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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Oo maxaa Buuhoodle madaar loogu diidi? Ma yacni way naga hoos baxayaan miyaa?
  2. Ninka tiriyey waydii, saaxib shaarub. But I must admit I don't know what dhalfo is and where they use it? Af-somaligu badanaa. It is sad you don't see the weighty issue here, but focus on what is not so important. Ma intaasaa hiil kaa ah?
  3. This is not the first time you heard SomaliGalbeed. Use it. Your preoccupation with the wrongs of a particular group and a miasmic name issue won't advance our cause, if you agree it is our collective somali cause. If it is conditional either you do this or that or I won't join anoo reer-hebel ah, I am afraid the hardliners will tell you " Iwir bishafit iska guwaaro" - meaning "The blind who rebelled was caught behind the compound."
  4. C&H, while you are justified to have issues with the name Og-blah-blah, you have no right to call us Somalida Ethiopia degta. We mind that and you please refrain from using it. There is an accpetable one out there. Use SOMALI GALBEED. That one is fine.
  5. Norf, We obviously see football in differnt lenses. Underrated- Malouda Ronaldo deserves the right acclaim. Overrated -Kanoute, Zambrotta Jenas Govou is a good player but his efforts get equal recognition. He is in the national team. Rio - I am sure I can play better for Man U in his stead. I have long been saying this guy waxaa asturka the big team he is playing for. He is a division 4 player. Underrated waxaad iigu dartaa Fabio Aurelio, Yossi Benayoun
  6. The next news will be Puntland oo dib-u-gurasho xaalad dagaal sameysay.
  7. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Inagu weligeeenba waynu is jiidjiidan jirnay hadana maynaan kala dhamaan jirin oo wax waliba way isugu keen jireene ,,,,,,, waakaase ka gar bax kuwaas aad sheegayso ,, imisaan ku lahaa cid ii kaa dhaanta heli mayside aayar soco ,,, War ileen masiibo. War Somaliland intay central committe kuwa ah Ethiopia u gudbiso ayey odhan jirtay anagaa gudbinay sababtaa iyo sababtaa. Wixii dhacaa dhici jiray. Bal adigu xiintadan day dhinacna kuu dhaafayn. -Their president say I don't about it and I condemn it - Xinn says it is PIS and PIS is suppossed to be from Jupiter! Or perhaps they are UFO -Their elders and intellectuals decry the act and speak out - Their police and spokemen say nothing has happened - Finally, the president orders the arrest of the Suldaan who speaks out XAGEDY SALAADU ISKA QABAN LADAHAY??
  8. With duke, Kashafa, Xinn, Jacayl and Juje, and myself, I thought we have all the sections of the players in the current somali politcs. The one missing group has got a voice today: pirates. They are late, but we see they joined us. Welcome onboard, Ilka-Dahable!
  9. Jacaylbaro, Inaadeero, dhamaan Somalilanders in this forum waxaan rabaa inaan xaal mariyo ee bal ciddi aan kala xidhiidhi lahaa ii soo sheeg. Koley ama waa adi ama waa AYOUB. Intii Somaliland wax iskaga kaaya jireen saleelo ayey aheyd. Waa dad wixii jira sheegii oo sababeyn. Bal adigu qolyahan jid u saar!!!Waanu wareernay maalmahan. Masiibo.
  10. Ninkii dhuumanaayee dhabarku muuqdoow!! Yarkan Cowke ay lee yihiin show waa typical low-kuusan. Xishood iyo yaxyax lama yaqaaan!! Been baa lagu sii adkaysanayaa. Cowke, you are an out and out knave.
