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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Cara: What else could she do? She was running away from the arrogant crowing of Cocks. The more Cocks continue blowing their plumage for mating without seeking the chicken's approval, the more chicken's will get displaced! Aaliyah: Poor chicken, may Allah help her cross the road. Walaahi, I am in tears!! Serenity: I am not sure why a chicken's misery worry us, in a land mothers are stonned to death. CL: woow! she must be missing a mascara or some nice pairs of shoes! I am kidding. By the way, my puppy also is sort of rolling stone too. P.S. malika, hini kuku kama yanyum bahi? looooool! KK: Gheeloow, Chicken'ka meeshu u socda iyo meeshu ka socdo ma la yaqaan horta? I just fear it may be crushed by a speeding gaadhi-dameer before it gets its wish. Akhas! Malika: Give some credit to the chicken. At least it knows what it wants as a life. Ibtisam: I didn't say the chicken is a fowl. You are all old enough to know what I am saying here. Lily: Somali chicken follow the path of their owners. No wonder it is confused and can't make a decision. They will kill it anyway. Juxa: Tolow chicken'ka maxay ka cabanaysaa? Valenteenah: The Vetnamese would have simply granted her wish. So respectful of birds. Raamsade: If the chicken meraculously escapes to the other side, how can that be presented as a proof that that happened because God wished it to happen that way? Proof saaxiib!
  2. It is a worrying situation. Apparently she wasn't told she is a muslim too. Tell her that first.
  3. Originally posted by Ducaysane: nimaan balo arag baa ka sheekayn...There must be a shortage of names. loooooooooooool. War ducaysane maa faraha laga qaado? Ducaysane 87 magaca maanta badal hadii kale waa lagu ban gareyn. Or I suggest in Ducaysane uu qaato magac suit gareynaya isaga: I suugest Habaarane.
  4. General Duke: No. The chicken did not cross the road. In fact, we need to verify whether in fact it was a chicken. As far as we know, the chicken is still there. It could have been an eagle. We have to wait until verification is done. Oodweyne: How can a chicken, itself a hapless bird, (unless you are dreaming or in a fantasy, in which case, I have no problem with it; unless of course, and particularly, so long as you, in your end, admit to it, )be expected to cross the road unless it is pushed deviously and surreptitiously by the hand of the vicious and uncouth pretenders; who, ever since that year of the miraculous bravery, whereby the lot of Afweyne were defeated and sent westwards packing, got no life than to envy the progress of the people with unique political DNA? And particularly when, it is clear to all fishermen and wandering refugees of the yesteryears,if I may add, that the only chicken that can cross that road is a stooge, a puppet, an instrument of the dreamers that will be rocket-propelled by the loud fart of Faroole and Sheikh Hotel. Regards. Ngonge:Heh! It knew the ground on that side was sinking like the Titanic.It had to cross. It wanted a taste of life on the other side of the road. It was exercising its right. Let us not dramatize it. It is a fact of life that it will cross eventually, even if it didn’t. Again, if it didn’t cross, no worries, it is words on screen. Mr. Somalia: The cockroach, which pretends to be a chicken, is a moron sell out that destabilizes our safety and security. Let it cross the road, and the vets eat it! It won’t find the powder milk it is wont to drink here anywhere else. Allamagan: The chicken will never be allowed to cross the road. Not in my lifetime! Let those who clean the butts of Meles and Ethiopia do so. Not my chicken! My chicken will never cross the road. It will never be left alone again! Gheele T:We are not in a position to say whether or not the chicken crossed the road. There are some people who have complained that it probably wasn’t a chicken at all and others are saying it was being pushed or dragged against its will. We are currently considering whether to do a re-check before we can officially declare if the chicken crossed the road. We will take as long as we want to be fully certain that it was a chicken that crossed the road. Xaaji Xunjuf: Chicken’ka baalka cas leh waxaa iska leh Dahir Riyaale nin ay qaraaba yihiin… Abtigiis &Tolka: Of course, the chicken crossed the road because it could not stand the nonsense on the other side. But the shameless Buglanders will do everything in their power to prevent everyone from knowing that it, indeed, and unequivocally crossed the road. Xinnfanin : Er. . . uhm. I don’t see any chicken at the moment. Er . . . I think it is right for us to wait and see. Let things take the natural course. If it did cross the road we will be told officially. If it wants to cross the road we will see it when it crosses. There is nothing to talk about at the moment. Er. . . I don’t see any problem right now. …By the way, I do not think it crossed the road. If it crossed the road, it’s because someone dragged it. That must not be allowed as long as the chicken plays by the rules of the land. But I also now other chickens are roosting on the other side of the road happily. Miskiin M-A: baliss dad waa weyn aad tihiin, see camal aad idiin la hadalaa. I have edited cockroach iyo waxan aad qorteen now. I am not editing again. The whole thread waa remove gareynaa! Doora xunaa jid dhaaftay iyo ma dhaafin aa la isku aflagaadeeynaa miyaa?
  5. looooooooool@wabishabelle politicval advisory desk. I am sure it is more Wabishabelle maqaam!
  6. Somali reerka neceb majirto. Ashqaas danno fushanayaa way jiraan.
  7. Shacab qaxa umaanaan horeyn! Ask SNM, ask TPLF.
  8. Don't talk of qashqashaad. Be honest and say Ethiopian ka cabsanaynaa.
  9. What Mr. Somalia and his amplifier in Uztaad want is to engage in clan tit-tat, so that the legitimate grieviance of the people of Somaligalbeed is diluted. Well, you won't get your wish, at least today.
  10. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: p.s Ogow maqaal kugu soo socdo oo aan ugu magac daray... "Caano boorow maxaa cida kugu diray?" Cidda waxba iguma dirine, nutrition'ka meel kale hala raadiyo unbaan leeyahay!
