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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Farole and Rayale’s Indictable crimes against ******s By Mohsin Mahad Dec 1, 2009 Abdirahman Farole, president of Puntland, has been in the news as usual for his egregious violations of fundamental human rights against his native Puntlanders but above all for his abominable crimes against innocent ******i residents in his midst. Under his watch, several have been snatched, imprisoned, bundled together and handed over to Ethiopia security agents as sacrificial lamps to oblige and indulge his master in Addis Ababa. These wretched ******i have been forced to flee their homes in the ****** (Somali regional State) in order to escape Meles Zenawi’s barbaric and merciless scorched earth policy in their territory. In coming to Puntland, where they thought they would be save, they were following time-honoured practice since Somalia’s independence in 1960 whereby any Somali, no matter where he or she hails from outside Somalia, and irrespective of the circumstances they face, would come to the free motherland and be immediately granted and assured equal rights with any other Somali including automatic Somali citizenship. If Somalia of the past had any common denominator with any other country in the world, it is none other than Israel. Just as the Jews from anywhere in the world have automatic right to come to Israel and settle if they so wish, so anyone of Somali origin from neighboring Somali territories whether independent or otherwise, or from anywhere else in the world, could come and freely live in Somalia with no questions asked. Unfortunately, things ain’t what they used to be in the present-day stateless Somalia, where patriotism and Somali solidarity are moribund, and where warlords, federal puppets masquerading as heads of a defunct state, and the likes of Farole and Dahir Rayale run their own fiefdoms under foreign protection or Ethiopian guidance. One of the casualties of the collapse of the Somali state is the demise of that long-standing common Somali heritage, entitling any Somali to come and live in mother Somalia and acquire immediate citizenship if so wished. It has been shamelessly dishonoured by Somaliland and Puntland and for what price? Somaliland under, Dahir Rayale, believes that no price is high enough for securing recognition from Ethiopia. From their perspective, feeding hapless ******i to the Ethiopian dragon is a small price to pay for their high-prized goal. What is sad is that this illegal, immoral and heinous crimes committed in the name of Somaliland’s illusory recognition rarely ever raise eyebrows, let alone objections, among those who call themselves Somalilanders at home or among the Diaspora. No people in Somalia have been more vociferous as they have been about the abuses committed against them by Siyad Barre but it is another matter when it comes to what they are doing to others, whether the ******i or the Sool, Sanag & Cayn people they now occupy and oppress. The same mentality of collusion with Ethiopia also prevails among Puntlanders at every level of the administration (Sool, Sanag and Cayn regions are nominally part of Puntland but do not subscribe to, nor condone, this shameful practice). To the best of my knowledge, no critical voices against these shocking crimes against the ******i residents have been raised by Puntlanders inside or outside the area. On the contrary, the reverse has been the case judging by press releases and articles appearing in WardheerNews. Thus, the Minneapolis- based Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF) has challenged US Congressman Donald Payne’s commendable statement on the flagrant abuses of human rights in Puntland (“Abusive behaviour in Puntland”) and scalded him for what they call his “hastily drafted criticism based largely on unsubstantiated allegations…”. Their star witness for refuting these “unsubstantiated allegations” is the very same Puntland authority which is in the dock for these crimes. PDF claim disingenuously that they have been “assured by senior cabinet level officials that no one was in fact handed over to Ethiopia”. What else did PDF expect to hear from the culprits other than denial? It reflects badly on their credibility that they made no effort to contact the victims’ families, or the ****** Diaspora in the area, or civil society organisations, or the countless other sources for independent reliable information that are available and accessible to anyone genuinely committed to get to the bottom of this matter. Though its actions are abhorrent and unpardonable, yet Somaliland can at least claim to be pursuing the goal it set itself from the day it declared secession in 1991 and that is to secure recognition from Ethiopia and pay any prize. But what are Puntland and its leader Farole gaining from this slavish subservience to Addis Ababa? There is obviously nothing in it for the people of Puntland, but for him, grovelling to and gratifying Meles Zenawi might be a prudent insurance policy to guard against his wrath or to win