never getting married. When I ask them why, the answer is always the same. Women aren’t women anymore. To say gender relations have changed dramatically is an understatement. Ever since the sexual revolution, there has been a profound overhaul in the way men and women interact. Men haven’t changed much – they had no revolution that demanded it – but women have changed dramatically. In a nutshell, women are angry. They’re also defensive, though often unknowingly. That’s because they’ve been raised to think of men as the enemy. Armed with this new attitude, women pushed men off their pedestal (women had their own pedestal, but feminists convinced them otherwise) and climbed up to take what they were taught to believe was rightfully theirs. Now the men have nowhere to go. It is precisely this dynamic – women good/men bad – that has destroyed the relationship between the sexes. Yet somehow, men are still to blame when love goes awry. Heck, men have been to blame since feminists first took to the streets in the 1970s. But what if the dearth of good men, and ongoing battle of the sexes, is – hold on to your seats – women’s fault? You’ll never hear that in the media. All the articles and books (and television programs, for that matter) put women front and center, while men and children sit in the back seat. But after decades of browbeating the American male, men are tired. Tired of being told there’s something fundamentally wrong with them. Tired of being told that if women aren’t happy, it’s men’s fault. Contrary to what feminists like Hanna Rosin, author of The End of Men, say, the so-called rise of women has not threatened men. It has pissed them off. It has also undermined their ability to become self-sufficient in the hopes of someday supporting a family. Men want to love women, not compete with them. They want to provide for and protect their families – it’s in their DNA. But modern women won’t let them. It’s all so unfortunate – for women, not men. Feminism serves men very well: they can have sex at hello and even live with their girlfriends with no responsibilities whatsoever. It’s the women who lose. Not only are they saddled with the consequences of sex, by dismissing male nature they’re forever seeking a balanced life. The fact is, women need men’s linear career goals – they need men to pick up the slack at the office – in order to live the balanced life they seek. So if men today are slackers, and if they’re retreating from marriage en masse, women should look in the mirror and ask themselves what role they’ve played to bring about this transformation. Fortunately, there is good news: women have the power to turn everything around. All they have to do is surrender to their nature – their femininity – and let men surrender to theirs. If they do, marriageable men will come out of the woodwork. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/
  3. Waryaa... this was as simple as I described. Mahiga didn't mean it and the inquest as to how this happened is ongoing! I see what Xinn is saying, but really Mahiga is shocked. They did not mean it. Ku yaroo warqadaha qorayey oo cad unbaa ku wareeray ...P-land, S-Land nonesense. Markaa ayuu is yidhi wuxuba waa isku mid e magaca uun u kala badal. Dee wakaa odaygii asaasacay ka xanaajiyey!
  4. This was one big mistake. Mahiga is not to blame. What happened is Mahiga instructed one of his assistants to prepare letters to Puntland and Somaliland. Apparently the guy wrote one for Puntland and forgot to change the content when we did the same for Somaliland. He only changed the names of the two entities but the content was the same!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is how this debacle happened. I think some heads will roll in UNPOS Nairobi. But the sheer overreaction of Silaanyo lives up to rer-hebel sal-fududaa...tag! All they needed to do was to call Mahiga's office and ask for clarifications. They could have received a different letter in minutes!
  5. Cougars ma aha, waa kuwo aanu isku fil nahay! :D
  6. Indeed, money talks but these days more so with the young ones. Anigu islaamo vulnerable ah maxaa igu soo ururiyay ayaan ka cabanayey ee gabdha qurxoon baa i dalbaday ma odhan? Mise walaxaan kuugu sheegaan muggaan oo Yalaxoow ku hadlo.