  11. Qudhac, I have covered this debate at length in the past. I will repeat for your benefit. 1- You are saying they are tribal organisation. They didn't say they don't accpet any members from other clans. And there are limited number of non-Oga.den clan members who are fighting alongside ONLF. But that is beside the issue. Let us say that their name also is a clan name, they are seen as a tribal organisation. Here, I agree with you and there is lots of intenal debate going on right now to ensure inclusive name is taken, if at all for symbolic purposes. Symbolic because I and many others are convinced that the name issue is being used as a scape goat by other clans not to join the libeartion struggle. One evidence is that the other organisation fighting in the region, UWSLF, has the Somaligalbeed name, yet 100% of the fighters are still from the O-clan. I also say symbolic because name change will not make a man in Gashamo (who takes orders from Hargeisa) or in Geladi (who takes orders from Galkacyo) to suddenly realise he needs to go and join the libeartion struggle. The issue goes beyond what you are suggesting, and it is unfortunate but also true, that somali nationalism has been on the wane since 1977 and have given way to tribal activism. In that light, the blame goes to all. 2- Once we deal with the fact that name change is not a big issue and will have little tangibile effect on the situation in the ground, let us look at the issue from the Og clan perspective. What is wrong with fighting against Axmaaro even if the rest of Somali's don't see it right? What is wrong with wanting to be Og-land as opposed to be called Ethiopia? Does the fact that, let us say, ONLF made a mkistake in sticking to what is rightly a historical name (which I think is no more relevant and should be changed) make it right for other clans to take advantage of it and take part in the oppression of their kins? 3- The real issue is that the OG- are the biggest stakeholder in the Somaligalbeed region and hence feel they should do something about it. No one has bled more than them for this land and for upholding the culture and identity of the somali people in this region. The region is composed of nine zones, six of which are predominantely Og.aden clan land, save for peripherial extensions of clans whose bulk of interst is in Puntland and Somaliland. The rest, Shinile (Is.sa- takes orders from Djibouti), Liban zone is mired in conflict with Oromiya (although they are now joining ONLF), and Jigjiga is largely sympatethic to the cause. 4- As far as whether the ONLF represents the Og clan is concerned, I will say given that you are not from the community, that will be tantamount to me asserting that Somaliland is not an I.S.A.Q land. I mean, you know, I am lying there!!!
  12. Aniga sawir gacmeed aan wadankii kaga imid ayaa la iigu maqanyahay, kolka la keeno kaasan dirayaa.
  13. Nokia tune is the default for me. It will make you feel at ease wherever, even amid meetings. I met a man who has "halkaad nagala socotaan waa idaacada BBC London" and the tune that follows as a ringtone.
  14. Hadda ayaa la ii sheegay you were not feeling well. If I knew I would have called Universal TV xalay when all those concerned people were calling Sheekh Mohamed Rashaad and were saying "eedaday oo Koma ku jirta 6 years, oo beer xanuun iyo Cancer laga helay iigu ducee" as if the sheikh can reverse their terrible situation.
  15. Allamagan, Fitishaari buu xidhnaa waxaana la igu yidhi he is a big businessman. Dukaan weyn ayuu ku leeyahay meel 'Location' ah in South Africa. Salaada jimcaha ayuu gadhka u xiiranayey. Norf, I know your predicaments on the subject. Waadigii ii sheegay.
  16. Rooda is spot on again. "Anoo ubaxa Soomaaliyeed, Eebbe iga beeray Aanjii miyaan noqon karaa, ina amxaaraad ah" Food for thought as the jargon goes for some in this forum, including native DUKE.
  17. If you have not read Jean Paul Sartre's illuminating preface to Fanon's masterpiece "The Wretched of the Earth", you could well too easily believe what his fellow Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville had said about what he called the "the genius of democracies". Perhaps too blinded by the ideals of his time, De Tocqueville said," the genius of democracies is seen in the great number of new words introduced but even more in the new ideas they express." That later Sartre was to talk of European-created African native elites whose mouths were stuffed full with "high-sounding phrases" and "grand glutinous words that stuck to the teeth" was probably something inspired by no small gift of prophesy. The high-sounding nothings in this forum spewed out by Duke on a daily basis is just limitless. What does failure of community mean? what does integration and failure of leadership mean? What does coherent strategy mean? Does it mean every member of a community will shoulder a gun and go to the front? Does it mean every mother and son will have the same outlook about what to do under occupation? Does it mean the inherent failings of human beings will be suspended by some magical intervention for the duration of the struggle? Latter-day natives who read books full of words with bulging eyes and who do no attempt to understand what they mean, need to have some serious introspection with some self-rebuke!! Anyway, the follwoing false assertion needs to be brought to light for examination: Duke said, "Who’s fault is it that their leaders are unknown, their mission misunderstood and that a large segment of their population and clan are supporting the “occupation” and are members of the Ethiopian state?" 1- The leaders are known. One Mohamed Omar Osman is the leader, Nafiihure Mohamed Ismaciil and Nafti-hure Caddani are the deputies. 2- Their mission is stated in their charter which calls for the "self-determination of the Somali people in Oga.den region" 3- What does large segment of their population and clan mean here? Mind to give figures? and cite the source? The rest of what you talked about in this thread is your opinion. About why we need to stop waving flags, why we need to join Ethiopia and wash the butts of Axmaaro. It is noted with some shame (for you are a somali) but firmly thrown to the Cesspit! For it is not your concern!!!
