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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I thought we were thinking of winning Premier league trophy. Does this mean qualifying for Europe is now the new target for Liverpool? If Liverpool was on the top four in the last four years, it is because there are few good teams in England. There are 4-5 teams and the rest are house-warmers. So, it is not surprising. Ma Wigan iyo Sunderland inuu ka hooseeyo ayaad sugaysay?
  2. Ngonge, current Liverpool is not Man U, so fogret 11 points they can't even catch the fourth place team. If they do, I am the happiest man on earth. But I don't want to cheat myself with false optimism. Ma Insua iyo Lucas baa11 point ii keeni? Iyo xayraanka Mascherano. Hiddinik is a very good coach. His record is impeccable. But he failed with Russia. Time will tell if Slovinia are actually to be a new revelation in the world cup. I suspect so. Ngonge's problem is he relies on the media and doesn't watch matches for himslef. If the media says Greek is going to win the World Cup, wuu la qabsan uun. This is also Norf's problem. I watch and see that there are players whom we don't yet know, who actually are better than the ones we consider the best in this World. Bosnia's Muslimovic and Dzeko are in this catagory. But for Ngonge to acknowlege, Daily Mirro or Sky sport must say so.
  3. Liverpool will beat City, laakiin meela gaadhi maayaan with Benitez in charge. Too inconsistent.
  4. Norfsky, adiguna hadaa unbaad Ingiriis nagu noqota saaxib. There was nothing wrong with what Henry did. It is a natural reaction. So many players try in every game more than once. It was upto the official to see it or if he failed to do so, should have consulted the lines men or even the fourth official as the reaction of the Irish players said it all! I am for a replay. Tuuga Platini ah ayaa ku balamiyey referee'ga oo yidhi Blatter wuu socdaa anigaa meesha qabsanaye, cidna ha u joojin!
  5. Originally posted by muhsin.max: Therefore I have no problem with Somaliland and O-gadenia establishing their own seperate independent states like DJibouti. But what I fail to grasp or comprehend is why are all Somalis regardless of their region of origin giving the thumps up for Og.adenya to become a seperate and sovereign state and not Somaliland? This is a false statement and hence no issue here. Somali's want the Somali's in Somaligalbeed to be free of Ethiopian slavery, nothing more. Unless you are so daft, the fact that one is colonised by non-somali, the other not by anyone should have been patently clear to you. Silly questions have no answer buu odhan jiray Boon Xirsi
  6. Tuujiye, RUSSIA is not playing well and Arshavin is not upto the task. Sometimes we get carried away with names. The Slovinians are solid team. I prefer to see whoever deserves to be there. If Keane was better on the night, it is wrong for Henry to be in South Africa. France (or rather xulka qaranka ee dadka madoow) will reach nowhere.
  7. NGONGE, Cumar Adiyb muxuu leeyahay in the link GoldCoast posted above. Bal noo macneeya what he is saying about Algerians.
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: The best team lost. It's a real shame when you dominate in both games and still end up a loser. Oh never mind. There is still the African Nations Cup to win for the third time in a row. A&T, the team you support won but they're still not half the team that Egypt is. Egypt played Algeria three times this year, lost twice. What does that tell you? It is one thing stonning visitors and shouting at them and getting lucky goals, it is quite another to play football outside Cairo. Egypt is not as good as you think, and most of the players are in their twilight. That will become more obvious in the African Cup of Nations. Algeria controlled the match and was a better organised side on the night.
  9. Nowadays, the best end up in Europe. I think that is a fact. Anyway, why convieniently leave out Saifi? He is talented. By the way, Abou Treka is slowing. He has talent but on the decline overall. Sida kale BOB waan kula ogolahay. Mido is useless, M. Zidan is wonderful.
