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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. LST summed it up wisely. The actions of few must not be taken to blame the good people of Puntland. Yet, the poem posted is relevant as long as its literary merits are concerned. Not that i agree with the composer. Look how it rings well when he says "dhabayac low kuusan" to the PIS guys who snatch innocent young men from their homes daily! Tantalising piece! Xinn comes to mind.
  2. War hedde jaffe, the reference to Sisyphus miyaadan aqriyin above. This vagrant is tireless. Let him not tire you.
  3. Now, imagine you are sitting relaxed in barber shop owned by Somali’s and enjoying the recuperation of your head as old hair is cut down. Suddenly, one loud voice startles you and wakes you up of the nice false sleep. It was coming from a Samsung cellphone a man next to you was holding, which given the volume and the vibration mode it was on, sounded more like a fire alert than a call. Worse, the guy looks at it, shakes his head and lets it ring. What followed was what ended my day in big acrimony. Suddenly the Kaman that preceded the song ended, and a voice came out: Ileen Xero dhurwaa galay, xoolo kuma nagaadaan. I laughed out loud to the displeasure of the owner of the phone. I have seen and heard of many bizarre choices of some people when it comes to ringtones, but this one was too funny for me. What is the relevance of a hyena ransacking goats to the man? Perhaps it is an enduring legacy of his upbringing and his deep attachment to his cultural roots. For me, he looked more reasonable than the guy whose phone repeatedly blurted out Come on, let’s do it, let do it again somewhere in the middle of the third Raka’ of the Maqrib salat in a mosque. Which brings me to one observation I have made concerning this issue. Ringtones sometimes tell us more about the personal preferences, attitudes, and even philosophies of cell phone owners. It is not by happenstance Eedo Cudbi’s ringtone is Goodadle, goodadloow, hoow godadle from last year. I hear my uncle has married a younger wife, using the remittances I sent to him. Not only did she change her ringtone since then, but she is not speaking to me either.
  4. With regard to my conversations with you, I have long realised anyone who has the misfortune of arguing with what the poet above has referred to originators of the 'kud' in the EAST, will be suffering the fate of Sisyphus. Speaking of who, I know you were a greek philosopher in your, what first or second life before being banned for numerous breach of SOL laws only to reapper under a different name, with the tacit approval of the site managers. Sisyphus was an arrogant and deceitful man who tricked the gods. Displeased at being duped, the gods sentenced him to spend eternity pushing an enourmous boulder up a hill. He would push it most of the way up the hill, then the boulder would roll back down to the bottom and he had to do it all over again and again and again. Every minute of every day, the story goes, Sisyphus pushes the boulder up the hill, only to watch it roll back down. I think it is a curse imposed on me for offending the good ladies of SOL. Anyway, the taunt of the liberation fighters goes on: Bal inay karaahaad yihiin, koram iblays fuulo Waa niman kobtii ay tagaan, nabad ka duub tahaye Waa niman ku xaasid ah khalqiga, kii la nool abide Waa niman kitaab beena mara, kun iyo kow jeere Waa niman kadaabnimada helay, Koobkii loo dhigaye ..... korka qolofta kaad ka guran jirteen, korankortii diinka Carsaanyadaad ku noolaan jirteen, dib ugu koorseeya
  5. I was under the impression those with Shakespearean erudition will not miss when politics is discussed in a form other than prose.
