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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. For me, the behaviours of Somaliland and Puntland can be summed up by the following scenario. One big family broke down for various reasons but mainly because the father was abusive. The mother and her children are left in disarray, with no means to feed themselves, with no friends to help, and with the debilitating feeling of a future without promise. One of the sons, perhaps a little impatient and selfish, decided to flee and cross the high seas to puruse a better future. One can pilory this son for not having the compassion of helping the mother to cope with her serious misery, but at least he left and made things better for himself. The mother never heard from him, and is worried about him. But she is hopeful: either he will come back and do what he didn't do at her greatest hour of need later, or atleast he will survive by himself and there will be a progeny left behind to perpetuate the race. The other son, like a moron rejected by fellow peers, doesn't leave the house premise, nor does he help out. He torments what is left of the mother, sometimes fighting to takeover the only kettle the family and all the guests who come to the house queue to boil their tea. He foolsishly shares information to house breakers, who managed to come at the darkness of the night and stole two furaash's and broke the hand of a daughter while looting. Maalinwalba, he is hurling an avalanche of stones at the house to the dismay of the ailing mother, asking for "his share" of the national cake, when the fact is the mother had no idea of what a cake is. Twice he blindfolded two minors (oo qoxooti soo marityey ahaa) and sold to human traffickers. Whenever, the mother summons some of the children at the house to discuss what to do to get out of the quaqmire, he sets preconditions of " there will be no discussion nor agreement unless my unique contributions are recognised". This, against a backdrop of dhagax-tuur and hagardaamo joogta ah that has been the hallmark of his contribution to the house! So, which son is the grvaest danger to the resurrection of the dismantled family? The one who is minding his own things in another land, or the one who is stifiling any progress at the house, and also threatens the one abroad?
  2. Garoodi, your observation is right. This confusion and ball-less-ness is not out of reason. It typifies the different moral values that reign in the two respective regions. Transparency and badheedh in one, obfuscation iyo daba-wareeg in the other.
  3. haye, Uztaad. Hedde waan qaadan waayey oo ceeb bay ila noqotay nin wayn oo koleetiga la haysto. Xaal iyo xurmayn iga gudoon uztaad. DHL baan kuugu soo diri succulent Tilapia served with Mash Potato.
  4. Dear Oodweyne, please volunteer your thoughts on what the flag should look like. I recommend that it includes a Ship under surveillance. I also think Puntland needs to print its own currency which should feature the founding father YEY, raising a clinched fist atop an Ethiopian tank. At the back of the notes, the inscription should read: "In Piracy, we trust".
  5. Uztaadku show waa nin wax qaad qaadka yaqaan when it comes to intellectual property rights!
  6. ONLF dhankeeda nagu tiri Uztaad. If any pro-Canjeero from our area declares so in SOL, then your assertion will have validity.
  7. I thought actually Canjeero would appear in yours as Ibtisam suggested. I mean say something else, because we don't like Canjeero. Wax kale oo eritrea khuseeya miyaad waydeen. Kuwa xabshida hoos booda miyaan la aqoon. Mise Yey is ONLF tolow?
