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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. haday nimaknai waxuun ama dhaqaale, ama taageero kale oo siyaasadeed Ethiopia kaga helayaan ma ciil baan qabi lahaa! All for nothing. Ilka-dahable, I don't think it matters that much where you die. In Bosaso or in Wardheer. The whole notion was to save the lives of the boys. As long as they get same treatment in Bosasso, i reconkon it might even have been better to send them to Wardheer, si unbaa loo furdaamin lahaa.
  2. Isimada, Aqoonyahanada, dhalinyarada- beelaha Rer Bicidyahan ee ku nool caalamka oo idil oo soo saaray baaq cambaareyn ah oo k wajahan maamulka Puntland. Ku: Shacabka reer Somali Galbeed/Ogadeeniya Ka: Isimada, Aqoonyahanada, dhalinyarada- beelaha Rer bicidyahan ee ku nool caalamka oo idil. Ka dib markii ay cadaatay, oo aan aragnay dhibaatada loo gaysnayo maalin kasta Shacabka Soomaaligalbeed ama ********iya, islamarkaana xabsiyada dhexdooda lagu dilay allaha u naxariistee C/laahi Xasan Cali iyo dhalintii kale ee la socotayna aan la’aqoon halka ay maanta nolol iyo Geeri ay ku suganyihiin, islamarkaana masuuliyiinta ugu sareysa maamulka puntland ay ka qirteen meel fagaare ah, ayna ugu hanjabeen, iyadoo la wada ogsoonyahay, in maanta maamulka puntland dhaqaalaha ugu badan ee soo gala ay uga yimaadeen Deegaanka Soomaligalbeed ama ********iya. Waxaana wali shacabka soomaaligalbeed ama ********iya ka dhexguuxaya ama ay xasuusanyihiin dhibaatadii maamulkii puntland uu u gaystay 04/22/2008, halyeeyadii u dagaalamayey xoriyadooda, diintooda, maalkooda, sharaftooda, loogu gacan galiyey Ethopia si barer ah, waa Maxamed Axmed Caafi (Dhiirre) iyo Cabdi Nuur Maxamed Sooyaan oo ahaa dad Soomaaliyeed,una dhashay gobolka Soomaligalbeed, aan ogaanay in ragaasi si fool xun gacanta ethopia loogu galiyey, iyadoo ay noqotay waddada loo soo maray masuuliyiinta hore ee puntland Xilligaas oo hogaaminayey Gen. Cade muuse. Markii aan qiimaynay, sida ay u dhacday dhacdadii foosha xumayd ee Rag u dhashay dalka Soomali Galbeed loogu Gacan galiyey Maamulka Dalka Ethopia iyo qaarna xabsiyada lagu laayey, qaarna la’la’yahay, Markii aanu eegnay waxa shareecada islaamku ay ka qabto in Qof Muslim ah loo gacan galiyo Gacan Gaalo oo dagaal kala dhexeeyo, lagana gacansado jirkiisa, iyadoo laga raadinayo Mansab iyo Mamuusid Gaalo lagu raali galinayo, markii aanu eegnay shacabka ay ka dhaxayso wada dhalashada, soomalinimada, Diinta, afka somaliga, ganacsiga in la doonayo in laga dhex huriyo colaado sokeeye, markii aan eegnay wax maalin kasta ka dhacaya gayiga puntland ayna geysanayaan madaxda puntland, shacabkuna aysan wax jirnixida samaynayn. Waxaan ka soo saarnay Qodobadaan hoos ku xusan 1. Waxaan Cambaaraynaynaa oo aan ka xunahay in maanta xabsiyada Deegaanada puntland lagu dhex laayo, mawaadiniin u dhalatay Gobolka Soomaaligalbeed ama ********iya. 2. Waxaan kaloo Cambaaraynaynaa, oo ka xunahay in Mawaadiniin soomaaliyeed ee u halgamaya dalkooda, dadkooda, diintooda, sharaftooda, in loo gacan galiyo dowlada saliibiyiinta ah, war miyeydaan eegeyn, Soomalinimadii, Muslinimadii, walaaltinimadii, wadda dhalashadii ay wadaageen Deegaanka puntland iyo kan soomaligalbeed? 3. Waxaan Tacsi u diraynaa dhamaan shacabka reer Soomaligalbeed, gaar ahaan, waxaan si gaar ah tacsi ugu diraynaa eheladoodii iyo qaraabadoodiiba, xaasaskii iyo caruurtoodii, halgamayaashii ku dhex shahiiday xabsiyada puntland ee sida xaqdarrada ah loogu dilay. 