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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. The Press release is genuine, Cowke. I don't support it but it is true.
  2. What I know is that the overwhleming feeling of the people of Somaligalbeed who are fighting for their freedom is that such Press Releases agaisnt Puntland must not be issued. The overwhelming belief of the people is that the Puntland people have reacted strongly to the injustices of their adminstration and that should be enough. But I think the ONLF press release is genuine.
  3. Most of the people in this forum will possibly not know about this. Certainly, those who have been to the region and spent sometime in Jigjiga must be familiar with this story. To get a passport as an Ethiopian in Adds Ababa, you need to pass through the Somali Regional State bureau of justice and security. The head is the notorious Abdi Iley. There was a long queue of people waiting to get their approval letters from his office. At some interval, the man himself, hoisting a big pistol by the side of his fitishari, would come out and go along the queue to see if there are ‘suspicious’ people who do not deserve to get the letter. He could have waited inside, but his inspection is for effect. He wants to please two groups of people: his clan members who curse him for being a Tigre spy, and his Tigre masters who are happy that he is doing a good job. What he did on that day, as I stood there, is what people in this forum do not know happens in Jigjiga and why it happens. He fixed his eyes on two guys and asked where they are from. One of them said “wardher.” Which part of Warder, the Hogaanka Nabadgalyadda and Caddaalada, asked. “Galadi” the man responded. The Hogaan got his man. He hit the man with a ferocious slap that forced the victim to sit down haphazardly. “Tuug yahow tuugu dhalay” the Hogaan shouted so that all those who were sitting under the two-story security office could hear. “You arrest our poor daily laborers in Bosaso and hand them over to us as if they are big ONLF fishes and yet you have the temerity to come and ask for a passport!!” People were amazed. When my cousin later called me to tell me what happened (he didn't know I witnessed myself), he was thinking the Hogaanka did a good job. “ninku waa nin dhiig leh. Some people are pleased he is avenging the mistreatment of our people.” He said. This was actually a week after two senior ONLF officials were arrested and handed over to the Ethiopian authorities. The Hogaanka himself flew to Wardher town with army helicopter and brought the two men to Jigjiga. Another day, one man from Harshin got the same treatment. In fact, the Hogaanka told him that he is from Somaliland and therefore if he sees him again in his office, he will shoot him. The man was teffified. The Hogaanka also randomly confiscated all properties that belonged to businessmen from Dahir Riyaale’s clan when some men were arrested in Somaliland this year. Goods worth millions of Dollars from Contraband traders who operate from Lafa-cisse and Awabare areas were caught and handed over to the customs authority. It was a delivetate targeting, all knew this. If you think these are faceless stories, ever hear of a man called Xassen Af-mishaar. He is from the She.kh.ash (she.qaal) community and is accused by some Og.clan members of using his attachment to the army headquarters in Harar to fight against the clan. The head of prisons in Somali Regional State Abdi yare (Da’ud’s cousin) took him by the collar some months ago, dragged him to a big meeting and forced him to confess that he has been fighting the Og clan under the cover of fighting ONLF. In fact, he was ‘evaluated’ and afterwards sentenced to 10 years in prison. These stories are not isolated incidents. They are not also actions taken by few clan men with hot blood to fight for their clan. It is sanctioned by the real regional President, Ato Towolde, who in fact at one point praised Abdi Iley for fighting those who are illegally crossing over from Somalia. The objective is clear and I have to say it has worked very well. On one side, it is to creat animosity between the Somali clans. The level of resentment against the Og. Clan by other clans in the region is testimony to this. No one looks at the fact that at the same week Abdi Iley was slapping the man he wrongly accused of being from “puntland’ just because he was of Galadi, he killed one young man accused of master-minding the bomb blast at the Jigjga stadium at point blank. No one looks at the fact that at the same week he went to jeel Ogade.een and addressed 1800 inmates in a prison built to accommodate 200 people. On the otherhand, it is to frieghten the Somali people in the region of an Og-led rule. At face value, it also serves to give the false sense that the Og clan is not persecuted against. It is to maintain a false sense of being in control. And often those handed over from Somaliland and Puntland, after putting a lot of pressure on the administrations there, are released after a while. Gadhjubi, a very senior ONLF member arrested by Somaliland some years ago, is actually now a businessman in Jigjiga. This is to show to readers that the real intention of all machinations that are done by all satellite adminstartions whether in Jigjiga, Hargeisa or Garowe are managed and synchronized for one objective. To end the sense of oneness among this people and to perpetuate the rule of the Tigrayan regime.
