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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Dear Oodweyne, I am merely referring to the verdict of the outgoing UDUB member of the Election Board. He said 'ma aanaan aheyn guddi gar qaadi karta, maadaama talada xisbiyaddu nala lahaayeeen". In a mature society, where individuals understand the limits of their alliegiences and processes are respected, the kind of Election Committee you have is not a big issue. In Somaliland, where all sides are in the commission to make sure they use it as a ladder to power, I don't think there can be a progress. For the Election Board in Somaliland which is composed of rival parties to work, party representatives need to have a clear communication from their bosses that they need to be put the nation before party intersts. Since I am not sure they will get such communiques from Silaanyo or Riyaale or the mad Waraabe, I don't think they could ever agree. What can make a smooth transition is for individuals of note who are not members of any party to take the helm and make the decisions. These will also be accused of being pro this or that, but they stand a better chance of withering such a storm. You said, "But, on the contrary, it's to design a political edifice (i.e., institution) that it's terms-of-reference, it's regulation, it's remit, and it's code of conduct, is so transparent and legally binding, from the get go. So that no amount of arm-twisting by any self-absolved politicians can have any sway over them." I agree with the principle with the nuance that establishing such an edifice must take account of the prevailing level of awareness among the masses, and the overall quality of the politicians in Somaliland. Even Abdi Waraabe, the idiolised spiritual father of the secession dream, is arm-twisted by Riyaale on more than one occasion.
  2. Originally posted by Cowke: Wallahi till this day i haven't figured out why somalis hate the tigray in ethiopia yet like the tigray in asmara. Imagine i said i hate somalis but i love djibouti? it is an oxy-moron because ethnically speaking djibouti are somalis. It is simple Cowke if you want to know. The Tigres in Asmara don't occupy our land, the one's in Ethiopia do.
  3. Da'ud is a sell out and a cheap Tigre servant. I did not and can not praise him. Go and see the context under which I talked about him. Siding with Afweyne was wrong. It is against my Somaliweyn priciple. The tolka did very bad on that front. But the payback shouldnot come in the form of siding with Axmaaro.
  4. Why this is not a good news is because any successors will face the difficulties they have been facing. In Somaliland, the election commission is toothless, with Political parties often meddling into their affairs. The problem is with the very set up. How can you have representatives from Political parties as the commission and expect no conflict of interst to arise?
  5. Oodweyne, welcome. You disappered in the turmoil days. Maantaad soo dhacday soo ma aha!
  6. Depending on which war Dad is talking about, I can put my age in range: 36-42. Odyagu maalinka ma qorin laakiin taarikhda wuu la socdaa. If it was the first war, kolkaa 42 ayaan noqon, if it was the second war, teedi-sigis ku jooji.
  7. BBC's Sport editor, Phil Mcnulty "Mascherano and Lucas is a creative vacuum as a central partnership and Liverpool needed more, and will need more."
  8. What is good about Chelsea squad ya OZ? They barely could pass the ball, old farts who are overrated. From Terry to Drogba, they are average. You will see ho they fare against better attacking teams. You will see! There is no single chelsea player with the talent of Benayoun.
  9. The guy has no confidence. He panicks in big games. You know why he changed his formations. Apparently he was busy watching how Wigan beat Chlesea and tried to emulate them. He should have brought Benayoun from the start, must give more change to Aurelio who is good from set-pieces, and look on how to blend Agger in the midfield instead of the useless duo of Mascherano and Lukas. Mascherano is the problem. Bal ninkaasoo wax tarya idinku ii sheega. Dadkoo la ledgo Gatusso ayaa wax ku qaadi waayey.
  10. Gabadh de inaga dhimatay ma jirto. We are not pressed inaynu substitution raadino. Haddaad leedahay for the future wixii inaga dhiman lahaa, de waa automatic. Lazy iyo Naden midkood unbaan raacin lahaa.
  11. maya de, awalba de Hunguri maynaan necbayne danbaa keentay inaan wax ku badalano!