  6. KUDKA BARI Hayeeshee Kaloorahan dhacaan sheegi kii wadayee Dhulka oo kalkii hoorayoo karin la soo daayey Raxamd eebahay keenayon kala go'ayn waayo Kalay buuxa dhiijaamo kidh ah rahhu ka dhaaleeyey Kaymaha caleemobay iyo dooga kala seexday Ummad nabad ku daaqdoo xornimo ugu kifaaxaysa Oo aan kadeed iyo dhib qabin kala irdhaysiiya Oon diiin ku kala leexan oo yahay kitaabkoodu Kalmadii ilaahay ku yidhi koonka anigaa leh Kol qudhuun wixii kala furfuree koxba dhan u caydhshay Waabayda koontiyo wixii kiciyey duufaanka Marka aan u kuur galay inbadan kadiso waa yaabe Diiwaanka kayd iyo dhacdada kala rogeen baadhay Kudkii bari ka yimidbaa kulkiyo keenay aafada'e Kadka qoriga keeb lagu rogmaday kalaqda yeedhaysa Kumanyaal kurkii laga jaray kuman laxaad beelay Kumanyaal agoontooway oon korin itaalkoodu Kumanyaaal waxay kayd dhigteen kolonyo waysaaqday Kala lumida kumanyaal aan lahayn kab iyo raadkooda Soomaalida kadeedkaa ku dhacay kala jabkaa gaadhay kudkii bari ka yimid baa kulkiyo keenay aafada'e
  7. Two long poems one with the title "Dhabayac low kuusan", the other "Kudka Bari". Waxse dhaygag aadmiga ku riday, taad ku dhaqantaane Haddaad idinku dhabarka u goddaan, dhigasho xaalkeeda Dhawaaquna masayr kaa yahood, dhalfada weyn dooni Dhankaa kama naqaanee ugee, kii kubaray dheesha Dhiidhiibso isagaa ku odhan, kuguna dhaantayn e Dhadig iyo labood baa tihiin, wax u dhexeeyaaye Dhalfadii d.a.boolnayd markuu, kuu dhilqiyo gaalku Adoo dheehu kaa duulay baad, dhiirin socotaaye Hayeeshee wax dhacay baa jirrooy, dhibi ka joogtaaye Umad dhacantay baa muuqata oon, dhurra u laabnayne Haddaad idinku wada dhuuqsateen naago dhex- xidhkoodii Dhabahoodii idinkaa maroo, dhaclihii qaba e Dhadiggiinu dhinacay u kici, waabad dhaxasheene? Afartaa dhakada moowga riday, dhabayac low kuusan? Dhamac kulul qalbiga ma uga rogay, dhuxulo naaroobay? Dharbaaxooyinkaygaan aqiin, dhaaw! makaga siiyey? Hadda micida kuma dhuujin oo, waan ka dhimayaaye Dhawaaq kale markay soo ceshaan, taan ku dhigi doono Dhabanada haddii ayna qaban, dhagaxyadaan saarro Allay lehe dhiggood baan ahay, iyo Dhabayac low kuusan Gabaygu wuu dheeryahay, laakin inta kale waa arar.
  8. Aniga gabayga af-gaalada waa la iga badiyaa, laakin sidaa isku dhiibi maayo oo MS DD been-been Jamal1 kulama tagayo:Waxaan leeyahay, Hooriga la sheegiyo, hanaf liita ma ihiye Hanti nimaan lahaynoo, habranaaya ma ihiye Waxaan ahay nin hanadoo, fulinaaya hawshee Ma ii hagar baxdaa? MS DD, soow halacoow gudoon ma aha kolkaa?
  9. Nassir, 1- All in all, your contribution is appreciated. I don't share Jafe's protest that you have bad-mouthed any clan. I accused some people of being nice to ladies, you reciprocated and said 'well, you are mean to ladies'. And I will personally hold Jaffe responsible for jeopardising my chances of winning this so-called gar on account of his intrusion. I know he meant to correct what he saw as a gross generalisation and he didn't come to support me as Ina-adeer. But, his timing was wrong as this act will justify the counter-acts of chronically ill people like Zinki, who scuttled here on frantic Birmad mission. But on the sea resources gabay, please add this one composed by a man from Fiiq to your wonderful collection of suugaan: Kol hadaan falaagoobay oon kaluun maanta fadhanaayo, Filo inaan digaag doonto oon shimbiro feenfeento To SOLers 2- What Zinki is talking about and his tirade against my personality are not wrong per se. They are wrong in this context as I think he should have sticked to the frame of the Gar his Makhiiri cousin has laid down. What I understood from his outbrust is that his anger against me is not related to this thread and is a cumulative resentment against my overall contributions in SOL. As I said, that is fine, but I think it is outside the scope of the debate here. 3- Below I have quoted Hunguri's latest twist in this melodrama, where he contradicts himself and renders Xinn's patial ruling irrelevant. Originally posted by Hunguri: Ducaqabe, Saaxiib, anigu Gar ma dhiggan. Because Hunguri is not seeking any redress through a formal Gar, Xinn's verdict (which was passed without even making any reference to any of the charges made against me are null and void for two reasons. One, he is collecting dung where there were no cattle as the Gondare's in North Ethiopia are wont to say in circumstances where someone is 'scratching a head when no lice has bitten him'. Second, because Hunguri's revelation indicates this thread was opened for other purposes (most likely as a summon for all those with something to say against me, tocome forward and pour it here), Xinn's cowardly verdict can be taken as one of the voices who have answered the call by Hunguri. 