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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. His timing is indeed perfect. Waa raad baa'bin. He is trying to distract from the main issue. TO ALL ONLF supporters, Please, please refrain from replying to Duke. It is clear the guy has nothing new except recycled insults. jafe iyo jabhad gaar ahaan, boqol jeer baan idiin e adeer ninkaa la tirsigiisa inaga joojiya.
  2. Moonlight, again, you are living in denial. Denial doesn't make you more civilized. You can feel good about youself for uttering wonderful sermons, but the situation on the ground still has tribal connotations. What you think and what I think are not so relevant when it comes to what the grassroots think. So, denial is not going to stop what could turn out to be a senseless conflict between brotherly somali clans.
  3. It is disgraceful and senseless, but it will come down to this. And when you talk of Puntland adminstartion, are you honestly suggesting different clans are involved in the human trade? It is one tribe that is involved and the fight will have to concentrate on that sole tribe. You don't expect ONLF to shoot one Puntland Minister from the DARAAWISH to avenge for this!! Puntland political decision-makers are ONE clan alone especially when it comes to handing over the Oga.den youth to Ethiopia. That clan will have to face the consequences of its leadership. It is not pleasant, but in light of what is at stake, which is our struggle and self-determination, it is not a big issue! Edit:- Moonn, if you think the refugees in Bosaso will be in trouble, you are right. There will be big consequences for both people. That is not what I am calling for and I want. But, that is where things are going down as I see. General Duke, come with something better than that. You are becoming very redundunt these days.
  4. Waryaa Che, there is no drama for the kids whose testacles are being smashed as you sip your milkshake and type carelss words. Have some mercy on your fellows who are suffering.
  5. Good admission. So there is no distinction between PIS and Puntland Admin. This we knew, but your guys were denying. Adeer waa la ogyahay who is responsible for what is happening, and yes while you can afford some bravado from the cyper pulpit, the real tradegy will happen to others. I can tell you this latest act will not pass with our arguments here. But let us not rush yet. It is not about vengence, it is about ensuring a deterrent is put in place.
  6. General Duke, I refer you to what I said yesterday about the natives Sartre described. Daasad madhan qayla dheera!! We are fighting one of the strongest army in Africa with the full backing of the US, not small fishermen who could not confront another small entity with delapitated armroury from Siyaad's era in Las Caanood.
  7. Moonlight, since I didn't say what you are ascribing to me, I can't give any idea other than saying I agree with you. By the way, no one is buying the filmsy excuse of saying PIS is different than Puntland admin. The admin didn't claim they are not part of them and if they are so powerless to stop them, they must say so. And we know when Puntland admin is targeted, it will come down to clan warfare. Don't you know that?
  8. Originally posted by Juxa: we are not witches, this is plain child abuse kan wuxuu abuse garayn karaa ba iska yar!
  9. This deserves "Haadaa xaqulaah, xaqu daa'mu la" more than mashxarad iyo arooskeena aamin. Odaygu muxuu iska lugooynayaa, ma isagaa tabar haya.
  10. Jafe, Meles has a skin cancer. Laakin, he is doing fine. I read those things a month ago. Waa ducadda axmaarada.
  11. It was not $10, Juxa. De sidaa ha noo bah dilin...
  12. Haa, sharcigoodu waa yara inkaaran yahay. I think they have a valid point. Once you allow discussion on Qabiil names, you don't know where you will end up. Bal adigu Cowke oo qabiil cay loo ogolaaday ka waran: "sow hoyadiin waxaa ku sameeya rer hebeloow muuna la shir yimaadeen?" But I agree if someone aks why ONLF keeps the name ****, one cannot give a satisfactory answering while avoioding Qabil names. It just doesn't make sense. The whole context will be missed. Laakin iska daa oo ha isku lurin. [ October 30, 2009, 01:25 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  13. Ngonge, One advice is be proud of your af-somali saaxib. It was dispicable that when I called you yesterday, first you said it is you, only to latter pretend you are an Arab guest and speak to me in Carabi something bacda qaliil and hand-over the telephone to your visiting Sodog, who talked to me in fluent somali. I didn't make the expensive call to talk to your inlaws. Isku-xisho! Adieus!
  14. Originally posted by UZTAAD: this is naked propaganda, no reliable news sites have reported this so far and puntland authority strongly denied this allegations so why you're scapegoating puntland government while we all know the real culprits who daily kill and imprison your people they are no one else but your own Lugbuur, Iley Daud mohamed , you need to focus this people and wage war against them because they are your own worst enemy. in Puntland people from O region live peacefully as business persons, students , teachers and workers and they not have any complaints what so ever they are treated as citizens because they are Somalis whose country is occupied by enemy. No reliable news source? I know Garoweonline didn't tell it yet. Check Xaajo.com, a known anti-ONLF site. Anyway, this joke fits your wilful ignorance of the matter. A watchman in a Hospital in Addis is told not to allow any women enter the hospital premise unless they have PROOF in the form of papers proving they are pregnant. Because that date was for pregnant women. Two month, three month pregnant women came and were let in as they produced papers. A women in labour with her stomach bulging was brought by relatives who shouted at the watchman to let her in. The watchman said " No. I want proof." Perhaps he wanted to see evidence of the mating with the husband produced in Audiovisual! Don't ask me.
