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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Indeed, Rer-midnimo-diid will wake up from the perpetual false dawn of elusive recognition. The Hargeisa-Berbera-burco triangle shall get rid of the tribal tendencies which has been their hallmark. I have looked for a somali man who was said to be a big man in Windhock, Namibia for over three hours. All just because I was happy to meet one of our own. And guess what happened: afer the first greeting, the big man ( who is married to a lady from Sam Nyouma's family and is rich) said to me "waaaar dee, dadku ha is bartee, ma koonfur baad ahayd mise waqooyi?". I didn't mince my words. I said, "waan fahmay. adigu rer-midnimo-diid yaad ka tahay" He said he is from those who "enter the sand", Buuba's sub-clan. Another one I met in a place where you will be happy to have an Ethiopian as one of your own, asked me, "gobolkeed ku dhalatay"as the first question. Again, knowing this can come from ONLY one part of the country (the triangle), I asked "which sub-clan of the I are you from?"
  2. Duke, adigu maxaa kugu diray walaalahaaga cadawga taariikhiga ah ee Somaliyeed ay is hayaan? War ninyahow is layaab, waxani wax ma ahe. You can still support Puntland without being enemy to your brothers.
  3. Bob, Adigu Premier league'ga ayaad takhasus ku leedahaye, Egypt doesn't need 2 goals to qualify. The away goal doesn't apply for group qualifiers, but for two-leg knock outs. Therefore, if Egypt wins by two goals margin, there will be a replay in Sudan on November 18, 2009. Naden, anigaad igu xumaynaysaa soow ma aha?kkkkk
  4. Does Cowke know that all those elders are actually paid formal salaries as Amaakaariis (advisors) of the regional authorities?
  5. Watch out for Karim Ziani tomorrow. He is the key man.
  6. Ngonge, I don't know why you think Algeria is not as good as Egypt. Did you watch them in this qualifiers? I am sure Algeria will qualify. Let us bet here.
  7. Who said Sport is not General. Dadka qaar unbay formality'ga kaga dhagtaa.
  8. Sherban 2-0 will do for Egypt. There will be anthoer match in neutral ground, Sudan, if Egypt can do this. I think Algeria will qualify by beating or drawing with Egypt this Saturday. Go Algerie! I have always been their true fan. Rabah Madjer, Assad, Belloumi miyaad ilaaowday?
  9. First Reports from the Recent ONLA Commando Offensives Friday, 13 November 2009 Initial reports received from the ONLA central command which were corroborated by reliable local, civilian eyewitnesses confirm the success of the ONLA commandoes in inflicting heavy losses to the Woyane militias in and around many ****** cities and towns. First reports provided by the ONLA central command indicate the operations undertaken by the Gorgor commando unit which operates in and around Baabili resulted in the capture of huge caches of military supplies. The supplies included 70 small arms including three PKM machine guns, two sophisticated military radios, and a large cache of more modern medicines. The ONLA claimed to have inflicted heavy military losses including the death of four high ranking military officials. Local eyewitnesses corroborated the ONLA claim as some of the local civilians attempted to bury some of the dead which were found in the forested areas surrounding the military garrisons overrun by the ONLA commandoes. In the Xamaro ONLA commando offensive which we are yet to receive conclusive reports is said to have also resulted heavy losses on the Woyane militias. ****** Online news network reporters operating in the area confirmed that there were three major battles between the ONLA commandoes and the Woyane militias in the main military garrison. The third battle which is to have caused the most casualties is said to have enabled the ONLA commandoes to overrun and finally take control of the military garrison. As of the time of going to press, the ONLA commandoes were still controlling the main military garrison in Xamaro. Reports also indicate that the operations undertaken by the Duufaan commando unit against the highly trained military personnel said to have been mainly Tigrays in Higlaley also resulted in major military losses for the Woyane regime in Addis Ababa. The Higlaley offensive is said to have been the fiercest of all the operations undertaken by the ONLA commandoes. It is reported, again also corroborated by civilian eyewitnesses in the area, that a convoy of mainly armed personnel