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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. War Jacayl, Cumar Jamal kan ina qabsaday armuu Cowke of SOL yahay? Si bay isugu eg yihiin! Indhuhuu taagayaa sow ma aragtid?
  2. I defend entities not individuals. If the attacker was from ONLF, this thread would have made sense. We all know Alshabab is composed of misguided individuals from all over the somali territories. Not surprisingly, I did not talk about Puntland when terrorists from there hit at Baldweyn, nor did I talk about Somaliland when some from there caused mayhem. On a serious note, just because Xinn's brain child- the submissive Puntland Diaspora Forum defends criminals does not mean I will have to defend a criminal. May the killer go to hell as he surely will do!! I am a believer in regional responsibility more than a clan one. If the killer was from Somaligalbeed (regardless of which clan) I would have seen a reason to feel vicarious shame. As it appears, he is from a part of the world which is not more familiar to me than Antarctica. Hence, logic would have dictated Moonlight would refer to brother BOB and not me!
  3. It is Alshabab. They will come out and say so soon. Sophist, who else do you suspect?
  4. Inaalilaahi wa ina ilaahi raajicuun. Ilaahay naxariistii jano ha ka waraabiyo. Prof Ibrahim is irreplaceable. Alshabab waa kufaar in la dhameyo loo baahan yahay. Hambalyo Shakirullah and LabaXinninyood!
  5. We can understand that Northern habit of promoting mediocre Tolka singers, but to present this young lad as the next Moahmed Moge is unforgivable. As avid M.Moge lover, I am hurt. If this guy gets noticed by Music lovers in the coming decades, I am a Jara-ka-boodo analyst and not a music critic!
  6. Cowke, it is getting very hard to have a discussion with you. Like a confused ewe, you are hitting at all walls. You are getting very indiscriminate and careless in your references and assertions. Let us examine some of them: Originally posted by Cowke: Abtigiis, Puntland loves Somalia so much that is even goes as far as to bring foreigners to establish the blue flag in somalia. Is that bad thing? No. Yes, Puntland loves somalia so much it starts its destruction, first by becoming the pioneers of political assassinations and rebel movements and later by collaborating with foreigners in its colonization!! A weird love indeed! Marshal Petin of Vichy in France must be wronged by history and must have loved France more than De Gaulle! By the way, I cannot stress enough the similarity of the reasoning of the Amhara elites in Ethiopia and the Puntlanders when they are both talking about unity in their respective countries. Although they do not recognize it, it is a conditional unity that they indeed campaign for. A unity where a non-puntlander (like Abdiqasim Salat Hasseen) is leading is not a 'good somali unity'. One led by sheikh sharif isn't so too. That is why Yey worked in destroying the cleanest government set up after the 1990 destruction: the CARTA government. My friend We will do whatever it takes within our means or outside of our means to protect that cherished flag of unity and pride. I take this to mean we will do all it takes to ensure that those who legend says are equal in number to all others with black head (sheep included)are ruling the rest of 'lower calibre'somali's who do not appreciate the virtues of unity. If Habashi are willing to help in restoring that blue flag I will welcome them. The oxymoron is palpable to all. Why would a Xabshi want to help you restore Somalia? However other somalis destroy the blue flag. They wear other flags such as those made al-qaeda toro boro cave dwellers or somali-diid flag bearers. That is not patriotic but a direct insult to the somali people. well, I have nothing to add here. Just highlighted to show the shallowness of intellect in you. I understand this rant is a bitterness after you failed to "add all those you said wear other flags to the ocean" As for Siyad barre abuse of the blue flag doesn't mean you blame the flag but the individual. He even abused and persecuted puntlanders. 5000 were killed through thirst or thrown into wells alive in galkacyo. Whilst Women were systematically raped. Doesn't mean we hate the blue flag, because we realize that the flag was ABUSED by siyad barre and the flag symbolic meaning can never be destroyed. Siyad barre ran away But that flag is still here. And by what is a flag to be judged? If not by the conduct of those who wave it? Do you understand the flag of Somalia is not God-given but was designed by mortals? by the way, I like the blue one, if at all for aesthetic reasons. Lets not forget that SSDF is the only legitimate freedom-fighting organization that was based on legitmatcy whilst other rebel movements were based on clan movements and ulterior movements. The SSDF was created as democratic organization to get the rights of the people back I would say the SNM was more democratic and had more legitimate grounds to enage in armed struggle. I can elaborate later. Is it not the case the SSDF was later disbanded after yey refused to rule democratically? Siyad barre murdered the former President.Sharmarke (AUN) who democratically elected president by the people. What can I say here, except shake my head about the Mudug temerity? Was he not killed for intra-clan feud reasons?