  8. Ibtisam has a point. War calanka Markab la ilaalinayo dhexda ha lagaga sawiro nimanyahoow.
  9. Uncle Bob, Fabiano iska dhaaf, I just used him as reference point to show how stationery Romario was in his days. I could have scored all the goals he scored in the 6 yard. hal maalin shoot, iyo nice header, iyo memerising defence kuma arag. Although, He was good for Barcelona and PSV. I am of the view Fabiano will not be the main striker for Brazil in 2010. Waad arki doontaa, Nilmar, Robinho, Hulk ku waas ayaa ciyaari doona. Felipe Mello is a powerful and skillful player. Clean, foul-less tac-tac balls waa meesha brazil laga raacay. I think they are right in doing what all other teams do. Which is to stop the rhytm of the opponents with fouls. And Brazil's disciplinary records of late is superb. if you think the following line-up will not terrorize England, I want to see which-else will do. 4-4-2 formation Goalkeeer: Julio Ceasar Defenders: Lucio, Thiago Silva, Maicon, Andre Santos Midfield Felipe Mello -DM (defensive midfielders) Josue - DM Diego - AM (attacking midfilders) Kaka -AM Strikers Nilmar Robinho (although i would have preferred Pato) Let us contrast this to England: Goalkeepr: ilaa hadda lama oga: all candidates average: Ma mis-kicking Foster, Ma Green with his timing problems, ma ninkii sida Xaaji Xunjuf maqnaa ee David James Defence: odayaal John Terry ooy ka dhamaatay Rio Ferdinand ( more of good physique than value) Ashly Cole (OK) Milner ama Johnson (not bad but not great as well) Midfield: admittedly their better side of the field Gerard Lampard Carrick Beckham ama waxa aan dhaamin Strikers Rooney (world class) Uncle BOB malaha cid kale meesha kuma arko: Hesky, Crouch, Cole iyo West Ham iyo Aston Villa nocyadoodii So, why do you think England is great? Because Capello is there. No one is better than Guus Hiddink, but when you luck the quality players (in action not in name), you can do nothing. Arshavin is the revelation maalinkaad adiga iyo Norf lahaydeen madhaweyn. What is he doing at Arsenal and where is Russia? Isagoo sidii waylo muqlaysan kolba dhici unbaan arkaa anigu!!
  10. Jacayl, unrelated laakin tolaa'yey nabiyoow tog baa i xidhee xageen kaaga soo talaabaa baan marayaa. Bal meeshi faaruqi tilmaantaadii waxbaaa iga qaldamaye. Way buuxdaa buu leeyahay Libaax-sanka-taabe.
  11. Ibtisam, somaliland ba soow ta calanka leh maxaad Puntland ugu diidi! Ileen labaduba they are faking statehood (only one believes its pretentions more than the other). Edit- I didn't read Ibtisam's first comment. I think I concur with her that the yellow must have yellow and green streaks and the Axum oblisk.
  12. Predictions prove nothing saaxiibayaal. How many times did Pele got it wrong? No one thought Greece would win the Euro cup, right? Anyway, Fu-Fu, Romania'da aad i dabawado I said they will do fine and they did fine. In fact, they almost eliminated Italy before missing a crucial penalty. And if I got it wrong, it doesn't mean anything. Fiqi-hebel, Adigu horta isu kay sheeg? Ma Gheele T ayaad tahay. It is only Gheele T and few of his cousins who are astounded Camelboys from Hawd talk about ball. Ciyaal wagaanu kubada ciyaarayney hooyadood "soo mar , soo mar, soo mar,dumar waad u sidataa" loo qaadayey ayaan ishaynaaye, all the old guys would know 2+2 isn't 4 in football.
  13. Their elders? iyagoo ayo ah? I feel your elders are my elders and their elders too. Si balaadhan oo somali ah u fikir. Reerkayagaa isasaxay, reer hebel ha isa saxo is petty. It is not because warring sections of the world communites are stu.pier than the peaceful ones that there is war somewhere and peace. Rather , it is that it alternates between times. When Europe was raging, africa and latin america were relatively at peace.