4. Waxaan maamulka Puntland ku canbaaraynaynaa ugana digaynaa inay shacabka walaalaha ah ee ay ka dhaxayso, walaaltinimadu, darisnimada, ganacsiga, wadda dhalashada, muslinimada, ee walaalaha aysan ka dhex abuurin colaad sokeeye, waxaana ogaataan in maanta aad ka dhex abuurteen colaad aan waligayd dhamaanayn. 5. Waxaan Ugu baaqayaa walaalaha muslimiinta ah, ee u halgamaya inay dalkooda ku dhaqaan diinta islaamka, islamarkaana ka xoreynaya kuwa u shaqayna cadowga diinta, inay u gurmadaan sidii maamulka puntland ay ula wareegi lahaayeen. 6. Waxaan Masuuliyiinta ****-******ka ah ee puntland ugu baaqaynaa inay xilka iska casilaan, oo ay ka horwareegaan umada nabada jecel ee reer puntland, madaama ay ku fashilmeen masuuliyadii loo igmaday, ayna iibsi ku bilaabeen shacabkooda. 7. Maamulka Puntland waxaa ugu baaqaynaa inay si degdeg ah u siidaayaan Nabadoon C/casis Maxamud Yusuf (Afgaduud), oo markii uu xaqa sheegay lagu xiray. 8. Waxaan ugu baaqaynaa shacabka Gobolka ********iya ama Soomaaligalbeed, inay israacaan oo ay u guntadaan inay walaalahooda u jiray xoraynta dalka inay lagarab istaagaan Naftooda, maalkooda, dhiigooda, sababtoo ah maanta waa maalin u baahan in aan lakala harin, markii cadowgii batay. 9. Waxaan ugu baaqaynaa dhalinyarada reer bicidyahan inay u istaagaan sidii ay ula dagaalami lahaayeen, Xabashida iyo raga la halmaala, ayna uga mid noqon lahaayeen, Raga u taagan xoraynta dalkooda. Gabagabodii. Waxaan umada soomaaliyeed la socodsiinaynaa in beelaha reerbicidyahan ay aad uga xunyihiin falkii foosha xumaa ee puntland ay ugu gacan galisay ethopia qaar ka tirsan dhalinyaradii laga qabtay dekada bosaso, qaarna lagu laayey xabsiyada puntland. Wabilaahi Towfiiq. Afhayeenka Beelaha Reer bicidyahan Eng. Maxamed Axmed Abdalla Maxamed_nabadoon@hotmail.com Gaalkacyo-puntland-somaliya
  3. When Ethiopian officials were preparing more rooms in underground cells in Wardheer town for the imminent arrival of the human cargo, from security agents of their auxiliary regional state of Puntland, it was time for the politics of brinkmanship. When, however, the Ethiopians saw it efficient not to waste fuel and hence decided to do the job through their agents (both Tigre and translator Puntlanders), and as a result one of the captured youngsters is brutally murdered, it is time for statesmanship. The reason is because when blood flows and emotions are high, sane minds must rule for the common good to be advanced. Three nights ago, I received a call and I was told that one of the “ONLF’”captives was killed in custody. It was instructive that the Interior Minister of the “kilil 6” administration in Puntland earlier admitted they have four of the young men they were accused of holding, but denied knowledge of the whereabouts of the fifth. It, therefore, renders the feeble argument that the martyred young man was sick and was rushed for medical attention before he passed away irrelevant. The physical and mental state of those who survived the ordeal they faced at the hands of ‘fellow Somali’ torturers is so grave that many think the dead boy was luckier. And the anguish is double when you die at the hands of your supposed saviour! The Faroole administration, acting purely out of Hobbesian philosophy, rooted in the pursuit of self-serving personal ambition for power, sacrificed one of the ‘non-somali’ aliens. In fact it is shame to call this an administration at all. Their own governor of Mudug was arrested by Ethiopian security agents and was taken to Wardher and was subsequently removed from power. Emotions are high and people expect