his favours. This is reminiscent of the time of the slave trade when European slave traders coming to the West African coast would dangle glittering and worthless glass beads in front of beguiled African chiefs and bargain the capture of their fellow Africans from the hinterland which they eagerly obliged. Taking their cue from Meles Zenawi, what Abdirahman Farole and his soul mate Dahir Rayale are doing in the 21 century to their fellow ******i guests is no different ( Siyad Barre and the founding fathers of Somalia must be turning in their grave in horror). The ****** liberation struggle will grind on for sometime. Meles Zenawi’s response has always been predictable. Like other beleaguered colonialists before him, he believes that the best way to defeat the indomitable and elusive ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) is to inflict indiscriminate and unbearable collective punishment on their people in the hope that this would deny the insurgents the support and sustenance they need to wage their liberation struggle. What Meles Zenawi is doing as an Ethiopian imperialist is consistent with what his predecessors - Menelik, Haile Selassie and Mengestu Haile Mariam - have all done to the Somalis they subjugated in their empire for over a century. Denial of basic human rights and institutionalized militarised occupation and ill-treatment of the Somalis in the territory is the folklore that passed from one Somali generation to the next. What is new and unpalatable is the fact that for the first time since its independence, Somalia has come a full circle from a proud, united independent country, respected and feared by its neighbours, and sworn to defending the rights of its brethren in other non- free Somali territories, to one where Ethiopia has now become the unchallenged overlord and arbiter of Somalia’s affairs, where its Bantustan partners -, Puntland and Somaliland - are its active collaborators in its oppression of the ****** people. In the absence of sympathy and support from the wider Somali public, and in the face of Somaliland and Puntland duplicitous collusion with the enemy, it is a consolation to the forlorn disowned ******i that at least outsiders like US Congress Donald Payne is on their side and ready to speak on their behalf. It behoves the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Independent Expert appointed by the UN Secretary General for the human rights situation in Somalia, as well as human rights defenders such as Human Rights Watch, to speak up against the on-going worst human rights abuses against the ****** people in their own territory and in Somalia. As for the Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF), well, with so-called brothers like that, who needs enemies like Meles Zenawi? Mohsin Mahad Email: (mohsinmahad@yahoo.co.uk
  2. Salt lake maraykanka labaxyana? kkkkkk
  3. WAR JACAYL, DHANAN DE WAA MAGAC MAGAALO. It is located 70 kms to the north-east of Godey town. Anagu tuulooyinka Ina-Nuur Muuse, Xaaji- Saalax, Maxamed Axmed, Maqaayada-inanta, Ina-Guuxaa uma bixino'de? We say Dhanaan, God-cusbo, Af-dheer, etc etc fahan dee?
  4. looooooooooool@Amin Knew what he was talking about. Waryaa Jeceyl, ninkan Amin Caamir is a sort of prophet.
  5. Hamse, no wonder you are zero; Mr. Somalia is your hero. It shows.
  6. Adeer, despite your spin, it is clear Faroole has added one more name to his growing list of infamy: nepotic.
  7. Mr. Somalia, Just because a mosquito bites an elephant doesn't warrant the latter get mad and unleash its wrath on the tiny insect. Who-me will not be engaged by me! First, he needs to be sure of himself!
  8. Who me? Five ONLF criminals? I would have loved your uncles and leaders to get some balls and say so in public? It is not manly to change stories? What is the position of the Puntland SOL brigade? Nimanka ma la cadeeyey inay criminals yihiin mise the story is 'we have them and investigating'?
  9. The quote must be a new discovery the quoter was desperate to parade, but the relevance is lost to me. Faroole's son is nominated not selected on competitive process. So, the issue is not whether he is qualified or not. It is why give him salary for an advice he will no doubt give as a son anyway. It shows greed and naas-nuujin. By the way, Mr. Somalia, don't you feel it is utter foolishness to defend every whim of Puntland politicians everytime?
  10. loooool@xaaji. Udub connections,kkkkkkk
  11. Xaaji, waad salaamantahay. Caawa hawshu ma xidhxidhbaa?
  12. Unfortunately, the flourish "nin rag ah" in the somali context always refers to a thief, criminal and a tribalist.
  13. WHo-me, ONLF bay kaga dhagtay. The solution to Faroole's ill-judgements is not ONLF bashing.
  14. Faroole looks like a power-hungry,money-hungry man. The signs are not good. His intolerance of different opinions was noted with his publicized outcry against Amin Amir. His nationalistic slogans do not go well with his refusal to cede some power to the TFG and petulant demands. He is now appointing his son as if there are no competent Puntlanders who could have done the same job.