  7. Oba, ma xitaa islaamuhu kuma jeclaan karaan ayaad leedahay? waad ii dhamaysay Hutu'yahow!
  8. :D NG and Jacayl, just to satisfy your curiosity. Tan tidhi ninkaygii baa tagay, waxaan ku idhi "hey... we don't want you to get miserable and then shout mindlessly at everybody in the office like Ivana (waa tu hore oo waalayd). you need service, so how often do you intend to go and see the hubby or is he supposed to come for visits?" Waxay tidhi, "you know it is expensive to travel." I suggested she go at least twice a year and she agreed. Laakin in the meantime...wixii xaajo ah ee soo korodha ila soo socodsii baan ku idhi (non-verbally). Ta Eritrea'an ka ah (xabashiga aad mayna u aqoon) iyadu si bay u degdegaysay oo tu yaroo aad u qurub badan oo ilaa 8 jir ah ayey meesha keentay. Markaa waxay aad uga cabatay in ay ku rafaadsan tahay kaligeed caruurta oo 3 ah oo ay tidhi markuu mid xanuunsado kaligay ayaa qaada, kuwii kalena haday iskuulka ka yimaadeen oo xaafadii bay joogaan. And it is a headache by tidhi. Oo why don't you go to Angola baan idhi, waxay tidhi my husband said it is expensive to keep family there (that I agree with him meeshaas waa meel waalan). Markaa she really felt lonely. At one point when I said her daughter is pretty she said " you should have seen me before time worn me out." Sida ta yar oo kale baan ahaa bay tidh,....imikana hadaan nasto waan noqon karaa". I can testify that she was super beautiful at some point in her recent past. Markaa dee inaan nasiin yaheeda ka qayb qaato aad bay u jeclayd laakin dee waxaan i idhi xabashidu waa wax dhaqan xun oo way is dilaan markaa armaa warku ninka gaadhaa deedna intuu ku dilo markuu yimaad isna is dilaa. :D NG, War de islaantii kuu gacan haadisaba miyaa la raaca? anigu dadkii hore ayaan ka joogaa sidii Fella Kuti ragga si gogol dhaafku ugu sahlanaado nigis iyo suunka aan xidhan ma ihi. :D Islaamaha na aaminay ee markaan xaafada tagno odhanaya "kaca aabo caanaha siiya" inkaartooda xageen ka maraynaa hadaan qaa'ino?
  9. Waryaa Wyre, I am narrating my misfortune. Wax quman oo isoo raadsada hadaan arko maxaan la calaacali lahaa. Axadi kuwo xun xun baa i waalay oo anigoo buka oo taydii i dhibtay Manchester-QPR match aan daawano yidhi. I don't leave the vicinity of my house usually so I agreed when they told me meel fog ma aha. As it turned out, meesha Shiisha iyo alaabo kalaa ka bar bar socda ciyaarta, foodleey qiiq sanka iyo afka ka wadana geeska ayey fadhiyaan. Ma ciyaar baa daawada mise khaakhaayiraada foodleeyda? After 45 minute baan iska tagay anigoo yax yax san oo leh hadda qofkii meeshan soo gala soow odhan maayo war odaygii maxaa qaaday? I went for the talk with the guys, laakin dee meeshi foodleey iyo menopause dib-isu-qarxiyey oo foodleeynimo ku noqday baa qasay. Walaahi, it is those moments I realize no one can take the rural out of me. The sight is sickening. Somehow, waxa shiishada caba ee dumarka ah oo dhan ba whores unbaan u qaataa. I know they are not by the way, but I can't subdue the thought. Mid baa anigoo qufacaya (I have asthma... what can I do) aragtay oo qosleeysay. Who cares! Alpha Salaan sare saaxiib. You know I was supposed to come to your side on Sunday, laakin arimo personal ah ayaan u baaqday oo dad baa iga xanuunsaday. I myself sidii haven't felt well since the Ramadan. Markaan kula joogay waakaan caban jiray. It bothered me a lot, but finally a doctor said I have asthma. I couldn't trace the source inkastoo uu yidhi it can be allergy. I don't smoke and I exercise. So, meeshay iga soo gashay ma garanayo. On further reflection, I think waxaa i qabadsiiyey niman aan saaxiibo nahay oo shiishada caba. I avoid to go with them when they are doing it, laakin dee gaadhiga ayaan wada fuulnaa inta badana shaah ayaan wada cabnaa! :D markaa iyagaan ka qaaday siday ila tahay. It is good I now know why I have been feeling so weak and pale for over a year now.
  10. Malika;893246 wrote: ^Oh no! you havent become those so called ' nin wax bartee' who goes on a date with his briefcase/three phones/laptop[iPAD in your case]? ..Loose them all, waa put off! :D Honestly, I like it simple. But nowadays I carry two phones because the office insisted we take a blackberry in which they installed a mobile version of lotus-notes, so that we are work from anywhere! waa exploitation. It is to deny you the excuse of saying I haven't seen that email in week-ends or late hours! Dee with my aging eyes I can hardly read using blackbery screen. I am not Jacaylbaro. So, I have another one o aan akhriska u haysto. But I take care not to display them on the coffee table. Laakin, you are right. I am developing the 'academic angle' of 'nin wax bartay'. The academic angle waa markaad qur-qur u socotid eed xoog u talaabsatid adigoo dhinaca ku haysta ama IPAD and laptop si laguu moodo nin cilmigii ka batay oo deg degaya. :D ps. teeda kale, why does everything translate to a man - SEX.., your collegue was just informing you, adigu naa you have translated it to being ..'come baby come 'Morning. :D waa runtaa Malika. It could be me the man or the geeljire which reads too much into benign invitations. But these ones were really fishy! It is not like I bumped into the colleague in the lounge and she told me. Way ila soo doonatay subaxdii hore anoo miiskayga ku walbahaarsan. Kolkaan sii waraystayna ninkuba xalay laba cisho ka hor unbuu ambabaxay!
