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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Fame or no fame, I will keep on highlighting the negative role of what you falsely call "unionists" - the Puntland political class. What I won't do is go beyond that, because it is not right. You have no issues with secessionists alone. As far as I understand with Sheikh as well. With ONLF, with Galmudug and soon with Makhiiri's. I hear the Suldan is already in Hargeisa.
  2. of all the regions represented here, only one region follow the way of Arsenal and Barcelona and have a youth team; which is promoted to the Championship every January/February once.
  3. Che, you are not disowned. You wanted to be somthing you are not. You are from Somaligalbeed and you wanted to call yourself a Puntlander.
  4. Napolean is on the march. He defeated some guys yesterday and he is going for the kill against the main enemey. I admire him, but he should play by the rules. This time, let us give him the benefit of the doubt and ask the admin to forgive him. To the issue now: the following summarises the overwhelming feeling of Somaliland press about Cali's interview with Hadhwanaag. wuxu dafiray heestii qiimaha weyneyd ee u maskaxdiisa ka soo tuujiyay ee u hibeyay dalkiisa taaso u doonayo inuu cadawga soomaliland maanta si kale ugu dhigo o u yidhaahdo heestuba waa mid soomaloo dhan ka turjumeysa. Fuloow guuli kuu dhawaydaa
  5. It is not a laughing matter. Heads must roll today if this site is to continue to have any credibility. Sodomiteland is intolerable!
  6. Wuxu ku jawaabay abwaanku heestani waa mid ka turjumeysa dhamaan umma da ha o dhan cidii dooneysa in ay calankooda u heysato, dhawr dal buu magaca abay o ay soomaliya ka mid tahay in ay qaadan karan kuna heesi karan heestaasi cala nka haddii ay doonan, waxa halkaasi ku cad o u abwaanku u fasaxay in ay so omal iyan ee heestan isticmaali karto haddii ay u baahdan, waxan haddaba leeya hay dhamaan shacabka soomaliland ee sida weyn u xiiseyay heestaasi fadlan og aada inuu abwaankii maskaxadiisa ka soo minguuriyay u fasaxay cidwalba o ay cidwalba ku heesi karto fasaxeedan u bixiyay abwaankii laha ee abwaan Cali See nyo Haddaba aakhristow waxan ka dareemay abwaanka hadaladiisa iyo wareysigiisi ba inuu yahay nin ad moodo inuu beyr leeyahay ama cabsi badani ku jirto ama kalsoonidu ba ku yartahay islamarkan hadaladiisa ka dhawrsanaya inuu carabka soo kudhufto soomaliland iyo wixi ku saabsan, waxad mooda wareysigiisa ama hadaladiisa kana dhandhansan kareysay inuu yahay nin soomaliweyn doonaya inuu fariintiisa gaadhsiiyo o u wareysigiisan ugu gudbiyo, wuxu dafiray heestii qiimaha weyneyd ee u maskaxdiisa ka soo tuujiyay ee u hibeyay dalkiisa taaso u doonayo inuu cadawga soomaliland maanta si kale ugu dhigo o u yidhaahdo hee st uba waa mid soomaloo dhan ka turjumeysa. fuloow guuli kuu dhawaydaa!
  7. The Somaliland media were at Ali Seenyo's throat (the composer of this song) lately, apparently because he hinted he composed it for the Blue one.
  8. We are not still sure if he is not the bomber. He could have been sitting there but later might have blown himself up. What the pictures prove( assuming their are not fake- which I don't think they are) is that the profile of the bomber doesn't fit this man. The bomber alledgely wore Shuka, and arrived at the scene later from the hotel room he rented.
  9. Faroole and the authorities pointed accusatory fingers to refugees and IDPs whenever an act of insecurity occurred in their region. That has affected the psyche of the people and I am afraid we are only seeing the start of a massive Xenophobia. If Alshabab comes to Puntland, it will be because some Puntlanders are working with it. It is not fair to blame all on IDPs. The solution will be to step up your security and policing capacity, not to blame particular groups. If the PIS and other security bodies take some time off from the lucrative 'ONLF' hunt, they can address the real threats to PL's security.
