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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Xaji, adigu bal u kaadii; SOL sidaad ku soo gashay baa badhitaan ku socdaaye! Dadka lala hadlayo kuma jirtid.
  2. Will Alexander Pope’s ageless lines and a bit of self-reflection sober up someone here! "A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again."
  3. Have mercy on Dr. Cowke. If anything, he needs support. Horta imisa jir baad tahay Cowkoow? I mean love for federalism is inversely related to our ages as Somali's.
  4. Suldanka, bal horta inta Somali unity ogol aan aragno intaynaan dee iyagana ku xadgudib ee aynaan term kale qaadan. This doesn't conflict with my willingness to accpet any of your proposals. It is inherently undemocractic if we disregard something because few people don't want it. Ibtisam - does that mean "Somali Unity" won't do for you as well? Do you also think I am a bigot? From your chuckle above, it looks you liked Suldankaa's dig at me. Edit- Suldaanka's suggestion is good. Waxba hadda la isuma yeedhi karaba. Jacaylbaro, halkaad ka hadlayso wali lama gaadhin. Waxaan isku haynaa naca iyo caloosha bugta aan iska dhaafno. If we end up, 24 minor republics, it will do for me if that is the supreme choice of Somali xor ah oo tashatay.
  5. Suldaanka, no problem. Shun the bigots like me, but embrace the idea if you think it is good. Qudhac, waxaasi waa waxaan ku leeyahay aan ka ilbaxno. Unless you have challenges with the Queen's language, your "you" means I as A&T. Ha la bogsado walaalayaal. Endless isnacayb meelolagu gaadhi maayo.
  6. Propose one please Suldaanka. You can call it Somali disunity as long as the end result is the end of hatred, end of bitterness and moving forward to embrace the future. Turks killed 1.5 million Armenians. That is not even a 100 years old histroy. Now, they are learning they can't live apart. They are engaging. By the way, why is the term wrong? Because someone abused it sometime ago? Why can't you tell the masses in Hargeisa and Burco that the term is not bad, but was abused. Is it a big task to do so? EDIT- again, any of your suggestions will do for me. As long as we agree we should end hatred and animosity.
  7. I am one of those who erred. While my main motivation was and still remain the liberation of the people of Somaligalbeed and the reunification of the Somali people, I have at times tended as if defending a clan and assuming different identity than the one that matters. This thing of "US" and "them" and proliferation of regional identity is undermining our Somalinimo. Somalinimo, not in the sense of one political entity, but as a people. The more we continue on this path, the more we will define 'new identities' for ourselves and confuse our progeny. We should get out of this new skin we fittted for ourselves. The so-and-so lands and movements we support whether ONLF, Puntland, Somaliland or the South must be viewed as a transitional coping ways dictated by the realities on the ground. Let us strive to become what the world knows us to be, and in what we look great: Somalinimo. This noble ideal has been mocked and rediclued to the extent some feel I am delusional in aspiring for it. Yet, wherever we go today, at home and aborad, it is not hard to see living proof of how indivisible our society is. Let us emrace optimism and let sane voices spread the word of unity. Those who peddle differences and disunity are the loudest in this forum. Let the sane majority who would like the message of unity to spread be not only content in knowing they are good, untainted and that at the end the good shall triumph over the evil. There is no gurantee. It may be the case the evil will win. Let the sane minds come out and speak. The gusto with which some of us embrace some kind of identities is testamount to the decay that is going on in our society. SOL is home to many Somali's. Most of the people I see here are intelligent, modern and educated. It should live upto its expectations. Let us move away from the constant exchanges which are rooted in clan identity. I, perhaps, more than anyone fall in the catogory of those who are to blame for this. My motivations was partially fun, partially malice. The fun we can continue bilaterally in separte rooms. But all talk about Qabil ( direct or implied) must stop. This doesn't mean in not mentioning the names. It means in engaging in geographical discriptions which some think define some people. Miskin-Macruuf-Aqyaar is getting tired. He is busy "fighting" and "burying" Qabyaalad. That is why I can not mention the name *****-Sheikh (Ha.r.ti-Sheikh) without astriks. This reminds me of the effigies our fathers used to burn in the days of the Kacaan. That is not what kills Qabyaalad. Educating people, promoting what collective things we share, showing that at individual and household level, we have simliar aspirations about life is more important. We have all been guilty. How many times did Xinnfanin come in defence of Somaliland? How many times did Jacaylbaro felt he needs to defend the people of Puntland? How many times did I come to defend the people of Somaliland? Let the inquest begin and let all of us examine our biases and bad sides. Only then, will we transcend to Somalinimo and ultimately to humanity.