  11. Aaliyah, Ipad iyo saddex smart talafoon ayaan bidaarta u iibsan. Sanadkan maanta ah nin aan smart phone haysan bay bidaar wax ka qaadaa! Distraction tactic! As you lose hair, you compensate by acquiring more gadgets. Markaa markay ku soo eegto gabaduba waad sawiri oo flash ayaad dhac ka siin si flash'ka kale ayna u arag! :D Inta kalena jacaylkaaga iyo sheekada IPAD ka ha ka aqrisato, maxaa indhaha la isu giirayaa! Meesha ma interview baa la iska qaadaya?!
  12. I met this woman colleague yesterday. Coming closer -she has never been that close to me physically ever- she proclaims, "you know what?" rather cheerfully. "...my husband is gone for one year. He is specialising". Oo dee markaa....aniguna ma inaan adiga kugu "specialize" gareeyaa Og'ta la ii siinayaa? Mise waa doob dareenkii ?except doob ma ihi! Anigu ma urur dumarka xaasasku ka dhoofaan maweeliya ayaan gudoomiye u ahay? War anagaa wax aragnay! Everyday wax kaa yabiyaad arki dunidan. Waa sidii Xabashiyadii aanu dhakhtarka anagoo bukna isku aragnay ee la hayd ninkaygu Angola ayuu ku maqan yahay oo sanadkii hal mar unbuu yimaadaa ee bun aan wada cabno! Micnaha bun aan wada cabno ceeb maleh. In xaalkeeda ay ka warantaana ceeb ma aha ( for instance such trivial details as my wife works meeshaa iyo meesha, ama my husband is meeshaa iyo meeshaa ayuu ku nool yahay..." Laakin when you join these two sentences, it is a bit unnerving!! Mida kale, inta dadka qayr kay ah kolba inan yar oo duulaysa ay text message iyo talafoon ku raadinayaa, waxaa inkaar iyo yaab ah waxa aniga islaamo dhakhatr jooga iyo kuwa laga dhoofay ay u rabaan inay iga dhigtaan consolation lover! Waxaan u maleyn waa koodhasha waa weyn ee aan isleeyahay feedha yar yar ku qari! No more! It is time I get short-sleeved, slim-fit linen shirts and jeans trousers! Sidani si ma aha!
  13. War ninkan yaa dadka ka qabta!!
  14. Markaan waayay geedaan harsadeen cago gubyoonayay Guuraha habeynkii markaan dhaxanta goowriiray Gabal dhiciyo Waaberi markaan dirir ku goohaayay Gomadaha markay iga mudeen gocondho heeraaya Gacmahiyo markii aan ka jabay gaararkiyo lowga Gudcurkiyo dharaartii markaan galinba soo jeeday Gurguurtiyo xaggee bay jireen gacalka aad sheegi Gedo iyo Kismayiyo xagar guriga kaambooni Gumac iyo rasaas baan ku helay goboladeydiiye Kuma hanan gadhkoo aan qabtiyo, gacan nasteexaade Cidna ima gargaarinnee, Rabbaa hiish ii galayee I have told you Gabbal is rediscovering his ancestory and with these fearsome lines he tells of surrogates of Garguurte. :D
  15. By now, SOLers -young and old- would know that senior nomad Xinnfanin is a man who likes to present himself as a religious and cultured man in this forum. But some of us have long suspected we may be dealing with a fraud. We do not have conclusive evidences to prove Xinn behaves differently in real life than he does in this forum, but the following lines taken from Xinnfanin's private message to a girl on his facebook might be the first clue that Xinn is a warm-bloodied man afterall. The lines' potency and relevancy increases if read against the proverbial kin carnal reciprocity in the lands Xinnfanin comes from. "Dadka kaleba waa kula qoslaan, oo kaa qotomiyaane Ma anigaan qaraabada ka dhalan, maad qaska i siisid?" These naked lines leave little to the imagination about Xinn's state of mind and body when writting the message. Xinn is on, the wadaad cummaamad is off. I urge the admin to investigate all of Xinn's private messages the same way the FBI tracked Broadwell's emails only to stumble on Petreaus's breaches. If Xinn can send this on the facebook, he sure could have done it already on PM on SOL. I feel we are onto something big here because Petreaus's motto is said to be "Perceptions are important", which can be construed as "what you do behind the wall doesn't matter". You just have to be an efficient cheat. That is the moral of Petraus's life philosophy. I suspect Petreaus has a lot in common with Xinnfanin given these new disclosures.