different reactions from those who have the power to do something against this injustice. I am here not to analyze what can be done, but to advise ONLF and the wider Ogad.den community to do what is sensible to do for the sake of their struggle. ONLF must not react in any way to this criminal behaviour of the Puntland administration. They should not make any public statements about it, nor should they act against the interests of Puntland on the ground if they are able to do so. No action is the best action in this situation. Because: 1- They must not be drawn into clan conflicts. But, more importantly, they must not fall into the trap set by the real enemy- Ethiopia. Over the years, we have witnessed many Somali’s who have betrayed their nation and crossed to the enemy side. Faroole is one of them and his utterances, which suggested that Somalia has no claim over the Somaligalbeed region, will continue to be a talking point for posterity. In fact he is not the first from that part of the world to say so. Abdirisak Haji Hussien once spoke in similar vein. The majority of the people of Puntland are mourning with them and that should offer some solaces to those are grieving. 2- Gruesome as it is, the death of the young man is not the worst thing that has happened to the people of Oga.den. It is not worse than the massacre of Labiga in 2007 when 54 men and women, were summarily executed near Dagahbur. All were from same sub-sub clan, what we call Qoys. It is not worse than the killing of 45 clan elders near Jigjiga this year. It is not worse than the hanging of 12 community leaders and rape of women in the village of Babase, near Wardher town in 2007. It is not worse than the summary massacre of more than 36 prisoners in Qabridahar town in 2006. It is not worse than the more than 8000 inmates in jails in Somaligalbeed (ICRC estimates, 2007). It is not worse than the burning alive of Axmed Gamadiid in Bulale and the displaying of the dead body of Wardi Barre in front of his mother home for five days in Degahbur town. It is not worse than the thousands of Somali’s displaced when Ethiopia’s primitive army was led into Mogadishu and headless corpses of Somali women were thrown to the streets daily. So, there is no need to act out of anger and bitterness. 3- The families who lost their son will undoubtedly be in deep stress. Vengeance and blood –letting can be on their mind. In almost all cases, victims of people who act out of this kind of feeling end up another innocent people who had no role in original crime. What they should do is to take ‘Sabir’and pray for a blessed replacement.
  4. bal u sheeg dadkan Gheeloow; adiga arimha dumarka nooga xog roone!
  5. Originally posted by MAX POWERS: ^^ Two goldie oldies! I wonder if your wife(s) would approve of your online shenanigans. They don't know we are here. Actually, the only line mine got suspicious was when she she heard the name Ngonge from me. She thought that was a code-name for a new one I am approacing.
  6. She isn't. That one is pure beauty- Farxia Fiska. Waa kuwii la yidhi danbi maleh!
  7. Juxaa, yartu waa maraysaa. Meel xun uguma masayn. This is small revenge for the $10dollar insult the other day. By the way, the bill has finallyu come. Waa $17 USD. Bal ka waran, and all this is to hear the coarse voice of Ngonge's sodog!!
  8. Halkan! Originally posted by Juxa: i thought there was accepted norm, no one falanqeys/discusses a member?
  9. qofna afkiisa lagama xaal mariyo. Adiga unbaa yidhi maxaa la ii falanqayn!
