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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I since saw on Wardheernews. Some of the demands are not acceptable, such as to be sitting in international meetings along with the TFG. The demands are one-sided. What will Puntland offer in return?
  2. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^^ I love a challenge. Saaxiib, the highest ranking military officers EVER in the history of the Somali National Army were General Salxaa and General Cali Samatar(who also later became Vice President) and also Professor Bootaan who was the Minister of Higher Education. These are just a few examples of the many prominent Puntlanders that are known by all(except you of-course). p.s Let's not forget Abwaan Cabdi Tahliih. Mr. Somalia, Dadka kacaankii wax u dhiibtay ha ii tirine, kuwa Puntland masuuliyad ka haya hadda ii sheeg. Maxamed Siyaad Barre, A.u.n, wasn't from Puntland as far as I know. Fanaanintuna waa personal achievement, nin walibana isagaa iskii u dhagaystee ciddi ma dalacsiin. Speaking of Cabdi Tahlil, do you of the miserable life he is now living in Muqdisho? Would the mediocre Cigaal have been in such situation haddad tolnimo Cabdi Tahliil u haysaan??
  3. Xinn, what is in this agreement? Curious. And when it comes to a showdown your two darlings, who will you side with?
  4. purify was written 'purify'. I am sure you know the difference when it is under quotation marks. Adeer, Cumar Dhuule is from the North and I will not agree with your statement. These people suffer most in my own communities and while it might be better in the South, the discrimination is severe in all places. Ka horumar gaadhay ee Puntland ku noolaan jiray adigu ii sheeg? Maryan Mursal baad soo waday and I have already given you Cumar Dhuule.
  5. I made an error. 1988 ileen waatii Van Basten Holland koobka u qaaday with that thrunderous volley. Holland 2- Russia 0 bay ku dhamaatay. I meant 1992 when Damark beat Germany 2- o, led by Peter Schmiechel.
  6. Love is lust, but lust is not love. In the end, when you think of your lover, it is inevitable the pictures you draw in your head end at one place: on the bed. Fine, dining togather, watching films togather, visiting scenic area etc etc, Laakin alxaasil, it comes down to lust.
  7. They were robbed. Ironik, what makes you feel they wouldn't have gone far. They were superb in a tough qualification group and italy got a late equaliser otherwise they would have taken the top spot. They played very well against France in two legs. And they are really playing high-tempo game. I think they will have done very well in the World Cup. Also, remember Denmark won the 1988 European Cup after failing to qualify and only come as a replacement to the banned Yugoslavia.
  8. Rer-midnimo-diid are politically petulant and quite clannish. Laakin isir-xumo iyo ceeb kale laguma sheegin. In fact, they are the best among the somali's when it comes to generiosity and taking care of their guests. By far, the best. EDIT- you are asking me the worng question in an effort to come out of the mud you are in. Anigu untouchables weeye ma odhan, mana xumayn dadkaas. But the discrimination against them is done by all Somali's including you and me. I was only looking at this new model as one that can serve as a good start. In the end, clan x mixes with clan Y and gets 'purified'. If such wrong means brings about a speedy end to this horrible practice, it is fine with me. The individual human being will win.
  9. ^What a thought-provoking summary from Abokor Omar. The other Qabiils should know there is no genocide in Somaligalbeed in time.
  10. Fifa has launched an investigation of the treatment of Algeria's team in Cairo. This could bring trouble to Egypt. Waa ka hor deg waxay wadaan!
  11. If you are against the classification of touchables and untouchables (which is not my invention but a sad reality) I agree with you. But If you are insinuating clans in the North are all untouchables in the sense used back home, and you are from the clean tribes in the East, then I have to disagree and say to you shame on you.
  12. It is the meger of one untouchable clan with a 'touchable' one. What is wrong with that?
  13. I suppoprt the move of the organisers of Burco conference. Perhaps this is a new model that can be replicated elsewhere. Once a Whole clan is declared part of "the accpetable clan" inter-marriages will be allowed and that will open a new chapter of equality. It is a very good innovative way. I will have to call to those who are elsewhere to also follow suit. Understandably some of the communities to be absorped may not like it, but I think the majority will put an end to their discrimination above upholding of ancestoral roots.
