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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Abtigiis

    Miss Somalia

    eesh calaa gabadha. Way maraysaa. And of all of them , she covers her hair. kuuuuuuudoos to her. Tu waalan oo jeans xidhata ayaa noogu daraan lahayd.
  2. I agree with the title of this thread. I never imagine I am talking gainst SSC when I talk of Puntland. The two people have different history, different roles and different aspirations about the future Somaliweyn. It is good someone mentions the misdeeds of Faroole against a people, whose only crime is to seek to be Somali's, and who in all fairness can be the masters of the rest of Somalia if they decide to sleep with the Enemy: Ethiopia. But, the actions of the so-called Puntland Diaspora Forum is what has left a scar in our minds. After pretending to be against the arrest of the liberation fighters and giving so much lip-service to this regard, they ended with a Press Release condemning the congressman who spoke against Puntland Adminstration. This act of duplicity is unforgiveable. And the PDF guys are the tink-tanks of Puntland.
  3. Originally posted by Shilling: Do you really vividly recall such evil? Then you don't mind sharing the story of Abdisaid Ali with the rest of SOL: " ...Let me remind you where I was one terrible night in Kismayu. In December 1992,...They insulted him and beat him. A short time after they arrived, Jess himself arrived. ...Jess went over to where Dr. Mohamed was lying on the ground and told the soldiers to kill him. They let out a burst of gunfire. Then the soldiers grabbed Dr. Mohamed's older daughter and gang-raped her. The whole time I was frozen in terror and shock from what I was witnessing. It won't belittle the damage done to inncoent people by the filthy warlord Jess but the number of people said to have been killed is wrong. All evidences suggest it was 30 men. That is what I heard. Ina-Cumar-jees is a warlord, just like Abdullahi Yusuf, and Aideed (who threw hundreds of wailing children and mothers for the crocordiles). But something about the gang-raping is fishy. In the entire Somali civil war, and mainly in the North where our clan actively persecuted the northerners the act of rape was never mentioned to have been committed by our clan members. It goes against the basic culture and wartime morality of our community. What makes even more suspicious the accounts of Abdisaid is that he mentions Jess himself witnessed the rape. It is very unlikely that happened. I can imagine Abdullahi Yusuf ordering the killing of his political opponents, I know he will not condone the raping of them. Jess belongs to the old generation which abhors rape. Maadaama qofku danbiile yahay dartii in wax uuna samayn la saarana ma haboona. Killing is not a lesser sin than raping, but it is better to talk about what has happened the way they are. And don't forget it is traumatic for survivors of such horror that they can really exaggerate what was done to their brothers out of sheer anger. RAPE is simply non-existent in the dictionary of the Tolka I know.
  4. ah! hamse, you remind me of Abdiqasim. This means Galmudug leads with 3 Presidents (Abdiqasim, Aideed and Darmaan). And Honestly if YEY is counted, I insist Darmann should. No one accepted YEY as a Somali President.
  5. Maxamed Cabdi Yususf iyo Xassen Abshir Faarax gormay raísul wasaare noqdeen? By the way, I am not going to dampen the nostalgic feelings of my cousins from the East in this thread! Just that if you count Yey, you should really also count Darmaan, and hence the Galmudug guys will have two Presidents in Aideed, and Darmaan.