  4. Why Ngonge? Am I Xinn? I am not afraid of being Wrong?
  5. He is a good player but what I said was the premier league is not his place. He can shine in Spain. The liverpool game is just an anomaly. Don't expect him to repeat that. And even then he was just lucky. Did you watch the goals Sergio Aguerro scored against Chelsea on Tuesday? That is quality. He is tiny as well, but you can't brush him off.
  6. Anigu premier league waxaa la qabsaday in 1988 kolkaana Liverpool was the team. But I was supporting Arsenal, because of Ian Right and Micheal Thomas. Man U laftigeeda waan jeclaa, Mark hughes's acrobatic goals were unique. Laakiin, intii aan waynaaday kolba qolada aan is idhaa Man U ayey koobka u diidi karaan ayaan taageeraa. If it is my choice, I don't mind between Liverpool and Arsenal. Liverpool because I want them to pass Man U. Chelsea only if Man U is threating. But I like my son's attitude. Afar funaandood ayuu haystaa. Kolba midka wiigaa fiicnaada ayuu xidhaa. This month he is ALL Blue.
  7. Bob, I am not talking about when he was in Leeds. Siduu Manchester u yimid, one single day uma bogin. You would seen how useless he is if he was in smaller club. Man U is always attacking and that is covering up for him. BTW, Arshavin'kii aad adiga iyo NORF la haydeen cirkuu ka soo dhacay did you notice inuu average yahay every minute dhulka ku dhacaya mise you will wait until Sky Sport pundits say so in few months time?
  8. kurberto waa maxay Paragon? walaahi ma aqaan? Xinn, the silence and clan-defence of people I thought are beyond clanish mentality was equally disheartening. Waryaa wilal urur ah ayaa loo ooyayaa not clan men dakane loo dialy. Kala garo waxa!
  9. Ngonge, speaking of the belly, ninyahow arin dhibaato ah ayaa i haysata. Carbohydate'ka bariiska iyo baastada aan habeenkii cuno, sits at the belly. Dhinaca kale wajigii iyo intii kale waa liitaan. Kolkaan exercise sameeyo een belly'ga soo abuurmaysa dib u celiyo, sunken eyes umbaa iga soo haddi. Haddan wajigii daweeyo, dhinicii kale ayaa fidhi. Fu-fu inaan la xidho ayunbaa ii hadhay. By the way, sawirka beenta ah ee ninka Malnourished ah eed dadka u qaybisay eed leedahay waa A&T jooji. Dhamaan SOL ladies'na waxaan ogaysiinayaa in la igu been abuurtay oo qof supplementary feeding center laga soo sawiray la igu masabiday.
  10. He killed her because of millions of reasons that make people to kill. Jelousy, anger, despair, etc etc. He didn't kill her because he loved her. He killed her because he was angry. He loved her, but obviously not when he was killing her.
  11. I like kolkaad xoqanayso the nipple on the south. What is the relationship between a vest and piracy?
  12. Bob, ninka Max ah waa nin wax kale aaminsan. Whenever I see how he feels about himself, waxaan xusuustaa mid madoow oo Amas la odhan jiray oo when you meet after a week or so, na odhan jiray, "miyaadan maqal in waxoogaa buuq iyo mushkilad ah igu furantay oo Gabadh (ususally kuwa taajiriintu dhaleen) i gashay oo balaayo ma dhicin!! Imagine adigu ta Max gali, inta dad cascas taagan! taas shelter la'aan unbaa u gaysay!
  13. Insua aa? war Norf ku noqo midkaas. That boy can't even run.
  14. Originally posted by MAXY POWERS: I was insulted yesterday by an Old Somali Woman who thought I was Black. I clearly heard her say... 'these (jareer) slaves are bad people' in a xamari accent. I was shocked and felt so ashamed for her, spewing such prejudices. Max has every right to be angry. Isagay islaantu u duur-xulaysay! Wuu ky fahmay. Fule xaantii ma mooga. This reminds me of Maxamed Shanqo, a boy who looked like the jareer people along Shabelle river. He was our cousin laakin with different features. We created this story when one of the Rer-baare people visited our town. Waxaanu nidhi, the rer-baar guy met Maxamed Shanqo on the road. He quickly realised he got one of his own here. And he ased," adiga mooye, reerihii imisa kale ayaa magaaladan joogta?" Those days saying that to Shanqo always caused ilkaha oo la iska daadiyo ama in la is dakhro.