  10. Initially, I thought She is Siren. But now I am not feeling well for speaking bad of Juxa!
  11. Waiting for the spin doctors and their chef-de-band, Xinnafanin to put some more performaces here again.
  12. Lone Star! By Sadiq Abdirahman Oct 31, 2009 Editors' Note: This Poem is unique; unique because it is a lone voice in Somalia's wasteland of political and tribal violence, where Somalinimo is hard to find, and doubly unique because it reminds readers to reject the view that narrates only a single story (in the tradition described by the powerful Nigerian-born author, Chimamanda Adichie most recently "Single Story) about Somalia. The poet reminds some of those leaders in his homeland that Somalis are indeed people with more than a single story. As poet, Mohamed Ibrahim Hadrawi says, once upon a time, Somalis were rich, noble, working folks and, best of all, a community with a social contract (Xeer), who aspired to live with dignity. Their story is the sum total of all those attributes, and should not be defined by the single story of displacement and dislocation. _____________________ Oh, Puntland, Oh, Puntland, bemused I gape at the stars above you. How dark it looks to see Somali’s lone star disappearing from your sight! I never thought I’d see the day, “Farrole” poisoned the spirit of Mandeeq! I never thought he’d crumble me into the ground to strip my Somalinas! I never thought he’d send our brothers to harm’s way. Now they are gone, I close my eyes and think of them, and how. There was a time when I had doubt, If he suffers from amnesia knowing I am his Somali brethren. And what hurts the most is I now know how Tigray is his new kin and King. I am left with emptiness but not defeat, because, I am Somalia’s pride! Striving for the best! We fought for the freedom you cherish in Putland. A truth, Mr. Farrole will never know to admit. And I will bear my guilt alone not knowing where he’s left Somalia’s hero Sayid, and heroine Hawa Tako, Perhaps they too had perished in his mist. If he must know, we’ve been tested in ovens of hell. Dignified and certified our will equaling to gold and diamond! Freedom from Woyane ascendancy is a must for us, We pray as well your kinship with Tigray to forever flourish until death does you a part. Sadiq Abdirahman Email: Sabdira@gmail.com [ November 02, 2009, 11:56 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  13. Kaneeca wajiga waxooga ka cuntay otherwise lovely young lady and good voice. But not gorgeous by any imagination.
  14. Mayan endured more pain than the scorn she will face in the wedding ceremony of her fellow Somali’s in Milwaukee that night. She shrugged and decided to put some paints on her lips for the party. “What more will they say?” she exclaimed and proceeded with her preparations. Since the day she married Elijah, an afro-American Muslim, she has been the subject of gossips and attacks from the wider Somali community. But thanks to her families, she stood her ground and lived happily with the love of her life. That was three years ago. Now, with a baby girl Latifah, she is pretty comfortable in her marriage save for occasional intrusions by uncivilized Somali’s. Like the middle-aged man whom they met at the remittance center when she was sending money to her sister in Somalia. She didn’t hear what the man said, but Elijah said he heard what they were saying. Elijah doesn’t know much Somali but has come to know some words by way of their relevance to him. “War adoonkani gabadha ma isagaa qaba?” is one of them. The man in the money transfer center actually didn’t say that. Instead, he was concerned if the black man with the Somali girl was a cab driver and was wondering whether the lady was new to the city and didn’t know the risks involved in what she was doing. Elijah is gratefful that his mother-in-law and her brothers in town accepted him as their son. He knows this has nothing to do with the fact that he helped to bring five of their family members to America. It also has nothing to do with the swiftness with which they were given a residence permit, due to his connections as a born-and-bred citizen. It is because he is good to them and more importantly because their daughter adores him. Even when the mother-in-law sometimes tells visiting Somali’s “adoonkan gabadha qaba boqol Somali quman ah kuma doorsadeen” he doesn’t mind the nasty epithet. He rather looks at the gist of the statement, which is an approval of him. She even smiles suggestively and tells the Somali’s “what do maryooley know about him? Micheal Jordan laba ayyay kala tirsadaan ninkan.” For Maryan, this is her second marriage. She spent two terrible years with an owner of a shop in a Location near CapeTown. She still riles when Somali’s pride themselves of being cleaner