  6. Originally posted by Shilling: The psyche of somalinimo is something that we all collectively harmed, none are innocent, and we are all guilty when it comes to putting our individual interest ahead of our national interest. Yes, but some more than the others. Some, who who brought the historical enemy to the Somali capital. Mucaarad-nimo started in 1969 when our nation's constitution was suspended It started before the constitution was suspended. Who killed who first? Admit that Puntlanders stated mucaaradnimo, this hiding under the cover of generality will not wash. The "if-not-us-let-it-go-up-in-flames" mentality in it's evil purity took it's toll on Somalia under the leadership of Jess and Aydiid, perhaps these are times void in Abtigiis brain; No, it lives vividly in my mind but the subject of discussion is Puntland's seemingly perpetual destructive role in Somali politics. Yesterday, Xinnfanin looked aghast when I concurred with his sarcastic description of Puntlanders as "political Savavengers". His words, by the way; not mine. Considering Omer Abdirashid is the current Prime Minster against a background of Puntlanders fanatical rallying behind Yey and his marauding Tigre army few years back, is it wide off the mark if one is forced to think of hyenas desecrating a wild beast they never killed in the first place? Is it insulting to ask why Puntlanders deserve to get the Premiership when they have not contributed to the manner in which the current government was brought up? Should treason be rewarded? Indeed, only in his brain is Somaliland the entity fighting for its just share of donor funds and programs with the TFG while Puntland is the isolated one. The People's Republic of Somaliland is indeed a beacon of tranquility and hope with credible democratic credentials. It has made remarkable political and social transformation and the fundamental preconditions for speedy economic development are in place: good governance, stability and the will to grow and prosper. What little hiccups they have in electoral processes are unlikely to result in any any drastic consequences. The maturity with which they handled past challenges attest to the strength of the governance and conflict resolution systems from communal to formal administrative levels. By contrast, Puntland has never been blessed with visionary leadership. From a murderous tyrant, to a rapacious colonel who made the place the hub of underground world dealers, to a Diaspora money launderer who is so nepotistic he can pay for advices he would have gotten for free at home. Political power revolves around a small clique of the dominant clan, and there are no elections at all. I didn't mince my words here but did I misrepresent any facts, dear Shilling? To give you your due, you can rightly accuse me of being selective as I picked on only one of the co-pilots of what is largely agreed to be the cancer of Somalia's ailments: "The MUDUG Predation". But ditto all I said about Puntland to Gal-Mudug and we cover all the culprits.
  7. Just like Jacphar, maximus is a forged Somalilander. Why are the the fake ones the loudest. Dearest Miles, You have asked a question and you deserve an answer. Miles, there is no conflict which you haven't heard of before. You could not possibly have missed what Xaaji Xunjuf tried to tell you. But that is only a fraction of the full story. The Faroole insult, the arrest and killing of liberation fighters, and finally the Puntland Disapora Forum communique were all a clear manifestation of the uncalled for hostility that ruling elements of the fake entity hold towards the oppressed people of somaligalbeed. Of course, inevitably Yey and the destructive role of the SSDF, and the current rogue regime led by a money-laundering President naturally comes to the discussion. And this boils the blood of the core Punties.
  8. well, we now witness the advent of dubious debutants roguishly assigned with 4 fictional posts as the latest release. It was to be expected that as the conventional army is routed, organised communal militias will be used to mount a hit-and-run attacks. My Sports teacher and school football team coach had a trick which he was very fond of. He used to give our main strikers un-matching numbers such as 2 and 3 in the belief that rival coachs would be hoodwinked and will fail to mark the real strikers because they mistake the number 2’s for defenders; as if this ploy would not be immediately detected as the game starts. You recruit a new pirate to the site and you donate him with 4 posts to hoodwink me and the readership. What a smart invention! As the militia’s are deployed the attempt to smuggle them as if they are actually trained and have passed the “national service” is comical. 4 posts and August 2009 it reads, for napoleon. But who heard of Napoleon before this night? As the heat gets to the Punties, all tricks in the books will be used. Who is next? Garibaldi or Von Bismarck?
  9. Originally posted by Cowke: and who was brutally assasinated followed by a coup by the late un-elected president siyad barre AUN And I, son of Tolka, killed the Marxuum, right??? Not another Puntlander?? Secondly the ssdf was formed on democratic principle in order to get the rights back of the people who voted for the late "Abdi-Rashid Sharmarke", AUN And those voters were Kenyans? More importantly, wasn't Abdullahi Yusuf the only leader the SSDF knew? And later it has to be disbanded because he refused to share power and tallo? Little Cowke, you are too young to know all this history accurately and I don't blame you. I blame those who took you to a carefully carved museaum of history, where fairy tales are presented as history. Xinnfanin is to blame. He knows all this and yet he doesn't want to teach you to spare you some self-hate.
  10. ^Thanksfulsp, There is no evidence you came here in 2005. Even if you were here, you will be regarded as "comatose" for good four years, and hence your life will start from 2009. Also, It is not entirely misplaced to suspect the "joined in 2005" bit of your profile is bogus; you are coming from the land of wax-is-daba-marin and been-guur. The People's Republic of Somaliland is way way ahead of the Pirate State of Puntland and in fairness it is a crime to compare them.