  8. Thanks Jacayl. Codku waa Shay Mire Dacar. Ma isagiibaa ka awrka fuushan? Waa u eg yahay. By the way, the first time I heard about this guy was in *****shiek (Sorry Jac, meesha astriks la saaray ee MMA uu ku dhagay waa HARTA.Qolyihii aanu maalmahan is eryaneyny buu mooday). Anoo gaadhi ku jira oo Field u socda ayaan cajalado kuwa iibinaya u yeedhay. Mid xabashi ah baa ku idhi Cabdi Tahliil ma haysaa? Xabshigu show Shay Mire Dacar oo markaa intuu soo baxay dadkoo dhan ka iibsadaan unbuu hayaa. "bataam qonjo zefan aleyn.(I have nice songs.)" Who is the singer I asked. "Shumbura dahir" unbuu yidhaa. Ma Khadra Dahir? wax walba nindhi. Kolkaan ku wareeray baan ku idhi "shumburo daahir" ma rabee, iska tag. Later, I heard the guy and he is a good singer.
  9. Xinnfanin is a clever coward, one plighted by infallibility syndrome. He cannot support something, yet denounce it when it goes wrong. Someone said pessimism is, in brief, a sure game. You cannot lose it; you may gain and it is the only view of life in which you can never be disappointed. Grand ideas touted with the ease of presumed impeccability are the same. You can always be right! He failed to see the mistakes of Sheikh Sharif and for him to point the shortcomings of the novice leader is tantamount to supporting Alshabab. He can not see Faroole's mistakes. He hides behind scenario-bulding and legalistic defence.
  10. LST Waxna waa ciyaar iyo ka hor deg like my rants a week ago here. Which, by the way contributed as the stategy was to pre-empt the handover of the young boys to Ethiopia. It worked. Hawl qaran baan hayey kolkaa; oo waa la isoo diray kolkaan idhi meel low-kuus oo dhan joogaan oon fariin gaadhsiiyo anaa haya. Now, that a tragic death occurred, dantu waxay ku jirta in maslaxada laga shaqeeyo. The point, I will not be banned. Tough luck for you. Your timing is wrong. Dil iyo Ban la isugu kaayo dari maayo.
  11. Liverpool's problem is corruption. Benitez is corrupt. Waa tuug. There are rumours inuu Mushaharka la qaybsado Lucas and other below-average players oo meesha uu ku hayo!
  12. Mintid, it is true in the case of Somaliland where **** refugees took part in the massacre of the natives. But it is not true in Puntland case. **** were never involved as a clan against the repression of those people. Somali military which comprised all clans was. Sophist, adeer what i posted is not my personal feeling. It is the feeling of all the jaaliyadaha and supporters of ONLF. The Daraawish offer encouragement and mental support more than anyone. And that is very much appreciated. [ November 03, 2009, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  13. Dalmar, now you are breaking all social rules and norms. Ibti lost someone in this situation and you should not talk politics when people are mourinhg. Islayaab, wax quman ma tihidi! Again, anagu meel Ibti been ku sheegtay ma hayno markaa arintaa jooji! Siyaasadu is not the supreme of everything. Personal loss is difficult to take and therefore you should respect her emotions at this difficult time for her.
  14. Waxaa kaa qaladan in Oga.denku Somaliya ku nool yahay oo ay Boosaaso joogi karaan. Taas hadii laga yimaado, qoxootibaan qaabilay abaalkaad ka sugaysay ma markaan qaar laysid inaan ka daa lagu odhan baa??! Midda kale Itoobiys inay iyadu kuu baahan tahay miyaad ogeyn ood adigu wax u dictate garan kartid as Puntland. Haduu ilaahay ku tuso awoodaada! Eesh Calaa aqli!
  15. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool@jabrati national movement! Loooooooooooool! waxaa waxaan ka yarayn kama sugayn Darwishka hadlaya!