  15. Originally posted by MoonLight1: I didn't know you were a warmonger A&T and what makes you think a clan war will have a clear winner? didn't you learn from an 18 years of war dhaanto. Its a disgrace what P'land is doing but war will not solve anything. [/QB] I didn't say we will win. But mothers will cry from all sides. Right now, only one side is wailing.
  16. Maxaa loo masaxay doodi Jabhad? Haddii sharaxaad loo adeegsado maxaa ku jaban sheegida magaca qabiilka. Waayo, that will clarify issues. Jabhad, Riyaale Xaamud and Cali Maxamed Kunaaye (who is the leader of the front in Liban zone) are not the only non-**** members of the ONLF. In fact, a significant number of the foot soldiers around Fafan and Jigjiga area are from other clans. Inter-marriages in the rural areas between ONLF fighters and these clans have helped in shoring up the local support. However, it is still a bit of a streach to say all clans are in the fight. Honesty needs that to be mentioned. But again, do all clans need to be in the fight as such? My thinking is that not even all of **** is in the fight. It has never happned that all people will unite at a time of struggle. When the Tigre's were fighting, it was predominantely the Shire-Adwa-Indhasillasie front that fought the hardest. Anyway, Jabhad aan ku tilmaame dadka macquulka ah sida Dabshid iyo Xinnfaniin iyo Che iyo isku day inaad wax u sheegtid. Don't waste your time with poisoned kids like Cowke. Isma fahmaysaan. Taarikhdu waxay uga bilaabataa 1992 iyo Puntland. Mr. Somalia wax badan ayuu garanayaa, laakiin wuu is-yeel-yeelayaa. He chose to be naughty. We can't help him. [ October 30, 2009, 01:24 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  17. I totally agree with you that the name Must change as a start, and then the work must begin to get others on board. This is a good recommendation. Unfortunately, what I also know is that as long as the clan mentality is there, and the ****'s are seen as the major stakeholders in whatever somali front that is formed (which by defaut will be the case because they are the majority clan and please see that this is not to mean they are more than all others put togather), others will have second thoughts about joining.I just want you to acknowledge that fact. Tribalism is on all sides. Ka leh rer-hebel ayaa u badan meeshan oo ma galayo, do you think he is not tribalist? The main issue is that ONLF or even Somali's will not be able to march to Addis and change regimes. The only good thing about this fight is that we have not put down the issue of self-determination and that we have maintained the claim that we are not part of Ethiopia. There, I think the ONLF have succeeded. As to working with others, the key is Oromos. They can change things in Ethiopia and I think any Somali group must work with them, although we all know their limitations. It is as simpe as this. [ October 30, 2009, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  18. Halgame Amin Amir offers some solace with his usual witticism and truths. http://www.aminarts.com/3_OCT_2009.html
  19. Jabhad, dooda ku saabsan magaca waa la inagaga gar leeyahay ee inaga yareeya. Sow Soomali ma nihin? Maxay ina yeeli hadaynu soomaali la baxno? Waa haday danteeenu tahay inaan Ethiopia iyo Axmaaro ka xorwoono? Haday danteenu tahay inaan rer-hebelka jaarkeena ah ee Dawladaha samaysatay la baratano, taasi waa kiis kale. Laakin adiguba waad ujeedda in SOmaliland reer leeyahay haddana SOMALILAND ayaa la yidhaa. Puntland reerbaa dhistay hadana waa PUNTLAND. Kolkaa mara-ku-dhaga inaga daaya. It is distracting from the big picture!!! And people are right if they don't want to be called Oga.den!! Period.
  20. Willashaa iyo kuwii hore magtooda FAROOLE ayaa laga rabaa. Short of which, the medievial eye-for-an eye rule shall apply.