  7. The blue flag is just a piece of cloth indeed. The symbolism it plays as the unifying insignia of the Somali race is not disputed. But for it to represent that symbolic value, there are other more important tangibile qualities it should possess. For the Somalilander, whose sister was raped by a maruading gang of Siyaad Barre militia waving a blue flag, it is hard to take it as a sign of somalinimo. For the elders and islamic scholars who were tortured by a guul-wade strapped full with blue flag, it doesn't show a sign of somalinimo. It is a cloth with which he was oppressed. So, let us separate the cloth side of it from the values that need to be imbedded with it to serve as a national symbol. Otherwise, it is not different than the blue shirt my uncle Dhidar bought for me for this EID as a present. As far as Puntland is concerned, you cannot stall and undermine the establishment of a strong national government, export humans to Ethiopia, fuel hatred and animosity against other neighoburing somali regions and claim you are the heartland of Somalinimo solely because a blue flag is hoisted above Garowe. The compassion, selflessness, and love that the blue flag calls for must be exhibited first, before trumpeting about somalinimo with chants and flag-waving. Cowke, Your anger is understandable as your little house of Tolka is under attack. But that doesn't give you the right to go fast and furious on facts. The O have been the bulwark of Somalinimo well before the days of the biggest nationalist -Sayid Mohamed. Who, by the way, is not from Garowe!! The man who came from garowe, Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf has gone into history as the only Somali man who led an invading foreign force into Somali capital. So much for nationalism of the Piratelanders!! You are suspect there saaaxib. Let us be honest. We are not disputing about who is getting the fat posts in reconciliation meetings! There we know who are the masters.
  8. This community has been so marginalised for a long time. I recall the story of a SPM men whose Kismayo-Nairobi flight mistakenly made a stopover in Bossaso in early 1990s. According to him, they were rounded up and were taken for immediate execution when one of the captives, realising that the commander of the mlitia who took hold of them was from yey's close family while most of the soldiers were from Dash community, chanted "We are not afraid of death! but where are raggi gobta ahaa hana laayaane! what is this Dash and unknowns gunning to kill us! He says he looked at the commander and said "na dil waryaa! hit my head. Where is rer-mahad? rer-mahad ha nalaayaan? According to this former SPM guy, the commander felt honuored and proud and let them go.
  9. The blue flag is only a piece of cloth. Aideed was waving it too at one point. Puntland's actions against virtually all Somali's (somaliland, the South, and West) is inimical to Somali unity. In practice, they are more dangerous to somali unity than Somaliland.
  10. Che, There are no foes or friends here. One needs to say what he thinks right regardless of who is going to be pleased or displeased.
  11. Cwoke, In your small clanish mind, you didn't see it right to call for an 'all Galbeed'conference when others were the victims.
  12. And now even they are losing in the money market as Faroole machine (printing) gets to business! They must arm themselves or else ...
  13. Che, from now on, it it 'Puntland's mistreatment of Somaligalbeed people and its own Somalibari community' that I will write in solidarity with this community who had been hoodwinked of their political rights as they got bogged down in business.