  14. Muran ka taagan beel ka mid ah kuwa la haybsooco oo la sheegay in ay u xuub siibatay beel kale London, November 19, 2009 (WDN) - Waxaa isa soo taraya muran xooggan oo ka taagan beel Soomaaliyeed oo ka mid ah beelaha la haybsooco, oo la sheegay inay u digarogatay isir ahaan beel kale oo ka mid beelaha laan dheeranimada sheegta. Beesha **** oo ka mid ah beelaha la haybsooco ee *********, ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in ay hadda u xuubsiibatay beesha **** oo iyadu ka soo jeedda ****, *****. Suldaan Yuusuf Muxumed Xiiray oo ka mid ah Salaaddiinta magaalada Hargeysa oo la sheegay in uu isagu lafdhabar u yahay ololaha beesha **** ugu digaroganayso **** oo hadda booqasho ku maraya dalka Biritayn, ayaa dhawaan ku baaqay in magaalada Burco lagu qabto shir ballaadhan oo lagu soo dhaweynayo beeshan ku soo biirtay jilibada ****. Warka ayaa waxa uu intaa ku darayaa in Salaaddiin, odayo iyo waxgarad kale oo ka tirsan beesha ***** ay arrintaasi gaashaanka ku dhufteen, iyagoo islamarkaana ku tilmaamay wax aan loo dul qaadan karin oo been lagaga sheegayo Isirka beeshooda. Qoraal dheer oo ay saxaafadda u kala direen oo ku socday salaaddiinta, odayada iyo waxgaradka beesha ****, ayay ku canbaareeyeen wax ay ugu yeedheen marin habaabinta lagu samaynayo abtirsiinyaha beesha **** ee *********. “Annaga oo ah Odayaasha iyo Waxgaradka Beesha **** ee dagan Somaliland iyo Soomaaliyaba, waxaan halkan ku caddaynaynaa in aysan waxba ka jirin, arrimo beryahan lagu marin habaabinayo abtirsiinyaha beesha oo ay Yurub ka wadaan koox yar oo ka tirsan beeshayada iyo koox ka tirsan beesha ****”, ayay waxgaradkaasi ku sheegeen bayaankooda. Salaaddiinta iyo waxgaradka beesha ****, ayaa waxay kaloo bayaankooda ku xuseen in kooxdan yari ay ku andacoodeen, in beesha **** ay tahay ****, **** arrintaasna aanay waxba ka jirin. “Arrimaha la yaabka leh ayaa ah in beel isirkeeda la yaqaan, oo qarniyaal soo jirtey in maanta la isku dayo in taariikda isirkeeda la khaldo, ayadoo laga faa’iidaysanayo dhibaatooyinka gaarka u haysta beesha iyo beelaha la midka ah, iyadoo dad kooban loo dirayo dhaqaale si loo jahawareeriyo sooyaalka taariikheed”, ayay salaaddiinta iyo waxgaradkaasi kale ku caddeeyeen bayaankooda. Salaaddiinta iyo odayaasha ***** ee bayaankan soo saaray, ayaa sidoo kale waxay sheegeen in ay xidhiidh la sameeyeen salaaddiin iyo waxgarad ka tirsan beesha ****. Kuwaas oo sheegay in wararka hadda la faafinayo aanay waxba ka jirin, laguna marin habaabinayo taariikhda iyo abtirka beesha *****, isla markaana aysan raalli ka ahayn. Waxa ay qireen cuqaashaasi sida bayaanka lagu sheegay in beesha ***** aysan isir wada dhalasho la wadaagin beelaha *****, gaar ahaan beesha ****. Shir isna ka dhacay magaalada Nayroobi oo ay isugu yimaadeen mas’uuliyiin, siyaasiyiin iyo wax garad ka tirsan beesha **** ee bariga Afrika ayay ku cambaareeyeen wax ay ugu yeedheen kala qaybinta ay salaaddiin ka tirsan Somaliland ku hayaan beesha ****. Waxa isna lagu taageeray bayaanka salaaddiinta qaoraallo ay warbaahinta u gudbiyeen qaar ka mid ah madax dhaqameedka beelaha kale ee ****. Dhanka kale bayaan uu soo saaray Maxamed Jaamc Cawil oo isagu isku tilmaamay afhayeenka beesha Kuul Carre ee *****, ayaa waxa uu ugu baaqay dhammaan xubnaha beesha ee ku kala nool dunida dacaladdeedu in ay u diyaar garoobaan ka soo qaybgalka shirweynaha dhawaan la filayo in uu ka dhaco magaalada Burco, ee xarunta gobolka Tog Dheer ee beesha **** ku soo dhawaynayso walaalahooda ****. “Waxaan beelaha **** ku wergelinayaa inay dhowaanahan soo shaac baxeen, shakhsiyaad tira yar oo doonaya inay carqaladeeyaan, ama is hortaagaan shirweynaha ka dhici doona magaalada Burco ee gobolka Togdheer ee Somaliland, ee ay hore ugu heshiiyeen, guurtida iyo salaadiinta Beelweynta **** iyo cuqaasha iyo waxgaradka beelaha ****”, ayuu afhayeenku ku sheegay qoraalkiisa. Warku waxa uu intaa ku darayaa in sidoo kale ay qurbajoog badan oo ka tirsan beesha **** ay taageereen, soona dhaweeyeen shirka lagu soo dhawaynayo beesha **** oo la filayo in uu ka dhaco magaalada Burco 20 ka bisha January ee sannadka foodda innagu soo haya. Beelaha la hayb sooco oo aalaaba ay Soomaalida inteeda kale ku hayaan dulmi iyo xaqiraad, ayaa taasi waxay ku keentaa in shakhsiyaad ka mid ahi, si ay uga badbaadaan bahdilka iyo quudhsiga ay mararka qaar sheegtaan beelo kale. Hase yeeshee waa markii ugu horreysay ee beel dhan oo ah kuwa la hayb sooco ay u xuub siibato beel kale, loona qabanqaabiyo shirweyne soo dhawayn ah. Aqoonyahan deggen magaalada London oo ay WardheerNews arrintan wax ka weydiisay ayaa sheegay in beelaha la hayb soocaa aanay u baahnayn in la isir gediyo, balse ay mudan yihiin in laga daayo dulmiga iyo quudhsiga, loona arko in ay la mid yihiin beelaha kale ee Soomaaliyeed, loona ogolaado in ay xidhiidh is dhexgal iyo xididtinimo la yeeshaan beelaha kale siiba dhinaca guurka. Wararka gobolada Somaliland oo waayadan dambe ay aad ugu badnaayeen beel ka soo digarogatay xisbi siyasaadeed oo ku biirtay mid kale iyo xaflado lagu soo dhaweeynayo, ayaa la isweydiin karaa in xaalku hadda wixii ka dambeeya isku bedeli karo beel ka soo digarogatay beel kale, kuna soo biirtay mid kale oo xaflad lagu soo dhaweeyay. WardheerNews [ November 21, 2009, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  15. The Best brazillian and Colombian players are often from poor neighbourhoods. Africa must perfom and then the quoata will be increased. Africa intii nafta lahayd way joogtaa World Cup'ka haday wax qaadi. Kenya iyo Itoobiya'na dee meesha loogama baahna oo orod ma aha.