  21. Who is holding back the formation of the **** Liberation front? Who is holding back the **** libertion front? Dabshid, the reality is that there is a divergence of insterst among the clans in that region. And to the extent the O's are fighting in their 'clans' land, they are right. They have not transgressed into the land of others. If the rest of Somali's don't want to fight Ethiopia, good luck. We will fight the Ethio's in our land. That is the reality. And by way of contribution to us, will you mind what thinking outside the box will enatail in this case. Other than the name change? Will you challenge or refute my assertions that thinking outside the box will also apply to whose who are gleefully overseeing the demograophic transformation in jigjiga? DABSHID, EVER heard of the "SII_GALBEED" Phenomena? Somali's are much smarter than you think. SNM and SSDF didn't carry clan names. yet tell me you don't know who they were!! [ October 30, 2009, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  22. The Admiral got it wrong. Not about the history but the relevance of history for the cause we, ONLF, arte fighting for. There is no debate that the name **** has merits. Historically as well as to pre-empt the Ethiopian propaganda of Somali expanisonism whenever the name Somali is used. But the real issue is to wiegh the be beneifts with the disadvantages. For me, it is clear, changing the name will bring the follwing positive changes: - Will kill the propaganda of those who don't want to confront Ethiopian colonialism and hide behind pointing at 'wrong names' Nothing else. The positive side gives only symbolic gains. On the ground, the **** community who lost Chinacsani will not suddenly shoulder guns because a name has been changed. They didn't when their land was given to Oromia. The **** in Shinile will not jeopardise their perennial struggle with the Afars over land to side with any liberation front with a new name. Ismaciil Cumar Gheele will not also tell them to do it. The people of Gashamo and Harshin, who are flocking en masse to Hargeisa for the next electioon, will not find another home to fight for. And Geladi and Bokh communities will not send truck fulls of young fighters to the Oga.den heartland, when the Puntland admin is fighting for its survival in Las-Anood and regions it claims. Meiji, adeer, this is the painful reality. WHAT ARE THE DISADVANTAGES OF DISCARDING THE O LABEL? - Whatever gains got by way of more Somali sympathy will be lost as ETV and RADIO deafen the world with the expansionist SOmali's claiming part of Ethiopia beongs to Somalia. Western diplomats, who are already on their dock, will find more ground to insist that Ethipia is being fought by external enemies. - Thousands of young men in the bush, and those funding the organisation because IT BELONGS TO THEIR CLAN (let us not shy away from this) might get confused and lose the zeal. As this will not be offsetted by large contributions of fighters from other clans, it is a lose-lose situation. Brother Meiji, I amm just trying to give you a more in-depth analysis of the reality on the ground. Yet, I still will value Somali 'symbolic' unity and is one of thos who push for a change of name. I must say I am right now in the minority and the acts of Puntland and Somaliland are not helping me. Other than that, I have traversed the depths and heights of Somaligalbeed to know that nothing will change on the ground because you change names. For your information, UWSLF is fighting in the region. Mind to know who the guys are? Clan wise? [ October 30, 2009, 01:20 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  23. In contravention of all known norms and long-held traditions of the Somali people and in clear violation of all international legal frameworks and statutory provisions that protect refugees and asylum seekers, the Puntland administration has, on more than one occasion, arbitrarily arrested **** refugees and handed over to the enemy they escaped from –Ethiopia. The latest victims are: 1. Faseex Cateeb Cali 2. Maxamed Xassen Muuse 3. Maxamed Sheikh Batri 4. C/laahi Xassen Cali 5. Cabdi Maxamed Xassen (Cabdi Teerso) These young men who fled the genocide against their community in Somaligalbeed are now back in the dark prison cells of Wardheer town. One can imagine the punishment they are under-going as I write this article. The **** people are engaged in a war of necessity not choice to preserve its identity, religion and most of all its pride. As such, they would have counted on the support of their kins across the border at this difficult time. Instead, they find themselves encapsulated between the enemy who rapes their daughters and one that brings their fleeing sons back to Tigre butchery houses. The **** Diaspora and community leaders have called for the cessation of this inhumane treatment of their sons and have on a number of occasions asked for the assistance of the Puntland administration to ensure the safety of those who fled war in Somaligalbeed. Unfortunately, the administration is engaged in double-speak and in cover-up as if the full truth of what is happening is not clear to those who are missing their children by the day. To their credit, some prominent Puntland elders have spoken against this and the general mood of the Puntland Diaspora community is that these acts of trading in humans brings their community in disrepute and that it must stop. The regional administration President has not done any concrete actions to stop this horrific rendition of youth who are in need of humanitarian assistance and protection. On the contrary, the President has chosen to delegate the matter to the Puntland Intelligence Service (PIS), which comes under his office, but which is conveniently painted as an autonomous entity to escape accountability. What is being repeated at grand scale by Puntland administration is a replay of what used to happen between **** merchants and their Puntland hosts at a community level. It used to be the case that when Qat traders from Somaligalbeed region get robbed of their consignment and when they take the issue to the host elders, they were often asked to describe their robbers. When they give the names and looks of the culprits, the elders who were supposed to take action would instead frieghten them more by ‘revealing’ other sides of the robbers the victims supposedly didn’t know about: “War ninka ku dhacay ma ina Libaax-sanka-taabtaa. Wuu iimaan la’yahay inkaar qabuhu. We have buried the 12th man he killed only yesterday.”With PIS this time being the man who massaged the moustach of a lion!!!! I think that culture of dereliction of duty has gone up to the top leadership in Puntland. Unfortunetly, this time the stakes are much higher than loads of Qat merchandise. And rightly the **** community is indignant. With opinion-leaders of the community and traditional chiefs locked in frantic consultations as to how to respond to this unseemly back-stabbing from the unlikeliest of kins, shelving the whole struggle with Axmaaro for a while in preparation for a worthless (but ineluctable) bloodbath with Puntlanders is not off the table. And this time, the sound of bullets and women wailing will not be limited to the environs of Wardheer and Bokh, but will extend to jungle of Kismaanyo. Faroole's business associates in Kenya will also feel the heat. Many are of the feeling that ‘a wet man has no motive to hide from the rains’ and hence it will be to the disadvantage of ‘he who had peace and home’ if things fall apart. [ October 30, 2009, 02:14 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]