4- The joining of real oracles like Dabshid and Allamagan is highly appreciated and if I were to take any decision, it is likely it will have to be delivered by such honourable men. Already, Dabshid have found me guilty of 'wishing death for a living man'. I wish to inform him that if any comlaint is to come from Koora Tuunshe, I will offer xaal and Xurmayn, notwithstanding that I genuinely wanted to know if Hirad was indeed Koora. Prior to this thread, I had no idea of the ages of either men. But, I cannot apologise for my assertion that if I had the choice and were asked who should go to heaven soonest between the two gentlemen, I would have exchanged Hunguri for Koora. Again, my only reference point was their overall contribution to SOL. I know a real wife and a Dumaal one will miss Hunguri, but the whole of SOL would have missed Koora. 5- Again, excuse my endless references to our enemies proverbs, but the Amxaaro also has coined this funny term: 'lijuu qamaanyaa, abaatu dhaangna" (which translates into the son is the thief, the father the judge). I ask for the removal of Xinn from this Gar on account of conflict of interst. In a duel that pits fish-eater against camel-meat eater, another fish-eater cannot be the judge. It is like me asking for Oodweyne to be the judge here. I propose maize-eating Miskiin Macruuf Aqyaar to arbitrate this one so as to avoid prejudices. 6- On the issue of me having exchanges with women here in SOL, I feel it is very unfair of the people who are pointing fingers at me to accuse me of wrong-doing. I will like to refer them to Libaax-Sanka-Taabte, who is the man who opened this site and has set no boundaries for discussion. I agree with him for doing that, but if there are some male chauvinists who resent it, may they register their displeasure with him!!! 7- Finally, I would like to invite SOL ladies from whom I have learned more than the men here to this dicsussion. 8- On Dabshid's presumption that there are no people going to their 50s in this site, may I say that I thought Nin-Yaban has already confessed he is going to the age of animals (da'da waraabaha, i.e, 40) and if we add the three years he was in prison, and few more he forgot along the tahriib, he can be astound Dabshid! P.S. Hunguri, I propose inaan arinteena si bilateral ah ku dhamysano since wax nasteexo u jeedaa uuna meesha ka muuqan, rag kooban mooye.
  10. Xaaji zinki wuu mahadsan yahay, because classless is what suits me. I am not an elite. I Don't feel I should discriminate between men and women. In that regard, some might have used the term 'progressive' as oppossed to claseless. If what you just said was to come from, for example, intelligent girls such as MS DD, MALIKA, VAL or even the agnostic NAden, I would have felt compelled to prove them otherwise. But I don't see the urge to do so in this case, no offence intended. Hunguri, Don't be the judge and the jury saaxib. Make your point and wait for the verdict of SOLers. As to you laughing off your stomach, I don't have to panic or look for new armour whenever you do so, for I am not sure if it has anything to do with our discussion here. It could be an old lady has just winked at you!
  11. I second your suggestion. Otherwise, Thread kale ha furto Hunguri oo ku saabsan whether it was right for me to mention the lady in labour. Haddii sidii bacadle kacay kolka tukaan yar furasho lagu ibtileeyey, what can I do? For your information, thread hore ayuu ka soo wareegay ee halala socdo.
  12. Jamaal, For the sake of Makhiir's pride, ninkan iska badala oo cid kale oo doodi taqaan meesha keena? This one looks like he is from Burco than Makhiir, shaadka unbuu laaban over non-issues. On my side, I am ready to accept a replacement one as long as it is not you.
  13. Originally posted by Hunguri: His thoughts and jokes are limitted to the internal affairs of a husband and wife, or a decent woman suffering from the pain of the labor. Hence, all I will remain immune to his Cantara-Baqqash! Hunguri, you broke the rule and started English in your anger. Anyway, what is more blissful than talking about that? Haddaa ma Hake iyo Tilapia ayaan ka sheekeynaa??
  14. Jacaylbaro, gartan wixii aad ku darsan karto uun ku darso oo hawlaha kale ka bax! Hunguri, bal intaad hal Las-Qoray ah dalbatid ood koob caano ah raacisid is daji oo dabadeedna arnikii aad shalay igu haysatay aan waji u yeelo, kan kale ee maanta aad ka hadashay waan u soo noqonaynaaye. Mise sida haweenka, yaan la is dhagaysan weeye xaalku?