carriers and tanks sent as a reinforcement to the Higlaley garrison from Dhagax Bur was waylayed by the ONLA in the outskirts of Dhagax Bur. Reports indicate that these reinforcements sustained major losses. Although this reinforcement could not proceed to Higlaley, it is unknown at the time of going to press whether their remnants were able to return to Dhagax Bur. The ONLA commandoes are said to have transported all the military supplies and weapons caches out of the Higlaley garrison. Local eyewitnesses have confirmed that the ONLA commandoes have created a new commando post in a strategic area which is about seven kilometers from Higlaley. The Galadid offensive undertaken by the ONLA’s Danab commando unit is reported to have the one that took the least amount of time. It is reported that the ONLA commando unit only took minutes to overrun the garrison. They are said to taken all the military supplies and weapons caches from the garrison before vacating it. Shortly after leaving the garrison, eyewitnesses reported that this unit engaged Woyane reinforcements sent from Duud Ciid. It is said that the Woyane reinforcements which were not expecting ONLA units in the area where the battle took place sustained major military losses. Our reporter in Qabri Dahar confirmed that many Woyane dead and wounded have been brought to the city. In Yucub offensive undertakn by the ONLA commandoes is said to have also resulted in major losses for the Woyane militias. Eyewitnesses confirm the sighting of ONLA commandoes transporting all the military supplies and weapons caches from this major military garrison. The same commando unit is said to have engaged Woyane reinforcements sent from Wardheer. Our reporter in Wardheer indicated seeing the arrival of many wounded and dead Woyane militias being brought to the city. At the time of going to press, we are still unable to receive conclusive reports of casualties from the ONLA commando offensives in Boodhcaano, Birqod, and Gunagado which were undertaken by the ONLA’s Birjeex and Halgan commando units. Although reliable eyewitnesses in the areas where the offensives took place confirmed seeing many Woyane militias taken prisoners by the ONLA, the leaders of the ONLA refused to deny or confirm any such prisoner takings. http://www.******.com/hornnews/ethiopia/513-first-reports-from-the-recent-onla-commando-offensives
  10. Those dead men may or may not be from ONLF. But they are not from the recent fighting. Guleed casoowe, editor of cakaaranews, is handy in computers. But the news is not a click away, it is a phone call away. What matters is not Ngonge's parody or propaganda. Where it matters, which is on the ground, the liberation fighters are rejoicing, Jabahad, Higlaleey laba cisho oo dhan ayey jabhadu joogtay. Saldhigii Birqod'na completely waa la gubay. Waa mahad alle Maanta waa ayaan! Sabriye, The militia dancing is called "dhidid-dhowr" and armed by the Tigres. After several setbacks and defections, they are now not trusted by the ever-suspicious Tigre's and have been taken to Addis for other works. The Tigre's fear the militias sell arms and give information to the ONLF. Which is not entirely false. They were not part of the latest fighting. By the way, some of the names Iley claimed to have been killed from the ONLF like Faysal died in the otherwise successful battle of Dhagaxmadow in 2008, where huge arms and armaments were taken from the Tigre army. ONLF are not made of steel or rock and it is sure they are killed. Sometimes, in large numbers. That is part of the struggle. But the recent coordinated attacks were the best thing that has happened so far. The Tigre army don't have easy ride with ONLF like they do with Shabab. Anagu xabshdia waan isnaqaan, and no one is intimidated by them. When they marched to Moqdishu, I could see the terror in the eyes of many somali's. One will need to live in Somaligalbeed region to know what it is like to fight Ethiopians.
  11. I know, I know! On as erious note, dagaalkii ugu weynaa abid ayaa lagu qaaday xeryahay Tigre'ga saaxiib. And the good thing is that the somali militias the Tigre's usually use are not the one's firing from the other side. That would have sullied the victory in some measure. The militias are all transfered to Addis Ababa so that they will be used against Axmaaro and Oromo if there is any uprising in the upcoming elections. Same tactics as last time. they are merged with elite Tigre group called 'Agaazi'.