  10. ETHIOPIA: HASSAN AHMED MAKHTAL: LATEST VICTIM OF INSTITUTIONALISED TORTURE11/13/09 ****** Human Rights Committee - PRESS RELEASE Date: 14th November 2009 Ref: OHRC/PR02/1109 ETHIOPIA: HASSAN AHMED MAKHTAL: LATEST VICTIM OF INSTITUTIONALISED TORTURE Article 2 of the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment states that: "Each State party shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any territory under its jurisdiction. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture. An order from a superior officer or a public authority may not be invoked as a justification of torture." Common article 3 of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 prohibits torture during internal armed conflict. States are also required to bring those responsible for torture to justice and to give redress and compensation to those who have been tortured. Article 18(1) of the Ethiopian Constitution states that: “No person shall be subject to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” However, in the ******, there is neither arrest nor interrogation without torture. Usually, Ethiopian armed and security forces systematically torture detainees to extract confessions or information under duress. A number of people were tortured to death. The OHRC has examined a large number of torture survivors; some of them were disabled, while others bore scars of torture on their bodies. The latest victim of Ethiopian government’s institutionalized torture was Hassan Ahmed Makhtal who died from wounds sustained during his detention. On May 17th 2007, in Jigjiga, Ethiopian security forces and the local police arrested Hassan Ahmed Makhtal and a number of his relatives from their residences in the dead of night. And then they were transferred to Garabcase military barracks and Jigjiga Police Centre. According to ex-jail mates and relatives’ accounts they have undergone severe physical and psychological torture. Hassan, who was in a poor state of health, was denied adequate medical treatment while he was in detention. (See ******: Ethiopian Government Forces: Massacre, displace and starve out the civilian population with impunity ref: OHRC/AR/07). Recently, after 22 months of detention without official charges or trial he was released on bail, and was not allowed to travel abroad for medical treatment. Hassan’s younger brother Bashir Ahmed Makhtal who is a prominent Canadian businessman, and originates from the ****** region, is now serving a life sentence in an Ethiopian jail. He was accused of being a member of the ****** National Liberation Front. (Bashir Ahmed Makhtal: Addis Ababa Court’s Sentence: A Miscarriage of Justice ref: OHRC /PRAU/1209). Since the arrest of his Canadian brother, the Ethiopian government has hunted down all members of his extended family without an apparent reason. The ****** Human Rights Committee is concerned about the safety and well-being of the remaining members of Hassan Ahmed Makhtal’s extended family, who are in detention and asks for their unconditional and immediate release. The ****** Human Rights Committee condemns Ethiopian government’s policy of subjecting detainees to torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. ****** Human Rights Committee www.******rights.org E-mail: ohrc@******rights.org
  11. I have this feeling Algeria will win. By the way, why do people think Egypt is better? How many of their players play in Europe? Compare that to the Algerians. I think Algeria will perform really well in the World Cup, if they qualify. Having said that, I have to admit I haven't watched them playing this year.
  12. Abdilatif, baddal waa abtigay e iska daa. Wuu iska xoogsanayaa. Haddal la soco abti been been ah ma aha. Waa rer-Gurdumi, inkastuu isagu soomaliya u badnaa.