  18. Xinnfanin, May you please volunteer to tell us why the genuine grievences of the community who is losing its children is a 'Strategy of sort?' and to what effect and end is it 'contrived'? Secondly, may you tell me why you think Faroole doesn't control the PIS. This hogwash about the adminstration not being involved, is what the Axmaaro say "don't tell the unseemly to your wife". For your information, there is an active consulatations going on in several fora's and you will see the outcome and the strategy which will not be limited to 'wailing' in the not-so-distant future. This is not to suggest it will be a declaration of war. But it will be much more organised and focused than the To'laayey that is going on among the Tolka in the last couple of weeks. Qudhac, The quote summaries my genuine feeling toward this issue. I didnot compose the poem and hence it is unfair to say it is my feeling. I, however, posted it because (1) it shows the feeling at the grass roots level (2) its literary pedigree is quite high. Lest that may lead the uninitiated to denounce a certain tribe, I have added the nuances. Didn't I? On a related issue, the difference in the reaction from my community and myself to the arrests made by Puntland and Somaliland authorities is palpable and justified. While the Puntand administration denounce it in public ( although I know this is hypocracy of the highest level) and their elders and intellectuals express their outrage, the Somalilanders offer filmsy excuses, and stand behind miasmic debate of national secuity, as if there is a nation there in the first place. It is an appendex of Ethiopia and what little autonomy it had, it is gradually surrendering to Ethiopia by way of market invasions. Little wonder the whole Education system is taken over and Ethiopian security agents drink BEER in the offices of the highest authorities. I am only waiting for the first brothery/sisterly ETHIO-SLAND big wedding to be televised sometime soon!!
  19. The state belongs to the champions of the 'contest of liars' as the poet said saaixb. Calling Cabdiwali a state won't help in terms of changing his atavistic afflictions.
  20. When perhaps this will sum up the issue: Waa niman kitaab beena mara, kun iyo kow jeere Waa niman kadaabnimada helay, Koobkii loo dhigaye
  21. Che, When it comes to ONLF, PIS is answerable to Addis Ababa, I must stress. Djibouti and the US base in there are not intersted.
  22. Waa gabay qiimo badan Jamaal. Qofkii wax kala garan wuu og yahay in aan bulsho dhani eed lahayn. Intaa la leeyahay dad ayaa la qabqabtay, in kabadan oo dad ah unbaa haddana ku nool oo si wacan loo hayaa Puntland iyo Somaliland'ba. I hope waxa meeshan markaan aan caajisno aan iskula nimaadno will not be taken as a true reflection of what is happening. Having said that wiilal yar yar oo Cowke iyo Mr. Somalia (former Dhulqarneyn) la yidhaa ayaa aflagaadadooda loo fadhiyi la'yahay. Waa inay isla yaaban oo dadkan xornima doonka ah ayna ku tiiqtiiqsan.
  23. Jamal, I can assure you I personally fight the idea of creating enemity between the brotherly Somali people on all sides. I can't say too many people agree with me from those I daily confront,though. I wouldn't go down well with those who are losing their boys as the result of the illegal renditions, and the more it continues, the more will the xumo-wadayaal thrive. But, I also relish the funny side of this confrontation and the sterotyping. It is easy to see it is gross generalisation, but so was what Sayid Mohamed used to say about clans too.
  24. The O's are livid because they naively think puntlanders are closer to them than Somalilanders, by way of primitive lineage counting. The fact is that sell outs among all Somali's value political self-preservation and access to pilferages than kinship or other considerations. What the PL adminstration is doing is not different than what Ina-Iley and Da'ud are doing in Somali Regional State. However, it inflcits more pain as it gives the impression that all Somali's are conspiring against their relatives whose only crime is to seek self-determination and to cling to their identity. False O clan activits are taunting the ONLF and the freedom loving supporters daily by painting the actions of Somaliland and Puntland as manifestation of the low calibre of the O leadership. They urge ONLF to succmb to the whims of Meles, thereby getting rid of the Somalinimo ambition, and reap as reward oppressing the people of the Land's with the borrowed might of Axmaaro. Only shallow-minded individuals will fall for this cheap trap.