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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. You should then have highlighted where he got it wrong and why some of his allegations are petty (which i think they are in some ways). But one should not use the poor writing of the author or his pointless rants as an excuse to inadvertently defend a bad person. BTW, the author alleged Omar is an opportunist, anti-islam, and outright crook. It is not simple charges for a man who holds public office.
  2. SOL Puntland Brigade , why not give the writer the benefit of the doubt? Obviously, the personality of Mr. Omar Jamal lama amaanayn. And he has only outlined the details of what is wrong with this guy. That he is envious or not is a side issue. Talk about the points he raised. Wa xilligaad dadka ku gooban jirteen!!
  3. xasan mufo! waad iga qoslisay Tuujiyoow! Is gaad gaadkaasi waa wax aana soo marin. Meeshaan ku koray toos baa xaafadda gabadha operation looga fulin jiray hadaad is afgarataan. Harariyiin baa ka yidhaa!kkkkkkkk.
  4. Adiga mawqufkaaga guud waan la socdaa, nin aan si qaldan u tuhmina ma tihid. Laakiin inkaari waxay kaga dhacday uun kolkaad qof jeclaatid, ayaan lagaa fujjin karin. Sheikh Hotel iyo Caravankii intaynu daba soconay waad ogtahay. Faroole'na you are excessively protective of him. Iskadaa dad la dhiibay; hadalkii uu ku hadlay adigoo canbaarayn kuma arag. Hedde kaamana quusané la soco. Ileen hadaan Duke kuu arko, maanaan kugu dhaganaadeene.
  5. I always thought Baashe is you. kkkk. Anyway, odaygu muxuu saa u yeelay haduu retire gareeyey? Waxaan islahaa bal haduu meelahan ka dhow yahay soo aakhiri toosi. Si xunna uma soo hadal qaadin as you can see. On the issue, you are right on the issue concerning the five men. But I never said they are handed over. I was saying they will be handed over. That was to raise the profile of the issue. And also that can be really dubious. Why would one invent a Press Release of someone who will see it the next day and will issue a correction? Anyway, wax weyni majiro; and I didn't at all insult you. In fact what I said is the opposite if insult. Ha is yeel yeelin se waan ku idhi.
  6. Xinnow isdaba qabato saaxiib. Ma warsaxaafadeed been ah iyo mid been abuur ah ayaadan kala qiyaasi karin, oo taasaan kaa dhagaysanaa? Sidaan kaa qabo nin inuu Press Release'kaasi inuu jiro iyo inkale mugdi kaga jiray ma tihid. Macnaha yaadanba ka haynin xog sugan, laakin odors waad ku garan lahayd, waanaad qiyaasaysay inuu jiro. Balse arintani waxay dabasocotaa isdiidsiinta isdabajooga ah ee baryahan ay caan baxeen defenders of the entity of abode, which is selling somali's to Ethiopia. I can expect this from Duke, Cowke, and many others; but you shouldn't be behaving like this. You and your other side of the binary - Bashe, pass as men of wisdom and I can't tolerate when you fake uncharacteristic daftness for a purpose.
  7. If it was concerning any other entity except Puntland, waan kuu garaabi lahaa. But I know your warwareeg was not entirely coming out of a desire for accurate referencing of the news. Midda kale, waxaan ka yaabi in Puntland aan buxino caddayn-land; ninyahoow wixii muuqda iyo wixxi mugdi ku jiraba hala caddeyo loola jeedo jikaar ayaa noqotay your hallmark.
  8. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Actually I got an email from Congressman's office containing the actual statement. So the authencity question is settled now. So don't you think you owe an apology dadkii aad caawo dhan naftii u keentay as if you are the alpha and omega of correct information sources?
  9. The whole night as I followed Xinn's fatuous meandering around the issue, I can't help but shake my head at the enormity of this creature's insincerity. I mean wasn't it a confirmation of the press release that his beloved Bugland state come out with a rebuttal? I think if he is not ready to settle for anything less than hearing from the mouth of Congressman himself, there is no one better placed to get it as he is in the same part of the world where Mr. Payne is. Ha lala xidhiidhiyo Xiin Payne si uu u rumaysto this press release is actually not coming from Mohamed Omer Osman.
  10. Fufu, adeeeroow kol aan ku soo gaadho aad wax ila qabatide. Dhankaa xooga ilaahay iiguma hibbayn oo waan ka deedanahay. I can read for days without venturing out of the house, laakiin kaalay 20 litre shidaal ah ila qaad hadaad tidhaa, it is a pain for me. Waa inaan ku soo gaadho waadhow.
  11. Fu-fu, dulqaad iyo Birqaad isku meel ma gali karaan. It is understandable.
  12. looooooooooooooool@luuq-shamso. Tuujiye, balo.
  13. Maaddeey, Ma tan siyaasad ka weyn baad aragtay? laba reerood baa isku haysta arinkan. It is beyond the two persons involved.