  15. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Bombastic nonsense. This is the stuff emotional folks always do. I am beginning (seriously) to think if the likes of Aw Tusbaxle has any say in the strategic thinking of ONLF, this organization has more problems than I initially thought. It is also the stuff Somali's need to hear and heed. It is the message that should go through. Just because pragmatic thinking at this time, supposedly make it irrelvant, doesn't mean the key message must be shelved or lost ONLF decisions are made by its competent executive and central committees. Operational decisions are taken by commanders, in line with the principle of subsidiarity. It is good thing they don't rely on the judgements of 'emotional'SOl personas. But we have advisory role as stakeholders, and that message is what we pass to our leadership. Luckily, it is gradullay getting attention. The logic of the thread is to emphasise our commonality and not our differences. If you think continuous politicking will advance our cause as a nation and will make this forum more productive, you go your way. But I think we should reverse the course and should not follow the paths of self-intersted and in most cases primitve politicians line of thinking. If I were my former self, I would have commented on the number of people who are getting goose-pimples because the noble cause of unity is called for. I would have said: "Wa kuwaa mudh soo yidhyidhi, Reer-midnimo diide," But I will not. The spirit here is to be benevolent. Jafe, No one is disputing Xinn is indeed saaxibul-caqli and a wise man. That is not news. But he has this little problem of cowardice, which he mistakes for patience. He can not confront those whom he admires. Like his endless rationalisation of the wrongs Faroole is doing. When Faroole fails to say what Xinn would have wanted to hear from him (which is, we will not hand-over anybody to anyone but will bring them to our justice system), Xinn volunteers to speak for the man he loves. The following from the Pedagogy of the oppressed by Paulo Freire describes some of the problems I face when in dialogue with awoow Xiin. "Becuase reality is fictitious for it is subjective, the tendency of the the perceiver is to behave neurotically. The fact exists; but both the fact and what may result from it may be prejudicial to class or personal interst. Thus it becomes necessary, not to precisely DENY THE fact, but to 'see it differently'. This rationalisation as a defence mechanism conicides ,in the end, with subjectivism. A fact which is not denied but whose truths are rationalised loses its objective base. It ceases to be concrete and becomes a MYTH cretaed in defence of the class of the perceiver."
  16. When sheikh Abdirahman told us the tales he says he heard from Shamis, we were all puzzled. Can it be true? What more is the Sheikh hiding from us? That level of trust between him and the woman who allegedly told him the story was cemented on the basis of what? Was he actually trying to marry her and he didn’t want to tell us that? Anyway, here is what he says Shamis told him about her past marriage. Shamis has four kids and divorced her man long ago. She is a successful businesswoman, one who also can rely on the fortunes of her families elsewhere. Sheikh Abdirahaman is kind of related to a relative of the lady. So, he usually visists and chats with her. In one of their discussions, Shamis confronted him. “War Sheikh Abdirahman, why don’t you look for a good husband for me? Adigu iima socotid waan ku arkaaye!” his words. The sheikh, then asked her about her past marraiage when she hinted that she is almost a virgin. Sheikh Abdirahman: “Why do you talk as if a man is new thing for you? You have four kids, from a marriage that lasted ten years.” Shamis: “ waa runtaa. But did you know my former husband, Allah Yarxam now?” Sheikh Abirahaman: “Yes, he was a good man.” Shamis: “Do you watch football? My kids like it and I pass time with them. In football parlance, He was a set-piece man too. All the kids you see are from set-pieces and corner kicks.” Sheikh Abdirahman: “What does that mean?” Shamis: “It means he never built the ball from behind, no neat inter-passes, no midfield artistry, no creative through –balls, no dribbling. But he managed to score at critical times, usually stoppage time.” Sheikh Abdirahman: “He can be lucky one time. But how can he get the goals (children in this case) if he is not consistently crossing the ball to the penalty box? It looks implausible.” Shamis: “His timing was good. He knew when to attack; otherwise, he sits back for most of the time. some days, he got the goal when I thought the eggs were bored and were going back." Sheikh Abdirahman: “ That doesn’t work.” Shamis: “It works. Do you know Sam Allardyce?” Sheikh Abdirahamn: “Who is he?” Shamis: “iskadaa. It is not relevant. But anyway, I tell you my man always waited for the ball to be put somewhere in the 18m area to attempt a shot at goal. Allah yarxam, he was a dead-ball specialist.” Sheikh Abdiraham: “ so, that is why you think you