  15. Hunguri, Kuma saxnid inaad gar dhigato, iyadoon la goynna aad kabahaaga sii qaadatid. Qof laga sheekeeyey ma jiro, wax ceebaal ahna ma aha in la sheego arrin adag oo qof ku dhacday. Haddii la yidhaa ha la sii baadhbaadhana waxayba noqonaysaa amaan qof diiday inuu nin ka umuliyo. Waxay u muuqataa inaad go'aansatay inaad geedwalba isku xoqdo si aad u abuurto sawir ah in wax xun aan ka sheekeeyey. Waxaanad ku xisaabtamaysaa in sheekooyin hore (fiction) ahaa oon meesha ku qori jiray ay ku caawiyaan si sawirka aad bixinayso ummadda SOL ugu sawirmo. Anigu horta dadka kaluunka cunna waxaan u haystay dad cold-blooded ah oon durba neef-tuurin. Arinkii meesha yaalayna waad ka baxday kadib markii wax aad sheegto aad wayday. Wuu waalan yahay iyo waxaasina kuma wadayaan'e, islaamahaan ku soo dhirigalinaya ee ku leh "kac naga celi ninka nacaayey" intaad meel iska dhigtid si raganimo ah u gar qaado. Xabashidaa ku maahmaahda " ka aahiyaa gaar ya waaleech gidher, fas lamdaa timataalech" oo macnaheedu yahay "qaalintii ku lug xidhata dameero, dhuuso ayey soo barataa". Kolkaad ka baxdid SOL, ma islaamaa ayaad warbixin kala qaadataan waa maxay waxanoo habaar iyo hokh ihi??
  16. I refuse to speak ill of the said lady who has been kind to me throughout. She has consistently proved that her wisdom is not only confined to acronyms and under-wrap issues. About you, it was an oversight and I wish to register my displeaure with Xinn's summary dismissal of you. I agree with him the weight of the issues discussed here (a Somali gar issue) might be a bit too advanced to grasp, but with consistent translations from me, I think you can add some useful insights. Your Arab experience is particluary relevant in this issue. So, for me, you should stay as a member of the jury, your diabolical tendencies notwithstanding. Xinnfanin is a strange man, saaxib. He might use this opportunity to get back at me after recent skirmishes, but the loss will be two-ways. If he convicts me, it will only show how petty he is! I wouldn't envy his position on this issue. MS DD, I thank you for the enouragements and will take all the advices you sent me in PM.
  17. Bismilaahi raxmaani raxiim, Asaalamu calaykum, Wa salaatu wa salaamu calaa ashrafil mursaliin, AMA BACDI.... Waxaan ka cudur daaranayaa inaan ka raagay imaanshaha gogosha maadaama aan ku maqnaa hawl culus oo ah nin Afghani ah oo saaxiib nahay oo xaaskiisu diiday in wax nin ah oo gynocologist ah uu eego, dhakhtar naag ahna aanu wayney ilaa shalay! Kolkaa raali hala ahaado. Cabashada walaalkay DHUUNI waxay ku soo ururaysaa laba qodob: 1- Maxaad u habaartya nin aan dhiman Taas waxaan kaga jawaabayaa laba siyaabood. Mid waxaa weeye ma habaarin'e xogsi ayaan waday, wayna caddahay oo calaamtu su'aal ayaa saarayed su'aashaasha aan ku warsanayey in Koora dhintay iyo in kale. Ta labaad, xitaa haddii aan habbaaray, waxay ila tahay in aad ku xad-gudubtay odhaahdii aheyd "Af jooga looma adeego". Kolkaa taas halkaa ayaan ka baxayaa. Haddii sidii reerihii aan u hadlana "igama xigtid Koora". 2- Maxaad uga sheekaysay xidid dad ah oo namuus ka dhaxeeyo? Wixii wanaag iyo abaal ah in laga sheekeeyo waa mid diiniyan la ina faray. Wixii xumaan ah in laga sheekeeyo ayaa reeban. Kolkaa anigu sida wanaagsan ee reer-makhiir ay haweenka baahan ka yeelaan ayaan ka dhawaajiyey ee cidna ma caayin. Haddii sida dadka qaarkood aan odhan lahaa "nimankan dawada expire'ka isticmaalaa yayna na sumayn" ayey ahayd in aad ii qabsato xumaan sheeg! Tu saddexaad ood iiga cabbatay halkan ayaa ah in aana aheyn rag aqoon. Waxaan qabaa inaan ku kala gadhisnaan karo sida aan u naqaan raganimo. Geesi ma waxaa ah nin intuu qorri qaatay geel boobay, mise nin 25 jir ah oo islaan 40 jir ah oo biya'heedii gudhsatay ula soo baxay oo yidhi "yeeli maaye ceelku wuu gudhaye, anigaa maaxsan". Anigu waxaan geesinimo aheyn reer-makiir kuma sheegin! Ninka threadkan "uunsi iyo luuban ha na loo shiddo leh" waa la arkaa. Meel-san joognimadaa unbaan anigu inaan amaano doorbiday. MS DD, maxaa loogu diidi inay garta gasho? Miyeyna aheyn gabadh soomaliyeed oo taladda