  13. Guerilla warfare can work but it requires skills. You need a political strategy to consolidate your military gains. You need to talk to your enemy to give him a way to save face. Go and study Vietnam before mouthing off. 1-Ah! the simplicity of the novices. That is what I hate. The statment I quoted above is overused to the extent it is nothing more than a cliche nowadays. This is what I always warn against; the ease with which some people utter general truths that are not context-alligned and not specific enough. Go tell me what ONLF should do, and not what the vietnamese did. The context is incomparable. The stages of the struggle is different. The global political setting is different. Models touted with presumed impeccability are not always actionable. Do you know that there is a standing invitation of ONLF to meet and discuss with Meles wherever it is as long as there are independent mediators? Do you know that Meles still feels there is no need to do so, because he believes he will be able to defeat the ONLF? Why do you imply ONLF is only firing guns? More importantly, what tells you that what you, a cyber persona who is out of touch of what the reality is on the ground, know will not be known by those who are engaged with the matter full time? What makes you feel you can peddle petty recycled ideas as if there are no capable thinkers among a committed executive committee that is constantly advised by intellectuals? 2- You asked, "What's up with this claim of Somalis except Os wilt in the face of the Ethiopians and only Os can defeat them?". The first part of the sentence is sadly true. Let us talk with evidences. Whoelse dared to face the Ethiopians? Is it not the case when their Ural's march from FerFer, Beletwien is vacated!! It is a true statement. The second part of the statement is your deductions. Anyone who is committed can defeat the Ethiopians (who are not by the way a monolithic group as you present it). The Issa community are not afraid of them and have beaten the Tigre's around Afdam and Meiso in 1992. But they are preoccuied with the fight with Afars. Whoelse ever shot at an Ethiopian army? I am talking about the rest of the clans in the region? Even when the dead body of a raped 15 year old girl was displayed in Filtu, Liban zone, no one raised a finger. Forget Jigjiga.So, it is true. 3- No, you weren't supposed to join the woo-hooing as you said (but actually it is the celebrations of those who enjoyed a limited victory, which you are desperately trying to belittle). You were hoping that when you handover few of the fighters, the whole struggle will end, and you will gleefully chant 'haven't I told you, you fools'! You were bitter and used reproducing old cliches and utterances of novice political scientists to defile the enormously moral-boosting victory of the liberation fighters. I will not be hoodwinked by your clever-by-quarter crocordile tears, saaxiib!
  14. Cabdi Iley's Cakaaranews is also reporting it, albiet with a bit of twist. http://www.cakaaranews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=684:shir-balaadhan-oo-ay-ku- wada-yesheen-dds-a-jsl-oo-saaka-ka-furmay-magaalada-diri-dhaba-huteelka-samrat-&catid=18:degaanka&It emid=75
  15. wabishabelle is written by anti-ONLF guy. It is a well known fact.
  16. Ethiopia denies rebels have captured seven towns Barry Malone * Government says 245 rebels killed * Ethiopia says oil companies have nothing to fear ADDIS ABABA - Ethiopia on Monday denied that rebels fighting for independence for a region with potentially lucrative oil and gas reserves had seized seven towns near the border with neighbouring Somalia. The ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) said on Saturday it had taken the towns after almost a week of fierce fighting with the Ethiopian army. "They haven't taken any towns at all," Bereket Simon, Ethiopian government head of information, told Reuters. "Their attacks last week were simply the desperate act of a dying force and about 245 of their fighters were killed." Bereket said the ONLF were repelled by local militias allied to the government and that no Ethiopian soldiers had been killed. The ONLF wants autonomy for the ****** region, whose population is ethnic Somali. The area is said to contain mineral deposits and international firms including Malasia's state-owned Petronas [PETR.UL] and Sweden's Lundin (LUPE.ST: Quote) are exploring its deserts for oil. The rebels in 2007 attacked an oil exploration field owned by a subsidiary of Sinopec, China's biggest refiner and petrochemicals producer, and killed 74 people. They now regularly warn foreign companies off prospecting. "NO FEAR FOR OIL COMPANIES" "International companies have nothing to fear from coming to explore in Ethiopia," Bereket said. "Our forces weakened the ONLF after they attacked the Chinese company and they are no threat anymore. They were easily repelled." Addis Ababa says the ONLF are "terrorists" supported by regional rival Eritrea. The ONLF accuses the Ethiopian military of killing and gang-raping villagers and burning homes in the region as part of its effort to root out insurgents. The Ethiopian and Somali governments say the ONLF are helping the Islamist al Shabaab group wage war against Somalia's U.N-backed government. The Ethiopian rebels deny they are allied with al Shabaab, who the United States says are al Qaeda's proxy in Africa. Ethiopia is a key U.S. supporter in the Horn of Africa. The regular accusations from both sides are impossible to verify. Journalists and aid groups cannot move freely in the area without government escorts. The ONLF said its fighters had been "warmly welcomed" by residents in the seven towns and were giving treatment to civilians hurt in the fighting. Bereket said the attacks had not been in remote villages. The separatist cause has gained momentum due to a low level of development in the region. Until Chinese engineers arrived in 2007, the entire area had only 30 km (20 miles) of tarmac road in an area of about 200,000 sq km. ------------------------------ Nogobawi, Nimankii Tigre'ga ahaa way wareereen! Waxay ku leeyihiin local militias died but no Ethiopian soldier. They are admitting in locals'gu ay yihiin ajinabi.kkkkkkkkkkk Anyway, 245 bay sheegteen. Ninkii dhintay ciddu ka maqan yahay waa la ogyahay. Laakiin it confirms the intensity of the fights. Jigjiga isqabqabsi xoog leh ayaa ka socda. A number of military commanders and military intelleigence ayaa la qabqabtay oo xabsiyadda la dhigay.