  10. Originally posted by Naboleon: A&T I'm glad you've been reduced to groveling and retracting your statements, let that be a lesson to the rest who dare cross the rubicon and attempt to vilify and insult the noble people of puntland. It is good to see you have 14 as oppossed to 4 posts after the war started. Nin rag ah oo dhiig leh ayaad tahay. Tolka ka celi tuugtan primitive'ka ah.
  11. ^Did you get yours back too? You were in the mud.
  12. Pictures of the alledged Shamo bomber sitting with the graduating students is published by Dayniile. This at least proves one thing wrong: if he was the bomber, he didn't have a Shuka. This new picture seems to support the claims of the parents. It has also been very unnatural for the full face of a sucide bomber to survive such a big explosion. If true, it is good news to the familes of the dead young man. --------- War deg deg ah Cadeen muujineyso shaqsigii lagu tuhun sanaa oo lahelay sawirkiisa isagoo goob joog ka ah xaflada Shaamow Waxaa halkaan ku arki doontaa ninkii lagu tuhmay qaraxii shamoow waxaana halkana ku arkeysaa isagoo ka mid ah dadkii ka qeyb galay xafladaan sida ku cad sawirkaan Hadaba hadaad dhab u fiirisa sawirka shaqsiga ugu horey oo wato shaarka cad oo liigmada leh hadaba si fiican isugu fiiri Shaqsigaan ayaan kala cadeen in u wax qarxiyey in kale madaama uu goobjoog ka ahaa xaflada kana muuqan wax murug ah waloow uu fikirayo Hadaba si wanaagsan u daawo sawirada labada ha waa isku mid waxuuna wataa hal shaati oo isku mid ah waxaana la ogeen in uu ka danbeeyo iyo in kale madaama waalidkiis uu beeniyey in uu ku lug lahaa qaraxaasi Waakan sawirka isagoo kala go goay wxaana u muuuqataa in ay masiibada wax ka asiiibtay Sawirkaana waa mid uu shirka fadhiyo uu caadi u jooga hadaba waxaa halkaa ka cad in uusan wadan wax shuka ah sida ay sheegtay dowlada taana waxaa beenineysa sawirkaan aan hada helnay Wali macada in uu ku lug lahaa iyo in kale waxaase wali jira baritaan lagu kala ogaanaayo taana ma jirta cid cadeyneysa Cabdiraxmaan Macalin Xuseen Mamaan82@hotmail.com Tafatiraha Wabka Dayniile.com dayniilecom@hotmail.com deyniilenews@yahoo.com Jacaylbaro- Fadlan sawirka Dayniile link'ga ka soo qaad oo halkan ku soo dhaji! http://dayniile.com/Decenbar09/1December10011.htm
  13. Published: 15 December 2009 KN: Boqolaal qof oo dhagxaan ku tuuraha oo burburinaya goobaha ganacsiga ee ay leeyihiin dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ajaaniibta ku ah Puntland ayaa maanta banaanbaxyo rabshado wata ka dhigey Puntland. Babaanbaxyadani ayaa waxa ay biloow u yihiin rabshadihii ugu horeeyey ee waxa loo yaqaano Xenophobia ama ajaaniib nacayb, hase yeeshee lala beegsanayo Soomaalida kasoo jeeda gobolada koonfureed iyo kuwa Galbeed. Dad ayaa watay boorar ay ku qoranyihiin halku dhagyo ka dhan ah dadka la bartilmaameedsanayo ee kasoo jeeda koonfurta iyo galbeedka, waxaana ka mid ahaa kuwa lagu dalbanayo in ay Puntland isaga baxaan. Dalabkani waa kii rasmiga ahaa ee maamulka uu muddo bilooyin ahba watay oo haatan loo heley taageero shacab sida muuqata, waxayna tani ka dhigantahay qorshe si rasmi ah loogu yeeri karo mid ay wada wataan shacab iyo dowladba. Arrintani waxay argagax galisey Soomaalida inteeda kale meel kastooy joogtaba, waxaana loo arkay mid fadeexad iyo bahdil ku ah jinsiga Soomaaliyeed. Boqolaal qof oo koonfurta iyo galbeedka kasoo jeeda ayaa haatan bilaabay in ay isaga qaxaan Puntland, iyadoo laga cabsi qabo in rasbashada ay faraha ka baxaan oo ay xabd tagto. Madaxweynaha Puntland, wasiir dowladiisa ka tirsan iyo waliba gudoomiyaha gobolka mudug ayaa illaa haatan ah madaxda sida rasmiga ah looga hayo in dalbadeen in dadka koonfurta ka yimaada ay amaan daro ku hayaan Puntland. Dadka banaanbaxayay ayaa waxay banaanbaxooda ku sheegeen mid ay kaga soo horjeedaan falalka amaan daro ee ka jira Puntland, kuwaasooy u saarinayaan dadka konfurta iyo galbeedka ka yimid.