  14. Duke, If Capello is saying the following about Brazil, why do you think your analysis is better. Easy for England? Not if we've got to beat Brazil to win the World Cup, says Fabio Capello By Rob Draper, Mail on Sunday Chief Football Writer Last updated at 12:26 AM on 06th December 2009 Fabio Capello declined to be drawn on the merits of the Brazil team in the immediate aftermath of Friday night's extravagant World Cup draw in Cape Town and with good reason. Not only does the Italian want to focus his English players on the task in hand for next summer's World Cup finals in South Africa, namely games against the United States, Algeria and Slovenia, he will not wish to elevate this Brazil team, which comprehensively outplayed England's reserves three weeks ago, into an insurmountable hurdle when they could feasibly be World Cup semi-final opponents. In all likelihood, even with a fair wind, that is where England's World Cup would end, despite the ludicrous scenario of bookmakers installing them as second favourites behind Spain in the aftermath of the draw, presumably in response to obtuse patriotic punters. Were England to fail at the semi-final stage, and they would need an equal measure of skill and fortune to progress even that far, they would fall short of Capello's own test for an acceptable World Cup. 'To play the final,' said Capello recently, when asked what would constitute a successful tournament in his eyes. But that would seem an unlikely scenario with Brazil in the way. It might not be an impossible job but even by Capello's own analysis, the team with Kaka and Robinho is some way ahead of England. 'I think Brazil are the strongest team in the world right now,' said Capello after England's 1-0 friendly defeat in Qatar. 'They are very good technically, they are fast, but also really, really strong physically. Every time in every tackle they are one on one, it's not easy to match them.' And it is not just a Brazil team, under coach Dunga, that grafts physicality and defensive strength on to their technique, which England might fear in South Africa. Capello well knows that other severe tests lie ahead when England do qualify from Group C, as they surely will. For in the immediate euphoria of being drawn in a relatively easy group, it seemed to be overlooked that England could be heading for defeat in the second round or their traditional quarterfinal exit. It is not a rash assumption to place England at the top of their qualifying group, despite the undoubted organisational abilities of the United States, the flair of Algeria and durability of Slovenia. Nevertheless, it is the second round that presents the first true test of Capello's management skills since taking the job two years ago. There they will face opponents from one of the proverbial groups of death. England will play the second place team from Group D, a pool which contains Michael Ballack's Germany, Tim Cahill's Australia, Nemanja Vidic's Serbia and Michael Essien's Ghana, four well-matched teams pitched into combat with all finishing positions possible. Germany are not even guaranteed to qualify, let alone finish top.'We could be out in the first round,' was how top-selling German newspaper Bild Zeitung greeted the draw. It certainly means there is a distinct possibility of England landing a last-16 clash against their old foe and World Cup Nemesis from 1970 and 1990. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/worldcup2010/article-1233548/Easy-England-Not-weve-got-beat-Brazil- win-World-Cup-says-Fabio-Capello.html#ixzz0ZAxlW0GK Fiqikhair, Bob and few young boys who are exactly where I was 15 years ago when I would be endlessly talking about how Rashidi Daoudi od Morocco would directly score from the corner kick (he did in domestic games by the way) mock me these days. How times have changed! All of the guys, except Sonogo, Bob is so much trumpeting about in the Ivory Coast squad were there at a more younger age with the side, but none could help their team lift the African cup let alone do well in the World Cup. They failed in Egypt, they failed in Ghana, they failed in Germany. I am not entertained by Brazil at all these days and in fact was wondering why I support them at all, but the shift in thinking brought about by Dunga is having great results. It is no more the case that Brazil will intimidate other teams because they are Brazil, and the gap between teams on technic, speed, mentality and strategy is so narrow this days that Brazil could face serious problems if they play against Iraq. Dunga emphasises keeping the ball (away from the oppossition)- and that means doing nothing with it for a long time, exploiting the chances that come your way instead of mindlessly attacking as if you are Arsenal, robust defence, and team play than individual artistry. It is exactly teams who play this way that were the nightmare for Brazil before: italy, Argentina etc (although not in the World cup). But Argentina and Uruguay used to beat Brazil many times in their continental tournaments. Now, experts say, to beat Brazil teams need to mark their passing before it starts from their own goal area. And I have noticed if you put pressure on Brazil before the Central midfieler distributes the ball diagonally to Maicon or the other side, Brazil gets disillusioned. But it takes teams to be very confident and risk-takers to do so, and not many do so. Except France, who shut out brazil whenever they met. I am not sure if France will manage to do so, because the type of game they used from Brazil is different than the current side plays. Brazil of today is a combination of the grit of Germany, the tactical sagacity of Italy, and the skill of Brazil.