wax ku leh? Aniga xaggayga waa ka ansax. Anigoo og in Puntlander yahay ninka noo gar qaadaya ayaan hadaana arkaa in aqiirka aan ka gar heli doono ninkan leh abaalkaygii maxaa loo sheegay!! Ngonge, I will speak to you in English for we all know you will understand nothing I said above. Is it fair for Mr. Rapacious to pillory me for praising the courageous makhiiri's who have improvised on how to make an extended use of an expired drugs? Don't I have the right to promote best practices and innovations? On a different note, I was surprised that the SOL censorship mechanism did not actually catch the tribe name "good news something" like it did with others! Is this linked to the benign nature of the owners of the name? Or is it that only warrior-like tribe names are censored? Explanations please.
  18. Originally posted by Hunguri: Jamaal, adiga waxaan kugu nacay. Tageerada dagdaga ah. A&T Dabin ayuu soo galay. Waxaana u furay duluc dhan oo Somali ah. Odaygu hasoo galo, xeer-beegta dhaqqanka Somalida iyo Somaliga wax ka garanaysana. Waan ku casumay (1)Xiin ...waan ogolahay 2)Jacaylbro...Siyaasad ayaan isku haynaa. dhaqanka se wuu yaqaan! 3)Libaax-Sankataabte ...meesha ma Chicago iyo congress ayaa laga hadlayaa? xaguu dhaqan ku yaqaan? 4)Nuune......Xinn ayaa matala isaga 5)Che...ninkan isaga hawshisu waa 'ila-liqaa'. Lama garan karo! 6)Gheele...Xinn ayaa matala 7)Qudhac...waa macangag! 8)Ayuub....waan ogolahay 9)Oodwayne...micnaha ma meesha yaan ilaa Ramadaanta danbe lagu kala bixinbaa?? 10)Juuje....argagixiso ayuu lug ku leeyahay, waan se ogolaan karaa 11)Miskiin-Macruuf...ninkan isku garba ma nihin. Faataxaa ka soo horeyysa isagoon waxba la is waydiinba. Mida kale 'akhyaarta ice-cream ha loo keeno' inuu yidhaa iyagoo garta la wado waxba kuma aha! (12)Abwaan.......waa laba-gadhlay, dhinac uu u dhici Alla og, laakin waan ogolahay!
  19. This all confusion and misconstruction of my statement about Makhiiri’s and women would not have been there if only I gave the story of Ardo Ismaaciil Aamusane as a foregoing paragraph. Virigin at the exact age the Prophet was given the order to read and recite in the name of Allah, Ardo’s life was not a life worth living. She was the victim of a cutthroat society who gave her names. The most she dreaded was Guumays. But then when the man from Dhahar arrived with his lorry and bagaash in the town of the fat stones, her life changed. Since then, her uncle, who raised her Axmed-Askar prays day and night so that the land of Makhiir is blessed. The only time he spoke ill of the men who inhabit the eastern shores was when he paid a visit to his daughter and he was sent with a hook and a sinker as a present. He was too timid to say that there are no fish back home, as there as no lakes or rivers. Ardo’s example applies to Amina-Qarax, and at least six other women I know. I was referring to this fact and the kindness with which the Makhiiri’s treated such women, when I praised them. I was not alluding to their exceptional skills in the act; though I have no doubt the diet factor will obviate the need for me to mention this! Jamaal is a dignified man against whom I cannot raise a single word of abuse. It is sad he was just collateral damage in these exchanges. Koora too has it in his head as well as his heart. He is a good man. Whether the two of them share this ‘humanitarian philosophy’ in matrimony is an all together different matter. But Hunguri is a rascal, whose going to the eternal house will perhaps be missed more by wailing Aunties than the SOL masses. And it makes me chuckle when I hear his balaxoofto about being a man of action. It is not always true that everyone who carries a bakoorad actually uses it for combative encounters. It is one thing to hang on a bakoorad to pull the legs of a xeeb-joog islaan from the other side of the furash, it is quite another to brandish it at the face of men. If it was Sophist who was claiming this honour, I will not be in a position to dispute it. But for an Amphibian to say that he can beat a desert-hardened camel boy, that is a bit of a stretch!