  14. I don't know Bill and wasn't following his arguments when Yey was president. But one thing he doesn't look to be is inconsistent. I think, his present service to Sh. Hotel, actually may be a proof of his unwavering conviction to stand by whoever is rebuilding the Somali State. Having said that, it can also be a proof of his bigotry and opportunism. Ilaahay iyo inta Bill taqaan ayaa naga og!
  15. It looks the issues are exhausted and now it is getting a bit petty on both sides. Ha la is daayo odayaal.
  16. My interminable regret (short story) When I arrived with Malyuun at his door and asked for a room, he didn’t turn me back. He empathized with me and knew I may have been short in the pocket but not in passion. He gave me a room for credit, but reminded me I should come back and pay the $20 which included the rent as well as the food and few soft drinks I requested of him. He wasn’t my friend, and what was truly remarkable about his generosity was that he was expected to settle each day’s transactions with the owners of the Hotel at the end of the business day. In many ways, it was Malyuun who dragged me out of my family’s house, arguing that her mom is away and tonight is the only night we can share our lust. That was exactly eight days before Ambaw was murdered by a Somali man who was claiming that his grandfather owned the land on which the Hotel was built on. I heard of his death in the morning and wept for him. He was a good man. I felt shame that he died after eight days and yet I didn’t repay my debt. It was not the norm of my people those days to attend funerals of the Christians; and there was no way I could pay my respects to such honourable man. I decided to go and join the wailing relatives and acquaintances of the deceased Ambaw. I went to the tiny house he was living in on rental. It was an ugly sight. The landlady apparently was refusing the man’s body to be taken to the grave unless his rent for the last month is paid. And the rent was $15. This compounded my guilt. Perhaps he paid his rent for me a week ago. I know he sent messages twice in the same week asking people if I can see him. I was sure he didn’t tell any of them why he wanted me. His dead body was kept in hot hut for more than 16 hours as the landlady asked for her money and no one came forward to pay it. I knew I have to do something if I were to live in peace. I rushed back to our home. There, I begged my blind mother to give me $15 which I will give to a teacher who is threatening to give me fail marks at school. She said she has no money on her. I knew she was telling the truth. Never did she say no to me. And here I am today. Twenty years passed but I still live with the guilt of knowing I defaulted on payment of a debt, and that there is no way I will ever be able to repay it. Too many big events happened in my life since, but Ambaw holds a special place.
  17. Originally posted by Oodweyne: To ; Mr. A & T, if what you alleged in here is true, or even, close to be true; then, no wonder that "legendary Somali proverb" about, who is more, in numbers sense, between all of the dark-headed folks of the world, including the sheeps for good measure, on one hand, and the denizens of pirate-land , on the other hand, could really make an immanent sense in here... looooooooool. Indeed, that boast is for no reason.
  18. Waaa runta ThanksfulSp, it was a rumour and a lie. Ma venuezluela ayaad ku koraty adigu horta? Somali warkeeda waxaad moodaa inaadan aad u aqoon? How do I know one was tortured and killed? Simple: Ilama-adeer ayaan aheyn waa will rer harruun ah oo rer cukur ah. Anyway, that is not evidence too. Haben wanaagsan adeer. One good Amharic adage goes, "it is difficult to wake up one who is faking being asleep".
  19. Thanksfulsp, Wakaa hadda wixiini xilka la haa. The debate here is not about what they were. Let us assume they were ONLF foot soldiers for the purpose of this argument. Bal sidaa ku daa taa. The issue was that one of them was handed over to Ethiopia, one died after being tortured and three are in custody. What more proof do you need than the acknowledgement of your Odayaal in Nairobi? Anyway, arintaas in badan ayaa laga hadlay oo sii wad wad u ma baahna, especially when on one side of the argument a proud Mudug guy is standing with all the proverbial Índhaádayag. Oodweyne, Xinnfanin waa nin farabadan. Laakin al xaasil wuxuu warkiisu ku dhamaadaa difaacida Puntland sax iyo qaladba. He operates at different levels in the decency-thuggery continnum. Kol waa Aw Muse, kolna Mr. Somalia iyo Duke ayuu hawl galiyaa!
  20. The 'Bari phenomena' is indeed well known to me, as not only locals but also progeny of Yemenite travellers are today a key constituent of pirateland. But perhaps it has done well to advance the rights of those in distress and I see no reason to pillory it.
  21. Xinnfanin still maintains no one was handed over to Ethiopia even in the face of this persistent evidence. Cajiib!
  22. Indeed, Oodweyne, i can only attest to the fact that the mighty Rer-caynaanshe feel they need to shed some people not add. But again, the said Habar clan is larger and I don't know about those over the border.
  23. For someone who perpetually peddle clan agenda in SOL, your attempt at putting stickers on others is unfair. Anyway, I thought you were attacking a whole clan on this same thread. What I know is that General Siyaad isn't from Puntland and you cannot claim his good deeds when it suits you. It is very easy for you to deny his ties to you when the destruction of Hargeisa in the 1980s is the issue. What bad personal choices about Cabdi Tahlil? Will you elaborate for our sake?
  24. It is not. Faroole must accpet he is a the President of a consitutent region of Somalia, not a head of state of an independent state. His rethoric is far from such acceptance.