  14. This is not a new revelation nor a prize. It was always clear I am not an enemy of Puntland or any other part of Somalia. What we had was a kaftan that went the wrong way and my usual critique on Puntland politicians. But, this is not enough from Duke. He must fully demobilise all the militia that have been deployed for combat assignments in short notice. The regular army is back to barracks; I haven't seen Che et al yet. But the Gaas-Dhagooayaal are still firing and smashing doors of the village I vacated.
  15. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^You are still on it, eh? As for the five men fiasco, we gave the admin the benefit of doubt when they arrested those five men. The admin said they had them in their own prisons and will bring them to justice and before local courts. It sounded a reasonable approach to take. In hindsight, the admin must have done some thing terrible with those men for they would have brought them to their own courts if the men were still in their custody as they said. Even if they still have the men in their custody, as the admin still claims, I am not convinced that at this point anything the admin does will be meaningful at all. It’s one thing to arrest men on the bases of suspicion, jail them, and bring them to court. It’s totally something else however when you say something on the airwaves but failed to do anything to demonstrate it. Apparently the damage is already done and the fault lies with Faroole and his security apparatus. Having said that, your protests were unwarranted. They were hasty, inconsiderate, and finally took a clannish dimension that poisoned the well, as it were. Good development here that you start to believe there is a possibility the Puntland admin were lying. But it is cynical of you to accuse me of having grudges whenever I comment on the misdeeds of the admin in Puntland. Ma ha hadlin baa kolkaa hawshu?
  16. Originally posted by Peace Action: However the issue was blanket, unwarranted attacks on the people of Puntland. Which never happened from my end. I have consistenly focused my criticism on the political elites and their role in somali politics and have more than once nuanced my remarks. The only time I took it a bit farther was when I said I agree with some physical description of Puntlanders in the Sayid poem. That was a kaftan gone too wrong. But bring any other comment of blanket attack on a community. waad caytantay, waad caytantaney unbaa la leeyahee bal one evidence oo politics ka baxsan hala keeno!