  15. Small minds think small. Think about the larger somali community. Village mentality won't help you. The day you start to feel the pain of the guy in Jowhar and in Bossaso the same way, that is the day you are liberated of the darkness of shallow-thinking.
  16. Mr. Calanle (a.k.a Shilling) Is this a practice of some sort? Waaxay calan samyntan ay kaaga dhagtay. Seriously though, if puntland is to get its own flag, it should have a Markab in the middle. Piracy is an essential characterstics of the region.
  17. looooool@at the thanks to the doctor from the families of the deceased,the toilet and the fish seller!!loooooooooooooool.
  18. The last line about what Drogba will do or will not, we will have to wait. For we may have different expectations of that game. But as to the assertion about new power and what not, Spain is playing like brazil of 1982 and people like teams who play with art. But even you, will admit excet their game against NZ, they were not that good in the Confed cup. They didn't face tough teams in the qualification matches too. So, just because they won the last European Cup doesn't mean they are new power! You are also making as if Spain's nice play is something of a recent discovery. They were always good team and skillful team from the days of Buttageano. I actually will rate the Spanish team of 2002 (which was robbed of victory by referee) as better than the current one. They were very, very good side. Spain were even dubbed "Champions of Friendlies" because of the way they play against big teams in such situations. They were always tipped to do well in the past as well. The only thing that changed this time is that because they won Euro cup, they may have turned that corner of under-achivers. I am not yet convinced. Just as it is not a manifestation of football acumen that one supports brazil, it is also not an indication of one's expertise in this field to chant after the hype of the media whenever a team performs better in a given situation. Spain is not a new discovery and power. Spain is spain, or rather to use the irresistible pun, Spain is PAIN. The US beat them fair and square and the South Africans made them look ordinary in the Confed cup. Edit:- The squad of 1994 was devoid of skill but were good workaholics. I don't know why you think they were great. The 2002 won the cup only because other sides were unusually weak and some good teams got kicked about at the first round: France, Argentina. You remember the luck Brazil had with England?? The 1998 team was better but lost to a better France side. Sometimes, I don't get what is your parameter of judging which team was great. On Africans having an edge over South Americans, May I hear auntie Ruqiya just fell into coma if this isn't the first time I hear it????????? No african team ever beat Brazil. Cameroun beat Argentina once, but not because they outplayed them in 1990. And colombia as well the same year. We know what was going on in that match! Whoelse beat Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay in the World cup from Africa?????? War dee let us not just write our feelings. In fact, African teams had a better success record against Europeans: with Morocco beating scotland 3-0, Algeria beating Germany, Cameroun beating Romania, Ghana beating Italy, Czech etc.
  19. Uncle BOB, Ivory Coast has more world class strikers than them...Didier Drogba and Solomon Kalou of Chelsea, Aruna Dindane of Portsmouth,Bakari Kone of Marseille, Aruna Kone of Seville, Boubacar Sanogo (Watch this guy) of Saint-Etinne. They even have their own Ronaldinho in Gervinho who plays for Lille and he's only 22...this kid will embarrass Brazil and Portugal back line...mark my words. Alle ha u naxariistee, Ibrahim my friend was an ardent follower of Saudi Arabia league and a long time fan of Al-Itixaad and Al-Riyaadh. When the Confed cup was hosted in Saudi Arabia (I think it was 2003?), Brazil was facing hosts Saudi Arabia, and in the pre-match majlis analysis, he was adamant NAWAF Al-TUMIYAT will mesmerize the Brazil defence. The match ended 3-0. No disrespect to Nawaf who was a wonderful and skilled player and also Asian footballer of the year, but he got that accolade against a lesser adversaries than the likes of Brazil. The similarity of your analysis with the late Ibrahim's is striking. All of the Ivorians in the French League may not perform to that level if they move to Spain, England, Germany or Italy. Skill and promise is not also equal to actual stardom. Haruna Dindane was my favourite striker some years back and I still believe he has more technic and artistry than Drogba. But we will have to see the Ivorians in Angola first. I have this feeling they will be a disappointment.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: Brazil on the other hand are always the favorite and usually only win world cups against weaker opposition, every time they come against a team with a decent side they melt, .... If they come against, Spain, Italy or Argentina they will melt again with their tails between their legs. I disproved your above assertions with facts and figures. And then, all you can do is to go personal. For once, please try to say I got it wrong. But then again, that is not in your blood. Isn't it? When one is analysisng football, he/she needs to look at the recent results of the sides. Brazil's superiority to Argentina and Italy in the last four years is underlined by the fact that they beat Italy twice and Argentina four times. Also, how good is a team is not judged by the number of superstars they have. Argentina have better stars than Brazil right now, in the shape of Tevez, Messi, Aguero, Higuain, Gago, etc but is a struggling team. In Marcello Bielsa's Chile on the otherhand, you will be hard pressed to name one star. Yet, as a team they are superb and strong. If you don't understand that simple fact, your football knowledge comes under question.