  15. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: Wareegtada Madaxweynaha ayuu ku sheegay in uu u cuskaday dastuurka Puntland waxaana Lanbarkeedu ahaa Lr/99/2009 It is more like wuxuu u cuskaday xeerka qoyska reer-Faroole. Shameless old man!!
  16. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^^ Tan labaad waxaan kuxasuusinayaa-- koleyba qalbi milihidee oo qabiil baa kugu qufulanee-- in Cabdulahi uu leeyahay dhul nabada ah oo layiraahdo Puntland. Markuu raboo tagi karaa, markuu rabana buu dagi karaa oo ma aha sida nimaankaan aduunkii oo dhan uu ka soo xirmay oo ashuunnada ku adimayo oo ey kaneecado ey ku laysay Jubooyinka oo kale... .... Laakin bililiqoy, ilaa iyo hada lama hayo waxaad ku fiicantihiin oo aan ka ahayn, dhibaato iyo qaxar, iyo qac iyo quc. Adigu soowdigan qabiil difaacaya, midna caayaya!! Why pointing fingers?
  17. KK ilaahay gabadha haka dhigo sidii lixdii ka horeeyey ee ciyaalka ahaa! Tii diinteeda iyo dalkeedaba difaacda Allah haka dhigo. Waan kuu soo duceeynaynaa!
  18. For fear of dumpening anyone's spirit on a Ciid Day, I didn't respond to some of the feedback here. There is only one comment I feel a strong urge to question: " Who-Me'said Talk about desperation! and here he is foaming from the mouth just because puntland is doing great . War sakiimo liq puntland af waxba uga goyn mayside. We may have a different parameters of measuring greatness, but I think you will agree that the following list constitutes none of it: -Printing counter-feit money and money laundering - Piracy - Human trafficking - Selling refugees to country's they run from - Abondoning regions that supposedly fall under its jurisdiction - Rampant assasinations - Leading foreigners to Somalia If that is what we hear from that region, why would I have to swallow blades brother? Surely, I will not envy the "green valleys and rivers meandering all over this beautiful land with superb climate"!!!
  19. Originally posted by Hamse: ^^onlf boy, how come Omar jees didn't ask for forgiveness for slaughtering 30 isims, nabadoons, famous business people and teachers. your uncle rounded up who-is-who of puntlanders in kismayo one day, took them to the bacaadaka, shot them and left their bodies rotting. call your relative jees and ask him to do the Cafis thang quickly. That needs it more than cabdilahi yeey, because jees wasn't fighting any group when he rounded up citizens. it was a cowardice all in its own league. remember that my friend. Ahmed Omer Jess is indeed a coward and brutal warlord who killed innocent Somali's without any provocation. This cold-blooded clan cleansing is something that any person with a shred of decency will condemn and is unforgiveable. Like all other warlords, Ina-cumar jees must be caught and punished for his crimes. I am sure he will spend in hell in the next life and his progeny will pay dearly for the anguish he caused many other children in this world. But it will be a sad history if he is not tried even posthumously. What makes his crimes paryicularly naughty is that the intention was to terrorize another clan by slaughtering innocents he knew were innocent. Having said that, Yey is in his league and the subject of discussion was about him here. So, let us not look for excuses for Abdullahi Yusuf's decades-old crimes against the people of Puntland, and Somalia. We should also note that Abdullahi Yusuf actually is not showing remorse nor did he asked for forgiveness. If he does so, I am ready to conceed he is better than the rest of the warlords, Jess included.