  12. What a day of rejoice and happiness. May Allah grant the heroes the final victory. ---------------------------------- ONLA Commandoes on the Offensive Wednesday, 11 November 2009 19:17 administrator Reports reaching the ****** Online service desk confirm the existence of a new, major commando offensive by the ****** National Liberation Army (ONLA). Reporters in the ****** frontlines reported that the ONLA, in what appeared to be well planned and well coordinated attacks, attacked military garrisons in many cities and towns throughout ******. These planned commando attacks took place last night midnight, ****** local time, in the major military garrisons and bases in the provinces of Harar, Jarar, Nogob, Qoraxey, Doolo, and Shabelle. The garrisons attacked included Babili, Higlaley, Xamaro, Galadiid, Yucub, Boodhcaano, Birqod, and Gunagado. Local eyewitnesses and our frontline reporters both confirmed that these major military garrisons came under a multi-pronged attack by OLNA commandoes from Gorgor, Duufaan, Hanqadh, Danab, Heegan, Halgan and Birjeex units. The operation was codenamed ‘Eebo Cadow’ although the leaders of the ONLA commandoes refused to divulge information about the significance of the code given to the operations. The eyewitnesses also confirmed that the Woyane militias were overwhelmed by the surprise, multi-pronged, and nocturnal attacks. This, the eyewitnesses added, enabled the ONLA commandoes to overrun the entrenched Woyane defenses in all the military and militia bases that came under attack. Although there have been widespread casualties more so on the Woyane militia side, the ONLA commando leaders refused to describe their losses or the reported gains in military supplies. They have also refused to divulge any information related to the operation. These leaders have promised, however, to allow access to the garrisons to our reporters in the near future. An expert in the horn of Africa, especially in Ethiopia, predicted that such a widespread commando attacks would further weaken the preparedness of the ‘Woyane militias.’ It would, in short, ‘destroy military morale’ he said. The expert, who requested that his name not published due to his ongoing dealings with the Ethiopian government, indicated that although reports are just trickling to Addis Ababa. However, he added, that highly placed government sources have told him how surprised they were with ONLA’s ability to mount such coordinated multi-pronged commando attacks covering such a vast area. http://www.******.com/hornnews/106-******/511-onla-commandoes-on-the-offensive
  13. Cowke, in war, there are always what you call displaced civillians and refugees. There are international conventions and principles that protect them and national authorities whereever must adhere to it. Faroole was a refugee in Austraila, no one told him go back to Puntland and make your home at peace. It is because the world understands that wars break out for whatever reason, and individuals must not pay for it as long as they are not involved. Faroole has broken all moral and legal norms known. If you see an ONLF in every child, mother and refugee man in Bossaso and Garowe, so be it. Kill them if you want. Even the so-called Suldaan of the community there knows that he was told to relocate to jubboyinka and advise the communities accordingly. By theway, there were two other murder cases of refugees in the last month alone. They were not publicised because it was aana-qabiil. As far as why the O refugees are coming to Puntland, it is the next place they could escape to when their villagers were burnt. It could have been Malta, or Tagucigalpa if it was close enough. Ethiopia'dan aad sheegine, the choice is simple: Should we aspire to be the kings of the other Somali's with the borrowed might of Ethiopia (and you know the security guy who gives Faroole orders in Garowe will not be Takle or Kebede in that case, but this mortal Abtigiis will be flying down in person in such case), or should we aspire to be free of Ethiopian colonialism and join the rest of Somali's (who although wronging us are still our brothers whom we can't leave isolated from). The wise heads are opting for the bigger and nobler cause. Those who could not swallow the injustices and sarcacisms of people like Faroole see the short-term gains of reporting to Arat-kilo palace in Filwuha in Addis and marching from there to terrorise Somaliland, Puntland and even Sheikh Sharif's feeble TFG.
  14. While I wouldn't have minded if ONLF was indeed the culprits here, they are not. Their action, which will further cripple Puntland, is coming. Brace for it. One must not master politics to know the demise of Puntland state is not far. Shabab will tighten things up in the south, Somaliland will encroach from the North, internal fueds and maladminstratin and Mucaaradnimo is the hallmark of the inhabitats of the region, and ONLF will take decisive and coordinated blows insha-allah some time soon. Your rants and bravado are not more than the fart a dog breaks out to put off a raging furnace, dear Cowke. What more could you do to ONLF? Capture few more men and women and pass them on? Go ahead! By the way, Ethiopia'da laftigeeda lala heshiin karaa haddad wax weyn u aragtid.