  14. As far as I know the original inhabitants of Bossasso is the one's you mentioned. But I didn't know they were so disgruntled as to go for bombs. Now, this opens a whole new perspective on the internal oppression and displeasure in Puntland. Faroole must stop oppressing the Shiishaa community!! Long Live the D!!
  15. Is the D followed by Ngonge's famous passtime, Shiisha? Ngonge, link the D with your hobby and the clan in the topic should be clear!
  16. ^ a single bomb attack following a series of assasinations, torturing someone to death and massacre of culumo. WHAT an oasis of 'peace'?huh!
  17. So, what you are saying is because other criminals are not yet tried, Faroole will not be tried? It is important development to note you agree he is a criminal. Faroole is already tried by the millions of Somali's whose name he brought into disrepute by playing dirty skirt to Ethiopia. By the way, I hear another bomb blast hit the Banana Administration. It is sad but one can't be surprised why the house of cards is starting to crumble. Anything built on the blood and bones of others surely will not last.
  18. Dear Hadoodil, I am sure you are better informed than me on this isse, but some think Faroole would not have dared to make the 'they are not somalis'vitriol without having assessed the general mood of the public inside Puntland. I am one of those who feel perhaps it is only some Dispora folks from Puntland who sell this idea that Faroole's actions are not popular. Even these guys are in the minority in the dispora as evidenced by the 'tolaa'ey'Press Release from Puntland Diaspora Forum.
  19. Abdilatif, start with your buddy Xinnfanin. He should stop being an apologist for Faroole.
  20. war shariifkani waaba riwaayad socota. Meecaad Miigane isagaa ka riwaayad waalan.
  21. I wish to thank Mohsin Mahad who has been by the side of those who are wronged from the days I started reading his contributions on Wardheernews. Qalinku waa hiil! Contrast this to Xinnfanin's duplicitous defence of the abode of shame, misnamed Puntland.
  22. ****** AMERICAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION OF USA 310 East 38th St. Suite B, Minneapolis, MN 55409 Telephone: 612-250-1530, Fax: 612-821-2321, E-mail : Gobguul@gmail.com | PRESS RELEASE November 30, 2009 Ref. OACA/FN006/PL/091130 Puntland Diaspora Forum: Injudicious Solidarity to Faroole`s Wrongdoings The ****** American Community Association of USA supports the press release on November 20, 2009 by Honorable Congressman Donald Payne titled “Abusive behavior in Puntland.” The honorable Congressman D. Payne`s purpose was to end human rights violations against ****** civilians in Puntland. It is unfortunate that Mr. Faroole did not give any regards to numerous promises made to the Congressman and as diplomacy achieved nothing, the Congressman realized that the appropriate alternative is to inform Faroole`s insincere stance via press release before the public. Please, listen to this ill-fated interview engineered by the Puntland Diaspora Forum to discredit the Congressman Donald Payne`s Press Release: Unprofessional Interview with Ted Dagne by Radio Daljir. ****** American Community is condemning the inhumane and abusive practice that Puntland administration continuously carrying out against innocent civilians from ****** by detaining, torturing, and handing them over to Addis Ababa regime. Furthermore, ****** American Community is saddened and shocked by the support Puntland Diaspora Forum is providing to an abusive regime of Puntland regardless of the facts. It is unfortunate that PDF is entirely basing their defense on Faroole`s leadership with information collected from abusers in Puntland rather than independent sources. The Puntland Diaspora Forum and Puntland Authority are both determined not to admit or bring to an end ongoing crime against innocent civilians from ******. There are media exposed cases that victims handed over to Ethiopia, while others died under the custody of Puntland, and yet others still held in the Puntland`s prison cells. This is a clear marked for the Puntland`s denial, and continuation of wrongdoing tactics towards ****** civilians in Puntland. Normally, Diaspora communities living in democracies reject any form of violation and abuse behaviors in other parts of the world. In contrast, the Puntland Diaspora Forum is supporting Faroole`s ill-advised