  11. I have to say I am surprised by the responses here. For me, I was thinking and still think that prayers of an adulterer or anyone who is involved in the major kabaa'ir doesn't count in the face of Allah as it is explicitly said that "a [real] prayers and [by implication one that is acceptable to Allah] is that which guards from bad deeds." Hence, it is clear the prayers of a serial adulterer is null and avoid. The idea of saying the cibaada is separate from committing sin (as Jacaylbaro said) is alien to me and I don't think it is correct. I think it is linked. P.S. I am yet to be convinced any of the opinions expressed is coming from real interpretation of what the religion says. Cynically, I was thinking gabdho yar-yar oo gacanta lamarmariyey who are afraid they will be doomed to hell if they endorse my point were the ones who are acting as apologists for adulterers.
  12. It is hard to resist the creeping cynicism into your soul when you watch the veteran journalist Cagmadhige sitting next to handsome Sheikhs (on Universal TV), who are collecting contributions to advance an Islamic cause. There is nothing as sacred as what they intend to do with the resources and it is encouraging to note the response and the respect they command from callers. However, it is embarassing to see the variance in the quality and quantity of the Ducco (blessings) given to contributors. A caller from Norway, who said he is in a refugee camp and not doing well in earnings, asked for Ducco to his ailing father. Cagmadhige offered his kind words and promised that he will pass him to the Sheikh, but without saying it explicitly, offered a decent interval so that the caller would announce the amount he is giving. The caller said 200 Euro, and then the Sheikh took the stage and gave him back two Duccas, no carabi or citations included. In fact, robust Ducco's in the more likely acceptable Carbi was given to only those who gave over $500, the night I watched. A woman caller called later and after describing the ailments of her son, as if the Sheikhs do a part time “hello Doctor”, and parted with $1000, strongly begging the Sheikhs to do a Ducca. The Sheikh’s face beamed with joy and after explaining the wonders he has been witnessing about the generosity of callers from where the lady called from,[ was it Sweden or Birmingham?], closed his eyes and muttered on for a while with impressive Carabi supplemented with a loud “ilaahay caafimad deg deg ah ha siiyo wiilka. Ilaahay adigana wixii muraad ah eed leedahay ha kuu fududeeyo”. It means if you are having an atrophying foot and you ask for Ducca, but frugally offer $10, you will get a proportionate Ducca targeted at your toe only. Not long ago, culumos used to offer an overdose of Ducco for as less assistance as preparing their kettle for istijo (cleaning). On the side of those who wish to contribute to a purchase of Mosque, norm was that one would put a handful of cash shielded from other eyes into a white sheet passed around by a devout Xerow. Now, no one is interested in such altruism. There is no free lunch. You give, and you take Ducco. Ducco is no more for free. At least, in the wave-lengths! How times have changed!
  13. Indeed, Faroole should do eye batch. Because it looks these people are invariably associated with symbols of piracy, why can't the SOL admin make a distinction and classify nomads as Normal aliens Pirate aliens Normal nomads Pirate Nomads Senior Nomads senior [and most definitely dangerous] pirate nomads
  14. Originally posted by UZTAAD: A&T, you need quality players in your onlf team what you are lacking is not the quantity but it is quality because there is enough onlf cyber warriors here. utilize the opening of January window and purchase at least 2 world class players who can deliver in hour of need, more over you need to offload some of your under performing squad, if you take that step I think you will not need have unholy alliance of tol cey with oodweyne and others.
  15. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: unfortunately, A&T is right in his observation that much what is posted about puntland and puntlander is substance free but in the same token so is the endless attack on that region and its people. I fully agree. And when the inane topics stop, the barrage of attacks will hopefully dwindle, naturally. On the Somaligalbeed side, what we have seen is an increase in representation from 3 to 5 in 2009. Is that too much, or is it we have passed the allocations for the Tolka in some hidden 4.5 Sol rule? However, on the Puntland side, we were receiving one new member almost every day we hear a ship was taken hostage on the seas in 2009. LIBAX-SANKA-TAABTE is a wise man with measured words. He is not the problem. In fact, his stance is clear on all issues including when Faroole makes mistakes. On the abduction of ONLF boys, LST was unequivocal. He said, "let us wait and verify the news. But if it true, it is shameful. They must be immediately released." It was easy to see the anger in him. What did Xinnfanin say? Sarcastically, "bal aan hubsano. The admin is saying different thing [as if the admin is not the one accused!!]. If true, it is wrong. They MUST BE TRIED.” Note that he feels they should go to courts not because he believes in this but because he thinks Ethiopia will be angry if not done that way! The culprit for the Puntlisation of Somalionline is not LST or moderators. It is people like Xiin, Duke, the vagrant Mr. Somalia, Fiqi, Uztaad, Peace Action, Jacphar (who is a forged puntlander) and all the others who send private e-mails, and messages through facebooks to any young puntlander with a knack for spitefulness to come and spew it out here, and even offer some apprenticeship in clan-insults.