never had a man, just because he didn’t do over-elaborate passings in the part of the field where it doesn’t matter.” Shamis: “It matters to the spectators and to the fans. I was a fan of him. Like the Argentines, who told Carlos Bilardo to take back the Cup he brought and bring to them the art he stole from their football, I was tempted to ask him to send his goals to the orphanages. “ Sheikh Abirahman: “you are a cruel women. Don’t talk ill of children.” Shamis: “I am also a child, who will die soon, without becoming an adult ever!” Sheikh Abdirahaman: “ Istaaqfurullah. Ok what is the issue now.” Shamis: “ The issue is go get me a good husband. You are a good man, you should know other good men. “ Sheikh Abdirahman: “ I don’t know what kind of man you want? You have to tell me what you want in a man. Age, status, looks etc, etc.” Shamis: “Those are bonuses brother. If I am not afraid I will anger my God, I will have asked for a screening session with the would-be husband. Now, you know what I mean. Kac, idinkaa rag ah oo is yaqaane, use your head and anyone you think is good enough, hook me up .” Sheikh Abdirhaman: “Men know nothing about each other in the areas you are talking about. The good thing about it is all are content with what they do and feel they are the best at it. There is no relatively in that subject. And that is the beauty of it.” Shamis: “ Istaaqfurullah. Waar waan kugu ciyaarayee, kac iska sii soco. Was a good time-passing though.” The Sheikh says Shamis was a very religious woman, and that is why he was amazed by her openness on some subjects. We, those on the lunch table last week, were amazed by the details the sheik recalled from a conversation he says took place long time ago.
  17. Barry Malone miyaad taqaan? This young scotish boy is not even a journalist. Wuxuu u shaqayn jiray qolo yar oo Pastorlist Community Initative (PCI) la yidhaa oo xafiis aan ka shaqayn jiray hoos iman jiray. He is trying to survive in Ethiopia. Shaqadii baa ka dhamaatay, Addis'na wuu jecelyahay. He will not tell you what he wrote there if you meet. By the way those who signed the elections code are Hailu Shawl, Lidetu Ayelow and Ayele Chamiso. All members of the previous CUD opposition who were brutally dismantled. The real opposition apart from the armed ones are Birtukan Mideksa (in prison), Dr. Birhanu Nega (exile), Dr. Negaso Gidada, Engineer Gizachew and others. This is window dressing and all ethiopians know it won't change anything. Haile Shawul just won a lucrative multimillion contract to build a high-tech gymnasium in Lafto, Addis.
  18. Mr. Paragon, Mahadsanid adeer. Kii xumaaye Xinn ahaa baa koley kugu carraatamiye iska dulqaado.
  19. BOB miyaa la helay asagoo bad qaba! Waa cunsuri, I agree. rer-abtigii buu raacay. Waxaan Sijuu aheyn waxba isuma aha.
  20. Cowke, a.k.a Mr 80%, Apparently you didn't read this latest ICG report. Please go to the internet and read the detailed report and then review the statement you made about Ethiopia going to the path of democracy. Ethiopia: Ethnic Federalism and Its Discontents Africa Report N°153 4 September 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), led by its chairman and prime minister, Meles Zenawi, has radically reformed Ethiopia’s political system. The regime transformed the hitherto centralised state into the Federal Democratic Republic and also redefined citizenship, politics and identity on ethnic grounds. The intent was to create a more prosperous, just and representative state for all its people. Yet, despite continued economic growth and promised democratisation, there is growing discontent with the EPRDF’s ethnically defined state and rigid grip on power and fears of continued inter-ethnic conflict. The international community should take Ethiopia’s governance problems much more seriously and adopt a more principled position towards the government. Without genuine multi-party democracy, the tensions and pressures in Ethiopia’s polities will only grow, greatly increasing the possibility of a violent eruption that would destabilise the country and region. The endeavour to transform Ethiopia into a federal state is led by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which has dominated the coalition of ethno-nationalist parties that is the EPRDF since the removal in 1991 of the Derg, the security services committee that overthrew Emperor Haile Selassie in 1974. The EPRDF quickly institutionalised the TPLF’s policy of people’s rights to self-determination and self-rule. The federal constitution ratified in 1994 defined the country’s structure as a multicultural federation based on ethno-national representation. The government has created nine ethnic-based regional states and two federally administered city-states. The result is an asymmetrical federation that combines populous regional states like Oromiya and Amhara in the central highlands with sparsely populated and underdeveloped ones like Gambella and Somali. Although the constitution vests all powers not attributed to the federal government in them, the regional states are in fact