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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. You convieniently omiited this from your quotations. There is also no generalisations on my part. This is the politics section and we are talking about the political humans of the societies we are discussing. Whatever generalisation made is limited to those who are actively or passively participating with the politics of Somalia from each community. Perhaps, that should have been put as a nuance a bit earlier.
  2. I am having this raging debate in the last couple of days with a characteristically head-strong Afghani Friend from Kabul. The issue is I am of the opinion that an adulterer who is unrepentant must not bother himself with Praying Salaat. I am using the verse “a Salaat is that which prohibits you from fuxshi and Munkar" as a reference. Hence, one should not bother himself with bowing up and down minutes after he/she commits adultery and even worse when he is preparing to commit the same crime again when he finishes the 'prayer'. Unless, of course, he has a unique penchant for athletics and body exercises! It is clear he is not getting any marks for his efforts. The Afghani brother’s point of view is that adultery is as in just as lying and killing are, and hence there is no connection to someone praying on one side and committing a crime on the other. For him, it is not a case of "all or nothing at all" and hence the two deeds are disparate and unrelated. Someone can warm the thighs of someone he is not supposed to, and yet again perform the ablution and go ahead with his prayers. The Afghani friend is not saying it is fine and normal for the person to do so, but he is saying it is better for him to respect at least some of the religious obligations, than for him to renege on all. My position is with the key pillars of the faith, there is no such thing. If a person is an adulterer or a drunkard or a killer (remember not someone who killed at one point, but a killer who is practising the act without any contrition), He/She should not burden themselves with prayers. What do SOLers think? The only catch is you all know about the Afghan pride and he will be reading your reactions. If he thinks he is losing the argument, my life will be in danger. So, try to be as diplomatic and do as much ego-massaging as possible if you are not agreeing with him. I mean the last thing you would want is for Nogobi to post an obituary post with my name in it.
  3. Qaanuunkani ma ku uun hadda aynu ku baraarugnaa, mise when SSDF were in Ethiopia, in Dire-dhabe lagu mirqaamo unbay u joogeen? Midda kale, Guddomiyaha Gobolka Mudug kolka Ethiopian security agents ay intay Galkacyo ka kexeystaan Wardheer ku xidhanayaan ma national law buu noqdaa? Kolka se Ethiopia qa'biilo kale dakane loo qabo loo adeegsado ee lagu duulo Muqdisho ma International law baa jira? Anyway, Ethiopia adiga waxba kuguma falayso, iyadoo fadhiday far ugu yeedhaa Faroole iyo Cadde Muuse. Ma inaynaan iska warhayn baad moodaysaa, soomali-ceebays yahow! And the cheek of you, idinkoo noocaas ah ayaad Somali sharfteed iyo midnimadeed baan ku maqanahay dhahaysaan.
  4. Saliid laga daadiyey maraakiibtii la haystay in la helo mooye meeshaa in oil laga heli ilama aha!
  5. Kuwa anaga naga midka ah ee ONLF xidhxidhaya waxaa xukuma MELES. Kolkaa Faroole'na ma halkaa unbuu ka amar qaataa? Haday sidaa tahay, de inaan ka cabbano ma aha , oo hadalkaagu waa gar. Laakin, kolkaa dee calanka xun ee dhawr todobaad ku dhafriyey maxaad ku fali? Kaa geelu ku sawiran yahay ee Kililka uun qaata. By the way, many people agree with your points about Faroole being the head of kilil 6.
  6. I can't tell about the numbers. I can say the claims of attack is true.
  7. Suáalaha in badan ayaan ka jawaabay, and I can't repeat it anymore. Markay shalay SSDF dagaalaysay sideed jaho ayuu reerku u kala socday, sidoo kale SNM, sidoo kale Tigreegu, Sidoo kale Palestinians, sidoo kale Chechens. By implying all people from one area will have similar opinion about a struggle, you are challenging the basic human nature. Su'aal aad garan karto jawaabteeda oo muran loola jeedo lagama jawaabi karo. kun-kun-la-miina, Sh.Ibrahim Cabdalla ayaa uga horeeya.