  16. Norfsky, Again you are falling for the propaganda of the Bristish media, who are still upset that only England is going to the World Cup from the Anglo-Saxons heartland. Seeding makes perfect sense. Will you like to see the follwing groups in the first round and see that big teams eliminate one another before the tournament is even half-way? Group A Brazil Argentina Italy Holland Group B Spain Denmark Germany France Group C New Zealand Honduras South Africa Algeria And in the group of 16 knock outs you will have Brazil North Korea Cameroun Slovinia Greek Paraguay etc, etc Norf, did ugu noqo arintaa. Any team that proves itself will be seeded.
  17. Some revealing news of the past of the converted MR. Paragon. Ileen dadkaad layn jirtay, Paragon. These guys are not children. Waa rag waa weyn and they should know what they are doing. Ciyaal-xashiish weeye kuwani, ha difaacin hana u qiil samyn. If my child does any of that, I will disown him outright.
  18. Bob, you repeat childhood days rants. If any of the two-three chances Egypt had goes in, you would probably have hailed Shihata. No wrongs saaixb. It is the football way. It wasn't Egypt day, as last Saturday wasn't Algeria's day. Paragon, no problem with his hobbies, but when he goes beyond his expertise, he should reminded. His problem is half of the time he is watching football, qiiq ayaa ka saaran TV'ga. Xitaa it is possible he didn't see yesterday's Henry handball and might have agreed with the referee at the moment. Only later when the smoke clears, ee dhuxusha loo doono, ayuu reply ka arkay that it is a handball.
  19. Knew all this was anti-ONLF disguise. Come out of your shell and we shall take. Kursi yaroo micno daran ha iigu soo gaaban. For you, one suggestion. ONLF is a tribal group whose intention is to dominate other Somali clans. The claim they make about fighting about Ethiopia and colonialism is a charade intended to impose clan hegemony on others. WE MUST STOP THEM AND FIGHT THEM BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. They are worse than the Ethiopians. I actually agree with you Muhsin. Apologies for my earlier rants. I didn't see their real intentions before. Down with ONLF and clan-based organisation! Down!
  20. Maxaa ciyaal xishiish rer-baadiye ah meelahaa jooga! *vomits*
  21. Then that settles it. Isku Sport kama hadlayno. Obvisouly I am debating with a shisha expert more than a football expert. Wa'inakaa markaa.
  22. sayid, meel kasta dee cadhiifad lama galiyo. Will you watch Malawi Vs Equatorial Guinea in the World Cup, or Holland vs Italy? Somethings ought to be obvious. Quality saaiib. lixdaaba dheeraad ku ah Africa. On the counting, Africa includes Djibouti, Lesotho, Swaziland too.
  23. The term inconsistent is relative. I was actually talking about Liverpool's games in a single year than comparison of years. And there I think you will agree. From one game to another game, it is always a differnt Liverpool. Rafa's history iskuma hayno. But this year, he is particularly bad. What explains keeping Benayoun on the bench? By the way Gareth Barry'ga uu u ooyayo is a very sluggish average player. Might have been good at one time, but no more.
  24. Adeer, 1)You are starting with wrong premises and arriving at the wrong conclusions. And at times even putting words into my mouth. I am not arguing Oga-denya should be a separate state. Shall I repeat in bold: I AM NOT ARGUING OGA>DENYA SHOULD BE A SEPERATE STATE. That should rest one of your concerns, therefore. 2)What do Oga-denya leaders plan for other somali's in the region? NOTHING. Should they plan for others? You are saying ONLF is fighting for the Og clan. Then, why do they need to worry about others. By the way, this debate is covered million times and no one pays me a penny by telling it again and again to whoever wakes up one day and comes with incosequential debates, as if he has stumbled upon virgin ideas no one ever saw it before. 3) No one is saying elders know all, but if daft youngesters (as you claim to be) ask daft questions, there is no shame in telling them they should have told the horse from the donkey.