weak. The constitution was applauded for its commitment to liberal democracy and respect for political freedoms and human rights. But while the EPRDF promises democracy, it has not accepted that the opposition is qualified to take power via the ballot box and tends to regard the expression of differing views and interests as a form of betrayal. Before 2005, its electoral superiority was ensured by the limited national appeal and outreach of the predominantly ethnically based opposition parties. Divided and disorganised, the reach of those parties rarely went beyond Addis Ababa. When the opposition was able to challenge at local, regional or federal levels, it faced threats, harassment and arrest. With the opportunity in 2005 to take over the Addis Ababa city council in what would have been the first democratic change of a major administration in the country’s history, the opposition withdrew from the political process to protest flaws in the overall election. The EPRDF did not feel threatened until the 2005 federal and regional elections. The crackdown that year on the opposition demonstrated the extent to which the regime is willing to ignore popular protest and foreign criticism to hold on to power. The 2008 local and by-elections went much more smoothly, in large part because the opposition Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD) was absorbed with internal and legal squabbles, and several other parties withdrew after their candidates experienced severe registration problems. The next federal and regional elections, scheduled for June 2010, most probably will be much more contentious, as numerous opposition parties are preparing to challenge the EPRDF, which is likely to continue to use its political machine to retain its position. Despite the EPRDF’s authoritarianism and reluctance to accept genuine multi-party competition, political positions and parties have proliferated in recent years. This process, however, is not driven by democratisation or the inclusion of opposition parties in representative institutions. Rather it is the result of a continuous polarisation of national politics that has sharpened tensions between and within parties and ethnic groups since the mid-1990s. The EPRDF’s ethnic federalism has not dampened conflict, but rather increased competition among groups that vie over land and natural resources, as well as administrative boundaries and government budgets. Furthermore, ethnic federalism has failed to resolve the “national question”. The EPRDF’s ethnic policy has empowered some groups but has not been accompanied by dialogue and reconciliation. For Amhara and national elites, ethnic federalism impedes a strong, unitary nation-state. For ethno-national rebel groups like the ONLF (****** National Liberation Front; Somalis in the Oga­den) and OLF (Oromo Liberation Front; the Oromo), ethnic federalism remains artificial. While the concept has failed to accommodate grievances, it has powerfully promoted ethnic self-awareness among all groups. The international community has ignored or downplayed all these problems. Some donors appear to consider food security more important than democracy in Ethiopia, but they neglect the increased ethnic awareness and tensions created by the regionalisation policy and their potentially explosive consequences. Nairobi/Brussels, 4 September 2009
  21. ^ We will find better replacement. In any case, there is nothing new there. Hal arin unbaa lagu soo celciliyaa.
  22. ngonge, xaajigu waa balayoo. Whoever recruited him here has done it for a purpose. Now seriously, by provisions bestowed on me as the author, I banish Cowke from this thread. Waryaa, adeeroow orod thread kale gal oo walaaq meeshan waxaan ugu tallo galay in qudhunkii qabiilka lagaga nastee! SNM are Somali's no matter what they want. EDIT- your proposal for a thread for Xaaji and Cowke would have been perfect. The two are alike. Laakin, it is against the spirit of this thread and what I want SOL to be. Arimahaas waan ku daalaye inaga daaya. Hadii riwaayad la rabo, there is plenty of social issues oo maantoo dhan anagaa idinka qoslin!
  23. Xaaji, the first paragrpah is good, the second pargrpah is very much from Xaaji. Waxan aad kala qaad qaadayso eed leedahay anaga iyo idinka weeye waxa aan ku leenahay iska daa. Think like an individual. Aniga dheh. The idea that some clans want something is a myth. Qof kasta wixii u dan ah ayuu gala baryahan. That is why the seats for somaliland are not vacant in the TFG. Kolkaa waxaa muhiim ah uun al-mustaqbal kolka dalku dago in soomali tashato, fikirna aana lagu duulin (ama goosi ama Unity); balse dadka loo soo bandhigo. dhinac kasta waa in wakhti ku filan oo ay dadka ugu bandhigaan ra'yigooda la siiyaa. Taasi markay dhacdo, what the real PEOPLE want ayaa soo bixi. Taa waa in loo hogaansamo kolkaa.
  24. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: Abtigis wagaan internetka soo gashaday ayaan google ku qoray Somali , iyo online markasu websitkanii ii soo booday iyo awr yaro ku sawiiran dee waan iska soo raacay. loooooooooooooool@xaajiga.