  16. KKL, If Punties were in our place,in terms of historical misfortune, we would have talked about 'a once-somali people'. Instead, we have resisted the attacks on our culture, religion, and identity. We are proud of this. On another point, in all my hits against Puntland, I never denied the atrocities inflicted on the People of Puntland by Siad Barre. I have criticized SSDF. But, Duke never wakes up and sleeps at night without denying our people are tortured, our women are raped, and our villages are burnt. There is no affront that our people could have been subjected to from a supposedly 'brotherly cousins'. Yet, this is fine for you. You don't see any insult in that in your partial mind. Xinnfanin never mentions it, nor did he care to correct his erring cousin. Insulting ONLF is not the issue. Duudsiga iyo ka been sheega dhibaatada umaddanada is.
  17. Good one Duke. Sidaa de wax original ah u keen. One-line jingo is really boring. Like calling any person with long feet an ONLF. The way you are going Hussien Bisad an ONLF.
  18. It has now become the fate of the thousands of readers and contributors who come to the reputed Somaliaonline for news, analysis, entertainment and enlightenment to be bored with miasmic topics and threads about Puntland. The threads seem to be posted with no regard whether they are news-worthy,and whether they are a paraphrased recycles of what has been posted a day earlier. This was inevitable after the influx of 'patriotic'Punties to the site became a key feature of 2009. As if we have burned the gates of Mecca and we have to be doomed for ever, and as if the torment of the pictures of General Duke and the condescending sermons of Xinnfanin were not enough strain on our ailing eyes, a new crop of overzealous 'new blood' pirates were released to suffocate us with non-substantive tales of a pitifully disintegrating tiny region. While the name of the site is veritably Somaliaonline, lately nearly 80% of the discussions in the politics section is from Puntland. It is not bad if threads are disproportionately skewed towards one region, as long as the region warrants such level of attention for its remarkable social, political, cultural and economic progress. But when the case is different, it really kills the appeal of the site.
  19. And you say you are not possessed? War ninkan Fiqi ah taxaliil ha loo dhigo. Waxaan ka yaabi siduu Calan u hadal hayo inuu shatiga iyo surwaalka tuuro uu calan isku maro. Seriously. Just inform us when the winner is declared. Why are we subjected to the pollution of the entire selection process?
  20. LOOOOOOL @THE FLAG. Hope this will put paid to the struggle between Fiqikhayr and Uztaad.
  21. There is a section "courts and crimes". Waxaan meeshan ku maqlay is shocking more than anything. A month ago, there was similar news, but that one had the photo of the alleged declaring his love for a cow he loved and "had intimate relations" with. He was vowing never to forget the cow, warning the owner that the cow's heart is with him [the jailed man]. Will try to see if I can find the paper [hard copy] for the right words written there. They were much more shocking.
  22. An 18-year old Chiredzi man has a penchant for being intimate with animals. Ngome mahuhushe of Mapimele village in Chilonga communal lands was allegedly first caught being intimate with a sheep before being caught in the same act with a hen two days later. He has since appeared before Chiredzi magistrate Mrs. Georgina Ndaba facing two counts of bestiality. It is alleged that his uncle caught him having sex with the hen. Mrs. Ndaba remanded Mahuhushe in custody to today for trial. Mahuhushe has denied the charges. -Herald reporter Source: The Herald, ZimPapers, December 11, 2009
  23. I believe the father has provided more alibi as to why his son is the bomber than a refutation. Shakirullah, I second Ngonge's feeling. It is good you think this act was wrong. We will see what you say when the next bombing occurs and Alshabab claims.
  24. I believe the father has provided more alibi as to why his son is the bomber than a refutation. Shakirullah, I second Ngonge's feeling. It is good you think this act was wrong. We will see what you say when the next bombing occurs and Alshabab claims.
  25. I believe the father has provided more alibi as to why his son is the bomber than a refutation. Shakirullah, I second Ngonge's feeling. It is good you think this act was wrong. We will see what you say when the next bombing occurs and Alshabab claims.