  8. Runti Fiqikhair, inaad intaad dhaanto ayaan ku moodayey'e dood badan maynaan yeelaneen if you are asking such questions. Like asking me why there are spies and pro-government guys, why there are internal divisions etc. As if the history of all struggles is new to you. Anyway, waxaan kaaga jawaabi hal su'aal oo aan kaaga jawaabi sida aad rabtid. Dolaal Yaa dilay? Dolaal waxaa dilay Admiral Maxamed Cumar Cusmaan, oo ciidamada Godey talafoon satellite ah u diray.
  9. Ciidamada ONLF oo weeraray 12 saldhig Thursday, 10 December 2009 13:00 War deg deg ah oo naga soo gaadhay Jiida hore ee dagaalka ayaa sheegaya in habeenimadii bisha Dec 9, 2009 ay Ciidamada ONLF fuliyeen hawlgal dagaal oo qorsheysan. Hawlgkan ayey ciidamada ONLF ku weerareen 12 saldhig oo ay Ciidamada Wayaanuhu fadhiyeen. Hawlkan oo lagu magacadarey Mahiigaan ayey ciidamada ONLF ka fuliyeen saldhigayada Wayaanaha ee ay ka midkayihiin Wardheer, Qabridahar, Dhagacbuur, Gunagado, Dhagamadow, Dudun Gebiga Faareysa oo ka mid ah Gobolka Shabeele, Iimeyda Bari, Dhuxun, Xamaro, Fiiq, Bambaas iyo Anane oo ka mid ah Gobolka Jigjiga. Waxay wararka hordhaca ah sheegayaan in Ciidamada Wayaanaha dhibaato weyn oo faahfaahintiisa gadaal laga soo sheegi doono lagu gaadhsiiyey hawlgalkan Mahiigaan. Hawlgankan ayaa ku soo beegmey bil kadib, hawlkgalkii ay Ciidamada ONLF ku magacaabeen Eebo cadow oo ay ku wareeraan 10 saldhig oo ay Wayaanuhu fadhiyeen, iyaga oo halkaas ku diley 985 askari, saad iyo saanad badana furtey. http://www.******.com/wararka/******/550-ciidamada-onlf-oo-weeraray-12-saldhig
  10. Waa tallo fiican, insha-allah sidaa unbaynu yeeli. Laakin, tan wixii rer-hebel ah PL ma iman karaan ah in sidaa loo caddeeyo unbaa fiican. Khayaamadan yar ee 1900 style ah ee dhinacna xabsi lagu dili, dhinacna waanu ka xunnahay laga odhan unbaa daran. Col iyo nabad midkii la isku ogaado waa fine. Hadda NGO loo shaqeeyaa oo wax kormeeraana gobolka way jiraane la soco Fiqi.
  11. For any healthy and useful discussion and debate to happen here, and for the boring political cuber-tussles to stop, I propose the following people be given the marching orders from this site. A&T General Duke Oodweyne Xinnfanin Mr. Somalia Cowke Nogobi Kolkaa unbay hagaagi.
  12. shakiiru-shaytaan, isku xisoo oo nimankan killers ka ah ha u qiil raadin.
  13. war bal ninkan calamo uun lagu ibtileeye eega. FIQICALAN would suit him.
  14. Of all the insults and name-calling coming my way and the ONLF, Xinn felt he ought to chastise me for my issues with Puntland. Eesh calaa odaytinimo! Pirate-style! yaa ka hadlay 5 nin iyo waxaas hadda? Sayid, waxaa kalooy soomalidu tidhaa "ha na soo jiidhin sidii daadkii xaabaale..." you think saying I am throwing myself at a fire and miasmic talk about how I shouldn't be made a martyr was a compliment from your side? Anyway, Xinnow, Red Sea has a point. Waligaa adigoo wax gar ah ka hadli laguma hayo, inaad soo tafa xaydhato mooye kolka Puntland wax laga sheego. In case you think the issue is about revenge for the arrests you discussed, it is not. It is about advising a takar which wants to swallow an Elephant to think twice. It is your guys who used "qaniis" and several not so flowery adjectives. Kuwaas kolkaad wax u sheegtid i soo Miss Call garee.
  15. It suits you Sayid. You dared to challenge one of the most cherished norms of the Punties: is garab yaac. Duke, you don't have to tell me what I know. Of course, you are not a Norwegian. You are a dreaded Piratelander.