  21. I think Cameroun will be the best performing African team.
  22. General Duke, Now you go to personal opinions about what you think will happen when I challenged you with the facts and records about your false assertions yesterday. Anyway, follow the hype about Spain and England. Let us wait and see. In football, anything can happen, but current Brazil side is a better team than those I watched in the last couple of World Cups.
  23. Dear BOB, Clearly, you are romantic when it comes to football. Why would it matter if one beats someone with pace or with technic as long as the end is to score? Marc Overmars was a superb player and all he has was a great sprint!! In terms of quality, tell me if the following players are not superb: Pato, Felipe Melo, Diego, Ramires, Dani Alves, Nilmar, Robinho, Lucio We can say Brazil is not playing an attractive football, but to say they don't have quality players is not right. What did Romario do in 94? Finish up few balls that anyone could have scored! I think Luis Fabiano runs and assists the team more than Romario. Without Zinho, Mazinho, Bebeto, Dunga, Branco and Taffarel Romario would have done nothing! Edit: Sorry BOB, except Solomon Kalou, none of those you talked about are great. Dindane was superb few years ago, but I think he is his twilight. Drogba is good only for chelsea, but a big disappointment for the national team. By the way, ninkan aad Torres leedahay waa nin diciif ah. Waxaan magac aheyn meesha kuma hayo. Ronney is 200% better than him. Villa lafitiisu hadda sidii hore ma'aha. Magac uun in la iska raaco ma aha. Ivory coast'da aad sheegi adigaa arki doona waxa ku daca. Was Drogba and all those others not there when Egypt gave them that lesson in 2008?!! Anigu magac la sheegsheego ciyaartooy kuma raaco. Like you have this Benny McCarthy oo laga dhigo big guy in South Africa. He has a better name than all other guys. But he is below all of the strikers who started for SA in the confed cup!
  24. An information of such magnitude and value,my dear friend, was unlikely to have ended up in the sole possessession of a few. Also, it is not that likely that SOLers possess the power to stall whatever is in the offing, even if they are fully aware of it. At best, Xinnfanin would have issued a scathing condemnation of 'those who are breaking up the motherland" via his auxillary Puntland Diaspora Forum. It is safe to assume such condemnations are readily available in templates and are periodically sent to whoever is deemed appropriate, just in case there is someone who is busy working towards that end. And perhaps General Duke might have opened a petition thread where he would have asked all "patriotic" SOLers (most of whom would predictably be from Puntland) to put their disapproval, promising to send it to powerful diplomats who could make a difference. Of course, that the most senior of those referred to as powerful diplomats would have been Omar Jamal is inconsequential.
  25. All I wanted to say is that someone says he has something he doesn't want to share doesn't mean he actually has something. It can well be that the said person has nothing of note to tell.