  20. Digaale is a successful shop-owner in Johanesburg. Last month when I visited and heard of some rumors about him, I tried to advice him. Me: "Digaale, Inadeer, naagta la sheegi ee madowga ah why don't you stop with her? Miyaadan ka baqayn in aad ama cudur ka qaado ama ay kugu uuraysato, if at all you don't fear your creator? Digaale: "War been bay kuu sheegeen,maxamed. First of all, naagtu waa colour black xigta!!! Second, ma ku tusaa? waa naag balaayo ah oo organised ah oo Condom'keeda boorsada ku wadata, oo timetable ku socota oo periodkeeda calender ugu yaal!" I stopped there. Ma wax kaloon idhaa baa jira?
  21. Ayoub, If you want me to put Riyaale and Da'ud in one basket, I will gladly do so. I only think Riyaale is slightly better, for at least 'his' people are not killed before him. So, Shall I tell you once again, for me, Da'ud is part of the establishment I am fighting against, much as the head of Prison Services (was his name Ismaciil horta) was in those days when you were firing at Hargiesa from all corners!! Oodweyne is masquerading as a citizen of an accomplished nation who have the right to choose who to arrest and who not to with such a righetous aplomb, one will actually think he is indeed from a mighty entity!!!! The fact is even as wretched as they are in terms of realising their dream, my people have put in place deterrent mechanisms which will ensure no one who is intent in playing dirty skirt to Axmaaro for pilferage infringes on their basic rights and aspirations. And if it has to come in setting ablaze the 'oil' tankers that are the only means of livelihood for a certain clan, so be it. Freedom is in the head and not in waving chequered maryo and singing calanyahow ha dhicin, when all moral values of the fore-fathers is thrown out of the window. In fact, if such things were ever to be good enough to the people who value their identity and islaanimo over anything, then I would have paraded Ina-iley's Landcruiser and eye-catching villa's and Mohamud Dirir's four-storey plaza in Addis. I would have compared the academic achievments of so many in the so-called 'region 5' to the Admas bogus diploma wielding youngesters in Hargeisa and would have told you, "look, how being a servant of Ethiopia gets us smarter". But I never get distracted from the bigger picture and the fact that I deserve better than the half-eaten bone thrown at me by the occupiers.
  22. The only new thing here is Ayoub's degeneration into insult-hurling vagrant. Otherwise, none of the things said so far by the mouth-pieces of secession invalidate my statement that the enclave is not self-governing. The ususal suspects with the usual diversionary tactics! Cawil or Cirro has no more powers on internal matters than Mulugetta and Takeda. Kikiyu boots smell better than those of Axmaaro, I am told. So, if you can bend to Takeda, why do you get upset with those who prostrate before Kalonzo? Whether my role in the struggle of my people is significant or not is a matter to the concerned people. Not to the man who tirelesly meanders in and around Doqon-ma-waaye in search of humans for shipment, to placate primitive masters!
  23. I have nothing but admiration to Makhiiri's. Iyaga la'aantood, yaa haweenka naga hayn lahaa?
  24. Cowke, Must I invoke Jacaylabro's signature to close this discussions? Inaga daa dee waxa, isku xog ma haynee! when you finally get the difference between conflict of interst and convergence of interest, let us continue. For now, ka waran heestan: haddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa halkaynu joognaa, dhiririn dhririn Ma hilin baa, ma hud saraa, Ma dhulkii hoosaa? Waabad ii haleeshee!!!!
  25. Cowke, 1. You seem to mix things. Waxan aad ka hadlayso adiga TFG bay kaaga bilaabatay show? You don't know about who is in Eritrea and the history of the relations Somali's had with that state before. Nor do you understand how the Tigre's in Ethiopia and those in Eritrea (who by the way are not all Tigre's) relate to one another. Do you know Tigre and Tigrawi are different things?? Do you know that the one's in Eritrea are called Tigre and the one's in Ethiopia Tigraawi? That is a side issue. 2. I don't have to know the motives of Eritrea in arming me. Politics is not a charity business. So long as there is a covergence of interest between us and them, their intentions are inconsequential.