than Afro-Americans. Elijah is always clean-shaved, and spends time in the bathroom almost twice a day. If he would have read as many books as the deodorants he brings home every week, he perhaps would have been a Professor by now, she thinks. Compare this to Sheikh Dahir, her former husband. He used to come to his house every two months. No doubt he was a courteous man and hardworking. But he wasn’t as clean as Elijah. In fact, she had tolerated his weird requests for a long time. Whenever he arrives and she rushes to put warm water in the tiny bathroom, he waves his hand disapprovingly and tells her “iskadaa, hadhow baan israacsane!” It might have been because of the urgency in the loins that he wanted to postpone taking the bath, but he didn’t know how much his impatience had contributed in extinguishing her desire. After two years, she couldn’t stand his stench. So, with all this in her mind, she headed to the wedding place. Two hours of happiness and bliss passed. Then, suddenly she spotted that a young Somali man was hugging and talking to her husband, who was sitting a bit further. She can see Elijah was confused. She took quick strides to help him out. And then she heard it all!! “Waryaa Aweys, how did you end up here?" It was clear to see the excitement, yet the disbelief in the young man’s eyes. Elijah mumbled and looked to the sides. Then, the young man talked to Maryan. “He is my childhood friend from Mahadaay. Is he your husband?” She knew he was either confusing her man to somebody else, or this was yet another of those periodic sneers she had faced all along. She told the young man to go away and leave them. And then, Elijah spoke something that made her faint. “Asagaa saxan”, he said in fluent Somali looking to the ground. Three days later, and after she was taken back to her family after brief hospitalization, her mother confronted her, “you worthless whore! How can I tell anyone my grand daughter is Jareer!!...Hoogayoo baáyey!! Ceeboobayey!”
  15. After several bilateral discussions, Mr. Somalia has finally agreed to back the liberation struggle of the people of Somaligalbeed. Mr.Somalia said he had nothing against his brothers in the West but was put off by what he called few individuals who think they own it. “Hadaan taageeri lahaa xataa, A&T, Zack iyo Jafe ayaaba isku ooday albaabka oo meel loo maraa ma jirto” to use his own words. It is good news this brother who had been infamous for his attacks against liberation fighters had finally seen the light. I have since sent his application to the head of the supporters of somaligalbeed, Mr. AllaMagan, to remove him from the list of “vagrants against Somaligalbeed”; which Allamagan thankfully accepted. The coming home of Mr.Somalia, a talented man who no doubt could contribute to the promotion of the cause of the freedom of Somaligalbeed, is a triumph. It is good news. With him on our side, this leaves few insignificant figures and atheists to still splash dung and hang on to the smear campaign. We don’t expect Ramsade, a man who could not believe in his creator, to believe in our mundane cause. The rest are not really that significant. I mean who doesn’t know General Duke is a one-lake fish. Cowke is, well we all know, veritably Cowke. Talk only. And Meiji is suffering from moor.yaan malady. Even the enigma of SOL, Xaaji Xundjuf, is on board.
  16. Xinnfaniin, Anigoon isxayaysiin ujeediin, Cabdilatif ka warayso mawqifkayga ku aadan arinta kolka golayaasha Tolka lagu hadal hayo. kolkase golayaasha dhabayacadda ee cadawga ah sida SOL la dhex joogo waa farsamo kale. On a more serious note, I was fed all kinds of biases and prejudices from childhood about the people of the East,but I am no longer a child. Zambia wacdarihii dhabayaco ka samaysay soo dhawayntayda waa la ogaa. I have only come to realise that most of the blame for the misunderstaning between my community and the people of East is usually rooted in differences with regard to civilization. Whereby I admit the dhabayaco are too sophesticated for the camel boys from home, who have an ambivalent view about life and hence are not amused when faced with the cutthroat skills of the fishermen. Dhib kale majirto. Anyway, waxaan Xinn aad uga mahad celinayaa sida wanaagsan ee uu uga warbixiyey qadiyadda gobanima doonka Somaligalbeed, oo aragtii gaaban oo ashqaas magac-ku-dhag ah dartood, ayna aheyn in Somaalidu ay walaalahooda diinta iyo dadnimada somaliyeed u halgamaya ay ku beer dareeyaan. Xinn, all the names add up to those I posted. And until Minister 'rat-teeth' produces the boys for the media, I will be sceptical to follow his line. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@LST. War sawkaad iga cabsiisay shalay kolkaad Maaneed iyo xayraamiintii qaadka naga dhici jirtay sheegtay!!