  17. It is an issue of resolve dear Nogobawi, and The Point et al are not famed for that. For them everything has to be started to qucikly reap something out of it or the course must be changed. Anyway, ignore the crocordile tears and elephant milks. Waxa hadda kolkaad war yar oo guul ah sheegto, talo aan jirin loogu ordi waa quudhi waa!! I was wrong to respond to him.
  18. May Allah grant his mercy to the Garaad. Inaalilaahi wa inaa ilaahi raajicuun. Garaad Xassebn Axmed Makhtal, grandson of the legendary Makhtal Dahir, passed away yesterday in Addis Ababa after nurrsing several injuries inflicted on him during his prolonged detention in Jigjiga jee-oga.deen prison. Garaad Xassen was subjected to cruel physical abuse, which made the Ethiopian Doctors who were treating him in Addis vomit in disgust. His only crime was that he is the brother of the other detained Somali-born Canadian citizen, Bashir Axmed Makhtal. Xasan Axmed Makhtal waxaa dishay isaga iyo boqolaal la mid ah gacan ka xaq daran, ilaahay isaga iyo intii dhimatayba haw naxariisto. Inta jeelasha ka buuxdana ha ka soo fur-furo gacanta cadowga Aamiin Aamiin. We share the grief and pain with his immediaite families and with the oppressed somali people in Somaligalbeed.
  19. unevenly matched? do you know anything about the history of gurrilla warfare? Anyone, this is the sentiments of most Somali's across the border. They shudder when they hear the name Ethiopia. Wax wayn bay u haystaan. You will see what will happen in few years time.
  20. Hawlgalkii Eebo Cadow ee ay Ciidamada Xoreynta ******iya ku ekeeyeen saldhigyada Wayaanaha oo aaney weli Wariyayaasheenu soo dhameystirin sababo ay isgaarsiinta oo xun ka mid tahay ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in taliska Addis Ababa lagaga diley in ka badan 450 askari oo ay ku jiraan 12 Saraakiil sare ah oo ahaa kuwa kala xukumay Guutooyinka bari. Balse wararka ka soo baxaya Jigjiga iyo Harar ayaa sheegaya in tirada saraakiishu tahay 25 uu ku jiro sarkaalkii qaybta sahanka Ciidamada Wayaaha ee Harar oo lagu magacaabi jirey Hailu. Sidoo kale, dhaawaca ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in uu buux dhaafiyey Isbataalada, iyada oo askar badani u dhimatey dhaawicii soo gaadhey. Dagaalkan oo ka dhacey 10 deegaan oo ay Ciidamada Wayaanuhu ku leeyihiin Saldhigyo waaweyn ayaa laga dhigey kuwa ay Ciidamada JWXO cagta mariyeen iyo kuwa ay qabsadeen., iyaga oo halkaas kula wareegey wixii saad iyo saanad Milatari yaaley oo ay ku jirto Daawo iyo qalabka isgaarsiinta. Hubka ay xoogaga ONLF furteen ayaa waxaa ka mid ah qoryaha PKM iyo Sniper-ka loo yaaqaano Saraakiisha ONLF ee dagaalka hogaamineysa ayaa sheegaysa in ay dagaaladu meelo badan ku baaheen sida Qamuuda, iyaga oo intaas ku darey in ay Jabhada ONLF qabsatey xaruntii Isgaarsiinta ee Wayaanaha oo ku taaley buurta Qabri Jeeraar, halkaas oo uu yaaley qalabka lagu dhegaysto Isgaarsiinta Jabahada. Sidoo kale dagaaladan ayaa Waxaa ciidamada Wayaanaha lagaga gubey gadiid dagaal iyo kuwa xamuulka qaada. Dhinaca kale, Ciidamada Wayaanaha ee magaalooyinka Godey, Jigjiga, Wardheer iyo Qabridaher ayaa heegan la geliyey, iyada oo baadhinaato lagu bilaabey magaalada Jigjiga oo duhurka cad dakd jidka lagu joojinayo. La soco wararkeena dambe oo aanu soo daabici doona faah-faahin dheeraad ah. http://www.******.com/wararka/******/521-ugu-yaraan-450-askari-oo-laga-diley-ciidamada-wayaanaha