  17. Noisy sex woman admits Asbo breach picture: Caroline Cartwright and her husband Steve The couple's lovemaking was described as 'unnatural' A woman who was given an anti-social behaviour order banning her from making loud noises during sex has admitted breaching the order. Caroline and Steve Cartwright's love-making was described as "murder" and "unnatural" at Newcastle Crown Court. Neighbours, the local postman and a woman taking her child to school complained about the noise. Cartwright, 48, from Washington on Wearside, pleaded guilty to three counts of breaching the Asbo. She will be sentenced on 18 January. At an earlier hearing, next door neighbour Rachel O'Connor told the court she was frequently late for work because she overslept having been awake most of the night because of the noise. She said: "The noise sounds like they are both in considerable pain. I cannot describe the noise. I have never ever heard anything like it." In November, Cartwright appealed against a noise abatement notice imposed in 2007, as well as the subsequent Asbo, which banned the couple from "shouting, screaming or vocalisation at such a level as to be a statutory nuisance". Her bid was rejected by Recorder Jeremy Freedman, who said: "It certainly was intrusive and constituted a statutory nuisance. "It was clearly of a very disturbing nature and it was also compounded by the duration - this was not a one-off, it went on for hours at a time. "It is further compounded by the frequency of the episode, virtually every night." Sunderland City Council told the court they had recorded noise levels of up to 47 decibels using equipment installed at Cartwright's neighbour's house. World Health Organisation guidelines state that 30 decibels is enough to cause sleep disturbance. Source:- BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/wear/8413974.stm jacayl xaasid ma waayo!
  18. ^^which it was! btw, oo adu wali miyaaad hadlaysaa? inaa-ilaahi....
  19. This is getting comical. Kolkay Adminstration'ku dad xidhaana, it is only limited to the admin baa la odhan; kolkay shacabku xenophobic noqdaana, adminkaa dajinaayaa la odhan.
  20. juxa, hilib baa laga raacay. kid kasta waa caato ayey odhan.
  21. Peace Action, I have stopped katfan and stereotyping, not giving my opinions on the deeds and misdeeds of Puntland administration and politicians. There is no endless war and this is over! sensible Punties have accepted the ceasefire. But there will always be insignificant under-ground groups who will continue a war of attrition. They will die a natural death with time!
  22. Malika,thanks. You are surely one of those who changed my mind. The main reason why I felt I have to backdown was my young son though. He is 7 and competes for the comupter with me. As he read what i write, lately he has been witnesssing one word: PUNTLAND. After waiting for some minutes asking me to leave the computer for him, he angrily shouted "dad, why do you always like to type bantland (puntland). I hate this Puntland!" The other one acidentally deleted a file, (word file) I was writing, and wuu naxay: "aabooy, I deleted your things. Even the Puntland! I am sorry!" walaahi, qosol bay naftii iga baxday.
  23. sayid, You please don't speak for me. Ma qasku inuu si socdaad ku rayn lahayd. Wixxii kaftan ku biloowday haduu marayo in uu dab sii shido, waa in la joojiyaa. By the way, if you think I have raised my hands, so be it. I will not continue this.
  24. Fiqi, This is a unilateral cessation of hostilities. I did ask you to stop it. Please go ahead and rant! Xinnfanin, I don't give two hoots to what you or your ilk think about me. It is a practical arrangement, i just want the madness to end. And I ended in my part. That doesn't mean I will fail to highlight the shortcomings of Puntland politicians when I see fit. What I will stop is what I used to say in line with the primitive somali way of doing a Kaftan by using stereotypes. You are still wrong about the PM. I didn't want to win over Jacphar and I didn't need to. Oddly enough, I was feeling I was attacking him unfairly and wanted to open a channel of communication to apologies to him.
  25. Originally posted by Ducaysane_87: "iyadoo habeen hore qof kasoo jeeda Bay iyo Bakool halkaas lagu dilay" ayuu yiri Fowzi Cabdi-nuur. [/QB] It is too late for Faroole. You incite xenophobia against other people and when it gets out of hand instruct the police to stop it. By the way, I saw Xinn was trumpeting about how police stopped the killing of a shiekh from Somaligalbeed the other day. The murder of someone from bay is equally painful. Puntland i crumpling under the leadership of Faroole. The assertion "people from other areas"are the source of insecurity and violence in Puntland is a criminal pretext to justify the oppression and harrassment meted out against those who sought Magan in Puntland. Sometime ago, I insisted that Faroole's speech about Somaligalbeed people is shared by the masses and it is unlikely he could have said without assessing the general mood of his constituencies. Today's demonstrations prove my point. this is not hate speech by the way, but an objective analysis of what the political situation in puntland is!