  17. The unbeliever Ramsade is on the mark this time. I agree with all that he said.
  18. Hunguri ONLF ani dartay buu ula coloobay. Waryaa Hunguri, war kaftankii hore meel inaga dhigoo, soo qalab qaado.
  19. Ninkii odayga ahaa ee BOB ma hayno. Kolkii inoogu war danbaysay Angola ayaa lagu sheegay. Nin xog-ogaal ah ayaa maalin hore igu yidhi ninkii qolyo Angolan coloured ah ayuu shuraako la noqday oo business kawada shaqeeyaan. Bob, haddi aan na maqlaysid fadlan warkaa ama aniga toos iigu soo *** ama qooqaani@joburg u *** si aan aritan la faafiyey xogteeda u ogaano. Dadkaad isugu dhaweydeen SOL sida Buuxo oo kale xitaa inay beeneeyaan arintan way ka gaabsadeen.
  20. You are putting the cart before the horse, dear meiji. Iska daji. Let us agree clan so and so is fighting. Maxaa iyaga kugu mashquuliyey? Is it an admission you can't do anything without them?????? Bal cidda kale ee wax ka maqan yihiin, urur rer-hebel ah ha samaysato oo dhankeeda halgan haka gasho. And then we talk of forming an umbrella organisation. If all that is said here is not still clearing your head by way of giving you all the various rationales and dimensions of this issue, then It is perhaps a case of 'the cry is bigger than the goat' methapor. EDIT:- Meiji, I am amazed by your logic. Is it coming because of sheer stu.pidity or out of genuine confusion? The name Ethiopia is there and no one is denying it too. But to accept it or not is for the people and they are saying they don't want it. Your argument is difficult to follow.
  21. Originally posted by Raamsade: The sheer incompetence of the ONLF is manifest in their inability to articulate their objective(s). To this day the ONLF can't give straight answer as to what it is fighting for. Is it fighting for: (1) more autonomy within Ethiopian State, (2) independent state called **** or what have you, or (3) join Somali republic? Been baad sheegtay Raamsade (don't mindthe rudeness but it is true). The ONLF has made its objectives clear at every opportunity. It is fighting for self-determination of the somaligalbeed people. It is for the people to choose what they want when they have the opportunity to determine what they want. Simple as that. Shacabka ayey u taalaa! By the way, why do you add number 1? I thought people ask 2 and 3 usually!! Ta labaad, adigu dadka laga xoroobi ayaad ku jirtaa (I mean Gaalada), kolkaa bal horta inta muslinka ah baal aan meel wax isla dhigno! The big minds of SOL Xinnfanin, Paragon and Koora Tuunshe all articulated the issue with the name and the motivations of those who make it a big issue. On behalf of naftii-hurayaasha ONLF and the supporters here in SOL, I would like to say THANK You for educating the uninitiated and the wilfully ignorant. I also would like to add that the name shall be changed in the not-so-distant future (insha-allah) and the falsehoods surrounding the issue will be revealed to all.
  22. LST loooooool@Maned and Mirafadle. Manet health post and Miradfadle lower school'ka ESRDF dhistay aniga appraisalkii u horey taagnaa. It is a large and fierce community. I remember the first CPC (community project meeting) and elders who were really funny. Was my first encounter with Rer-Bari. Anyway, you got my point. By any imagination, Garowe and Bossaso are far from the reach of our folks. Waxaan sheekada ka waday "aanada nin lihi ha u dhintee..." medieval logic. Bun hadii la waayo badalkiisaa la helaa. And taking the whole of Galadi and Bokh is no mean achievment and can compensate for the loss of youth. Xinnfanin, Since when are haweeku part of reeraha. Like modern day professional players, they can play for chelsea this season and end up with rivals Arsenal next season. Haweenku tol ma leh, and I wouldn't personally take as a gesture of how well the tolka is treated in Bosaso, if women who couldn't resist the long legs submit to their hearty desires. Especially when the alternatives are what the poet earlier said something low-kuusan! You can't blame the ladies. On a serious note, bal adigu Abdilatif iswaryasta intaadan odhan fikirkani A&T unbaa qaba.
  23. horseshit! can you answer any of those questions you asked!