  12. Bas haddaba people. Koora Tuunshe wuu noolyahay. Taas ayaa muhiim ah. Hungurina ha iska noolaado kolkaa.
  13. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: 41 laba bil ayaa iigaga dhiman. laba bilood ka dib, fadlan la soo xidhiidh maamulka SOL si golihii kale eed la qabsan karto laguugu gudbiyo. golahan da'diisii kor baad u dhaaftay. Waa in Golkhaatumo online laguu promote gareeyo.
  14. Benitez is the problem. Can't take risk, waa fulay. He should have approached the game differently. How many times do I tell people with in the age of Mascherano, there is no hope for Liverpool. The team needs combative as well as creative holding midfielder. All the way Gunners!!!!!! Win or lose, you are assured of a cracking game!
  15. Wuu ii sheegaye, adiguna warayso. Two days ka hor baan e-mail ka helay.
  16. Waa dadaalaysaa walaahi. Waa envy waryaa waxa iga hadlinayaa. Waa ku rayn lahaa in waxbarasho galo.
  17. Ilaahay hakaa farxiyo Nuune. Waa Alxamdu lilaahi haduu odyagu nool yahay. Walaahi waan ka walaacsanaa. Waxa rer-makhiir ah ee meesha jooguu ugu macquulsanaa, in addition to Paragon. If it was true inuu dhintay, oo malaa'igihii qaaday wax iga maqli la haayeen, waxaan odhan lahaa ISAGA NOO DAAYO, BOOSKIISA HUNGURI HA NALOOGU BADALO!
  18. Adult Eduacation ma dhigan, ta kalena ma dhamayn mana dhadhawi.
  19. Naagtsaasi la yaab maleh, inkastoona warkaa hayn. Ninku waa nin dhisan oo inoo ekeynba. Mid qaloocaa laga yaabaa ninkaa sidaa u eg inuu toori ku dhuftay.
  20. Jacayl, Ma waxbarashadda dadka waa weyn (Adult Education) baad dhigataa, farabadan bahashu.
  21. hubsimiihii baan raad hayaa Jacayl. Saaka malaha UDUB baa wax ka si yihiin, si baad u kacsantahaye! Anigu ama Jacaylbaro la bax ama magac kale, ninka afhayeenka u aha UDUB ee hebel Hindi la yidhaa unbaan kuu haystaa.
  22. Goormaa kuugu danbaysay KooraTuunshe? Anigu hadda xog baan ku socdaa!
  23. Veteran writer Abdulla A. Hirad has passed away in NewYork. I have always thought he is KooraTuunshe. Haduu isga yahay Allah Yarxam!
  24. Originally posted by Ms DD: quote:Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: quote: Originally posted by Ms DD: A&T: I really cant figure this one out! Dad cadwgay ah ayaa ku soo hawlgaliyey! Waanu u jeeda inaad si gaar ah dadkii iiga tilmaantay! It is a guess, why not give a try. For example I know you are 38. Waar bal cajuuskaan arag! Yaa i soo direy? You need to respect your elders maandhoow. Ducadeynu wey kacdaa. At this rate, bilaa saaxib baadku soo bixi as your nemises predicted once. Johny..I can confirm you got half of the ladies wrong. Mid 20s goormaa igu danbeysey! MS DD, wanaageenaa laga xun yahay. Waa la isku keen dirayaa! On the age side, I notice in gabdhihii 1974 when my mom used to sing sida geed caleenloo la jiibin jiray, ay hadda wada 25 dhaafi la'yihiin sida the cat that is trapped inside number 9 in the EVEREADY dry cell!!
  25. Abtigiis


    Originally posted by Fu-Fu: saan Xaq miyaa Libaax ninyoho inaa A&T aad qadiso Kool kat aad siiso iphone Nin shisheeya raaca ileen, qaba rafaadkaaye!! Xibsul-Islaam online would have given to me!