  16. In the last few days, it was becoming clear that Gedo and Gabbal's cousins were increasingly nervous about Indhacade's anarchist kins maneuvers on Jubbaland. They started to decisively turn their back on this anarchist allies, and join the rest of the Jubba communities to establish a regional state. That may have convinced President Hassan that he is fighting a lost battle. And hence the U-turn. We were ready to declare this government a government of HAG, by HAG, and for HAG. But now I urge all Somalis to forget about this episode and rally behind the President. The Jubbaland also now must give the Federal government an oversight role in the process. Somaliyeey tooso!!! Gabbal travelled to Dollow to do a Barre Hiiraale and bring Ethiopians into the game. Sadly for him things have moved a little positively and war is averted.
  17. I have never bought Duke's portrayal of Abdiqasim as a bad man. Dr. Abdiqasim waa Soomaali xalaal ah.
  18. Looooooooool Ngonge made my day. Could never have thought of what he did here. 1- madaxweynuhu ma ogyahay in abtigiis aroos yahay? 2- madaxweynahu ma la socdaa in la ogaaday sababta keenta morning wood? 3- madaxweynaha ma ogyahay in Che Godane uu qareen u noqon doono Laurent Gbagbo?
  19. Ka buuran on the first picture ee bidixa ka muuqda Bob ayaa dhalay.
  20. Wyre, if u are a fan of ethiopian music, this gurage song is great, certainly one of the best from Gurages after legendary mohamud ahmed and his yebolaale garad. Ose baasa by Tsegaye:
  21. Ashqaraaray goortaan Aragaaga daawaday Woooooooooow! Malika your taste is great! Mahadsanid, bal ta yarna la soo dardaaran oo odayga adeec ku dheh! Sinjibiil, xabaasuud, malab iyo alaabahaas organic ka ahna odayga hadaad ku aragtid waa caadi oo dantaadu ka sheeynayaa e ogoloow ku dheh.
  22. The President laid down three guiding principles which are all sensible. He has been talked to, and most inportantly waa told not to listen to the Galgaduud anarchists ( I mean Indhcadde's clan extremists). Si fiican baa loo wada hadlay. Now it is upto the Jubbalanders to reciprocate by agreeing to the guiding principles and assuring the president they will not keep an uncut placenta in Nairobi. Ladeis and gentleman, this is the clarity we wanted from the President. Our opposition is not wholesome but on issues. It is time to move on. Che can't read between the lines and can't get when politicians reverse gear. He thinks the President is stating his original position.
  23. @Juxa, alla way oo tolaa'yey, waa taan lahaa intay shalmada dhexda ku xidhato ayey "wada dhalasho iyo dhiiga" iyo mashxarad ooda kaga qaadi tan igu dhaaftay congratulations. Ngonge- I have nothing to apologize for. There is enough amiguity in what I said to you to allow me to say I meant the virtual one. This is a small legal matter that can be handled at Che level. I don't need serious lawyers like Juxa. Loooool@ahmed teshome, Abusto Buluqo, choole lomi taraa ku lahaa at around 5:25. He is describing xaafadaha Nazreth ee uu gabadha ka raadiyey ileen dusha unbuu ka arkay kal hore habeen ay jidkan mareeysay ee meel ay ku nooshahay ma aqoone! Abusto Buluqo waa warshad sameeyn jirtay shaatiyo Abusta la odhan jiray oo ka u qaalisan hal doolar ka yaraa. As you can imagine qofkii shaatiga lagu arko gabadha lagu arko iyadoo la taagan waa la takoori jiray. Thanks Ahmed for the memory!
  24. Wyre, If you must invoke Ahmed Teshome, one of the best young singers, why did you miss the song that made him a star: Tatayeki Nazret (answer me Nazret). http://youtu.be/9hywi3c9GBc It is appropriate to young blue. I like the Oromiffa part where he says "eysaa jirtii intaltii (where is the girl?)" interrogating the town.