  16. aha, the same way you think the dark folks who threaten the mother of all wars in the 5:00 pm BBC only to declare a strategic retreat in the night programme are equal in number to all dark-headed creatures on earth??!! There is no law that bans one from being delusional. So, Garowe is Oslo. Perhaps, you should organize the world Ski-ing tournaments in the coming years! You see delusion is not to be patriotic, for it will result in shame. Like when you say we are going to capture so and so, and actually believe it, only to run like a herd of goats spooked by a ravenous hyena. Or whether it is to declare you will throw much more mightier people to the oceans, only to seek refugee asylum in Yemen! But I admire the skin one gets to cope with being nothing good at anything. EDIT Dear Sayid, why don't you join them adeer si badheedh ah intaad talo aan micno lahayn meel danbe ka soo tuurayso.
  17. Fiqi, Apart from the character analysis, let us really dwell on the real issue of whether one needs to envy Puntland. I don't think the inflated self-presentation of the region- both in terms of what it has as a natural beauty or human capital is correct. A fact I highlight when some throw Puntland-the-Taiwan mantra onto our faces. The nationalist contribution of the region to the somali cause is also grossly exaggerated. Add the Yey antics and Faroole's new 'national-cake" preoccupation, and you will see this entity is more of a negative force than positive to the somali cause. There is nothing wrong about seeking attention. it is a human propensity. whether I get it or not, i will continue to try to get one. In case, you think that is a bad thing. As to what you think about me, it is like the fart a dog breaks out to put off a furnace. Does it really matter at all? To be judged by someone who breaks hell for a rinji lamarmariyey white background using a key board as if his atomic secrets of a century is stolen? I mean, is the pettiness not showing? Duke, But we are not talking of Dhagaxbuur as if it is Paris! We are not talking of the same stream that passes through it as the Thames river! All I am asking of you is to not say a frog is an elephant.
  18. speaking of envy, I thought Fiqikhair, you were ninka ilaa shalay nin dhan ku haystay calan aan abuuraad iga xaday, as if putting few graphics togather for a meaningless flag is an issue. Bal adigoo lacag lagaa dhici lahaa waxaad samyn lahyed ka waran? We feel pity not envy for Puntland. What you say is like what the old spinster Theresa used to say whenever I was sent to buy potatoes from her house. She lived in a mud house, with no electricity. But her worries were always Micheal, a big shop owner whose mansion is next to hers, will send thiefs to steal her furniture. Also she always used to say "my enemies are many. their gossip is killing me, more than my poverty". Who will envy the three sandy villages with searing heat?
  19. What you don't realise about my frustration with Puntland is that there is no justifiable motive for its actions against the people who are resisting oppression and colonisation. Absolutely no reason why they should be hostile to them. It is not the case with Somaliland. On the issue of Somalia, it is not somaliland that has stalled all attempts at creating governments there. It was Yey who was used many times to sabotage the formation of a credible central government. It is Faroole who is now busy on ego-centered undermining of the weak but inclusive Sharif government.
  20. walaahi Burco iyo Baydhabo meel uu noqdaba, Nuunoow looga dhow Tolkay!
  21. Do you know why the blue in the corner was changed to Yellow? Abdi Iley said it shows a link to Somalia, oo isagaa la doontay Tigreega inay badalaan. Funnny! No one knows that flag and it barely leaves jigjiga offices. Anyway, the real intention of the Tigre's in inventing these flags is to ensure Ethiopians are divided. That is the only way they can rule. Do you what Somalia to be divided as well?
  22. Wax nuunoow la yidhaa oo anigu aan maqlay waa wasiirka TFG'da ee hebel Madoobe Nuunoow .
  23. Maadeey is a weak and coward fellow. Wuxuu u haystaa if he re-examines his position vis-a-vis this movement who did a horrific crime in loo arko nin isbedbedal badan. What is worse is if you are qof meel-ku-dheeg ah oo macangag ah. Adeeroow Maadeey, Alshabab waa kuwa qof human being ah oo ay gawracayaan (Jubboyinka) soo daayey, and they can do anything unimaginable. Intay goori goor tahay, iskaga hadh xaaraamiyiintan aan diin shaqada ku lahayn.
  24. JB, you are not doing justice to Artan guy. Put his name under the first photo for he is not the killer. It is big shame you put his face to show as if he is the dead one. By the way, wax Nuunoow la yidhaa oo reerka ah majiro.