  21. It is manly to come forward and say I am off and need nothing from Somalia. In this case, one will go the way of Somaliland and be clear to all. It is another thing to live by the existing laws of the land, as enshrined by the exisitng constitution (flawed as it is) until Somali's come togather and decide what type of governance they want. The recent utterances of Mr. Faroole are rooted in a clever-by-quarter machination that he will keep his own loot (via pirates included) and will ask for some share of the 'national cake' more appropriately the 'national shame' as the TFG gets some alms. Faroole is abusing the concept of Federalism. Federalism doesn't mean there will be two Presidents in the land. When I look into the make-up and dealings of Mr. Faroole, it is increasingly becoming clear that this man is after money. His only real objective is to amass wealth as done by his predecessor. He is also a clanish goon who pays lip-service to the rebirth of Somalia. He needs to be stopped. Ina-Abdirashid must be empowered and should bring Puntland onboard.
  22. Cowke, surely you don't know the Derg army of Mengistu was 500,000 (including abiyot tibaqa and citizen militias) and were defeated by a ragtag rebels of 25,000 from Tigrai. By the way, no one is saying we will march to Addis. We know this will go on as a peripherial issue for sometime. But our efforts will complement the efforts of 8 other liberation fronts. The regime is unpopular and has to use its army in every district of a vast country. There is no village except Tigrai where their rule will be accepted without force and hence their army is spread out. There is a lot you need to catch up with young Cowke.
  23. Nogobawi, miyaad maqashay waxa ka dhacay higlaley (between Dhagaxbuur and Jigjiga). Some 400 fighters ayaa kaga soo daadagay buur aan laga filayn oo army dufays ahayd. Apparently, 30 somali pro-Tigre militias oo la fadhiisiyey meel buundo ah were expected to alert the axmaaro army if ONLF comes. ONLF does come , but not through the buundo. They just walked straight into the army garrison and rained RPGs, PKM and Ak-47 on the unsuspecting Tigre army. Complete annihilation after four hours of bloody fight. Five more hours, hubkii iyo saanadii Tigre'ga were transported with the help of the locals. 28 Somali's (ONLF and Pro-Tigre militias were killed). Xalay Dhagaxbuur iyo jigjiga lama seexan. ZU-23 and Tanks are positioned outside the town. No more sitting in army camps. The strategy of the coordinated attacks were to confine the Tigre army to Provincial capitals only. That way the harm they can do to communities will be minimised and their movements easily monitored. Waa mahad Alleh Maanta waa aayaan
  24. Puntland is now different than Somaliland only in name. It is a separatist state, with a unionist jingo.
  25. A group with a clan name but not fighting any somali clan! add that too. BTW in case you think I am here in defence of Faroole and et al, you are wrong. Faroole is a pseudo-nationalist with deep clannish mind.