  16. Whether it is related to ****-issue or not, I know there is a difference in the situation which warrants difference in approaching the issue. While most Puntlanders are against what their admin is doing, most Somalilanders were not. Hence, it pays to leave the Puntland admin alone and sustain the pressure from within. In the case of Somaliland, the public were largely supportive of the government and saw it as deserved payback to their previious oppressors as servants of Siyaad Barre. This is to give you the difference in the two scenarios. I still believe it was wrong to burn the vehicles of Somalilander businessmen. I can not support an act in which innocents suffer. [ November 03, 2009, 11:25 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  17. First, the political costs of getting involved in clan vendatta (to which it will boil down) is bad and outweighs the benefits. Second, that is what Meles excatly wants. It is not that the Tigre's are so worried about ONLF coming through Puntland, but that they want to ignite permanent warfare between two tribes. Third, the only thing that can be done by the ONLF or the Oga.den clan is to kill members of the clan they think is hunting down. That is a distraction and most likely Faroole will gain from it.
  18. Liqaye, Luck of alternative. And anyway, this is a necessary sacrifice. It will happen again, but it will not stop the activties of the ONLF.
  19. Ilka-dahable, Wax dhibaato ah oo shacabka labada gobol dhexmari doonaa majirto. Take that from me. Waxa Faroole maamulaa majiro, meeshuna waa lamid Jigjiga. Tan kale, wiilka dhintay angaa ilmaadeer ah e la soco. Kuwa xidhana waa laguu yaqaan. Saddex cisho ka hor ayuu walaalkii warkaa sheegay ee waan rumaysan waynay. Miyaad ogtahay in four days uu sakaraad ahaa oo xitaa in lageeyo xarunta caafimaadka loodiiiday? It was only when the others stopped eating food, he was taken to hospital where he died within hours.
  20. Jalle Liqaye, I never doubted you and others with wisodm. You said it all. ONLF has lots of shortcomings, starting with the intrasigence to change the name. The leadership is not modern and does not adapt to changing situations.But what they have done over the years is commendable. They stood and fought against Ethiopia and thanks to them the dream of Somaliweyn will be realised. Yesterday, there was a heated debate among **** intellectuals. Some were angry why the clan has to suffer while others are cohooting with Ethiopia. Some went as far as saying that we should go and surrender to Meles in exchange for clan hedgemony over others. What people who accuse ONLF of seeking tribal hegemony don't understand is, that Meles is offering just that every day. By appending signature to some deal with Meles, the ONLF can get all it wants but self-determination. Yet, they didn't take it. The overwheleming feeling in yesterday's debate was that aiming for anything less than Somalinimo is a failure. Everbody understood the need to mobilise the clan for effective fighting, but all agreed that **** is the the means to achive the big Somalinimo. **** is just a tribe name. No one feels great because he belongs to so and so clan, unless he is either primitive or woefully ignorant. We will not surrender to Ethiopia and those who think ONLF is evil simply because it is a clan jabhad (which I tend to agree with) are wrong. If the **** fight Ethiopia, what I would looked at would have been that SOmali's are fighting Ethiopia, not that **** is fighting Ethiopia. That was how it was perceived by Somali's when Aideed was fighting the US. [ November 03, 2009, 11:21 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  21. That it is jabhad qabiil doesn't take anything away from it, so long it is not fighting another qabiil, but Ethiopia.
  22. This has nothing to do with ONLF. I said the **** people, who as a clan is under sustained clan cleansing campign from the regime in Addis. There is no mix up here. It is also true that the **** are part of the clans in Somaligalbeed for whom the ONLF is fighting for. [ November 03, 2009, 11:19 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  23. Members of the oppressed **** people are yet to meet one single individual from the Daraawish people who doesn’t support the struggle of the people of Somaligalbeed by mouth, by heart and by deed. The people of **** and the Daraawish people in Sool, Sanaag, Cayn and parts of Somaligalbeed do not only look alike. They think alike. They form the essential bond to the existence and preservation of Somali brotherhood. All over the world, the Tolka is speechless with pride largely due to the immense support the Daraawish are offering wherever they are. It is not that others in Puntland are not as sympathetic. But the overwhelming reaction of support is pouring from the Daraawish. The Tolka are ever grateful for this and hope they will be able to turn the favours one day. [ November 03, 2009, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  24. Thankful, you must know Somali's are a very small community and it is not difficult to know what happened. Why Faroole and his media are not refuting the story is because it is true.