  15. Whomever he is being tortured for must have either looked like him, or someone really framed him. The Tigre Torturer was adamant that Soofe Ahmed Naaleeye, the 69 years old man from the village of Kabtinaag in Qoraxeey was the father of the terrorist who murdered two of his comrades in Suuqa-xoolaha a week ago. Kiflom, the torturer, was sure he got the right man. But he was also losing his sanity as the old man clinged to his denial story. He lashed out one last time and caught Soofe on the right ear with a ferocious slap and left the room, giving an ultimatum for the old man to cooperate or else he will be made to expire before the sun sets that day. Back in the Military canteen, Kiflom was bothered by the pain he inflicted on his subject, which went on for five days now. He is after all a devout Christian, and Aba Tesfazgh in Kiflom’s monastery in Taaj Armaacho in Southern Tigray would not have approved of these cruel actions. He made the cross on his face, shut his eyes and prayed for forgiveness, if he is wrong, before he took out the wooden masqal (cross) on his neck and kissed it for eternity. But he was comforted by the knowledge that he is fighting demons, who would have crucified Christ himself, if they have their way. What do they call them back in his village, he recalled: “Aramane”, and he sighed a sigh of relief. Yes, barbaric (aramene) is the name they call muslims. And after all, who killed Minase and major Giramay? Anyone who sired such a killer deserves equal pain. He has enough information that the man who led the killing gang, who call themselves Al-itihaad, that fatal night, was Abu-Obeid. But the old man still contends Abu-Obeid is not his son. He even said that his son is a big time Qat chewer, who is known in the town. What Soofe knows of his real son, Mahamud-dheeg was his addiction to Qat. He was there when the wife of Mahamud complained that she told her husband to take all their three children to their beds when they sleep the night she went to her families home to mourn the death of her father. When she returned late in the night, she found one kid who was still watching the analog Stallite Dish, while Mahamud was still munching his green leaves. But what surprised her more was his justifications for not asking the boy to go to sleep. “Kan ayaa seexan waayey mooye, the rest are asleep.” He said. She was speechless. “This boy, Faysal, is the son of Ahmed-dheere, our neighbor. Why didn’t you tell him to go?” Mahamud was embarrassed; he didn’t notice that all night. Soofe expected the routine of pain to resume when Kiflom walked in. He, Sofe, no more counts how many days he was here. But he would be forced to do was even more shocking. He was taken outside his cell and driven to the town market, where crowds were pitifully looking at a body of a man killed. Soofe was asked to identify the body. It didn’t take him any effort. How can he not know Mahamud-dheeg, even if his torso was on one side and the rest of his body on the other? “Why did you kill my son?” soofe mumbled, his eyes dry, not able to produce any more tears after the life he had last couple of years. Mahamud, is the third child he lost in three years. And no more sons are out there for him. One died of natural death, one blown up by a land mine as he was travelling to look for a job in Jigjiga. He was travelling with army convoy. “So you will not tell the truth when we you see your son’s dead body, no?” Kiflom was a relieved man. “Why did you kill him, and not me?” “Because he is Abu-Obeid.” “When did he become Abu-obeid, you kufaar!!!!He is not Abu-Obeid. He is Mahamud Dheeg!?” "The Amir of the Mujaahidiin regiment in Qoraxeey province is Mahamud Dheeg, who is renamed Abu-Obeid." Siyaad Af-yare, the head of the Gobolka said, in somali, to Soofe.
  16. Dear Oodweyne, We have developed enough grey hair and lost most of our hair at the head to understand what you meant by your cleverly timed discourse on "might is right" argument. Let us not backtrack, for what you have stated is a fact. A fact told for evil purpose. But that is a side issue. What I am trying to tell you is that I fully agree with all that you said, not only in terms of somali politics, but even at the larger global setting. But I will also like to extend your argument and tell you such tough stance with Ethiopia is what will also bring honour and dignity to the oppressed people of Somaligalbeed. Not capitulation.
  17. Adeer, above all politicking, we are first and foremost muslims. And qadaf iyo been-abuur are not the works of a good man. The Suldan, if he is indeed a suldaan, is lying. Yarka dhintay waan naqaanaa, qaadhaankii reerku ka dhintay loo dirayey yaan gacanta ku haynaa. So eat back your endless lies.