governance at any cost. By doing so, the PDF is losing the opportunity to amend the Puntland administration from wrongdoing. Please, read the press release of the PDF to dishonor Congressman Donald Payne`s Press Release and defend crime committed by the Puntland Authority: “A response to Congressman Donald Payne`s press release titled “Abusive behavior in Puntland” In reality, we have learned from human history whenever citizens of a country refuse to alter or advise tyrant rulers` transgressions against innocent civilians; we can only expect the destruction and downfall of such a nation to occur. Instead of taking steps to change the existing conditions in Puntland, the PDF had opted to provide support and speak up on the behalf of Puntland leaders who committed crimes against civilians who fled from the chaos and suppression in ****** and Southern Somalia. Here is Some Cases from hour Data Base to share with you as Evidence: On April 22, 2008, Puntland police had detained two central committee of ONLF in Garowe. Few hours later, the detainees were handed over to Ethiopian army officers from Warder. The two men were visiting their families in Puntland that both wives of the two men are Puntland citizens. Names of the victims are Mohamed Ahmed `Afi known as (Dhiire) and Abdi-Noor Mohamed Soyaan. The fate of Dhiire and Soyan is not known. On May 1, 2008, a one-week later during the two ONLF Officers handed over to Ethiopia; other six civilian young men from ****** were arrested in Galka`yo police station. Within few hours, the victims were handed over to Ethiopia. Names of five among the six victims are; Farah Good, Abdi-Yare Haybe, Abdi-Noor Siyad Ismail, Omar Sheik-Mohamed, Kabul (full name not get), we were not able to get name of the sixth victim. On October 9, 2009, during the night, group of men come by a truck, which has government plate number in Galka`yo. They attacked a home in the town where the attackers had wounded the owner of the house, and kidnapped three men were guest of the local property owner. The three individuals were civilians from ****** who came to Galka`yo for healthy related issues. One of the three men named Mohamed Aardon was found a 25 km away from Galka`yo, somewhere near to the boundary between Ethiopia and Puntland. His kidnapers had severely cut his throat by knife and left him as he was killed. During the morning, pastoralist travelers found Aardon laying unconscious on the edge of a road. They brought him a hospital in Galka`yo, and doctors had reported to BBC Somali Section Radio, “The victims` throat was cut severely, lost a lot of blood, and his chance to survive is extremely small. The missing two men were not seen them again. Information about their fate are not known, whether their bodies were dumped on undisclosed location, however, many people believed missing victims were handed over to Ethiopia`s secret service. On October 19, 2009, five men originally from ****** lived in Yemen refugee camp decided to go back to Somalia that their families live. They were carrying Somali Embassy issued official go home document. Once their boat docked in the Bosaso port, the Puntland Police had detained them. Immediately Ethiopian Secret Service had arrived that they separated detainees, interrogated, and tortured in naked. Few days later, the Ethiopian Secret Services came by aircraft that they took Abdi Mohamed Hassan (Abdi-Terso) by the support given by the Puntland leader Mr. Faroole. On November 2, 2009, Abdullahi Hassan Ali passed while in Bosaso prison. We believe that Abdullah`s death was due to an internal injury occurred during the interrogation and abuse conducted by Puntland Police and Ethiopian Secret Service. The remaining three men of Faseeh Ataab Ali, Mohamed Hassan Muse, and Mohamed Sheikh Batri are still in the Bosaso Prison cells. Note: Based on the extent for the crimes committed by the Puntland Authority against ****** refugees in main towns of Puntland, the above-mentioned cases are not many comparing to the more victims in our data record. OACA USA
  23. As for the Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF), well, with so-called brothers like that, who needs enemies like Meles Zenawi? Since Xinnfanin and the rest of PDF folks are here in SOL with their 'Ox gave birth' junkies, It will be a matter of time before they came up with yet another round of denial stories.