  11. Ina muxumadoow, maxaa la iga kaa siiyaa? Shaly oo dhan kiilo Qaad, ah ayaad iga hortaagnayd Maantana waxaad leedahay,shilin kuma siinayo?? Allah Yarxam Cabdi-bilaad used to utter those words when I was a student convinced they are Afarareey. No wonder prose peddled as poem later came to be known as "Bilaadeyn".
  12. Is our clan a currency? Or Faroole's private farm? Or a Luscious Orange, Much loved by Rer-Bari? Is it a ship seized by Pirates Whoever goes to the East, Why does he have a price tag? Is it a bottomless onion Which is cut in steps? Or is it a substitute, For the extinct bream fish Which has vanished from the seas?
  13. Reerkayagu ma beesaa? Ma beertii Faroolaa? Ma burtuqaan macaanoo Rer-Barigu Jecelyahaa? Ma markab Pirate heshaybaa? Midkii bariga gaadhaa Muxuu boqol u gooyaa? Ma basal aan dhamaano Kolba beyd la jeexaa? Ma bream'kii go'aye Baddi laga dhameeyaa Baddalkiisa laga dhigay?
  14. Originally posted by NGONGE: Heh@A&T..expl ains why Cawke keeps telling us that Puntlanders are the most well fed in Somalia. looooooooooool@well fed. Potatoes, milk, bariis, fish, intay cuneen, they bid micronutrient deficiency good bye!
  15. Faarax was dismayed by his Arab friend's carelessness. They both live in a non-Muslim country. Rashiid, the Arab, left for a work and didn’t leave any message behind for Faarax to follow up with the safety of the family. This is utter negligence. What if one of the guards rapes Rashid’s wife? What if they rob the house? What if they kidnap his little Aisha? Faarax tried Rashid’s number several times, but it was out of reach. He doesn’t have the number of Rashid’s wife too. But now, that is not the issue. He has done what he felt he was obliged to do but this was time for some rebuke. He wrote the following e-mail: “Rashid, You are not a good man. You don’t value our friendship, nor our Muslim brotherhood. How do you leave the family like that in a country you know security is a big issue? That is not what I expected from you. Anyway, Alxamdu lilaah all is well. I went to your house yesterday and spent time with the kids. The big one hurt his knee while jumping from the big tree in the compound. All others are doing fine. The wife is very good and took care of me. She gave me strong tea and some kuskus. The cooker was not working. So, I brought a technician who worked on it. It wasn’t expensive. I bought the family’s groceries and delivered as your driver is sick and they couldn’t buy by themselves. Don’t do what you have done again, and take care. Signed: May you come back in peace." Few hours later, the reply came. “ Antal Kalb, wa hiya kalb, wa Ana kalb in ishta!” (You are a dog! She is a dog, and I am a dog too if you live for long.) Signed: nacalatulaa calayk!"
  16. Is our clan potatoes? Or rice that is boiled Is it fatty meat, And milk to be ransacked? Is it a source of livelihood, Like the Petroluem of the Arabs Which is collected freely By any broke Buglander?
  17. I got this text message from someone last night. Reerkayagu ma baradhaa? Ma bariis la kariyaa? Ma baruurta hilibkiyo, Caanahoo la boobaa? Bugland kii busaaradii, Amay baahi qabataa, Ma wax uu iska biishiyo, Ma batroolkii carabtoo, Bilaash lagu gurtaabaa? Ma ugaadh banjoogoo Baaska layska mariyaa? Ma kaluunka badahoo, Shabag lagu bakhtiiyaa? Cayayaanka baydkiyo, Ma daqsigoo la buufshaa? :mad: :mad:
  18. Anyone can make allegations. I can call a TV station and claim my uncle is kille by Dair Riyaale, or Ducaale. As being divided, how many current members of the central and executive committees are opposing the Admiral? what is the evidence it is "very divided". We know it isn't. And this is not defensive position from me. It is the reality. I think he is a dedicated honest man. Unfortunately people usually like new faces and I wouldn't mind if passes the ball. On the PR issue, unless people wanted to hear what they wanted, he articulated the positions of his organisation as it is. But he should prepare a bit better next time.
  19. Xubnahaas lama ogola inay salaada ka qayb qaataan. Waxaa ka daran, waa automous regions oo aan cidna ka amar qaadan haday dareemaan in xuquuqdooda laga horjoogo!!
  20. Yes. Abdisalam Hereri asked very relevant questions and managed the interview well. Abdiwali and few disguntled members who are fired from ONLF tried to turn the interview into a court room. They said what they said, but I think it was clear that they had issues. The Admiral stated ONLF positions. We all know he is not a PR person. COuld have done better in articulating key issues.
  21. If at all it is allowed, there has to be an added requirement inayna xagga danbe ka dhisnaan. Otherwise, sahwigaa badan.
  22. looooooooool that is the situation saaxiib. Dhinaca kale, axmaardu has the same story. This guy walks to a restaurant and asks "how much is a kilo of meat?" He was told " 5 Birr". "For what" he asked, "for eating". "what about for inaan ursado?"
  23. Sheikhu meeshan aan joogo ayuu ku raagay oo business uu u yimid ka socon waayey. Reerkiina in muddo ah ismay arag. Sheekadiisu waayahan waa dhinaca haweenka. Weekend'ga ayaan balansanahay. I am sure inuu halkii ka sii wadayo. Aniga laftigaya waa la iga maqan yahay oo aad ayaan u dhagaystaa sheekadiisa.
  24. Both Da'ud and Ina-Iley started to drink Beer just to look like the army commanders they hang around with.
  25. Sheikh Abdirahaman is from GEDO region. Wali wuu nala joogaa.