  20. For a moment, if you disregard the love message in Abdi Tahlil Warsame’s Maad ii jibaadaan, ama ii jidh dabacdaan Ama wax ila jamataan, Ma jinn baa igu kiin diray Ileene [qabiilku], waa jidkii siraadkoo Jannada iyo cadaabkaan, wali ka dhex joogaa And if you rather take it metaphorically, you would see this song in entirely different light in view of the crownig of Abwaan Xassan Ali Warsame, who is now officially the Mohamed Wardi, the Oliver Mutukudzi , the Salif Keita, and theYoussou Ndour of Puntland. All for a rather bizarre slogan-like song named “Ku dayo Puntlan ku dayo”. And according to the President of the region, this song will be taught in schools; children will chant it every single school day; and the Awban will be recognized as the best ever in the region. But let us examine the story a bit closer and draw a comparison between this new ‘star’and the one man who has ripped off the loving hearts of any Somali man and woman with such ageless songs as onkod, ugaaso, gaaraa-bidhaan, wardheer and many many others. And what did he get by way of recognition let alone an accolade from the region he hails from. Nothing. Where and how is he? He lives in a delapitated part of Mogadisho with abject penury. His problem is not because he didn’t compose ‘patriotic’ songs which end with the flourish “learn from Puntland”. His problem is his blood is “not clean’’ and he is what is correctly labeled as the “looma ooyaan”. Only a week ago, when I had some debate on the issue with the arch-puntlander, whom we all know for his knack for spitefulness, the man who is incorrectly named Mr.Somalia, he suggested Abdi Tahlil made a bad personal choice and is a victim of his own carelessness. If we agree Mr. Somalia’s not-proven allegations are correct, we can still come in defense of the maestro by insisting that the man who made the worst personal choice in living somali memory was Abullahi Yusuf, and yet he was treated like a king by his fellow clan men. So, making the wrong choices in life are not always the yardstick in measuring how one is taken by Puntlanders, we may infer. Anyway, the current hullabaloo about the musical achievements of a very mediocre man is only a manifestation of the dearth of talent on many fronts by Puntanders and a palpable eagerness to crown any pretender from Tolka. It shows desperation for something good about the image of that land, after it got defaced by the actions of a host of personalities from there. Yey’s massacres in Mogadishu, Faroole’s human trade, Piracy and of late the Omer Jamal Saga.
  21. I agree with LST, I have a bigger fish to fry and my preoccupation with Puntland is very much transitory. Yet, my contribution in this thread was to expose the Puntland brigade in SOL which is expertly led by Gheele. No sooner than some angry writer wrote bad things about a fellow puntlander than Gheele, SS,Abu-fulaan and every low-kuus on SOL scuttled to rubbish the writer's vituperative but relevant points. I didn't attack Puntland as such although I can see why Ngonge wants me to get bogged down there. Mr. Somalia, which should actually read Mr. Puntland, Most of the Alshabab fighters who controlled Afmadow are from the ONLF clans (kuwaad ujeeddo yacni). And who are they fighting? another disguised Alshabab led by Axmed Madoobe. When the TFG army goes there, then I will take sides. For me, as it stands now, I don't see any value why I should prefer Axmed Madoobe (xassen Turki) who is admittedly a lesser evil but still an evil over Xassan Yacquub. I only support my clan in as far as the enemy they are fighting is Ethiopia. On internal Somali matters, it is not an issue; and I am not one of those who believe Jubbaland must belong to specific clan. Anyway, let us bring this discussion to what it is. Dear Zack iyo Jaffe, ha bixina nimankan sheekada inay rogaan raba.
  22. There shouldn't have been a big fuss about this in the first place. you don't go for the cutlery when the food is not there. I mean, come on, who posted it? Xaaji Xunjuf, no? On a serious note, Xinn's aan hubsano finally paid off here. Congrats awoowe.
  23. Istaaqfurullah, mid baa hadda igu yidhi Sheikh Sharif iyo Omer Jamal isku xafiis bay u shaqayn jireen. Resce team'kii shariifka dhoobley ka qaaday buu Omer qayb ka ahaa buu ku leeyahay.
  24. Fourtunately for him, all the guys he hit at are worthless with the exception of Elmi (whom i have no information on. Yey and Sharif Hotel are what we all know they are: one, a treasonous geriatric, the other a religious khaaín. Baddal is baddal( waa nin wareersan). But I agree with you the manner the author chose suits mafrishes than the media. He should have reigned on the adjectives and expletives about th subject man. Wuu xanaaqsanaa, and if i may guess where he is from (at the risk of upsetting some of my best friends in SOL), the writer has a distinctive Sool and sanaag bravado about him.
  25. Originally posted by S*S: BTW - is it true what he wrote about Mr Beddel? I don't live in America to know of what Iid does on a daily basis. But I will not punch someone for lying about my uncle on that issue. Iid can do anything. I think the writer is a bit emotional but nonetheless spoke the truth on all issues. Waa nin xanaaqsan laakin hadalkiisu run kama foga. loooooooooooo@ fellow fadhi-ku-dirir.