  18. Originally posted by Oodweyne: ^^^ Mr. A & T , This, I am afraid, are the "facts" - however painful they are to accept - of the Somali political reality; and therefore, one must cut his cloth accordingly. Regards, Oodweyne. What you are prescring here is a fitna between two brotherly people, and I am sure you know it. I know it too. But we also know you are talking the truth. And indeed, while I would prefer that 'the suppossed foolishness' on the part of my community continues with regard to this issue, as it will save more lives, I also realise Faroole's rants have done a major harm and anger among this very community. As such, it is with profund sadness that I fully know a reaction of significant proportion is on the offing. I know it shouldn't happen and fully realise it would be better if the foolish community continues to entertain the half-hearted condolences of Diaspora guys from Puntland. But I must admit the odds of this happening is very very very slim.
  19. Cynical lady, what is your reaction to this? http://www.somaliaonline.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?/topic/9/20904/2#000017
  20. O, so he id our suldan? He is lying too, then. Wa afar jeeble. And he doesn't speak for the community. Or he has another mission which perhaps we don't know. By the way, even Xiddig speak for us, soo ma aha? Ceebeey tacaal!
  21. No need in bir la liqo. That is for the desperate ones. Muddo yar ka dib aan iswaraysano.
  22. Mr. Farool’s regime showed time and again that it has no respect for the constitution of Puntland, Islamic brotherhood, Somalism and of course international human rights. This unforgivable heinous crime meted against the five ******i youth on the 25th of October attracted the wrath and condemnations of the Somali nation from within and without save the international community’s shock. Mr. Faroole who was a refugee himself and who is a national of Australia must know the sanctity enshrined in the spirit and letter of the human rights instruments – legal proceedings against this person are to be filed shortly with the Australian government and human rights organizations. The five ******i youth were deported from Yemen and were arrested upon arrival -See Somali Cartoonist. They were subjected to a severe torture under the auspices of the Tigreyan chiefs of the PIS( PL’s infamous terrorist institution) in Boossaso’s Abul Ghraib like prison. Mr. Abdi Hassan Yusuf was officially handed to the Ethiopian security forces and his family and relatives are waiting to hear the inevitable. Mr. Abdillahi Hassan Ali died in his prison cell as a direct result of the torture. The remaining three detainees, Olad, Bedri and Deeq, are still in prison without any chance of seeing a judge similar to the fate of their other friends. Tension is rising in Galkacyo, Las Canood may erupt soon, trade with the northern neighbours may soon stop, and internal suppression of dissident voices is increasing. Faroole is a power-hungry maniac, and his attempt to be all the things they want to all people will undo him.
  23. Dear Old Xinnfanin, Admittedly, I don't know much about the people of the East. And I bought your claim that the majority of the people are indeed against the selling of the Somaligalbeed people to the Tigre's. I have come to learn from those who know the place well that infact the vitriol Cowke, General Duke and Mr. Somalia spew out here on a daily basis is a true reflection of the overwhelming feeling in most of Puntland. Those who talked to me made an exception to what they referred to 'the more enlightened Bossasso" community. Indeed, Mr. Faroole could not have uttered those effluvial rants against the people of somaligalbeed without having assessed the general mood of the public. Your feeling, LST's feeling and the wise words of most of the Puntland Diaspora is welcome; but do not represent the position of the state and its people. As such, Faroole's actions will have to be reciprocated in kind. Meeting what you call a Jaaliyad in a Nairobi is not going to change anything. Frankly speaking he should have talked to the families of the murdered young man. Faroole is not Cabdullahi Yusuf, who told Meles Zenawi that he cannot and will not arrest O clan members in Puntland because it is not possible to do that, as they are next-of-kins. Faroole personality has been revealed to all and the damage he has done to his sharaf is irrepairable. And indeed, as the poet said long time ago, it is good to talk about these issues, once we are on a par in terms of the pain inflicted on all sides. Till then, as Mr. Somalia would surely agree with, I will have to shut up and stop whinning endlessly.
  24. The endless simulations of these Puntlanders is simply breath-taking!